1、故障代碼類:1. 031:sensor adapter 2 COM timeout2. 257: Gyro 3 com error3. 380:AIS COM ERROR4. 450:5. 470: datum change6. 495:anchor watch error7. 635:no official data8. 640:chartalign:over 30 min9.820: navtex message received考點(diǎn)(題中穿插):1. DISP SETTING(chart watch sector)2. Basic setti ng:shallow patter nCha
2、rt disp: AIOSymbol disp: magn etic variati onChart alert:shallow con tour,safety depth,safety con tour,deep con tour3. GREENcense ok,chart is up-to-dateORANGlfce nse is valid,but not up-to-dateMage nta :lice nse is valid,but not loaded to the ECDISYELLOWite nse ok,up-to-date status doubtfulREDnot av
3、ailable or expiredBLUE:ca nceled chart單項(xiàng)選擇題(目前72個(gè),未完待續(xù))1. how do you get informationon an ENC object( buoy-beacon-berthetc )on the FURUNO ECDIS?A. I right click on the use chart fun cti on in the route pla nningtool.B. I click on the chart info in the instant access batC. I en ter click on the objec
4、t.D. I right click on the object估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:2. where can you find alist of the manual updates that have beenapplied to the FURUNO ECDIS?A. i n the chart lege ndB. ln the manual update win dowC. ln the chart catalogueD. ln the chart display menu估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:3. how can you see if a chart object i cteated
5、 using manual updates ?A. the manual update will be larger tha n any other chart objectsB. It is always show n in redC. It will have a specialorange markerD. There is no way i can see if a chart object is created usingmanual updates估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:4. How do you add navigationchart objects to the FURUNOCD
6、ISwhenyou are require to do so by no tices to mariners ?A. i can not add any chart objects to the ECDIS uni ess they arein cluded in the weekly updateB. I use the manual update fun cti onC. I use the user chart fun cti onD. I use the chart edit fun cti on估計(jì)答案:我估計(jì)選B老大選D正確答案:5. how can you verity whic
7、h route is being monitored?A. by clicking on the“route and then on “route info in thequick access sidebar in Pla n modeB. The mame of the route will be displayed in the status barC. By clickingon “route and then on “route info in the quickaccess sidebar in Navi modeD. I can not get informationon the
8、 route which is being monitored估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C6. where do you switch betwee nmulticolor and two colorsett ingfor the chart?A. i n chart lege ndB. ln symbol displayC. ln basic settingD. ln chart display估計(jì)答案:C 網(wǎng)上選C正確答案:C7. what should you remember to set up firstwhen planning a route?A. the sett ing for
9、the voyage logB. The alarm level in the operati on subme nuC. The safety con tour in the route pla ning toolD. The radar overlay估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C8. Which ECDIS setti ngis adjusted in ship and route parametersA. chart alig nment排列圖B. Safety con tourC. Safety depth估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C9. When do you use a manual up
10、date ?A. always whe n i have to update my chartsB. When i receive information which must be displayed on my ECDISand this is not yet in eluded in the official weekly updatesC. I should n ever use manual updatesD. When i have to update the software of the ECDIS估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:10. How do you hide( not dele
11、te) a manual update objete?A. i select clear from the manual update menuB. I select undo last from the manual update menuC. I deselect that general type of chart object in the chart display dialogueD. I deselect the opti on from the symbol display dialogue估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:11. Can you create a manual updat
12、e from an AIS safety message shown on the ECDIS?A. yes-by manu ally creati ng the objectB. Y es-by lett ing the ECDIS creat the object an tomaticallyC. Yes-either by creating it manually or letting the ECDIS createit automaticallyD. No估計(jì)答案:Aavailable in the FURUNO ECDIS?12. which record ing fun cti
13、on isA. gyro logB. E ngi ne logC. Ship ' s logD. Details log估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:D13. How do you update your vector charts on the FURUNOCDISusing the ENC update CD?A. i use the autoload fun cti onB. I cteate a manual update from the information on the CDC. I creat a user chartD. I import the information u
14、sing the chart details function inthe chart catalogue估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:14. can you edit the user chart when the ECDIS is in Navi mode 'A. YesB. Only if the user chart is not linked to a route planC. Yes if the user chart contains no tidal informationD. No估計(jì)答案:D15. Can you edit a route without removing
