1、安徽省蚌埠市 2012 屆高考英語專題總復習精選閱讀理解強化集(15)閱讀下列短文 , 從每題所給的四個選項(A、 B、 C和 D)中,選出最佳選項 .AChildren's Books:Hawking's fact and fictionGeorge F R Ellis& RubyBOOK REVIEWEDGeorge's- Secret Key to the Universeby Lucy & Stephen HawkingStephen Hawking'sbook A BriefHistoryof Time was a huge comme
2、rcialsuccess Itsachievements in bringing difficult scientific ideas to a wide audience are not soclear Now the distinguishedphysicisthas teamed up with his daughterLucy to producea children's book designed to communicate contemporary physicsWill it capture theattention of young minds and teach t
3、hem some real science? Or will it be boring andover the heads of the prospective readers?George's Secret Key to the Universeisan adventurestorycompletewithvillainsand hero and is illustrated with enjoyable line-drawings It involves a lost pig,a humorously portrayed intelligent computer, school b
4、ullies and a trip through theSolar System Didactic discussions on aspects of modern physics, such as supernovaexplosionsand black-holephysicsare hung on thisset-up There arealso fact boxeson physics and astronomy, and some photographs of astronomical phenomena: planets,comets, galaxies and so on Ove
5、rall, the book is a serious effort to convey factsandideasinpresentday astronomyand astrophysics,withinascience-fictionadventure storyThe mixtureis great Childrenlovefactsand adventurestories The combinationwillcatch theirinterestand keep them occupiedforhours After tenminutes of leafingthrough the
6、book, my granddaughter Ruby was deeply absorbed and I had to promise tobring it back for her to read after I had completed my review Like any educationaltool, it will succeed for some and not for others I suppose there should be moreof the former1 Where do you think this passage is taken?用心愛心專心-1-AF
7、rom a news storyB From a textbookCFrom a book reviewD From an advertisment2 Which of the following books is mainly reviewed in this passage?AGeorge's Secret Key to the UniverseB A Brief History of TimeCThe Nature of Space and TimeD Hawking's fact and fiction3What is the authors attitude towa
8、rds the bookbeing reviewed?AIt will be less successfulB It will be more successfulCIt will be a complete failureD It all depends on Ruby4 The underlinedword “l(fā)eafing” ( in the last paragrph) probably means _Aadding leaves to a bookB throwing away a bookCtearing up a bookDturningpages ofa bookBExerci
9、se, such as walking, can reduce the risk of diabetes(糖尿?。﹊n peoplewhose blood sugar is startingto rise That outcome was shown in a largestudy Despitetrying hard, those who dieted and worked out lost very little weight But they didmanage to maintain a regular walking program, and fewer of them went o
10、n to developdiabetes Exercisealsomay reduce the riskof heartdisease There seems to be some effect:Most of the heartprotectionappears to be realizedby walkingregularly More intenseexercise has been shown to provide only slightly greater benefitsActivepeoplearemuch lesslikelyto smoke;they rethinnerand
11、 they eatdifferently thanpeoplewho are less active They also tendto be moreeducated,andeducation is one of the strongest predictors of good health in general and a longerlifeAs a result,itis impossibleto know withconfidencewhetherexercisepreventsheart disease or whether people who are less likely to
12、 get heart disease are alsomore likely to be exercisingStill,inrigorousstudiesinwhichelderlypeoplewereassignedeithertoexercise or maintain their normal routine, the exercisers were less likely to fall,perhaps because they got stronger or developed better balance Exercise may prevent用心愛心專心-2-broken b
13、ones but only indirectlyAnd what about weight loss? Lifting weightsbuilds muscles but willnot make youburn more calories Jack Wilmore,an exercisephysiologistat Texas A & M University,calculated that theaverage amount of muscle that men gained after a serious12-weekweight-liftingprogram was 2 kil
14、ograms,or 44 poundsThat added muscle would increasethe metabolic rate(代謝率)by only 24 calories a dayExercisealone,in the absence of weightloss,has not been shown to reduce bloodpressure Nor does itmake much differencelosscan lowerblood pressureand cholesterolincholesterol(膽固醇)levels Weightlevels,but
15、ifyou want to loseweight,you have to diet as well as exercise Exercise alone has not been shown to bringsustainedweightloss Justask Steven Blair,an exerciseresearcherat the Universityof South Carolina He runs every day and even runs marathonsBut, he adds,“I wasshort,fatand bald when I startedrunning
