1、 中文譯文 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)缸蓋加工工藝概述一、發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)缸蓋的功用 氣缸蓋是發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的主要零件之一,位于發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的上部,其底平面經(jīng)汽缸襯墊,用螺栓緊固在氣缸體上。主要功用如下:1、封閉氣缸上部,并與活塞頂部和汽缸壁一起形成燃燒室。2、作為定置氣門發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的配氣機(jī)構(gòu)、進(jìn)排氣管和出水管的裝配基體。3、氣缸蓋內(nèi)部有冷卻水套,其底面上的冷卻水孔與氣缸體冷卻水孔相通,以便利用循環(huán)水帶走發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的高溫。二、氣缸蓋的結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)氣缸蓋應(yīng)具有足夠的強(qiáng)度和剛度,以保證在氣體的壓力和熱應(yīng)力的作用下,能夠可靠的工作。氣缸蓋的形狀一般為六面體,系多孔薄壁件,其中我們現(xiàn)在481缸蓋上,加工的數(shù)量多達(dá)100個(gè)。鑄造最薄處只有4.5毫米。 三、缸
2、蓋材料與毛坯制造1、缸蓋的材料: 缸蓋的材料,現(xiàn)在的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)廠家一般選用鋁合金。因?yàn)殇X合金導(dǎo)熱性能較好,有利于適當(dāng)提高壓壓縮比,質(zhì)量也較輕,可以降低整車、整機(jī)的重量。但是鋁合金缸蓋的剛度差,使用過(guò)程中容易變形。 缸蓋附件上,以前氣門座材料一般采用耐熱合金鑄鐵,氣門導(dǎo)管一般采用鑄鐵?,F(xiàn)在粉末冶金在氣門閥座和導(dǎo)管上運(yùn)用的越來(lái)越多了,而且很多復(fù)雜的形狀也能鑄造成型,不需要再加工了。但耐磨性不如鑄鐵。 裂紋:鑄造應(yīng)力造成; 冷隔:澆注過(guò)程中鋁水冷卻速度不一致造成; 表面疏松:澆注溫度不當(dāng)或鋁水成分不當(dāng); 氣孔:澆注鋁水中夾雜了空氣; 砂眼:澆注鋁水中夾雜了雜質(zhì); 沾砂:工件出爐溫度不當(dāng)或沒(méi)有噴丸等。四、
3、缸蓋的加工難點(diǎn):1、平面加工工藝 缸蓋的頂面、底面和進(jìn)、排氣面都是大面積平面,精度要求高(平面度0.04,垂直度0.05,位置度0.10),而且有可能是全部工藝過(guò)程的基礎(chǔ),例如480缸蓋就是。 這就對(duì)機(jī)床的幾何精度和刀具的調(diào)整精度要求比較高。 以前缸蓋大平面加工,采用硬質(zhì)合金刀片加工,并配一個(gè)金剛石修光刃?,F(xiàn)在,如果毛坯情況好的話,全部采用金剛石刀片進(jìn)行加工,可以很好的提高加工后的表面粗糙度。2、高精度孔的加工 氣缸蓋上的氣門閥座、導(dǎo)管孔、挺桿孔和凸輪軸孔等孔系,有配合關(guān)系。其尺寸精度、位置精度和表面粗糙度要求極為嚴(yán)格。所以這些高精度孔系的加工工序是缸蓋工藝中的核心工序,應(yīng)給予充分的重視。 1
4、)、缸蓋氣門閥座、氣門導(dǎo)管精加工 缸蓋氣門閥座、氣門導(dǎo)管同時(shí)與發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)氣門配合,所以同軸度要求比較高;另外氣門閥座與氣門錐面進(jìn)行密封配合,對(duì)于圓度要求也非常高。 對(duì)于上述部位的加工過(guò)程,現(xiàn)在480缸蓋分解如下: 機(jī)床主軸快進(jìn)-工進(jìn)-主軸重新啟動(dòng),加工氣門閥座錐面-主軸停止、并后退一端距離-主軸重新啟動(dòng),槍鉸加工氣門導(dǎo)管(干通) -加工完畢-工進(jìn)退刀-主軸回推。 這樣做的好處,就是一次定位,加工完畢氣門導(dǎo)管和氣門閥座,可以減少重復(fù)定位誤差,提高氣門導(dǎo)管和氣門閥座的同軸度。 另外,主軸在重新啟動(dòng)后,加工氣門閥座的時(shí)候,進(jìn)刀方向如果沿著閥座徑向方向,此種加工方式成為“車”閥座,可以提供加工精度。如果進(jìn)
5、刀方向沿著閥座軸向方向,稱為“锪”或 “鏜”閥座。 因?yàn)闅忾T閥座和氣門導(dǎo)管材料的變化,加工過(guò)程中選用的刀具也在不斷的發(fā)生變化。以前的硬質(zhì)合金刀片逐漸被CBN刀片所替代,很大的提供了加工效率和加工質(zhì)量。并且,如果有銅基粉末冶金材料的氣門閥座和氣門導(dǎo)管,還可以采用PCD刀片進(jìn)行加工。 2)、缸蓋挺桿孔、氣門導(dǎo)管底孔的加工 這些孔的加工,雖然加工精度比較高,但是,只要選好加工余量、參數(shù)和刀具,加工過(guò)程基本沒(méi)有什么問(wèn)題。 3)、缸蓋凸輪軸孔的加工 缸蓋凸輪軸孔,就是缸蓋最長(zhǎng)的孔,如果分段加工的話,雖然可以保證凸輪軸孔的加工精度,但是無(wú)法滿足凸輪軸孔的同軸度要求,所以要求精加工一次加工成型。對(duì)于長(zhǎng)度為5
6、00mm左右的刀桿而言,如何消除刀桿自身重力所產(chǎn)生的影響? 對(duì)于專機(jī)自動(dòng)線而言,一般都帶有鏜模架以消除影響,對(duì)于比較大的發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),有可能帶有好幾個(gè)鏜模架。 對(duì)于加工中心,現(xiàn)在基本已經(jīng)取消鏜模架,利用刀具的自導(dǎo)向來(lái)消除刀桿重力的影響。刀桿的結(jié)構(gòu)特點(diǎn)是:在刀桿的圓周上,均勻布置一個(gè)刀刃和三個(gè)導(dǎo)向條。刀桿數(shù)量一般是一長(zhǎng)一短。 加工過(guò)程如下: 先由短刀桿加工一個(gè)凸輪軸孔(至半精加工尺寸)-退刀-長(zhǎng)刀桿完成所有凸輪軸孔的半精、精加工。 4)、缸蓋加工過(guò)程的毛刺 對(duì)于鋁合金缸蓋,因?yàn)槭撬苄圆牧?,加工過(guò)程中不可避免的產(chǎn)生毛刺。 對(duì)于加工過(guò)程中的毛刺,除了要合理的選用加工參數(shù)、刀具參數(shù)外,還可以提高工件材料的硬
