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1、joha nnes vermeer的個人英文簡介i約翰內(nèi)斯;維米爾,是荷蘭優(yōu)秀的風俗畫家,被看作“荷蘭小畫派” 的代表畫家。下面是給大家整理的johannes vermeer 的個人英文 簡介,供大家參閱!約 翰內(nèi)斯;維米爾人物簡介 Dutch Golde n Age pai nting master, and Van Gogh, Rembrandt collectively known as the Netherlands three painters. Vermeer is one of the greatest painters in the Netherlands, but has b

2、een forgottenfor twocen turies. Vermeer's works are mostly custom themes of painting, basically based on the ordinary life of the public. He pain ted the whole picture warm, comfortable, quiet, givi ng a sole mn feeli ng, fully dem on strated the Dutch people that kind of clea nen vir onment

3、andelega ntand comfortableatmosphere of the preferences.He is also unique in artisticstyle, his paintings are solid, delicate structure, bright colors and harm ony, especially in the performa neeof in door lightand space sense. Vermeer'spainting gives a kind ofauthenticity,in addition to the

4、 real life of everyday life alsomakes a sense of faith on the realism.約翰內(nèi)斯;維米爾人物生平Vermeer was born in Delft a pain ti ng family, his father died after in heriti ng his father, while en gaged in pain ti ng creati on. 21-year-old Vermeer joined the Delft Artists Associati on, and has twice done the gu

5、ild leader, at the time of the pain ti ng to enjoy a certa in reputati on. But because of the large nu mber of childre n (bor n 11 childre n), life is very poor, and sometimes had to use oil painting to cover the bread of the debt, so impoverished, so that his works scattered serious. In 1675, the p

6、ain ter took part in the defe nse of the invasion of the French army and overworked, life and trapped in extreme poverty, in the sick and sick, leaving his wife and children died, 43 years old. Vermeer disappeared from the Dutch paintin g. It was not un til the 1950s that it was discovered by a Fren

7、ch art critic D&uu ml;rre and tried to sort out his legacy for the rehearsal of the great pain ter who had buried n early two cen turies.Most of Vermeer's works depict quiet and harmonious family life, and he particularly likes to draw women'simages and activities. He handed down

8、 theportrait, the female characters have 40, only 13 male characters. Its oil pain ti ng content is usually one or two people in the room labor or leisure, light gen erally from the left side of the photo.Vermeer likes yellow, blue and gray, his grasp of color and light processing is very outstandin

9、g. Usually simple layout, size is not large, but ofte n gives a huge visual impact. He uses a comb in ati on of tiny dots (po int paintin g), and is good at using the light source, so that the scree n produces a flow ing, elega nt atmosphere, which is known as the master of light and shadow.No one k

10、nows Vermeer 's tech niq ue, but it is certa in that he ofte n uses the rare camera tech no logy (Camera Obscura), to capture the light and color. An to nie van Leeuwenhoek,a famous Dutch scientist at the time, was afriend of Vermeer, who was proficientin microscopes andopticalperspectives,a

11、ndVermeerappare ntlylear nedthetech no logy from him.Heis very particularabout thepicture, whetherit ispicturecompositi on,theproporti onof characters,lightandshadowchanges areasrealistic asrealistic photo.Sothatsome critics think this is not art, but in the golde n age of the Netherla nds, people d

12、id not put painting as an art, but only a han dicraft, a life skills only. His pain ti ngs usually take a long time, basically take two or three years to complete a work, but each one is fine. Joha nnes Vermeer is the represe ntative of the outsta nding customist pain ter and the Delft custom school

13、 in the mid-17th cen tury.Vermeer's vast majority of painting content is his daily life, he is more to the local family of wome n as the main image, deliberately depict ing the sun filled with the furni shi ngs, en vir onment and character activities, ofte n using a flat perspective, so that

14、 the scree n produces a certa in depth , Usually pain ted two suites, in door suspe nsion and furnishin gs, reflecting the Delft region rich family life calm, comfortable, and self-satisfied spiritual realm.He describes the fabric art skills so that coun tless artists sigh, the application of light

15、and color is so straightforward painting.His works, often in the ordinary show the distant meaning and profo und philosophy, both popular simple and mysterious. His works reveal the warmth and tra nq uility, that small and exquisite strokes eno ugh to make him in his own era together into a dazzling

16、 light. 35 pieces of live realism, on behalf of as "with pearl earri ngs girl&qu ot;.Vermeer, the master of the painting that was buried for two centuries after his death, was the third most important representative of Dutch painting in the seventeenth century. The Dutch in the seventee