16、,and I m stillshort,fatand bald Weightcontrol is difficult for me I fight the losing battle”The difficulty, DrBlair says, is that its much easier to eat 1,000 caloriesthan to burn off1,000 calorieswithexercise As he relates,“An oldfootballcoachused to say,I have all my assistants running five miles
17、a day, but they eat 10miles a day”5 In the case of Steven Blair, running does _ to his weight controlAlittleB muchC goodDharm6 The last paragraph of the text tells us that the problem is that people tend to_?Aburn off 1,000 calories in a dayB use more energy than they getCget more energy than they u
18、seD run five miles in a football game7 Which of the following is true according to the text?AExercise can certainly prevent heart diseaseBExercise alone can not reduce blood pressureCLifting weight can directly prevent broken bonesDWalking can not reduce blood sugar in people8 According to the text,
19、 the more educated one is, the _用心愛心專心-3-Aless exercise one will takeB stronger and thinner one will beCmore cigarettes one will smokeD healthier one will generally beCFRIDAY, Dec 5, 2008 College students who think all-night study sessions willhelp them remember facts might want to get some sleep in
20、steadThat's the messagefrom a new study that finds that as you sleep, the mind consolidates the things youlearn during the dayStudy participantswho learnedhow to playa videogame in the morning or eveningdid a better job the next day after a night's rest, apparently because their brainswere a
21、ctively absorbing what they'd learned as they sleptThe finding shows "that sleep is not just a passive state when no information is coming in," said Howard Nusbaum, a professor of psychology at the University ofChicago For thestudy,theresearchersrecruited200 collegestudentsMost of them
22、 weren'tvery familiarwith playingvideo gamesSome of the participantslearnedhow toplaythe games in the morning, while others learned in the eveningThe researchers thentested the subjects on the video games 12 hours later and 24 hours laterThosewho tookpartinthemorningtrainingsessionsshowedan aver
23、ageeight-percentage-pointimprovementintheirperformanceimmediatelyaftertraining They performedmore poorly scoringfourpercentagepointsbetter 12 hourslater But they scored 10 percentage points better the next morning"If we train you in the morning and come back at the end of the day, you forgetsom
24、e of what you learned," Nusbaum said "But if you sleep after that, it restoressome of what you learned "The studentswho tookpartinthe eveningtrainingsessionsperformedbetterthenext morning after sleeping, than they did after being trainedThe rolethatdreams playinthelearningprocess if a
25、ny isn'tclearButsomedreams could serve as a kind of practice for the brain, Nusbaum said "If you playa videogame a lot,and you're playingin yourdreams,maybe thatcouldhelp you learn "Jerry Siegel, professor at the Center for Sleep Research at the University of用心愛心專心-4-Calfornia, Los
26、 Angeles, said going without sleep hurts performance, but he's notconvinced that sleep itself actively contributes to learning"If you take a break for a few hours, it can easily be shown that learning didoccur, because performance is better at the start of a new learning session than itwas
27、at the end of the initial session," he said"No sleep needs to occur for thisto happen "Still, Siegel suggested that sleep before learning a skill is crucial "Forlong-term retention, it is more important to be well rested and therefore attentivewhen you are doing the learning than
28、 afterwards," he said "It is even better if youdon't have to choose and get your natural amounts of sleep every day "9What does the underlined wordwant (in Paragraph 1) mean?AlackB wishC desireDneed10What is mainly talked about in this text?AThe effect of video games on learningBT
29、he relation between sleep and learningCThe role of dreams in the learning processDThe difference between morning and evening trainings11What would be the best title for the text?ASleep strengthens learningB Dreams clearly help learningCA break before learning is betterD Video games improve performan
30、ce12Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?ATraining in the morning showed better results at onceBLearning won t occur during sleeping without dreams CSleeping well helps to absorb what one learnedDStudying all night helps to remember more factsDAn analysis of studies in
31、40 countries around the globe proves a long-standingassumption that the more a person knows about science, the more he or she tends tosupport scientific effortsIn fact,studiesthathave testedthe linkbetween a person'slevelof scientific用心愛心專心-5-knowledge and attitudes towards the field have genera
