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1、text twoyoung william shakespeareby jennifer bassettin troduct ion- every one knows the n ame of shakespeare but not much about his personal life. how did this great, probably the greatest playwright and poet live before he went to london? what were his dreams and ambitions? what about his family? w

2、hat did he do when he first came to london to try his fortune? the following covers this part of shakespeare's life. it is taken from the life and times of william shakespeare written by jennifer bassett, who uses toby, shakespeare's coun tryma n and lifelong friend, as the narrator of the s

3、tory.1. it was a sunny day in october1579 when i first met will, just outside stratford, n ear a big orchard. i saw a boy up in one of the trees. he had red hair and looked about two years older tha n me.2. "what are you doing up there?" i called.3. "just gett ing a few apples,"

4、he said, smili ng.4. "those are farmer nash's apples," i said, "and he'll send his dogs after you if he sees you."5. "mr. nash has gone to the market," the boy said. "come on! they're good apples."6. the next minute i was up the tree with him. but

5、will was wrong. farmer nash wasn't at the market, and a few minu tes later we saw his en raged red face above the wall on the far side of the field.7. w川 and i ran like the wi nd and課文二年輕的威廉?莎士比亞詹尼弗?芭斯特導(dǎo)語:莎士比亞的名字人盡皆知,但卻沒有多少人了解他的個人生活。那么這位偉大的一一也許 是最偉大的一一劇作家兼詩人,在去倫敦之前是怎樣生活的?他的家庭情況如何?初闖 倫敦時他在那 兒都做了些

6、什么?下面這篇文章講述了莎士比亞這段時期的生活。文章選自詹 尼弗?芭斯特著的莎 士比亞的生平和時代。作者用莎士比亞的同鄉(xiāng)和終生朋友托比作為故 事的講述人。1. 那是1579年10月一個陽光燦爛的日子,就在斯特拉特福鎮(zhèn)外一個很大的果園子附近,我初次遇見威爾。我看見蘋果樹上坐著個男孩,長著一頭紅發(fā),看起來比我大兩歲左右。2. “你在那上面干嗎? "我喊道。3. “摘幾個蘋果,”他笑著答道。4. “那是納什農(nóng)場主的蘋果, ”我說:“要是他看見了,會放狗出來追你的?!?. “納什先生趕集去了,”那個男孩說:“來呀,這蘋果很不錯的?!?. 不一會兒,我就也爬到樹上了??墒峭栧e了,納什農(nóng)場主并

7、沒有去趕集。幾分鐘后,我們就看見那邊兒蘋果園墻頭上露出一張憤怒 的、 漲得通紅的臉。7. 我和威爾象一陣風(fēng)似的飛跑而去,一直 跑到河邊才停下來。我們坐下來開始啃蘋果。8. 威爾告訴我,他十五歲,住在亨利街。他的父親叫約翰? 莎士比亞。他有個姐姐叫瓊,有兩個弟弟一一吉爾伯特和理查德。后來我才知道,他其實(shí)還有個姐姐,但已經(jīng)死了。到了第二年,他又添了個弟弟一一小埃德蒙,他們 家的小寶貝。9. “我在教堂街詹金斯先生的學(xué)校上學(xué),”威爾說:“從上午7點(diǎn)到下午5點(diǎn),天天上課。 當(dāng) 然,星期天是不上的。”10. 我為他感到難過?!笆遣皇呛芸菰餆o味? ”我問道。11. “有時候是。平時還可以?!彼闪讼氯?,用

8、雙手墊著后腦勺?!安贿^我們得學(xué)習(xí)那些拉丁作家,讀他們的作品。我想讀當(dāng)代的、尤其是英國作家的作品。比如杰弗里?喬叟。你識字嗎? ”他問道。only stopped when we reached the river. we satdow n to eat our apples.8. w川 was fifteen, and lived in henley street, he told me. his father was john shakespeare, and he had a sister, joan, and twoyounger brothers, gilbert and richar

9、d. there was ano ther sister who died, i lear nt later. and the next year he had ano ther brother, little edm undthe baby of the family.9. "i go to mr. jenkin s' school in church street," w川 said. "every day, from seve n o'clock un til five o'clock. not sun days, of course

