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1、2.12. 比:ratio比例:proportion利率:interest rate速率:speed 除:divide 除法:division商:quotient同類量:like quantity項(xiàng):term 線段:linesegment 角:angle 長度:length寬:width高度:height 維數(shù):dimension 單位:unit 分?jǐn)?shù):fraction百分?jǐn)?shù):percentage3. (1) 一條線段和一個(gè)角的比沒有意義 , 他們不是相同類型的量 .(2) 比擬式通過說明一個(gè)量是另一個(gè)量的多少倍做出的 , 并且這兩個(gè)量必須依 據(jù)相同的單位 .(5) 為了解一個(gè)方程 ,我們必須

2、移項(xiàng) , 直到未知項(xiàng)單獨(dú)處在方程的一邊 , 這樣就 可以使它等于另一邊的某量 .4. (1)Measuring the length of a desk, is actually comparing the lengthof the desk to that of a ruler.(3) Ratio is different from the measurement, it has no units. The ratio of the length and the width of the same book does not vary when the measurement unit ch

3、anges.(5)60 percent of students in a school are female students, which mean that 60 students out of every 100 students are female students.2.22. 初等幾何:eleme ntary geometry 三角學(xué):trigo no metry余弦定理:Law ofcosines 勾股定理 / 畢達(dá)哥拉斯定理 :Gou-Gu theorem/Pythagoras theorem 角:an gle 銳角:acute an gle直角:right an gle同終邊

4、的角:con termi nalangles 仰角:angle of elevation俯角:angle of depression全等:congruenee 夾角:included angle三角形:triangle三角函數(shù):trig ono metric fun ctio n直角邊:leg 斜邊:hypote nuse 對邊:opposite side 臨邊:adjace nt side 始 邊:initial side解三角形:solve a triangle互相依賴:mutually dependent表示成 :be denoted as 定義為 :be defined as3. (1

5、)Trigonometric function of the acute angle shows the mutually dependent relations between each sides and acute angle of the right triangle.(3)If two sides and the included angle of an oblique triangle areknown, then the unknown sides and angles can be found by using the law of cosines.(5)Knowing the

6、 length of two sides and the measure of the included angle can determine the shape and size of the triangle. In other words, the two triangles made by these data are congruent.4. (1) 如果一個(gè)角的頂點(diǎn)在一個(gè)笛卡爾坐標(biāo)系的原點(diǎn)并且它的始邊沿著 x 軸正方 向,這個(gè)角被稱為處于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)位置 .(3) 仰角和俯角是以一條以水平線為參考位置來測量的 , 如果正被觀測的物體 在觀測者的上方 ,那么由水平線和視線所形成的角叫做仰角

7、 . 如果正被觀測的物 體在觀測者的下方 , 那么由水平線和視線所形成的的角叫做俯角 .(5) 如果我們知道一個(gè)三角形的兩條邊的長度和對著其中一條邊的角度, 我們?nèi)绾谓膺@個(gè)三角形呢 ?這個(gè)問題有一點(diǎn)困難來答復(fù) , 因?yàn)樗o的信息可能確定兩 個(gè)三角形 , 一個(gè)三角形或者一個(gè)也確定不了 .2.32. 素?cái)?shù):prime 合數(shù):composite 質(zhì)因數(shù):prime factor/prime divisor公倍數(shù):com mon multiple正素因子:positive prime divisor除法算式:divisio nequati on 最大公因數(shù):greatest com mon divis

8、or(G.C.D)最小公倍數(shù):lowestcommon multiple(L.C.M) 整除:divide by整除性:divisibility過程:process 證明:proof 分類:classificati on剩余:rema in der 輾轉(zhuǎn)相除法:Euclidean algorithm有限集:finite set無限的:infinitely 可數(shù)的coun table 終止:term in ate與矛盾:con trary to3. (1)We need to study by which integers an integer is divisible, that is , w

