1、2018 年 四 川 省 高 職 單招考試文化考試英語試題精品文檔2018年四川省高職單招考試文化考試(普高類)英語試題四川省2018年高等職業(yè)院校單獨(dú)招生考試文化考試(普高類)注意事頊:1. 文化考試時(shí)150分鐘滿分$0分(語立、數(shù)學(xué)、英語甞100分)2. 文化考試包聒語文、數(shù)學(xué)S英語三個(gè)郞分,博部分分為第卷利第II卷.第I檢為選擇遐,第II卷為 非選擇題.3. 選擇題部井考生必狽慣用2B鉛筆'在答題卡上填涂,答在試雄、草稿紙上無效召4. 非選擇題部分,考試黑須使用藍(lán)色或黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆,莊試卷指K作答答在草稿紙 上無效。莫語一、單項(xiàng)i擇(疊程單卡圖書)(本大底其IO小題,毎小
2、題2分*共抑分 從小B. CS D四個(gè)備選項(xiàng)中,選出最隹選項(xiàng)錯(cuò)選"多選或未選均無分。L,【remember She Camie to ViSit the OId Inan on - third Sunday inA. Ihje; B” the; aC k the2. Of my classmates IrC Jiidsh OTKl the restboys.Ar TWn third; isB- Two third; areC. T怖門 Ihtrds; are3. iet1s have Ihe OUtlng as PhAnCd unless it÷A. Wlll TainFL
3、 is FainingC. rain4p He IeJre IIP my PbOto findmade me VLTy anry,A. OnCB. itC. WhlChSePtenrlber this year.D. a, theD- TWO thirds; isI>. rainsD. wat5* He Sent me an e-mail,to get further information.A. hopedB. hopingC- to hopeD. hopes6. HCre h IhC mnu mudam. PiCaSCyour lime.A. makeB haveC, IakeD-
4、use7. YaLlhrC Iny bc&( InCndr I never uspcct you ay.AH watB. (hatC, WhyIy how8* Work a Iittk harder,you Wili succeed.AJ IhenB. OrC. butD- and9. m afraid SaTtlSee you TlOWt 1 Ec1S terribly busyAF CanttBr mustn*tC. shouldntrDr needn't10. Jiln COUldn' Uriil Lhe game Ile IrieJ hard.A. becaus
5、eB. thoughC, ifD. Wherher二*語育應(yīng)用(亮程單卡圖書(本大題共10小題*每小題2分.共2。分) 從A、B、C三個(gè)備選項(xiàng)中,選出最住選項(xiàng)樹佶選、多選或未選均無分,PartA11 ” Mike MarfDri 冷 ai收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系管理員刪除A+ businessmanH. doctorC. UiiChCrIN What kind Of drivers are not needed?TaXi DfiVeFS Needed WoMtH ANDMEM Capab IrJ tstwt to Work dyp and Fg瓚 Also driven tr hmLiinc
6、 Ncence and trucic Ci4ves COrJlaCt OtJr 縮CfH a 426-681A. TrUCk drivers13. 6-DlALCAB is theB. TaKi driversC. BUS driversCOnnnOH TJXiBOOkiHg XVnHb(I Ofa taxi ComPanyr6*DIAL-CAB / 6 342 5222i-r, -_-A. Phone numberB. nameC. address14. h i belter to Cat the CO艮N JXXJ before、2016*9S1CoRH DoG聰F朋臨跚鎰噩肆曜 】叫腰胚
7、lS H-O莊LLOW COT*母 I -"ZWIM I麗 PRlCEG WICHT/KG |PCS2.60 _A. Augt 16B. Aug. 26C. Aug. 3015 What WiIl happen ifTom USeS a Standard Tieket 6 times?Standard TiCketA. HCTIl SaVC 10C. Bt HeLn Pay IOC more, Ct Helll Pay OnIy 10C* 16L If you buy a LONDON PRIDE during the HAPPY HOUR, you Can get a treeA,
8、 HAPPY HoURB. LONDON PRrl)E C, WEIHENSTEPHAN17" The customers should Pay _I DLY PW WKENI POD IS SERVrD.A. before tey Sit downBJ OnCe LhEy Clfder Iheir foodC. WhCn Ihe food IS On their IabIePart BB 11:56ReGGipx hd:00133081J !: j . N Jt 4 j 甘 Saa ilBi-Table: 20 Guest: 3 4t< t t1vt 27-C6-,. li-
9、C CdShitrrBfinj ar,;Hj POrk Ribs1 Bra1ed PSd Tro: ter1 Kai Lart1 Mee SUa ott1 PJUin Rice1 Chinese Tea Esg1 HofHe *dde Leh: )uiceub-rotai 1 SVC Charge,0o1oo,03is7 6 2 CUS 5v $S 40 40S 0.405 2.85TOTALS35CaSh50,00Change> G.3518. I ne receipt is most IIkely from 3 _ *A. FcstaiUBIiiBL barC. bankj9. AC