10、."10. i was sorry for him. "isn't it bori ng?" i asked.11. . "sometimes. usually it's all right." he lay back and put his hands beh ind his head. "but we have to read and learn all these lat in writers. i want to read moder n writers, and en glish writers, like

11、geoffrey chaucer. can you read?" he asked.12. . "of course i can read!" i said."i went to school."13. . will sat up and began to eat another apple. "i want to be a writer," he said. "a poet. i want that more than anything else in the world."14. we were fr

12、iends from that day, until the day he died. we met nearly every day, and he taught me a lot about books and poetry and writers. he was always dilige nt in his studies.15. when will left school, he worked for his father. john shakespeare was a glove-maker, and he had other bus in ess too, like buying

13、 and selli ng sheep.12. “我當(dāng)然識字了,"我說:“我上過學(xué)?!?3. 威爾坐起來,開始啃另一只蘋果。 “我 想 當(dāng)一名作家,”他說:“一名詩人。這是我最最想干的事兒。”14. 從那天起我們就成了好朋友,一直到他去世。我們幾乎天天見面,他教給了我許多關(guān)于書、詩歌和作家的知識。學(xué)業(yè)上,他總是非 常勤奮。15. 威爾離開學(xué)校后在他父親那兒做事。約翰?莎士比亞是個手套制造商,兼做販羊之類的生意。不過威爾對此不感興趣。16. “托比,我們能做什么呢? " 一天他對我說?!拔覀兛偛荒芤惠呑幼鲂褪痔装?!”17. “嗯,我們可以離家出走,到海上去做水手,像弗朗西斯

14、?德雷克那樣探索世界?!?8. 德雷克經(jīng)過三年的環(huán)球遠(yuǎn)航,于 1581 年返回普利茅斯港。 可我們還呆在斯特拉特福。 我 們有過很多打算,但都一無所成。19. 威爾仍在大量閱讀,而且已經(jīng)開始自己 做詩了。有時他把做好的詩拿給我看,我就說 詩做得非常好。事實(shí)上,我那時對詩一竅不通,不過他是我的朋友嘛。20. 威爾對他的作品并不滿意。“托比,我要學(xué)的東西還太多、太多,”他說。21. 關(guān)于女人,威爾也還要多多學(xué)習(xí)呢。1582年10月的一天,他滿臉憂郁地來到我家。22. “我再也不能離開斯特拉特福了,”他說,“再過幾周我就要結(jié)婚了,她叫安妮 ?哈 撒 薇?!?3. 11月,威爾和安妮?哈撒薇結(jié)婚了,她

15、搬到亨利街來住。成家立業(yè)了,每月開銷會 很大。那一 段時間,約翰?莎士比亞在錢方面可謂麻煩不斷。在亨利街的那段日子可真不好 過。24. 次年5月,蘇珊娜出生了。威爾非常 喜歡 她。25. “瞧,托比,她的眼睛像我呢,”他興 奮地說,“她會長得像埃及的皇后一樣漂亮,像所羅門國王一樣聰明?!?6. 我沒怎么見過威爾的妻子。她來自一個非常嚴(yán)肅的清教家庭。常去教堂,從不唱歌, 也不跳舞。27. 很快又一個嬰兒要出生了。1585年2月的一個傍晚,我急匆匆地趕到亨利街去探望。but w川 was n't in terested.16. "what are we going to do,

16、toby?" he said to me one day. "we can't spe nd all our lives making shoes and gloves!"17. "well," i said, "we couldrunaway to sea and be sailors. explore the world, like francis drake."18. drakesailed backtoplymouth in 1581, after his three-year expedition roun

17、d the world, but we were stillin stratford. we made lots of plans, but no thi ng ever came of them.19. . will was still reading a lot and he was already writing poems himself. he sometimes showed them to me, and i said they were very good. i did n't really know anything about poetry the n, but h

18、e was my frie nd.20. will was not happy with his writing. "i've got so much to learn, toby," he said. "so much to lear n."21. . will had a lot to learn about wome n, too. one day in october 1582, he came to my house with a gloomy face.22. . "i'll never leave stratfor