15、it from the routemon itori ng fun cti on?A. NoB. Yes,but i must copy it to another ECDIS where it can be edited without interfering with the monitoring function of the FURUNO ECDISC. Y es,if i create a copy of the route pla n in ANTS format on aUSB and edit the file on a normal offrice PCD. Yes,if i
16、 select copy from monitor in the route plan menu and edit the copy.whe n copy ing is completed i select-excha nge with mon itor in the pla n menu估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:16. Which operation can you perform on the FURUNO ECDISA. i can record my position manually on the ENCSB. I can set the ECDIS to automatically s
17、hoos ing a safety con tourbased on my setting of ship' s maximum draftC. I can set ship' s maximum height to enable chart alerts fromareas in charts where there is not sufficient air draftD. I can send a copy of my route pla n to an AIS target as a safety message估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:17.which in format
18、in can you find inA.T&P noticeVECTOICHART LEGEND?B.NameC.Warni ngD.Safety con tour sett ing估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:B18.Where do you select the color Palette 顏色暗淡模式used to display the charts?A. i n chart lege ndB. ln chart displayC. In quick accessor barD. ln chart catalogue估計(jì)答案:C網(wǎng)上選C正確答案:C19.Which informatio
19、n can you find in theRaster Chart Lege nd?A.horiz on tal datumB.Safety depthC.User permit nu mberD.Lice nse nu mber估計(jì)答案:A2O.Which information can you find in theRaster Chart Lege nd?A. shallow waterB. Chart n ameC. Chart viewi ng dateD. Depth con tour估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:B21. Which in formati on can you find
20、in theVector Chart Lege nd?A. no tice to marinerB. Presentation library edition numberC. Chart edition & update dateD. Safety con tour sett ing估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C22. How can you tell if your FURUNO ECDIS is displayi ng an ENC?A. there is an ENC data available indication in the own shipfun cti ons boxB.
21、 there is an RNC data indication in the own ship functionsboxC. The FURUN(ECDISwill give an audible alarm if i am not viewingan ENCD. There is no special in dicati on in the own ship fun cti ons box估計(jì)答案:A網(wǎng)上選D正確答案:23. How do you manually record Own Ship's current positionin theLogs?A. by opening
22、the voyage log and entering the current positionB. By right clicki ng on own ship icon on the use in terfaceC. By press the record butt on on the con trol unitD. By using the record positi on eve nt fun cti on of the eve nt log估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:24. What is a Manual Update?A. A manual update is an update ap
23、plied using the manual fun cti onin load & update chartsB. A manual update is an update to the charts created by theoperator from informationreceived from pilot-anavtex message-aVHF broadcast etc.C. A manual update is an update to the charts by an officialreprese ntative of the chart producerD.
24、A manual update is a chart created using the digitizerfunctionof FURUNO ECDIS估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:25. What should you do if you have toleave your planned routeduri ng a voyage?A. switch off the FURUNO ECDIS and concen trate on the radarB. Disable the routing monitoring on the RURUNO ECDISC. Change the display
25、 of the FURUNO ECDIS to all IMO all otherD. Configue and enable the check area function to assis me insca ning the ENCS for dan ger to n avigatio n and hazardous objects 估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:perform 進(jìn)行on the FURUNO ECDIS?s positi on in the voyage log26. Which operati on can youA. I can record target shipautom
26、aticallyB.I can record a positionfix manually bu using just one distanee and one beari ngC. I can playback my past voyage track on the chartsD. I can send my route pla n and user chart and no tes to FURUNO GPS for displaying the GPS估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:27. Where can you cha nge the sett ings for theSafety Con
27、 tour usedfor mon itori ng?A. no where-because i must n ever cha nge the sett ing for the safetycon tourB. ln the sett ing menu and i can only cha nge the sett ing if i havethe service passwordC. ln chart alertD. ln the route planing tool估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:28. Which color scheme is used for a Manual update
28、on the Fur uno ECDIS?A. blue ENC symbolsB. sta ndard ENC symbolsC. orange ENC symbolsD. red ENC symbols估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:29.Which sett ing can becha nged in Sen sorsA. log stabilization modeB. Safety con tour sett ingC. Safety depth sett ingD. Kalmen filter setting估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:A3O.Where do you cha nge theShi