10、CorLlin LU Ihe receipt, ho¼ much H a bul of PQrk RibS up? J3.B 口C $2It20. ACCordin耳 to the receiPtI how TnUICh is the total cost?A. $40.40.B $43.61C S50.三.聞讀理解<ma索;亮程單招)本大題共W小題每小題3分,共酣分) 閱讀下列短文從每題所給的四個(gè)備選項(xiàng)(九IL Cifln)中,選出最隹選項(xiàng).錯(cuò)選、多選或耒選均 無分AReduce, cunc and recyclef TheSC arc 3 WayS WC Cnn do aw
11、ay WiIh waste. KeCPHlg a CkaiI earth is ood for OUr health! )fe keep ur air and Und WaStCfrcc, WC W Ill IX ItaPPiCr and healthier【I is importal to reduce wa( We buy. mgie IfeVenore in tc orId bought as much ns rhcy Wnntcd Then they did IiOt USe everything, W ShoUId have a lot of watc On Eah. e shoul
12、d buy ICdS and InakC Smait ChtIkeS abm1 WlIiIl to buy Tt is better t buy OnC big CflntaInCT Of milk; Try not to buy Single-scFVing cups.KeUhing Hums ianother wy to cutro WaStj. We Can ue many LhiDgS again and sha; them ¾ith others.FOr example,毗 SiIOuId buy reusable forks and knives LnStCad Of O
13、nCS We HITOW ava>. Bring CUPS to IhC COfiCC ShDP and ClOth bags to the store. If We have ClOthing We do not Want anymore, aot a yard Sale Or bng them to a SCCond-hand Stelre tor omeone ClSe to buy.Many things Call be recycled. Tbey Can remade into the SanIe thing Or IJCW things. ReCyChng USeS Ies
14、S enere and teucr resources, AlUnUlIUm Can>, card board, and PIaSLit boLtlc t be ItCyCkd.WhilI WC do Witb OUr WaSlC affectsOur EanhI KtfeP OUr Pianet clean. RCetMing, musing, Und recycling Ureimo8t for the EiIrth- They arc also fun and easy to do!2 L HOw Can We reduce Whal WC buy accrding (o PaIa
15、grUPh 2?/t By buying less.C. By IIiiing bigger thi.22. What IS ParagraPb 3 mainly abt>utoA. 1hnnvmg away waste.B. By buying tue DI By USing smaller LtB- ReUSIng WabIe-CI Sharing resources.Db SaVing money.23. How IS PanlgraPh 3 tnnly (JtVeloPed,jf . BSI qucbiing.C By IcUi 矚 a Srory.B, By ConlI)ain
16、g.D. BygIVing examples*24. WhiCh Of the follow ing items Can be recycled acrding to IhC LeXI?A. PIUSUC bodies. B, CIoth bags.C. COfFee CIIPS.) SeCOndand forks25. What COUld he the be title l the text'.1A. HoW to MakC Life SitnPICB. EnVirOlJmeHla) POlIUtiOPC. How to LiVe a HCakhY I ifeD. The 3 RS
17、 RedUCeT Reuc1 RecycleBWhcn WiUi the IaSt time you SaW somebody y日WPIK打哈欠)? Did i Inake yo yawn to? YaWnS are contagious. Scciag uncne ClSe yawn Can InakC you yawn. YaWnS CanTlot be COntrOiled. YOU CahVt StOP W ev. no matter h<w hard o Try, SonletinICS QValjI恬t Ihinking about yii Aig Can make you
18、 yawn. Did you yawnWc yawn OUr whole lives, BabieS CVell yawn before Ihey acbom. SCiCntiStS do not know Why We yawn. They have Some ideas. NOne OfthenI have been ProVen yet. One idea is that yawning opens OUr InOUlIl wide. It kts 粧 take a bigger breath. Scientists SnJdICd this. They found IhIH a big
19、ger breath does rot nuke u yawn any Ie甌 SdCnttSlS also think rhat yawns keep Ihe IUngS healthy. They SPread a IiqIHd OVer ?he ung ad help air to IIOU into LhC IUngST WhiCh CoUlLl be Uhy SOnle SPoItSlnCn yawn MOrC they compete.In tact in te ancient times, many CUItUrcS thought yawning allowed the sou