32、ted mixed results "It's beena very hard question," says sociologist Nick Allum of the University of Surrey inGuildford, UKTo resolve the issue, Allum and his colleagues pulled together the results ofnearly 200 surveys carried out between 1998 and 2003 in countries from Australia toBulg
33、aria These studies assessed, for example, whether participants knew certainscientificfactsand whether they supporteddevelopmentsingeneticallymodifiedfoodor nanotechnologyTo some extent, the results prove the belief widely held by science supporters:themore people know about science,themore favourabl
34、ythey tendto viewit,inspiteof other factors such as age, nationality and level of education Allum presentedhisresultsat themeeting of the American AssociationfortheAdvancement ofSciencein Washington DC last weekBut now this question is cleared up, researchers must begin to deal with morepressing que
35、stions, Allum says"The argument should move on "His finding cannot, for example, show whether better science education willincreasegeneralsupportforthe field Thisisbecause researchershave yet to figureoutwhetherpeoplewho learnmore aboutsciencethen tendtolikeitor,on thecontrary,whether peop
36、le who already like andsupportscience are simply tendtolearnfurtherfacts And a person'slevelofscientificknowledge actuallygoes a verytinyway towardsexplaining their attitudes towards scienceAllum believes that there are probablyfarmoreimportantfactors,suchastheirmoralvalues,religiousbeliefsandpo
37、litical leaningAnd people's trust in science may be influenced by how tightly regulated theybelieve the process to be in their country This might explain, in part, why thoseliving in different countries tend to hold different attitudes: Europeans tend tobe more doubtful of genetically modified c
38、rops than those in the United States, forexample Finally, science lovers hope to strengthen support for the field, but it looks用心愛心專心-6-as if simple science education will notbe enough As Allum says: "It'sall horriblycomplicated "13In Allum s opinion, _ will have little influence on a
39、persons attitudetowards scienceAscientific knowledgeB moral valuesCreligious beliefsDpoliticalleaning14 From the passage we can infer that _Athe surveys were carried out in a few countriesBEuropeans love science more than AmericansCAllum kept his research results a secretDNick Allum is not a natural
40、 scientist15The underlined wordthose refers to _Ascience loversB different attitudesCpeople in generalD geneticallymodified crops16 What is mainly talked about in this passage?ASpecial beliefs of thesociologist Nick AllumBLink between knowledge and love of scienceCWays in which people love scienceDT
41、he function of science educationESTREAMWOOD, Ill For years, attendance was small at Tefft MiddleSchool syearlyparent-teacherconferences,but the principaldid not blame familiesfortheirpoor responseInstead, she blamed the poor way the conferences were conducted“Five years ago, the most important perso
42、nthe student was left out of theparent-teacher conference,” Teffts principal, Lavonne Smiley, said“ The oldconferences were such a negative thing, so we turned it around,” allowing studentsnot only to attendbut alsoto lead the gatheringsinsteadof anxiouslyawaitingtheirparents return home with the te
43、achers opinion on their classroom performance用心愛心專心-7-Recently, 525 parents attended parent-teacher-student conferences, Ms Smileysaid, compared with 75 parents in 2003No appointments were needed, and everyonewas welcome at the conferences this year, spread over two days that school officialscalled
44、a Celebration of Learning“I think we re learning that every school has its own DNA, and there is nota prescriptionforconferencesthatworks forevery school, ” Ms Kinney said “ Thereissuchani ncreasinglydiversepopulationatournation sschools,theone-size-fits-all model conference just doesnt work anymore
45、 ”At some schools,not onlyare studentson hand forconferences,but theirsiblingsare also welcome, as are grandparents, aunts and uncles, even family friendsWhen Mark Heller accepted a job as an assistant principal at the middle schoolin his hometown of Plano, Ill , he discovered that the community had
46、 changed a lotin the eight years he had been a teacher in Iowa The population had nearly doubledto 10,000 residents, and 37 percent of the students at Plano Middle School were nowfrom low-income familiesThe traditionalparent-teacher conferenceswithout a student present are alwaysavailable by appointment,and sometimesnecessary,for example,todiscussa privatematter concerning a non-custodial(無監(jiān)護權的)par
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