29、p Outli nes 輪廓?A. i n the quick access barB. ln chart displayC. ln symbol displayD. ln the status bar估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C31. Ca n you set theoverall maximum speed for a route pla n?A. yes in theship and route parameters of menuB. ln chart displayC. Yes in optimizati on parametersD. Yes in the route planing
30、tool估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:A32. Which in formati on can you find in theVector Chart Lege nd?A. magt inec variati onB. Base CD nu mberC. Permit expirati on dateD. Safety con tour sett ing估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:33. Where do you cha nge theVelocity Vectors style ?A. i n the quick access barB. ln chart displayC. ln symbol disp
31、layD. ln the status bar估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C34. Where can you find in formati on concerning thecharts storedon the HDD硬盤驅(qū)動(dòng)器?A. o n the in ternetB. The chief officer will knowC. ln the chart catalogueD. ln thechart display menu估計(jì)答案:C或D可能性比擬大網(wǎng)上選C正確答案:35. How do you document記錄your previous voyage on the FURUNO
32、ECDIS?A. I use my paper logbook as docume ntati onB. l use my paper logbook and my VDR or SVDR as docume ntati onC. l use the tracking function in the symbol displayD. l show a playback of my past voyage track on the charts估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:36. Which operati on can you perform duri ng a voyage or aftercomp
33、letio n of a voyage?A. i can use the record fun cti on to record special eve nts in thevoyage logB. l can create and save ascreen shot 截屏for future referenceC. l can view and print a copy of details logD. l can connect the ECDIS to the internat and upload alldocume ntati on to an exter nal storage估計(jì)
34、答案:A正確答案:37. Which in formati on can you find in theRaster Chart Lege nd?A. mag netic variatio nB. Safety con tour sett ingC. Quality of dataD. T&P notice估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:A38. How can you reset the odometer ?A. I can reset the odometer from the voyage tab of the menuB. I can reset the odometer from th
35、e sen sor sett ing dialogueC. I can reset the odometer from the symbol display dialogueD. I can reset the odometer from the quick access sidebar估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:A39. Can you plan a route while you monitor another route?A. NoB. Yes but only if i have two ECDISC. Yes the routing planing function is independ
36、ent不相關(guān)聯(lián)的from the route mon itori ng fun cti onD. Yes but i must select the safety con tour for both route pla n估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C40. Where do you find information on the softwareversion of theFURUNO ECDIS?A. i n the voyage logB. In the system dialogue of the menuC. ln theabout dialogueD. In the S52 presen
37、tation library圖書館估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C41. How are loaded ENCs con verted into SENCswhe n updati ng?A. the FURUNO ECDIS will normally con vert轉(zhuǎn)變the ENCs to SENCsautomaticallyB. I must use the con vers ion tool轉(zhuǎn)變工具from the menuC. l can not con vert the ENCs to SENCsD. I load the new permit file using the file
38、namedENC.PMTand theni use S52 presentation library from the system menu in the chart menu to con vert the ENCs to SENCs估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:42. How do you add navigational chart objects to the FURUNO ECDISwhe n you are required to do so by in formati onreceived via VHFbroadcast?A. I can not add any chart obje
39、cts to the ECDIS uni ess they arein cluded in the weekly update CDB. I use themanual update fun cti onC. I use the user chart fun cti onD. I use the chart edit fun cti on估計(jì)答案:B類似于第4題正確答案:43. How do you switchfrom Vector chart to Raster charton theFURUNO ECDIS?A. i select rather chart in the main men
40、uB. I selet RNC in the chart lege ndC. I lelect raster chart from the drop down listin the status barD. I selet RNC in the chart catalogue估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C44. Which operation can you perform after completion of a voyage?A. i can add additi onal records of manual positi ons to the voyagelog add ing furthe
41、r details to the past voyageB. I can cteate a user chart from the monitored route plan and save it to a USB memory deviceC. l can create a backup copy of the voyage pla n on a USB memory deviceD. I can view and print a copy of the chart usage log(chart alert) 估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:D45. What is the maximum limi
42、t of theCheck Area ?A. NO limitB. 240mi n+20 nm+5km+999mC. 120mi n+10 nm+3km+500mD. 999mi n+999nm+999km+999m估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:Bin Ship and Route Parameters46. Which ECDISsetting is activatedA. Gyro errorB. Safety con tourC. Notes alarm timeD. Ship ' s minimum speed估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:A47. Where do you offset ow
