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1、the code of conductas a member of the armed forces of the united states, you are protecting your nation. it is your duty to oppose all enemies of the united states in combat, or if a captive, in a prisoner of war compound. your behavior is guided by the code of conduct, which has evolved from the he

2、roic lives, experiences and deeds of americans from revolutionary war to the southeast asian conflict.your obligations as a us citizen and a member of the armed forces result from the traditional values that underlie the american experience as a nation. these values are best expressed in the us cons

3、titution and the bill of rights, which you have sworn to uphold and defend. you would have these obligations to your country, your service and unit and your fellow americans even if the code of conduct had never been formulated as a high standard of general behavior.just as you have a responsibility

4、 to your country under the code of conduct,the united states government has an equal responsibility always to keep faith with you and stand by you as you fight for your country. if you are unfortunate enough to become a prisoner of war, you may rest assured that your government will care for your de

5、pendents and will never forget you. furthermore, the government will use every practical means to contact, support and gain release for you and for all other prisoners of war. to live up to the code, you must know not only its words but the ideas and principles behind those wordsthe code of conduct

6、is an ethical guide. its six articles deal with your chief concerns as an american in combat; these concerns become critical when you must evade capture, resist while a prisoner or escape from the enemy.experiences of captured americans reveal that to survive captivity honorably would demand from yo

7、u great courage, deep dedication and high motivation. to sustain these personal values throughout captivity requires that you understand and believe strongly in our free and democratic institutions, love your country, trust in the justice of our cause, keep faithful and loyal to your fellow prisoner

8、s and hold firmly to your religious and moral beliefs in time of trial.your courage, dedication and motivation supported by understanding, trust and fidelity will help you endure the terrors of captivity, prevail over your captors and return to your family, home and nation with honor and pride.code

9、of conduct ii am an american fighting in the forces that guard my country and our way of life, i am prepared to give my life in their defenseall men and women in the armed forces have the duty at all times and underall circumstances to oppose the enemies of the united states and uspport its national

10、 interests. in training or in combat alone or with others, while evading capture or enduring captivity, this duty belongs to each american defending our nation regardless of circumstances.nation regardless of circumstancescode of conduct iii will never surrender of my own free will. if in command i

11、will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resistas an individual, a member of the armed forces may never volunatrily surrender. when isolated and no longer able to inflict casualties on the enemy, the american soldier has an obligation to evade capture and rej

12、oin friendly forces.only when evasion by an individual is impossible and further fighting would lead only to death, with no significnat loss to the enemy should one consider surrender. with all reasonable means of resistance exhausted and with certain death the only alternative, capture does not imp

13、ly dishonor.the responsibility and authority of a commander never extends to the surrender of a command to the enemy while the comand has the power to fight and evade. when isolated, cut off or surrounded, a unit must continue to fight until relieved or able to rejoin friendly forces through continu

14、ed efforts to break out orevade the enemycode of conduct iiiif i am captured i will continue to resist by all means availalbe. iwill make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. i will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemythe duty of a member of the armed forces to use all

15、 means available to resistthe enemy is not lessened by the misfortune of captivity. a pow is still legally bound by the uniform code of military justice and ethically guided by the code of conduct. under provisions of the geneva convention, a prisoner of war is also subject to certain rules imposed

16、by the captor nation. when repatriated a pow willnot be condemned for having obeyed reasonable captor rules, such as sanitation regulationthe duty of a member of the armed forces to continue to resist does not mean a prisoner should engage in unreasonable harassment as a form of resistance. retaliat

17、ion by captors to the detriment of that prisoner and other prisoners is frequently the primary reason of such harassment.the geneva convention recognizes that a pow may have the duty to attempt escape. in fact the geneva convention prohibits a captor nation from executing a pow simply for attempting

18、 escape. under the authority of the senior official (often called the senior ranking officer or sro) a pow must be prepared to escape whenever the opportunity presents itself. in a pow compound, the senior pow must consider the welfare of those remaining behind after an escape. however, as a matter

19、of conscious determination, a pow must plan to escape, try to escape and assist others to escape.contrary to the spirit of the geneva convention, enemies engaged by u.s. forces since 1950 have regarded the pow compound as an extension of the battlefield. in doing so, they have used a variety of tact