9、hat factor it has. Specially, it is sometime required that an integer is expressed as the product of its prime factors.(3)The number 1 is neither a prime nor a composite number;A composite number in addition to being divisible by 1 and itself, can also be divisible by some prime number.(5)The number

10、 of the primes bounded above by any given finite integer N can be found by using the method of the sieve Eratosthenes.4. (1) 數(shù)論中一個(gè)重要的問題是哥德巴赫猜測 , 它是關(guān)于偶數(shù)作為兩個(gè)奇素?cái)?shù)和 的表示 .(3) 一個(gè)數(shù) , 形如 2p-1 的素?cái)?shù)被稱為梅森素?cái)?shù) . 求出 5 個(gè)這樣的數(shù) .(5) 任意給定的整數(shù) m 和素?cái)?shù) p,p 的僅有的正因子是 p 和 1, 因此僅有的可能 的p和m的正公因子是p和1.因此,我們有結(jié)論:如果p是一個(gè)素?cái)?shù),m是任意整 數(shù),那么p整除m

11、,要么(p,m)=1.2.42. 集:set 子集:subset 真子集:proper subset全集:uni verse補(bǔ)集:compleme nt 抽象集:abstract set并集:un io n 交集:in tersect ion 元素:element/member 組成:comprise/constitute包含:con tai n 術(shù)語:termi no logy 概念:con cept 上有界:bo un ded above 上 界:upper bound 最小的上界:least upper bound 完備性公理:completeness axiom3. (1)Set th

12、eory has become one of the common theoretical foundation and the important tools in many branches of mathematics.(3)Set S itself is the improper subset of S; if set T is a subsetof S but not S, then T is called a proper subset of S.(5)The subset T of set S can often be denoted by x, that is, Tconsis

13、ts of those elements x for which P(x) holds.(7)This example makes the following question become clear, that is, why may two straight lines in the space neither intersect nor parallel.4. (1)設(shè)N是所有自然數(shù)的集合,如果S是所有偶數(shù)的集合,那么它在N中的補(bǔ)集 是所有奇數(shù)的集合 .(3) 一個(gè)非空集合 S 稱為由上界的 , 如果存在一個(gè)數(shù) c 具有屬性 :x<=c 對于所 有S中的x.這樣一個(gè)數(shù)字c被稱為S

14、的上界.(5)從任意兩個(gè)對象x和y,我們可以形成序列(x,y),它被稱為一個(gè)有序 對,除非x=y,否那么它當(dāng)然不同于(y,x).如果S和T是任意集合,我們用 S*T表示所有有序?qū)?x,y),其中x術(shù)語S,y屬于T.在R.笛卡爾展示了如何通 過實(shí)軸和它自己的笛卡爾積來描述平面的點(diǎn)之后,集合S*T被稱為S和T的笛卡爾積 .2.52. 豎直線:vertical line水平線:horizontal line數(shù)對:pairs of numbers有序?qū)?ordered pairs縱坐標(biāo):ordinate橫坐標(biāo):abscissas 一一對應(yīng):one-to-one 對應(yīng)點(diǎn) :corresponding p

15、oints圓錐曲線 :conic sections 非空圖形 :non vacuous graph 直立圓錐 :rightcircular cone 定值角:con sta nt an gle母線:ge nerati ng line 雙曲線:hyperbola 拋物線:parabola 橢圓:ellipse退化的:degenerate 非退化的:nondegenerate 任意的:arbitrarily相容的:consistent在幾何上:geometrically二次方程:quadratic equation判另廿式:discrim inant行列式:determi nant3. 1In t

16、he planar rectangular coordinate system, one can set up a one-to-one correspondence between points and ordered pairs of numbers and also a one-to-one correspondence between conic sections and quadratic equation.3The symbol can be used to denote the set of ordered pairsx,ysuch that the ordinate is eq