7、度,也可以弱化加工過(guò)程中毛刺的產(chǎn)生。 現(xiàn)在加工過(guò)程中,主要有以下幾種方式去除加工毛刺: 一、尼龍毛刷去毛刺,多用于大的加工表面和大的孔系去毛刺; 二、高壓水去毛刺,多用于深油孔去毛刺,也有利用旋轉(zhuǎn)水柱去大面或大孔的毛刺;三、表面噴丸或表面拋丸:多用于鑄件表面的毛刺、飛邊處理,影響工件的清潔度;四、電火花去毛刺:用于比較難去除的毛刺,比如合金鋼的毛刺,對(duì)于不規(guī)則的毛刺,去除比較困難;五、氫氧爆破去毛刺:利用氫氧燃燒產(chǎn)生的壓力和高溫氣流,將附于工件表面產(chǎn)生的毛刺消除,但是對(duì)于工件毛坯要求比較高,補(bǔ)焊、裂紋、冷隔都有可能導(dǎo)致工件報(bào)廢。 5)、缸蓋的清洗 缸蓋清洗工序是缸蓋的主要輔助工序之一。因?yàn)榘l(fā)動(dòng)
8、機(jī)對(duì)缸蓋的清潔度要求非常嚴(yán)格(我們現(xiàn)在AVL缸蓋的清潔度指標(biāo)為:7mg),而缸蓋又是一個(gè)多孔型腔組成的復(fù)雜鑄造箱體,如清洗不徹底而使砂子和鋁屑等進(jìn)入發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的潤(rùn)滑系統(tǒng)或汽缸中,則會(huì)直接影響發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的工作和使用壽命。所以,應(yīng)該充分重視缸蓋的清洗工序。 對(duì)于缸蓋清洗機(jī)而言,現(xiàn)在一般都帶有射流清洗工位,相當(dāng)于預(yù)清洗工位,工件在水箱中翻轉(zhuǎn),清洗噴嘴帶有壓縮空氣的水流,從而達(dá)到工件粗步清洗的效果。 對(duì)于有裝配需求或不易清洗干凈之處,清洗機(jī)上一般配備有頂點(diǎn)定位清洗工位,就可以將規(guī)定部位清洗干凈了。但會(huì)導(dǎo)致機(jī)床長(zhǎng)度增加、噴嘴布置不方便等,而且還無(wú)法滿足柔性清洗的需求。 對(duì)于缸蓋水道的清洗,因?yàn)槭艿矫麒T造質(zhì)量的
9、影響比較大,所以也是一個(gè)清洗難點(diǎn)。五、典型缸蓋加工工藝流程 下面我們以AVL缸蓋的加工工藝流程為例,了解在加工中心上是如何加工缸蓋零件的: OP10:毛坯上料; OP20:毛坯基準(zhǔn)定位,加工缸蓋進(jìn)、排氣面(除了進(jìn)氣側(cè)面油孔不加工外); OP30:排氣側(cè)面精基準(zhǔn)定位,加工缸蓋頂面、前、后端面的加工內(nèi)容; OP40:排氣側(cè)面精基準(zhǔn)定位,加工缸蓋頂面、燃燒室面的加工內(nèi)容;OP60:清洗工序;OP70:缸蓋水道和油道試漏;OP80:缸蓋氣門閥座、氣門導(dǎo)管裝配(常溫裝配);OP90:缸蓋凸輪軸蓋、定位銷裝配,凸輪軸蓋螺栓自動(dòng)擰緊;OP100:排氣側(cè)面精基準(zhǔn)定位,完成缸蓋頂面和燃燒室面的精加工(氣門導(dǎo)管和
10、氣門閥座的精加工);OP110:排氣側(cè)面精基準(zhǔn)定位,完成缸蓋凸輪軸孔和前、后端面的精加工;OP120:終清洗工序;OP130:涂膠、壓裝碗形塞、鋼球;OP140:試漏機(jī);OP150:目視檢測(cè);OP160:打號(hào)工序;OP170:成品下料。 從上面的工藝流程來(lái)看,已經(jīng)運(yùn)用了加工中心制造技術(shù)、敏捷制造技術(shù)等較為現(xiàn)在的生產(chǎn)線制造技術(shù)。 另外,為了更好的進(jìn)行多品種共線生產(chǎn),缸蓋的設(shè)計(jì)、工藝基準(zhǔn)都在向排氣側(cè)轉(zhuǎn)化,以便更好的進(jìn)行共線生產(chǎn)。六、缸蓋加工的注意事項(xiàng):1、缸蓋尺寸較大時(shí),由于內(nèi)應(yīng)力重新分布而產(chǎn)生變形,會(huì)嚴(yán)重影響缸蓋的加工精度。一般的原則就是先面后孔,粗加工和精加工盡量分散,以保證加工應(yīng)力的釋放。2
11、、為了避免缸蓋結(jié)合面劃傷,一般將結(jié)合面精加工盡量放在后續(xù)工序。3、振動(dòng)清理內(nèi)腔鐵屑雜物工序,應(yīng)安排在與水腔有關(guān)的加工工序以后最為適宜。免得震動(dòng)清理后,又加工與水腔有關(guān)的部位,又有鐵屑掉進(jìn)去,以后還需要進(jìn)行清洗。4、加工過(guò)程中,特別是自動(dòng)化大批量加工過(guò)程中,最好帶有夾具噴氣檢測(cè)和刀具折斷檢測(cè),以減少加工過(guò)程中,不必要的損失。七、結(jié)束語(yǔ) 以上就是發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)缸蓋加工工藝的概述,真正的知識(shí)來(lái)自于現(xiàn)場(chǎng),來(lái)自于時(shí)間。英文原文Overview of engine cylinder head machining process First, the function of the engine cylinder
12、head Cylinder head of the engine of the main parts, the upper part of the engine, the cylinder liner via the bottom plane, with bolts on the cylinder body. The main function is as follows: 1, the closed upper cylinder
13、 and the piston and the cylinder wall at the top with a combustion chamber. 2, as a set-valve engine valve train, intake and exhaust pipe and the outlet pipe assembly base. 3, inside the cylinder head cooling water jacket, the bottom surface of the cooling water hole of the cylinder block cooling wa
14、ter hole communicating in order to use the engine temperature circulating water away. Second, the structural characteristics of the cylinder head the cylinder head should have sufficient strength and rigidity to ensure that the gas pressure and under the action of thermal stress, work reliably. cyli