20、ics and pressures, including physical and mental mistreatment, torture and medical neglect to exploit pows for propaganda purposes, to obtain military information or to undermine pow organization, communication and resistance.such enemies have attempted to lure american pows into accepting specialfa

21、vors or privileges in exchange for statements, acts of information. unless it is essential to the life or the welfare of that person or another pow or to the success of efforts to resist or escape a pow must neither seek nor accept special favors or privilege. one such privilege is called parole. pa

22、role is a promise by a prisoner of war to a captor to fulfill certain conditions such as agreeing not to nor to fight again once released in return for such favors as relief from physical bondage improved food and living conditions or repatriation ahead of the sick, inured or longer-held prisoners.

23、an american pow will never sign nor otherwise accept parolecode of conduct ivif i become a prisoner of war, i will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. i will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. if i am senior, i will take command. if not, i will obe

24、y the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.informing or any other action to the detriment of a fellow prisoner is despicable and is expressly forbidden. prisoners of war must avoid helping the enemy identify fellow prisoners who may have knowledge of particular

25、 value to the enemy and who may therefore be made to suffer coercive interrogation.strong leadership and communication are essential to discipline. discipline is the key to camp organization, resistance and even survival. personal hygiene, camp sanitation and the care of the sick and wounded are imp

26、erative. officers and noncommissioned officers of the united states must continue to carry out their responsibilities and exercise their authority in captivity. the responsibility and accountability may not be evaded.if the senior is incapacitated or is otherwise unable to act, the next senior perso

27、n will assume command. camp leaders should make every effort to inform all pows of the chain of command and try to represent them in dealing with enemy authorities. the responsibility of subordinates to obey the lawful orders of ranking american pows should make all efforts to adhere to the principl

28、es of article with other provisions of this code, common sense and the conditions of captivity will affect the way in which the senior person and the other pows organize to carry out their responsibilities. what is important is that everyone support and work within the pow organization.code of

29、 conduct vshould i become a prisoner of war, i am required to give name rank, service number and date of birth. i will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. i will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies.when questioned, a prisoner of war is

30、required by the geneva convention to give name, rank, service number (ssn) and date of birth. the prisoner should make very effort to avoid giving the captor any additional information. the prisoner may communicate with captors on matters of health and welfare and additionally may write letters home

31、 and fill out a geneva convention "capture card." it is a violation of the geneva convention to place a prisoner under physical or mental duress, torture or any other type of coercion in an effort to secure informationif under such intense coercion, a pow discloses unauthorized information

32、, makes an unauthorized statement or performs an unauthorized act, that prisoners' peace of mind and survival require a quick recovery of courage, dedication and motivation to resist a new each subsequent coercionactions every pow should resist include making oral or written confessions/apologie

33、s, answering questionnaires, providing personal histories, creating propaganda recordings, broadcasting appeals to other prisoners of war, avoiding any other material readily usable for propaganda purposes, appealing for surrender or parole, furnishing self-criticisms and communicating on behalf of

34、the enemy to the detriment of the united states, its allies, its armed forces or other pows.every pow should also recognize that any confession signed or statement made may be used by the enemy as false evidence that the person is a "war criminal" rather than a pow. several countries have

35、made reservations to the geneva convention in which they assert that a "war criminal" conviction deprives the convicted individual of prisoner-of-war status, removes that person from protection under the geneva convention and revokes all rights to repatriation until a prison sentence is se

36、rved.recent experiences of american prisoners of war have proved that, although enemy interrogation sessions may be harsh and cruel, one can resist mistreatment when the will to resist remains intact.the best way for a prisoner to keep faith with country, fellow prisoners and self is to provide the

37、enemy with as little information as possible.code of conduct vii will never forget that i am an american fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles with made my country free. i will trust in my god and in the united states of america.a member of the armed forces

38、 remains responsible for personal actions at all times.a member of the armed forces who is captured has a continuing obligation to resist and to remain loyal to country, service, unit and fellow prisoners.upon repatriation, pows can expect their actions to be reviewed, both as to circumstances of ca