17、nthcentury is the power of European economic prosperity, culture and art is quite developed, produced Hals, Rembrandt, in the history of Europea n art occupies a special status.Vermeer is the only one in the mid-seventeenth century after Harris and Rembrandt.As the Dutch culture and artgradually los

18、t their democratictradition,the Dutch city ofDelft became an adva need art cen ter, and Joha nnes Vermeer (1632- 1675) was born in the city and fin ally born here The However, the great pain ter in his lifetime, although known but poor and shabby, heavily in debt, when the year when the strong, but

19、sudde nly died, only live 43 years old. Died and was forgottenuntil the mid-nineteenthcentury was art critics torediscover, from the reputati on of the day, gave him the right place. He is known as "sleeping for two centuries of Sphi nx&qu ot; and"mystery-like pain ter&quot

20、;.His lifehas gradually explored the text, was in formed of its overview.Vermeer was born in Delft, the Netherla nds, and a middle-class family who runs inn and sells paintin gs. Accordingto research, he had to Rembrandt'smosttale nted disciple Fabrius lear ned pain ti ng. In 1653, he was th

21、e hometownof the artist, joined the guild, and in 1663, 1669twice was elected preside nt of the Associati on. Accord ing to1663, a country collector who made a special trip to visit Dimerme to draw the picture to infer that he had been honored during his lifetime, and his position in the painting ha

22、s also bee n recog ni zed by the com muni ty. Accord ing to the experts identified, Vermeer coexistenee of 34 authentic, the rest of the more than thirty pieces are false pseudo-fake. In additionto a small number of portraits,Iandscapes andreligious pain ti ngs, the vast majority of these works depi

23、ct the customary paintings of the daily life of the public and the vast majority of the middle classwome n& #39;slife, theperformanee of their reading, playing piano, woven lace, All kinds of chores.Vermeer left the Ian dscape is very small, but each pain ti ng is very delicate, well known for t

24、he "Delft's Ian dscape&qu ot;,"alle y&qu ot;and so on. In the"alle y&qu ot; in a picture, the whole picture completely time to solidify, whether it is in the alley in the laundry woma n, sitting in front of the stitching of women, or children in the roa

25、dside game, they were the origi nal acti on, Vermeer's pen, completely stuck dow n. Before this painting, ourheartswere able to precipitate, issued a light sadness, in which we feel the side of the time is quietly across the toes.Vermeer likes to paint a busy serva nt, like "the mai

26、d of the milk&qu ot;, "the girl who takes the glass&qu ot;, "the girl who reads the blue",the "lacewoma n&qu ot;, eve n though the characters in these pain ti ngs are mostly employed by Vermeer Portrait and dressed as a maid like a rich girl, but in Vi

27、llemere created the picture, they are so gen erous rustic, did n ot con trived of the gas. Vermeer, who lives for the sake of life, is hard to survive, but he does not degrade his art because of money, and every piece of work reveals his true heart. Because Vermeer is very clear that he is painting

28、for himself, and eve n in some cases in order to adhere to their creative inten ti ons at the expe nse of pain ti ng bus in ess.In these pictures, Vermeer bold use of blue and lem on yellow, ofte n in the corner of the scree n set a win dow, that light into the room of the soft sun to make the whole

29、 picture look fresh and n atural.Vermeer's life is to capture the subtle changes in light, the color of light, seems to be his quiet inner thinking, glimpse of the glory of the dwellers, and the n in the picture revealed, and the n pen etrate every viewer's heart.In today'svi

30、ew, Vermeer is a good custom artist,more often is a sun un der the lyric poet. We ope ned the tinystrokes, through the surface of the pain ti ng, still can feel his inner "thinking". That "thinking"ofthe trajectory is the flash ing light in the picture, i n the su

31、btle beati ng, immersed in the depths of our souls.約翰內(nèi)斯;維米爾作品欣賞In this picture, the pai nter portrayed a woman who was looking at the letter, and she looked atte ntive, sole mn, as if she were being attracted to the contents of the letter, and everythi ng aro und her was gone in silenee exist. This

32、is an ordinary citizen family, the room is spacious and simple, only the curta ins, the tattoo looks thick texture calm, with a noble and solemn beauty. Vermeer has also pain ted ano ther sta nding in the room un der the light of the preg nant woma n has bee n preg nan t. I n additi on to a slight c

33、ha nge in the en vir onment fur ni shi ngs, the dyn amic image of people is similar."Lace womenworkers"is Vermeer'soutstandingworks, but also one of his masterpiece. Thepainting is a poetic way to describe a woma n who is kni tt ing lace in the ki nd of calm and peaceful look, with a lyrical mood to the beauty of the enjoyment. The differeneebetweenVermeer and con temporary pain ters is that he expresses light with extreme, even tremblingsenses, and


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