15、nder head shape is generally hexahedral, based porous thin pieces, of which we are now 481 cylinder head, processing up to 100 the number of holes. Casting is only 4.5 mm at the thinnest. Third, the head material and blank manufacturing 1, cylinder head material: Cylinder head material, and now the
16、engine manufacturers generally use aluminum. Because aluminum thermal conductivity is better, is conducive to an appropriate increase in pressure compression ratio, the quality is also lighter, you can reduce the vehicle, the whole weight. But the difference in stiffness aluminum alloy cylinder head
17、, easily deformed during use. cylinder head attachment, previously valve seat material commonly used heat-resistant alloy cast iron, cast iron valve guides commonly used. Powder metallurgy is now the seat of the valve and conduit on the use of more and more, and many complex shapes can also be casti
18、ng, without reprocessing it. However, abrasion resistance than cast iron. Crack: casting stress caused; Cold compartment: aluminum casting process water cooling rate caused inconsistent; loose surface: aluminum water pouring temperature irregularity or improper ingredients; stomatal: casting aluminu
19、m water mixed with air; trachoma: cast aluminum water mixed with impurities; dip sand: improper or no workpiece temperature baked shot and so on. Four, cylinder head machining difficulties: 1, plane processing the cylinder head top surface, a bottom surface and into the exhaust area planar faces are
20、 large, high precision (flatness 0.04 0.05 verticality, the position degree of 0.10), and may be the basis for all of the process, for example, the cylinder 480 Cover is. This geometric accuracy of the machine and tool adjustment is relatively high precision. Previous large flat cylinder head machin
21、ing, machining with carbide blade, and with a diamond blade Danxiu Guang. Now, if the situation is good rough, all using diamond blade for processing, may well improve the surface roughness after processing. 2, high-precision machining holes cylinder head valve seat tube hole, holes, etc. tappet cam
22、shaft bore holes and the Department has with the relationship. Its dimensional accuracy, position accuracy and surface roughness requirements are extremely stringent. So these high-precision machining holes of cylinder head technology process is the core process, should be given full attention. 1, c
23、ylinder head valve seats, valve guides finishing cylinder head valve seats, valve guides with both the engine valve, so that the coaxial degree is relatively high; additional valve seat for sealing engagement with the valve cone, the roundness requirements are very high. For the processing of these
24、parts, now 480 head breaks down as follows: Fast Forward - spindle work into - spindle restart processing valve seat cone - spindle stop and back end of the spindle distance - restart gun reaming valve guides ( QianTong) - finished processing - workers and retract - spindle pushed back. The benefit