43、n ship chart position on the FURUNOCDIS?A. i n symbol displayB. ln chart displayC. ln chart menuD. ln own ship fun cti ons box估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:D48. Where do you set system priority of multiple GPS conn ected to the FURUNO ECDIS?A. ln the sen sor dialogueB. ln basic setti ng.C. ln ship and route parameters
44、D. ln nav tools估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:A49. Where do you cha nge the Targets color ?A. i n the quick access barB. ln chart displayC. ln symbol dispalyD. ln the status bar估計(jì)答案:C正確答案:C50. Where do you con trol the sett ings and visibility of thechartlayers ?A. i n chart lege ndB. ln symbol displayC. ln chart displ
45、ayD. ln basic setti ng估計(jì)答案:C網(wǎng)上選C正確答案:51. which manual update objects can be hidden from view by operatior selecri on?A. only the manual updates special area (from the chart display dialogue)B. All manual updates objects (from the chart display dialogue)C. Only the manual updates buoys (from the char
46、t display dialogue)D. Only the manual updates sonding (from the chart display dialogue)估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:52. how do you switch the kalma n filter on or off?A. the kalman filter is always switched on when a route is put intomon itor mode and switched off whe n theres is no route beingmon itoredB. The kalman
47、 filter is always on so i never have to switch it onor offC. The kalman filter is swiched on or off in the sensor menu onthe positi on tabD. The kalman filter is switched on when steering is switched to autopilot估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:53. whe n the software of the FURUNO ECDIS is bei ng updated-it is importa nt
48、 that?A. the software is updated by a FURUNO service engin eer 古野檢修師B. the software is updated by thecapta in 船長C. the software is updated by the ship ' s electrical engineer 老電D. the software is updated by an IMO resentativeIMO 組織估計(jì)答案:A說明書中指出只能是人而不是單位組織,排除法正確答案:54. which operation can you perfo
49、rm with the FURUNOCDIS?A. i can send my route plan and user chart to any RADARor display on the RADARB. i can send my route pla n and user chart to any AIS for displayon the AISC. i can send my route pla n and user chart toany GPS fordisplay on the GPSD. i can send my route plan and user chart to aF
50、URUNRADAR fordispaly on the RADAR估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:55. Can you monitor a route even though it indicatesan active alert whe n you have completed the route pla n check?A. yes-the only thing preve nti ng me from mon itori ng would be animpossible turn message in the WPT tabB. Y es-if i en ter the service safe
51、ty passwordC. NOD. IT depe nds on the type of alert gen erated(safetycon tour-restricted area-cautio n area etc)估計(jì)答案:C或D(可能性較大)正確答案:56. how do you save your route to the HARD DISC DRIVEwhen is hasbee n edited?A. i don' t.the route is automatically saved to the hard disc drive whe never cha nges
52、are appliedB. I click on save or save as in the route pla ning toolC. I select save in the backup and restore dialogueD. I click new in the route pla nning tool估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:57. can you copy your manual updates from one FURUNO ECDIS to ano ther?A. NoB. Y es-by using the backup and restore dialogue to t
53、ran sfer the manual updates to a USBC. Y es-by sending the manual updates via an emailD. No-but i can transfer them to another manufacturer' s type ofECDIS估計(jì)答案:A正確答案:58. Which recordi ng fun ction isavailable in the FURUNO ECDIS?A. da nger target logB. E ngi ne logC. Speed logD. GPS log估計(jì)答案:A正確答
54、案:59. Where do you change the visibility of yourCircles ?A. i n chart lege ndB. ln symbol displayC. ln chart displayD. ln chart catalogue估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:B60. How do you start the route planning toolA. i press pla n on the con trol unitB. l click on the route icon in the status barC. l select route plan f
55、rom the menu dialogueD. l click on route in thequick access bar估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:61. where can youupdated the RNCs on the FURUNO ECDIS?A. i n the update fun cti on of the menuB. ln thechart manager (individual update)C. In the update function of the chart catalogueD. ln the update fun cti on of the chart l
56、ege nd估計(jì)答案:B正確答案:62. how do you modify an exist ing manual updates object?A. I use the ENC tab of the chart maintenance fun ctionB. l use the mariner tab of the symbol display functionC. l cannot modify a manual update-only delete itD. l use the list tab of manual update tool function估計(jì)答案:D正確答案:63. can you open the route planning tool when the ECDlSis in chart mode?A. yes if i open the menu dialogue fi
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