20、!(靈魂)to escape the body, t hey thought it also Iet evil SPLritS enter. PCOPIe tried to keep this from happening. They covered JJdr mouth WiIell IheV yawned. SOmetimeS thev USod a IlaridkerChiec Other times they USed their haiid.PeOPIe StiIl CCVer Iheir mouths When IhCy yawn today. It is DOt becaue I
21、hey are SITaid they WiIl IoSe Iheir soul, though. It is jus good IlIalInerSr Many PcoPIC See yawning as a SigfI Oi bolCdOn. It ndc io yawn IOUCIy in front OrSOmebCXiy else.26. WrhafS the rnaung Of Ihe UnllCrIllIed WOrd 1,coagiouM in ParagraPh 17. DangerOUSB. Sleepy.C. InfeCUoIlSDl Healthy.27. What C
22、an Itlake SO(InCbOdy yawn according to Ihe text?A+ Getting angry.B. Letting bad feelings out.C. Getnng sick.U Thinking about yawni-j.28. IlaL i is the main idea OfParagraPh 27=L YaWnJng InakV copk much happierB. YPaWning is good tor peopled health.C SOmC PTObflbiC reasons fbr yawning.D. Some scienti
23、fic cpos on yawning.29. Vi iIy is i. CoHSidered rude to yawn IDUdly In front Df SOmeDnC else?iAJ It jas IWrS is UPMt,B. It means Cl PerSon WantS to be kft UlOnCrC. It IS a SIgn Of bOredGrn>D. It Can get Other PeoPIe SiCk30r A'hat Cail WC know from the text?A. PeoPIC 3re WolTiCd about ThCir ma
24、nners.B. SCIentISLS die not Stlre about Why PCOPle yawn.Cr 卩COPlt Can StoP yawning if Ihcy Iry Very hard.U. EabIeS a not able Lo yawn be tore they Hre born.Eh齬譯(本大題共皿小題,侮小題3分,共期分請(qǐng)將下面的英語句子翻譯成漢S1. They keep fit by running.32 We are LoOkiiIgfbr a SinIPle SOIUtioq.33. The more you read h the IlIorC you
25、icam÷34. Chilm has IbLlghr against PoIIIHiUn Ibr many years.35. HiJW beauriful the QingCheng MoUntain is!36. tl PiCk you UP at 8:00 tomorrow morning.37. A good beginning LS half done.38. Ii may help Sorne PeOPlCj but it may IIOt help every body.39. ,ras i( an accident Or did She Clo i On purpos
26、e'.140. She said JaCk IniSSCd US Very IHuc.2018年四川高職單招英語真題答案解析一. 單項(xiàng)選擇1. A 解析序數(shù)詞前要加the月份前不用加the .故選A.2.C【解析】分?jǐn)?shù)的我達(dá)法:分子用墾數(shù)詞,分母用用數(shù)詞,當(dāng)分子超過一時(shí)分毋用SI數(shù)故 排除 A= B 選項(xiàng)。the rest ji W略了 <海miiles, CLaSSmateS JSiW數(shù),1'Vffi arc故選 Cil MD【解析】UillesS引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句,從旬應(yīng)用般現(xiàn)在時(shí)衷相來*4. B【解析】if代指前面的HU tone UP my photo.5. B【解
27、析】考査現(xiàn)在分詞作伴隨狀諂 hope的邃輯主語足句子的主語,二若之間是主動(dòng)關(guān)系、 動(dòng)作是同時(shí)發(fā)主,因此排除被動(dòng)的hoped和表將來的或表目的的IQ hope原形hope不是菲謂語 動(dòng)詞.故選6. C【解析】take your tjme別著急,慢慢來.1【解析】旬意:你是我最好的朋友,我從不懷疑你說的話*故選A“&D【解析】本句是祈使句+and+f述句結(jié)構(gòu)冷句埶 努力一點(diǎn)、你就會(huì)成功。9. A【解析】句意:我很遺憾SaW現(xiàn)在不能見你,他太忙了。Cantt表示不町能。10. B 解析】根據(jù)句意*盡管書姆很努力,但還是沒能羅得比塞可知選氏二、語言應(yīng)用(淘寶搜索;亮程單招】1.A【解析】根據(jù)圖中t,sld over 200 homes"可知選仏12.C 解析】根據(jù)圖中可 Iti 婆 taxi (IriVerS T truck drivers,故選 C OB A 解析】ttt41 ,Bookmg NUmberB 可知選兒14.C【解折】很據(jù)團(tuán)屮I
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