25、is that once positioned, processing is complete valve guides and valve seat, positioning error can reduce duplication and improve the valve guides and valve seat concentricity. In addition, the spindle after the restart, machining the valve seat when the feed direction if the radial direction along
26、the seat, processing methods such as "car" seat, providing precision. If the feed direction along the axial direction of the valve seat, called "countersink" or "Boring" seat. Because the valve seat and valve guide material change in the selection
27、 process of the tool is constantly changing. Carbide inserts before gradually replaced CBN inserts, great processing efficiency and provide quality. And if there is copper powder material valve seat and valve guide, PCD inserts can also be used for processing. 2, cylinder head tappet hole bottom out
28、let valve guide machining These hole machining, although precision is relatively high, however, as long as the selected allowance, and the tool, the process basically no problem. 3, cylinder head camshaft hole machini
29、ng Camshaft cylinder head bore, the cylinder head is the longest holes in the staging process, even though the camshaft hole processing can ensure accuracy, but can not meet the requirements of the camshaft hole concentrici
30、ty, it requires a finish molding. For the length of the shank is about 500mm, the arbor itself how to eliminate the impact of gravity? For the purposes of automatic line plane, generally with boring mold to eliminate
31、the influence of the relatively large engine, there may be several boring with mold. For machining centers, now has basically been canceled boring mold, the use of self-oriented tool to eliminate the effects of gravity Arbor. Arbor structure is characterized by: the circumference of the holder, even
32、ly arranged a blade and three guide bars. Arbor quantity is generally a long, one short. Process as follows: First by knife rod processing a camshaft hole (to the semi-finished dimen
33、sion) - retraction - Long shank complete all the camshaft hole semi-intensive, finishing. 4, cylinder head machining process burr For aluminum alloy cylinder head, because it is a plastic material, processing inevitable glitches. For process
34、ing glitches, in addition to a reasonable selection of machining parameters, tool parameters, but also can improve the hardness of the workpiece material, it can weaken the processing of burrs. Now the process, mainly in the following severa
35、l ways to remove burr: A nylon brush deburring, and more for the processing of large surfaces and large holes of deburring; Second, the high-pressure water deburring, used for deep-hole deburring, there are also a rotating water jet Omo or large burr hole; Third, th
36、e surface shot peening or surface: the surface used for casting burrs processing, affecting the cleanliness of the workpiece; Fourth, the spark deburring: for the more difficult to remove burrs, such as steel burrs, for irregular burr removal more difficult; five hydroxide blasting deburring: the us