17、ual to the cube of the abscissa.5According to the values of the discriminate,the non-degenerategraph of Equationiii maybe known to be a parabola , a hyperbolaor an ellipse.4. 1在例 1,我們既用了圖形,也用了代數(shù)的代入法解一個(gè)方程組其中一 個(gè)方程式二次的,另一個(gè)是線性的 。一個(gè)方程組的圖像給了我們關(guān)于解的信息。 而代數(shù)解給了我們關(guān)于圖像的信息。一個(gè)方程組的代數(shù)和它的解析幾何之間的 相互作用引人注目并且有用。3考慮一個(gè)非退

18、化的以Q為圓心的實(shí)圓,設(shè)P不等于Q是在經(jīng)過Q且垂直 于原所在平面的任意的一個(gè)實(shí)值定點(diǎn)。在連接P和圓上的點(diǎn)得到直線簇的點(diǎn)的軌跡稱為正圓錐。2.62向量: vector 單位向量: unit vector 法向量: normal vector位置向量:position vector基點(diǎn):base point 向量的尖端:tip of a vector向量的分量: component of a vector 點(diǎn)乘: dot product 參數(shù)方程: parametric equation 位移: displacement 在集合上: geometrical 平行線: parallel lines

19、平行于: parallel to 平行四邊形: parallelogram 不平行的: nonparallel 垂直的: perpendicular 指向: point 點(diǎn): point 加: add 乘以: multiply by3. (1)In space any two parallel vectors are collinear; two vectors can determine a plane if and only if they are nonparallel.(3)The product a A of a real number a and a vector A is sti

20、ll a vector which has length |a|A| and the same direction as A if a is a positive number and the opposite direction if a is a negative number.(5)By giving a point on a line and a nonzero vector parallel to the line, the parametric equation of the line can be obtained. A line can be expressed as a sy

21、stem of equations consisting of the equations for two plane.4. (1) 眾所周知,笛卡爾用一個(gè)數(shù)對來定位平面上的一個(gè)點(diǎn),用一個(gè)數(shù)的三元數(shù)組來定位空間的一個(gè)點(diǎn)。當(dāng)這個(gè)思想被推廣為n元實(shí)數(shù)組u (al, a2, an),對于任何整數(shù)N>=1,這個(gè)n元數(shù)組稱為一個(gè)n維點(diǎn)或者一個(gè)n維向量,各個(gè)數(shù) al, a2, an稱為這個(gè)向量的坐標(biāo)或者分量。(3)向量x1,x2, xn稱為線性相關(guān)的,如果存在不全為0的標(biāo)量使得a1x1+a2x2+anxn=0.向量x1, x2xn稱為線性無關(guān)的,如果 x1,x2xn不是線性相關(guān)的。2.72. 向量空

22、間: vector space 行向量:row vector 歹U向量:column vector 線 性相關(guān): linearly dependent 線性無關(guān) :linearly independent 線性組 合:li near comb in ati on數(shù)量級(jí):scalarproduct 矩陣:matrix 方陣:square matrix行列式:determi nant逆矩陣:inverse matrix單位矩陣:identity matrix 零矩陣:zero matrix 變換:transformation至U上的:onto 同構(gòu):isomorphism 同構(gòu)的:isomorph

23、ic 應(yīng)用微分方程:applied differential equations 數(shù)理經(jīng)濟(jì):mathematical economics量子力學(xué):quantum mechanics相容的 :consistent 最終的 :ultimately3. (1)Linear combination, linear dependence and linear independence are all important concepts of linear spaces.(3)Not only matrix can be used to solve a system of linearequations

24、, but also can be used to judge whether the system of equations have solutions and whether the solution is unique.(5)This conclusion is contradictory to the hypothesis of the problem, so the proposition to be proved is true.(7)let V be an n-dimensional vector space over the field F and W bean m-dime

25、nsional vector space over the field F. Let B and B' beordered bases for U and W respectively. Then any linear transformation T from V into W is determined by the matrix of T relative to B and B'.4. (1)如果V和W是在域F上的向量空間,任何V到W的到上的對應(yīng)的線性 變化T稱為一個(gè)V到W到上的同構(gòu)。如果存在一個(gè) V到W到上的同構(gòu),我們說 V同構(gòu)于W(3)當(dāng)p=1,一個(gè)p*q的矩陣只有一

