1、The Tyger and The lamb:In The Tyger Blake points to the contrast between these two animals: the tiger is fierce, active, predatory, while The Lamb is meek, vuln erable and harmless. The refere nee to the lamb in the pen ultimate sta nza reminds the reader that a tiger and a lamb have bee n created b
2、y the same God, and raises questi ons about the implicati ons of this. It also invites a contrast between the perspectives of "experienee" and "innocence" represented here and in the poem "The Lamb." "The Tyger" consists entirely of unan swered questio ns, and
3、 the poet leaves us to awe at the complexity of creati on, the sheer magn itude of God's power, and the in scrutability of divi ne will. The perspective of experie nee in this poem in volves a sophisticated ack no wledgme nt of what is un expla in able in the uni verse, prese nti ng evil as the
4、prime example of someth ing that cannot be denied, but will not withstand facile explanation, either. The open awe of "The Tyger" con trasts with the easy con fide nee, in "The Lamb," of a child's innocent faith in a ben evole nt uni verse.Theme:The poem is more about the cre
5、ator of the tiger than it is about the tiger itself. The poet was at a loss to expla in how the same God who made the lamb could make the tiger. So, the theme is : huma ns are in capable of fully un dersta nding the mind of God and the mystery of his han diwork.Symbolism:Black writing his poems in p
6、lain an direct Ianguage. He presents his view in visual images rather that abstract ideas. Symbolism in wide range is a distinctive feature of his poetry. The Tyger, included in Songs of Experienee, is one of Blake's best-known poems. It seem in gly praises the great power of tiger, but what the
7、 tiger symbolizes rema ins disputable: the power of man? Or the revolutionary force? Or the evil? The poem is highly symbolic with a touch of mysticism and it is open to various interpretations. The tiger initially appears as a strikingly sensuous image. However, as the poem progresses, it takes on
8、a symbolic character, and comes to embody the spiritual and moral problem the poem explores: perfectly beautiful and yet perfectly destructive, Blake's tiger becomes the symbolic center for an investigation into the presenee of evil in the world. Si nee the tiger's remarkable n ature exists
9、both in physical and moral terms, the speaker's questions about its origin must also encompass both physical and moral dimensions. The poem's series of questi ons repeatedly ask what sort of physical creative capacity the "fearful symmetry" of the tiger bespeaks; assumedly only a v
10、ery strong and powerful being could be capable of such a creati on.Backgro und:"The Tyger" just might be William Blake ' s most famous poem. Published in a collection of poems :Songs of Experienee in 1794, Blake wrote "The Tyger" during his more radical period. He wrote most
11、of his major works during this time, often railing against oppressive institutions like the church or the monarchy, or any and all cultural traditions -sexist, racist, or classist -which stifled imagination or passion. The French revolution is a revolutionagainst the feudalism, it has profound effec
12、ts on the Britain.It brings thethoughts ofa liberty ” ,“ equality to the E n glislfiraAEiityie in dustrial revoluti on,the contradictions of the British social class becomes more serious. People found that the in dustry and tech no logy just brought them with pain in stead of happ in ess. So more an
13、d more people became disappo in ted about the society. That ' why William Blake has changed his writing style during this time.Blake published an earlier collection ofpoetry: the Songs of Innocence in 1789. OnceSongs of Experie nee came out five years later, the two were always published togethe
14、r.In general, Songs of Innocence contains idyllic poems, many of which deal with childhood and innocence. Idyllic poems have pretty specific qualities: they ' usually positive, sometimes extremely happy or optimistic and innocent. They also often take place in pastoral setti ngs :th ink coun try
15、side; spri ngtime; harmless, cute wildlife; sun sets;babbling brooks; wandering bards; fair maidens, and many times praise one or more of these things as subjects. William Blake published the Songs of Experience in 1794, often railing against oppressive institutions like the church or the monarchy,
16、or any and all cultural traditi ons-sexist, racist, or classist -which stifled imagi nati on or passi on. TheSongs of Innocence was publishedin 1789. In general,Songs of Innocence containsidyllic poems, many of which dealwith childhood andinnocence. Idyllicpoems havepretty specific qualities: they
17、39; re usually positive, sometirydTBapxtfemoptimisticand innocent. They also ofte n take place in pastoral setti ngs :th ink coun tryside; spri ngtime; harmless, cute wildlife;sun sets; babbli ngbrooks; wan deri ngbards; fairmaide ns, and many times praise one or more of these things assubjects. The
18、 themesofthe two collecti ons are extremely differe nt.The first and last stanzas are identical except the word "could" becomes "dare" in the second iteration. Kazin says to begin to wonder about the tiger, and its nature, can only lead to a dari ng to won der about it. Blake ach
19、ieves great power through the use of alliteration ("frame" and "fearful") comb ined with imagery, (burning, fire, eyes), and he structures the poem to ring with incessant repetitive questioning, demanding of the creature, "Who made thee?". In the second stanza the focus
20、 moves from the tiger, the creati on, to the creator - of whom Blakes won ders "What dread hand? & what dread feet?" . "The Tyger" is six sta nzas in len gth, each sta nza four lines long. Much of the poem follows the metrical pattern of its first line and can be scanned as t
21、rochaic tetrameter catalectic. A number of lines, howeversuch as line four in the first stanzafall into iambic tetrameterThe first and last sta nzas are ide ntical except the word "could" becomes "dare "in the second iteration. Kazin says to begin to wonder about the tiger, and i
22、ts nature, can only lead to a dari ng to won der about it. Blake achieves great power through the use of alliteration ("frame" and "fearful") comb ined with imagery, (burning, fire, eyes), and he structures the poem to ring with incessant repetitive questioning, demanding of the
23、creature, "Who made thee?". In the second stanza the focus moves from the tiger, the creati on, to the creator - of whom Blakes won ders "What dread hand? & what dread feet?".吐"The Tyger" is six stanzas in length, each stanza four lines long. Much of the poem follow
24、s the metrical pattern of its first line and can be scanned as trochaic tetrameter catalectic A number of lines, howeversuch as line four in the first stanzafall into ia_mbic tetrameter.The Tyger" is the sister poem to "The Lamb" (from "Songs of Innocence"), areflect ion of
25、similar ideas from a differe nt perspective (Blake's con cept of "con traries"), with "The Lamb" bringing attention to innocence. "The Tyger" presents a duality between aesthetic beauty and primal ferocity, and Blake believes that to see one, the hand that created "The Lamb", one must also see the other, the hand that created "The Tyger ” The Songs of Experienee were written as a contrary to the &q
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