39、pture and conduct during detention. the purpose of such review is to recognize meritorious performance as well as to investigate possible misconduct. each review will be conducted with due regard for the rights of the individual and consideration for the conditions of captivity. captivity of itself

40、is not a condition of culpability.members of the armed forces should remember that they and their dependents will be taken care of by the appropriate service and that pay and allowances, eligibility and procedures for promotion and benefits for dependents continue while the service member is detaine

41、d. service members should assure that their personal affairs and family matters (such as pay, powers of attorney, current will and provisions for family maintenance and education) are properly and currently arranged. failure to so arrange matters can create a serious sense of guilt for a pow and pla

42、ce unnecessary hardship on family members.the life of a prisoner of war is hard. each person in this stressful situation must always sustain hope and resist enemy indoctrination. prisoners of war standing firm and united against the enemy will support and inspire one another in surviving their ordea

43、l and in prevailing over misfortune with honor.the code of conductreferences: field manual 21-75, training circular 27-12, army regulation 350-301. what army regulation covers the code of conduct?army regulation 350-302. the code of conduct applies to who?all members of the united states forces at a

44、ll times.3. how many articles are in the code of conduct?six4. what is the first article of the code of conduct?i am an american fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. i am prepared to give my life in their defense.5. what is the second article of the code of conduct?i wi

45、ll never surrender of my own free will. if in command, i will never surrender my soldiers while they still have the means to resist.6. what is the third article of the code of conduct?if i am captured, i will continue to resist by all means available. i will make every effort to escape and aid other

46、s to escape. i will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy7. what is the fourth article of the code of conduct?if i become a prisoner of war, i will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. i will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. if i

47、 am senior i will take command. if not, i will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.8. what is the fifth article of the code of conduct?when questioned, should i become a prisoner of war, i am required to give name, rank, service number and date of bir

48、th. i will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. i will make no oral or written statement disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.9. what is the sixth article of the code of conduct?i will never forget that i am an american fighting for freedom, respo

49、nsible for my actions and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. i will trust in my god and the united states of america.10. when was the code of conduct put into effect?17 august 1955, revised in 198711. when does a soldier surrender?never under his own free will.12. when captured

50、what should you do?continue to resisttry to escape and aid others to escapenot accept parole or other favors13. what favors can you expect from the enemynone14. can you ever accept command of pows in a camp?yes, if you are the senior nco or officer. chaplains and medical personnel will normally not

51、take command.15. what (who) is the detaining power?the forces that hold the pow16. what is the geneva convention on prisoners of war?the gc is a treaty agreed upon by one or more nations for the protection and the conduct of the prisoner of war and consist of 25 sections.17. what is meant by the pro

52、tecting powers and what are their duties?protecting powers are delegates appointed by the convention powers for the protection of the geneva convention. their duties are to safeguard the interest of the parties involved in the conflict. 18. the law of war is derived from two principle sources. what

53、are they?lawmaking treaties or conventionscustoms (written or customary laws)19. what is the greatest factor in making the convention work?effectiveness depends on whether the governments concerned are willing to abide by the terms of the convention20. what information must one give if captured?name

54、, rank, service number and date of birth21. what items may a pow retain?identity papers, grade insignia and unit marks, items of proection (mask and helmet) and personal items.22. in your own words, what does the code of conduct mean to you?example: it is a written law (executive order) which govern

55、s my actions and conductduring the time of war should i become captured or a prisoner of war.23. what is the main purpose of the geneva convention?in general, rules provide that prisoners of war must be treated humanely. specifically forbidden are violence to life and person, cruel treatment and tor

56、ture, outrages on personal dignity in particular, humiliating degrading treatment.24. can a person worship as he pleases under the geneva convention rules?yes.25. what are prisoners searched for?hidden weapons and documents of intelligence value.26. prisoners should be separated into what groups?off

57、icers, ncos, enlisted personnel, civilians, and females.27. the individual can be sure that while he is a pow the u.s. government will do what?make every possible effort to secure his release28. according to the geneva convention, the detaining power can require pows to perform labor in what situations or conditionsit is neither military in character or purpose and provided they are not endangered in combat and no ultra hazardous activities of a non military nature.29. it is important to properly handle pows and speed them to the rear. why?they may posses valuable intelli


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