26、行,稱為一個(gè)行向量。當(dāng) q=1時(shí),該矩陣 只有一列,稱為一個(gè)列向量。當(dāng) p 和 q 都是 1 時(shí),這種情況相當(dāng)不值一提 , 這里 不需要關(guān)注.一個(gè)有p個(gè)元素的列向量我們成為一個(gè) p向量,所以一個(gè)p向量是 一個(gè) p*1 的矩陣。(5) 一個(gè)m*n的矩陣有m個(gè)行向量和n列向量。設(shè)A是一個(gè)有實(shí)數(shù)元素的n階 方陣,那么 A 的 n 個(gè)行向量是線性無關(guān)的當(dāng)且僅當(dāng)行列式 |A| 不等于 0. 進(jìn)一步, A的n個(gè)列向量是線性相關(guān)的當(dāng)且僅當(dāng) A的n個(gè)列向量是線性相關(guān)的。332.8函數(shù)關(guān)系:function relation 表格:table 反函數(shù):inverse function簡單函數(shù): simple f

27、unction 特征函數(shù): characteristic function 復(fù)合函數(shù): composite function 映射: mapping 定義域: domain 值域: range 像: image 與成正比: be directly proportional to正變:direct variation反變:inverse variation 性質(zhì): property 按推廣的定義: in the extended sense 普遍化: generalize/universalize 并入: incorporate 無窮大: infinite 最 大值: maximum可測空間:

28、measurable space3. (1)Because the concept of function originated in physics, in the seventeenth century, people once believed that the function relation was nothing but a formula.(3)If to each value of the variable x, the variable y has adefinite value corresponding , then the variable y is the func

29、tion of variable x.(5)If f is a mapping from a space X to another space Y and g is a mapping from the space Y to the another space Z, then we can define a composite mapping h=g.f, which is a mapping from X to Z.4. (1) 函數(shù)提供了一個(gè)研究一些變量的方法,所研究的變量隨著其他的量變化, 也就是說,當(dāng)一個(gè)量的變化引起了另一個(gè)量相應(yīng)的變化時(shí)。(3)對一個(gè)函數(shù) f: D-R.我們定義 f

30、(D) =y in R|y=f(x) x 屬于 D,并 f(D) 是 f 的像。我們說 f :D-R 到達(dá)一個(gè)最大值,如果使像 f(D) 有一個(gè)最大值,即 有一個(gè)點(diǎn) x0 屬于 D 使得 f(x)<=f(x0).(5) 要畫出一個(gè)新的函數(shù) y=f(x) ,即一個(gè)我們不熟悉的函數(shù)圖象,我們可以 按以下方式使用一些作圖建議。(a) 確定函數(shù)的定義域。(b) 確定此方程擁有的任何類型的對稱性。如果 f(x)=f(-x) ,那么函數(shù)表現(xiàn)出 y 軸軸對稱性。如果 f(-x)=-f(x) ,那么函數(shù)表現(xiàn)出原點(diǎn)對稱性。(c 通過 x=0 處對 f(x) 取值求 y 截距,通過求 x 的值使 f(x)=

31、0 求 x 截距。(d) 建立一個(gè)滿足方程 y=f(x) 的有序?qū)Φ谋砀瘛?e) 描畫出于有序?qū)τ嘘P(guān)的點(diǎn),并用一條平滑的曲線連接它們,然后,如果適宜, 那么根據(jù)圖像所擁有的任何對稱性反射出曲線的這一局部。2.92. 變量: variable極限: limit 左極限: left limit 右極限: right limit絕對值: absolute value 序列: sequence 柯西列: Cauchy sequence 級(jí)數(shù): series 遞增的: increasing 遞減的 ;decreasing 單調(diào)的: monotonic 有界的: bounded 無界的: unbounde