37、e of hydrogen combustion pressure and high-temperature air, will be attached to the surface of the workpiece burrs eliminated, but high demand for workpiece blank, patching, crack, cold traps are likely to lead to the workpiece scrapped. 5, cylinder head cleaning Cylinder head cleaning process is on
38、e of the main auxiliary processes. Cleanliness on the head because the engine was very strict (We now head AVL cleanliness indicators: 7mg), while the cylinder head is a complex consisting of a porous cavity casting box, if not thoroughly cleaned leaving the sand and aluminum shavings from entering
39、the engine lubrication system or cylinder, it will directly affect the work and life of the engine. Therefore, we should pay full attention to the cylinder head cleaning process. For head cleaning machine, it is now g
40、enerally with jet cleaning station, the equivalent of pre-cleaning station, flip the workpiece in the tank cleaning nozzles with compressed air flow from step to achieve the effect of cleaning the workpiece thick. For assembly requirements or difficult to clean the place, generally equipped with a w
41、ashing machine cleaning station vertex positioning, you can clean the parts required. But will cause the machine to increase the length inconvenience nozzle arrangement, but can not meet the needs of flexible cleaning. For head cleaning waterways as being rough casting quality is relatively large, i
42、t is also a cleaning difficult. Fifth, the typical process flow cylinder head Here we AVL cylinder head machining process, for example, to understand how the machining center machining cylinder head parts:
43、 OP10: blank feeding; OP20: rough benchmark positioning, processing cylinder head intake and exhaust side (in addition to the intake side of the hole is not working outside); OP30: benchmarking exhaust side finishing, processing the top
44、surface of cylinder head, before and after the machining face; OP40: benchmarking exhaust side finishing, processing cylinder head top surface, the combustion chamber surface machining content; OP60: the cleaning process; OP70: head waterways, and oil leak; OP80: cylinder head
45、 valve seat and valve guide assembly (assembly room temperature); OP90: camshaft cylinder head cover, pin assembly, automatic camshaft cap bolts tightened; OP100: exhaust side finishing benchmarking, complete cylinder head top surface and the combustion chamber surface finishing (valve guides and va
46、lve seat finishing); OP110: exhaust side finishing benchmarking, complete cylinder head camshaft hole and the front and rear end finishing; OP120: Final cleaning process; OP130: gluing, pressing bowl plug, ball; OP140: leak testing machine; OP150: visual inspection; OP160: marking process; OP170: finished cutting. From the above process point of view, have been
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