19、d." he said. "i'm going to be married in a few weeks' time. to anne hathaway."23. will married anne hathaway in november, and she came to live in henley street. families cost a lot of mon ey, and joh n shakespeare was havi ng a lot of money troubles in those days. times were h

20、ard in henley street.24. . susanna was born the next may. will was very pleased with her.25. "look, toby, she's got my eyes," he said happily. "she's going to be威爾的姐姐瓊開了門,接著威爾從樓上跑下來。28. “兩個!”他說:“雙胞胎,一男一女。真是太棒了!”29. 威爾有一對好朋友一一哈姆尼特和朱 迪絲 ?賽得拉一一他就以他們來為這對李生子命名。約翰?莎士比亞非常高興自己有了孫子,人人都

21、很高興。不過好景不長。30. 我和威爾有空時仍一塊轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)。他仍在讀書,也在寫。不久,我就看出他有了變化。他 現(xiàn)在 23歲了,對他的生活很不滿意。31. “托比,斯特拉特福太小了,”他說,“節(jié)奏太慢,太安靜,太單調(diào)了。我得離開這兒?!?2. “是呀,可是怎么走呢?" 我問道,“別忘了你有一個家,家里還有三個小孩子呢。”33. 他沒有回答。34. 每年夏天的那幾個月里,經(jīng)常有劇團(tuán)到 小鎮(zhèn)上來。1587年間,就有5個不同的劇團(tuán)來 過。我 和威爾經(jīng)常去看演出。威爾喜歡和演員交談,聽他們講有關(guān)倫敦的種種故事。35. 6月,女王劇團(tuán)來到了斯特拉特福。我 們?nèi)タ?演出。威爾說那個劇本非常拙劣,沒有

22、一點(diǎn)兒詩,國o36. 幾個月后的一天晚上,我來到莎士比亞 的 廚房。安妮在那兒,滿臉通紅,惱怒萬分。 她尖聲 喊著:37. “你怎么能這樣待我?孩子們怎么 辦? ”她看見了我,就不再說話。38. 威爾坐在桌旁??匆娢?,他很高興?!拔腋嬖V安妮,”他平靜地說,“我要到倫敦去生 活。我想當(dāng)一名演員。要是可能的話,我還想 寫劇 本?!?9. 他轉(zhuǎn)向安妮,說道,“聽著,有空的時候我會回來的。不過我必須去倫敦。在斯特拉特福我什么也做不成?!?0. 他從屋子那邊望著我,問道,“托比,你要和我一塊兒去嗎? ”41. “什么時候動身?"我問他。42. 乘坐馬車去倫敦要花兩天時間。 我坐著馬車進(jìn)入倫敦,

23、開始感到害怕。這是一座其大 無比 的城市,而我們不過是兩個從小鎮(zhèn)上來的 微不足道 的年輕人。 我永遠(yuǎn)也忘不了那喧鬧聲,那氣味兒,那擁擠的人流。倫敦有 20萬人,我 以前可從沒見過這么多的人。as beautiful as the quee n of egypt, and asclever as king solomon."26 . i did n't see much of will's wife.she came from a very serious, purita n family.lots of church-go ing, and no singing or

24、 dancing.27 . soon there was another babyon the way, and one evening in february 1585, i hurried rou nd to hen ley street to hear the news.will'ssister, joan, openedthe door, and the n w川 came running dow n the stairs.28 . "it's two of them!" he said. "twins!a girl and a boy.

25、is n't that won derful?"29 . will had some good friends, hamnet and judith sadler, and he called the twins after them. john shakespeare was very pleased to have his first grandson, and every one was happy. for a while.30 . will and i still we nt around together when we could. he was still r

26、eading, and writing, and soon i could see a change in him. he was twenty-three now, and he was not happy with his life.31 . "stratford's too small, toby," he said. "too slow. too quiet. too monotonous. i've got to get away."32 . "yes, but how?" i asked. "yo

27、u've got a family - three young childre n, remember."33 . he did n't answer.34 . in the summermon thscompanies of players often came to small towns, and in 1587 five differe nt compa nies came. w川 and i always went to see the plays. w川 loved to talk to the actors and to liste n to all t

