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1、 : : , 1998 1998 & , . 1bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 2bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 3bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS ( ) ( ) . : a s 4bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer S

2、egmentationBOS * , a . , a a s . a ( ) * a A , , 5bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS . a ?6bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 7bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS . 8bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, In

3、c. Customer SegmentationBOS : (1 2)9bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS A . . 8% . . A . $145 .s . s : (2 2)10bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 11bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS (, , ) : a ( , ) ( ) (

4、) ( ) a s : “ ” (., ) ( ) * * , 12bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 13bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS (., . ) : . (., , ) . . . (., , , ) . . . : 14bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS : : ( ) ( ) ( , )

5、, ( , ) ( , ), ( ) , . s . 15bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS a a a : a a a a . 16bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS a , a . , . . 17bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS a . - a 80/20: : . ., (., ), , , ,

6、 , 18bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS a (., , , ), (., , ) a a .19bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS - - , , - a - a - a , : 20bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 21bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, I

7、nc. Customer SegmentationBOS : , a s a .( ) a s . : 22bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS a ( = ) ( = ) 23bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 24bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS , a : 25bcCopyright 1998 Ba

8、in & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 26bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS , . 27bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 28bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS * s a s .A 20 s * - 29bcCopyright 1998 Ba

9、in & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS A . :( ) : :“ ” :“ ”“ a ”“ ”“ ”$950$750$1,400 :$850$1,350s - 30bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Rich but unfashionableUnfashionable Bargain LoverFashion on a ShoestringFashion ValueFashion ForwardShopping LoverPercent

10、of current customersPercent of current customer spending*0%20%40%60%80%100%Percent of Total “ ” “ a ”.* , a a s - 31bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Rich but UnfashionableUnfashionable Bargain LoverFashion on a ShoestringFashion ValueFashion ForwardShopping LoverPer

11、cent of populationPercent of spending0%20%40%60%80%100%Percent of Total a .s - 32bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Fashion ForwardShopping LoversFashion ValueFashion on a ShoestringUnfashion- ableBargain LoverRich butUnfashion-able40%60%35%15%25%0%20%40%60%80%100%Per

12、cent Saying Important to Carry AccessoriesHighqualitybrandsMediumqualitybrandsLow qualitybrandsCurrent mixOptimal mix0%20%40%60%80%100%Percent of Respondents Purchasing Brand , .s - 33bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 34bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Custo

13、mer SegmentationBOS * Situation:Complication:Question:Hypothesis:The client, Highland Hotels, has high margins and is one of the five largest hotel/conference center chains in EuropeThe market is coming to the end of a period of rapid growth and Highlands relative cost position is worse than its com

14、petitorsHow can Highland preserve its high margins in a slowing market where it finds itself at a cost disadvantage?By offering a differentiated value proposition to the most profitable customer segment, Highland can preserve its high margins . * - 35bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Custome

15、r SegmentationBOS 80/20 . A s A - 36bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Low profitMedium profitHigh profitCustomersProfit0%20%40%60%80%100%Percent of Total s 60% . - 37bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Business/leisureLeisure onlyBusine

16、ss only$250$75$50$0$50$100$150$200$250$300Average Annual Profit per Customer Type1-23-56-89-1011+$50$85$140$150$260$0$50$100$150$200$250$300Average Annual Profit per Customer TypeDays per YearLess than 2 days2-4 days4+ days$40$70$130$0$50$100$150Average Annual Profit per Customer Type , , . - 38bcCo

17、pyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS . “”“”“ ”“” (9.2x) (1.5x)(6.2x)(1.3x)(3.9 )(10.0 )(1.8 )(5.4 ) - 39bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Low profitMedium profitHigh profitOne-timersHello againHoneymoonersHotel-aholicsCustomersHigh profit cu

18、stomersHigh profit customersprofitability0%20%40%60%80%100%Percent of Total “” a s . a - 40bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS a “” . “” 20 “ ” - 41bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS 42bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer S

19、egmentationBOS : , . , . s a , , a 80/20 , , a , , , , , , , , , , ( ) , ( ), , (1 2)43bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS s a a , , , , (2 2)44bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS Segment customers (existing and potential)Choose target se

20、gmentsCreate value proposition for each target segmentDetermine profit potentialChoose segmentation method (needs-based, behavioral, or demographic) based on underlying issuesChoose target segments based on attractiveness and ability to serve in a differentiated way (in some cases, there will be onl

21、y one target segment)Create value propositions based on customer needs (each target segment requires its own value proposition)Determine the revenue and cost impacts of offering the proposed value propositions to the target segmentsSegments should bemeaningfulMECE (only one segment per customer)meas

22、urablesubstantialactionableAttractiveness is based on profit potential (revenue potential and cost to serve)Ability to serve in a differentiated way recognizes both the clients and the competitors core competencies as well as regulatory factorsEach value proposition should address:productservicedist

23、ributionProfit potential should include profit as well as “hidden costs” (e.g., increased training and marketing costs for new products)Process:Tips: Primary research necessaryNeeds-basedBehavioralDemographicSegmentation process:Usefulness in creating value propositions:High (shows causation)Descrip

24、tive and actionable (describes customers and drivers of purchase)Primary research necessary only if behavioral data not available from client databaseModerate (shows correlation, not causation)Descriptive, not actionable (describes purchasing behavior, but does not address drivers or purchase)No pri

25、mary research necessaryDemographic data sometimes readily available from clientLow (occasionally shows correlation, never causation)Descriptive, not actionable (describes customers but does not address drivers of purchase) a a : a a a Create a needs listCollect dataConduct Factor/Cluster analysis to determine statistical segments - a 80/20: : . ., (., ), , , , , (1 3)45bcCopyright 1998 Bain & Company, Inc. Customer SegmentationBOS - - , , - a - a - a a ( = ) ( = ) (2 3)46bcCopyright 1


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