32、d 上界: upper bound 最小上界: least upper bound 最大下界: greatest lower bound 有限區(qū)間: finite interval 無窮區(qū) 間: infinite interval有界集: bounded set 實(shí)數(shù)系: real-number system趨近: approach 收斂: converge 一致收斂: converge uniformly 判別法: criteri on 等價(jià):be equivale nt to逐次的:successive 與矛盾:contradict3. (1)A sequence is called mo

33、notonic if it is increasing or decreasing.(3)If a sequence an converges, then for any positive number c, there exists a positive integer N such that |an|<c for all n>=N.(5)Suppose the function f(x) is defined on the interval(a,infinite).If any c>0, there exists a positive integer K such tha

34、t |f(x)-A|<c for all x>=K(where A is a constant), then f(x) is said to converge to A as X-+infinite. If g(x)=-f(x)converges to A as xinfinite, thenf(x) is said to converge to A as xinfinite. If f(x) converges to Aboth as x-+infinite and as x infinite, then f(x) is said to converge to A as x-in

35、finite.4. (1) 一個(gè)序列an被稱為有極限L如果對于任意的正整數(shù)c,存在另一個(gè)正整 數(shù)N (N可能與c有關(guān)),使得|an-L|<c對于所有的n>=N成立。一個(gè)不收斂的 數(shù)列就被稱為發(fā)散的。(3) 短語“收斂序列只適用于極限是有限的序列。一個(gè)序列具有無窮極限被 稱為發(fā)散的。當(dāng)然,發(fā)散序列并不具有無窮極限,例子由下面公式定 義: 引理 假設(shè)序列dn收斂于數(shù)d,并且dn>=0對于每一個(gè)自然數(shù)n成立, 那么我們有d>0。上一個(gè)引理斷言,一個(gè)非負(fù)數(shù)收斂序列也有一個(gè)非負(fù)的極限。 一個(gè)正數(shù)的收斂序列也有一個(gè)正的極限,這不總是真實(shí)的。例如 1/n 是一個(gè)收 斂于 0 的正數(shù)列

36、。2.102. 導(dǎo)數(shù): derivation 微分: differential 切線: tangent line 即時(shí)速度:instantaneous velocity 差商: difference quotient 可視化的解釋: visual interpretation 子區(qū)域: subdomain 逼近: approximation 原函數(shù): primitive function 反導(dǎo)數(shù): antiderivative 不定積分: indefinite integral 被積函數(shù): integrand 任意常數(shù): arbitrary constant 積分常數(shù): integral co

37、nstant 積分公式: integral formula 逆過程: reverse process 替換法積分: integration by substitution分部積分: integration byparts 連續(xù)函數(shù): continuous function 可微函數(shù): differentiable function3. (1)People 's researches on the tangent line to a curve and instantaneous velocity of moving body leads to the generation of the

38、 concept of a derivative.(3)The tangent problem provides a visual interpretation for the derivative, which leads people to define the derivative as the limit of a difference quotient.(5)If f (x) has a first derivative f'(x) in an interval, then, itcan be used to define the differential of f(x).4

39、. (1) 導(dǎo)數(shù)的例子例1 一個(gè)常函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù) 設(shè)f是一個(gè)常值函數(shù),比方說f (x) =c對于所有的x 成立,差商是 由于對有所有h! =0。此商為0,它的極限f' (x)對于每一個(gè) x 也是 0. 換句話說,一個(gè)常數(shù)函數(shù)在各處有零導(dǎo)數(shù)。例 2 一個(gè)線性函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù) 設(shè) f 是一個(gè)線性函數(shù),比方說 f(x)=mx+b 對于所有 的實(shí)數(shù)x成立。如果h! =0,我們有由于當(dāng)h趨近于0時(shí),差商不改變,我們得出結(jié)論 f'(x)=m 對于每一個(gè) x 成立。因此一個(gè)線性函數(shù)的導(dǎo)數(shù)是一 個(gè)常函數(shù)。(3)方向?qū)?shù) 我們現(xiàn)在介紹一個(gè)偏導(dǎo)數(shù)的自然推廣。在定義中,差商的 分子用于涉及到f(x,y)在和兩

