1、一、檢杳要點1)確認艇休狀況良好,無破裂、受損、變形,鋼結構(特別是艇龍骨連接件,艇 掛鉤,脫鉤裝置)無過度腐蝕。2 )檢查艇外標記狀況是否良好,反光帶是否完整有效;3 )檢查兩舷可浮救生索、砒龍骨架、護艇滑架、護舷材是否良好;4 )檢查橫座板、座椅、漿架、漿叉、瀉水孔、舷緣和安全帶是否良好;5 )檢查救生艇手搖泵的狀況,確認手提式滅火器即刻可用,核對救生(助)艇 屬具(口糧淡水、煙火信號、急救藥箱等)是否齊全、有效;6 )檢查燃汕柜、機殼、發(fā)動機、蓋子、機座的狀況,有無嚴重銹蝕或腐蝕;7 )檢查螺旋槳尾軸支架離合器軸及護管、舵桿、舵柄、舵的狀況是 否良好。8 )啟動艇機并運行試驗至少3分鐘,
2、試驗正倒車裝置,確認無廢氣、燃油、 滑油泄漏。檢查艇機排煙管及其保護裝置是否損壞脫落,如果是蓄電池啟動,還 應確認蓄電池已充足電,并可以單獨啟動艇機;9 )如使用自供氣裝置,檢查空氣瓶是否正確充裝及壓力表讀數;10 )(封閉式)檢杳艇內釋放裝置狀況和脫鉤指示是否顯著張貼并使用船員熟 悉的工作語言13 )檢查使用工作語言編制的操縱發(fā)動機的防水說明是否張貼在機旁。二、常見缺陷(1 )救生艇艇體開裂、洞穿、玻璃纖維剝離或未經認可的臨時修理;(2 )救生艇舵損壞、變形;(3 )救生艇橫座板、槳、槳架、艇機底座腐蝕嚴重、變形;(4 )救生(助)艇屬具不足或失效(如防暈船藥不足、急救藥包過期等)。(5 )
3、救生艇艇機無法啟動,艇機啟動電池電量不足,未張貼防水的艇機操作說 明;(6 )救生艇排氣管洞穿、未適當包扎;(7 )救生艇未標明座位、尺度和乘客定額;(8 )救生艇未張貼反光帶或反光帶脫落、失效;三、滯留缺陷舉例1. 救生艇釋放裝置不完整(缺少限位開關、重力剎車等);gravity brake on the starboard side not working as designed.lifeboat launching arrangements not fitted with limit switches.2. 救生艇釋放裝置不能止常工作;electric winch for lifeboa
4、t- not operated normally.remote control devices for davit-broken.boat fall wire of port side lifeboattoosc.starboard side life boat launching arrangement-not operable.lifeboat launchin百 appliances do not work properly.lifeboats cannot readily be released, incorrectly secured no quick release.both 1
5、ifeboat davit 1imitswitches inoperable3. 救生艇降落裝置(艇架頭部、艇架基座、滑車、絞車底座等)嚴重銹 蝕、減薄、損壞;lifting block for portside lifeboat damaged, cracked and rested heavily.several sheaves of davits in bad condition to be renewed. top of davits behind sheaves very deteriorate, probable holed.sheave on deck sb. 1 ifeboat
6、 plate under sheave thin and deformed.pulley for lifting device of port side life boat (fore side) got thin due to corrosion.foundation lifeboat winches in bad condition (bolts +nuts, steel plate)lifeboats (p&s) davit heads (3) and floating block arrangements heavily wasted, holed.foundation of
7、several sheaves of 1 ifeboat wires in very bad condi tion. lifting system of port side lifeboat corroded heavily emd broken.launching device lifeboat could be released in over the water> remote control of brakes not attached to the lifeboats. sb 2 connection strongly corroded. flanges of the wire
8、 drums dangerously thinned.4. 收放救生艇用的空氣管銹蝕、穿孔;air pipe for air motor of appliances fit ted for the recovery of each life boat broken;air pipe for operation of boat davit of starboard side lifeboat corroded heavily and made holed.5. 救生艇艇機故障(不能啟動、起動時間過長、不能連續(xù)啟動、排煙管 銹蝕等)starboard life/rescue boat could
9、only be started with ether, running enginefailed during opcration emd could not be restarted.the motor of l/b not able to run.engines of both (p&s)lifeboats not workingthe engine exhaust6.救生艇艇上構件損壞piping for lifeboat broken.手搖泵、(艇鉤、浮力箱、槳叉、座板、救命索、扶手等)port and starboardlifeboatlifeboat port and st
10、arboard port and starboard lifelinebuoyancy tanks open to the sea. wooden thwart rotten.rotten.port andstarboard 1i feboatoutboard becketed lines rotten.memual pump hose not attached & deteriorated.port lifeboat fall hooks support st rue ture cracked, was ted and t hinned.lifting bracket on aft
11、of the life boat (stb.) got thin due to heavy corrosion.port side 1ifeboat cooling water chamber in main engine made hoie.keel bolts fwd of both lifeboats deteriorated and wasted.the air machine used for hoist on the starboard side lifeboat not work.port & stbd. lifeboat handrails wastedport non
12、-propeller lifeboat mast did not have securing arrangement. fixing bolts and nuts of the l ifting brackets (fore and aft. ) of port side lifeboat got thin due to heavy corrosion.7.救主艇缺乏維護,整體狀況較差lifeboat not in good condition: body dirty and oily;lifeboats totally wasted.both p&s life boats in po
13、or conditions, lemding planks damaged, crutchesfor oars not secure and seriously wasted, engine suction filter and join missing, lifting frame bolt seriously wasted. equipment box serious waste and hoied.lifeboat hull in poor condition, propeller shaft housing repaired by tap.port side lifeboat generally unsatisfied: grab line deteriorated and cut partially & all thwart and side seats severely decayed.lifeboat 1imit switches do not function properly.fo
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