28、heir stories of london.35 . the queen's men came to43. 第二天,我們開始找工作。開頭兒那幾年可真不錯。當(dāng)然,我們沒有多少錢,得拼 命地做 事。新演員每周只能拿到六先令,而且又不是每周46. “我沒你聰明,"我說,“我去管服裝和道具吧。”47. 威爾擅長表演。說不上最好,但也相當(dāng)不錯。一名演員必須多才多藝。他當(dāng)然得記住臺詞一一有時,要同時背六個劇本的臺詞。居 y院每天上 演的劇都不一樣。他得會跳舞、唱歌,還要會演奏音樂。他得蹦跳、撲臥、搏斗。那 些搏 斗場面要看起來惟妙惟肖才行。倫敦那些 戲迷一看 到這種搏斗場面,就知道演得

29、像不像。48. 威爾不分白天黑夜地忙碌著。我現(xiàn)在也不記得他什么時候睡過覺。他在劇里扮演角色,他寫自己的劇本,讀書,與其他作家會面、交 友他不停地學(xué)呀,學(xué)呀,學(xué)呀。49. 一天,我們碰見了勃貝奇,這是斯頓 基伯 爵劇團(tuán)的一個演員。50. “威爾,你已經(jīng)寫了四個劇本了,”他說,“都不錯。你在不斷地進(jìn)步啊。作為演 員,我 也在不斷提高。到河畔街的玫瑰劇場來 為斯頓基伯 爵劇團(tuán)工作吧。你可以為我們寫劇 本?!?1. 在玫瑰劇場,我們比以往任何時候都更賣勁兒地工作。因?yàn)楣饩€的原因,劇一般都在下午演出。我們上午排練。到吃午飯的時侯,已經(jīng)有人從河那邊過來,找好位置等著看劇了。觀眾越來越多。到了 1592年,

30、威廉?莎士比亞 的名 字已傳遍了倫敦。都有活兒干。我決定不做演員了。44 .“為什么不? ”威爾說,“演員的生活多好。”45 .當(dāng)時我們在肖瑞迪斯一個名叫“帷幕” 的劇場里為女王劇團(tuán)當(dāng)差。威爾在兩個不同的劇里扮演了四個小角色。他在一個劇里扮演士 兵和謀殺 犯,在另一個劇里扮演一個小偷,和 一個愛上了“夜之女王”的意大利貴族。他喜 歡演戲。stratford in june, and we went to see the play. will said it was a stupid play, with not a word of poetry in it.36 . one evening a

31、 few mon ths later, i walked in to the shakespeares' kitchen, and there was anne, with a red, angry face, shout ng at the top of her voice.37 . "how can you do this to me?and what about the children? ” then she saw me and stopped.38 .w川 was sitting at the table,and looked pleased to see me.

32、 "i've told ann e," he said quietly, "that rm going to livein london. 1 want to be an actor, and to write plays, if i can."39 . he turned to anne, " listen.ni come home whe n 1 can, but i must go to london. 1 can't do anything in stratford."40 . he looked at me

33、across the room. "are you coming with me, toby?"41 . "how soon can we start?" i said.42 . it's two days' journey tolondon by horse, and when we rode into london, 1 bega n to feel afraid. this was a big, big city, and we were just two in sig ni fica nt young men from a sma

34、ll tow n. ni never forget the noise, and the smells, and the crowds. there were 200,000 people livi ng in the city of london - i n ever saw so many people before in my life.43 . the next day we began to look for work. those early years were won derful.we did n't have much mon ey, of course, and

35、we had to work very hard. a new actor only got six shilli ngs a week, and there was n't work every week. i decided not to be an actor.44."why not?" said will. "it's a great life."45 . we were worki ng that mon th for the queen's men at the theatre called the curtain u

36、p in shoreditch. will was acting four small parts in two differe nt plays. he played a soldier and a murderer in one play, and in the other play he was a thief, and also an italian lord in love with the queen of the night. and he loved it.46 . "i'm not clever like you," i said. "i am going to do costumes," i said. "and properties."47 .w川 was good at acting. notthe best, but good. an actor had to be versatile. he h


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