40、點(diǎn)的值。當(dāng)趨近于 0時(shí),第一個(gè)點(diǎn) 沿著直線y=yO趨近于后面的點(diǎn)。對于一個(gè)點(diǎn)沿直線x=x0趨近于( 5)相差一個(gè)常數(shù)的反導(dǎo)數(shù) 如果 F 是連續(xù)函數(shù) f 的反導(dǎo)數(shù),那么任何其他的 反導(dǎo)數(shù)一定有形式 G(x)=F(x)+C ,這就說明同一個(gè)函數(shù)的兩個(gè)反導(dǎo)數(shù)一個(gè)相差 積分常數(shù)值,此值可以為 0.2.112. 定積分: definite integral 不變性: invariance 可加性: additivity 唯 一性: uniqueness 階梯函數(shù): step function 非負(fù)函數(shù): nonnegative function 放大: expansion 壓縮: contraction

41、建立: establish比擬:comparis on 成立:hold 嚴(yán)格不等式: strict in equality直立柱子:rightcyli ndrical solid子區(qū)間:sub in terval旋轉(zhuǎn)體:solid of revoluti on圓柱形的 :cylindrical 單調(diào)的 :monotonic 可測的 :measurable 可積的 :integrable 全等的:congruent 截面的:cross-sectional凸的:convex 有效的:valid3. (1)The definite integral satisfies the linearity w

42、ith respect to the integrand , the additivity with respect to the interval of integration and invariance under translation.(3)Step functions or other simple functions can be used toapproximate integrand above and below to find the approximate valueof the integral of the function discussed.(5)Let a f

43、unction y=f(x) be nonnegative on the intervala,b. Thenthe solid obtained by revolving ordinate set of this function aboutthe x-axis, is a solid of revolution, whose volume can be computed bythe in tegral of the fun ctio nover the in tervala,b .4. (1) 微積分學(xué)的根本定理詳細(xì)闡述了兩種核心運(yùn)算之間的關(guān)系微分和積分。 定理的第一局部,有時(shí)被稱為微積分第

44、一根本定理 , 說明一個(gè)不定積分可以由一 個(gè)微分法反轉(zhuǎn)而來 , 第一局部也很重要因?yàn)樗WC了對于連續(xù)函數(shù)反導(dǎo)數(shù)的存在 性. 第二局部 , 有時(shí)被稱為微積分第二根本定理 , 允許人們通過使用它的無窮多個(gè) 反導(dǎo)數(shù)的任意一個(gè)來計(jì)算一個(gè)函數(shù)的定積分 . 訂立的這一局部有著不可估量的實(shí) 際應(yīng)用 , 因?yàn)樗@著的簡化定積分的計(jì)算 .(3) 推論 根本定理經(jīng)常被用于計(jì)算一個(gè)函數(shù) f 的定積分 , 它的一個(gè)反導(dǎo)數(shù) F 已 知.詳細(xì)的說,如果f是一個(gè)a,b上的實(shí)值連續(xù)函數(shù),F是f在a,b上的一個(gè)反 導(dǎo)數(shù),那么。推論假定整個(gè)區(qū)間上的連續(xù)性,這個(gè)定理在下面的定理中被稍 微加強(qiáng)了。2.122. 點(diǎn)狀收斂: conve

45、rge pointwise 絕對收斂: converge absolutely 一致收斂 的: uniformly convergent 一致收斂: converge uniformly WM 判別法: weierstrass M-test 比擬判別法: geometric series 冪級(jí)數(shù) :power series 收斂圓 :circle of convergence 收斂半徑 :radius of convergence 上界:upper bound 上有界:bounded above 最小上界:least upper bound 相令B 項(xiàng):con secutive terms 空

46、集:empty set 在內(nèi)咅 E :in terior to控希 9:do min ate操作 :manipulate3. (1)A sequence of functions which converges uniformly on an open interval(a,b) must converge at every point in the interval, but a sequence of functions which converges pointwise on an inteval(a,b) may not converge uniformly on the interv

47、al.(3)Any power series converge at least at the point z=0, if it converges in the entire complex plane, then its radius of convergence is positive infinite.(5)The general term of a convergent series always approaches zero, from which follows a necessary condition for a series to converge. But it is

48、not sufficient because a series whose general term approaches zero may not converge.4. (1) 這個(gè)特殊冪級(jí)數(shù)在收斂圓的每個(gè)邊界點(diǎn)處都發(fā)散,因?yàn)槿绻?|z|=r ,那么通 項(xiàng)有絕對值 n。 一個(gè)級(jí)數(shù)被稱為絕對收斂的如果收斂,如果收斂而發(fā)散, 那么它被稱為條件收斂的。(5)現(xiàn)在我們考慮各項(xiàng)在實(shí)直線或在復(fù)平面上具有共同定義域S的實(shí)值或復(fù)值函數(shù)的序列fn,假定fn在S上一致收斂于一個(gè)函數(shù)f,如果一個(gè)fn在S 上的 p 點(diǎn)處連續(xù),那么極限函數(shù) f 也在 p 上連續(xù)。2.132. 方程:equation 齊次方程: h

49、omogeneous equation 齊次的:homogeneous 非齊次的: non-homogeneous 存在性: existence 唯一性: uniqueness 唯一的:fnunique 惟一地: uniquely 微分方程的階: order of a differential equation 初始條件: initial condition通解: general solution 特解:particular solution補(bǔ)解: complementary solution 產(chǎn)生: yield 變化:range 輸入: input 輸出: output 先驗(yàn)的: a pri

50、ori3. (1)The order of a differential equation is defined as the order of the highest derivative that appears in the equation.(3)The study of existence and uniqueness of solutions of differential equation is very important because the practical problems require that we answer under what conditions a

51、differential equation in question has solutions and has a unique solution.(5)The general solution of a nonhomogeneous equation is of the following form , where yc (x) is the general solution of thecorresponding homogeneous equation and yp ( x) is a particular solution of the nonhomogeneous equation.

52、4. (1) 一般的二階微分方程是具有形式 F(x,y,y',y")=0 的一個(gè)方程 , 與這種方程 相聯(lián)系的理論相當(dāng)復(fù)雜,因此我們以把我們的注意力限制在那些可以就y"接觸的方程開始 , 即可以寫成形如 y"=f(x,y,y') 的方程 . 如果函數(shù)p和q在開區(qū)間(a,b)上連續(xù),那么存在微分方程在區(qū)間 a<x<b上的一個(gè)根底解組,集y1 , y2是該方程的一個(gè)根底解組,當(dāng)且僅當(dāng)y1和y2都是該方程的解,且該方程的每一個(gè)解都可以表示成y1和y2的一個(gè)線性組合。(5) 很多研究已被致力于常微分方程的求解方法,在方程為線性的情形,它可 以通

53、過解析方法求解,不幸地是,大多數(shù)有趣的微分方程是非線性的 ,除了少數(shù) 例外情況以外 , 它們不能被精確求解 , 其近似解可以通過計(jì)算機(jī)逼近求得 .2.14隨機(jī)變量:random variable 密度函數(shù):density function方差:varianee偏差: deviation 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)差: standard deviation 帶權(quán)平均: weighted average 平方根: square root 均方根 root mean square 正態(tài)分布: normal distribution 斯蒂爾切絲積分: Stieltjes integral 大數(shù)定律: law of large numbers 質(zhì)點(diǎn): mass point 質(zhì)心: center of mass 二階矩: second moment慣性矩: moment of inertia 旋轉(zhuǎn)半徑:radius of gyration 散步: spread 使散開: disperse 離散的: discrete 連續(xù)的: continuous 理論上: theoretically3. (1)概率的一種字典定義為:一個(gè)事件可能發(fā)生的程度,通過喜好的情形與 可能出現(xiàn)的情形的總數(shù)之比來衡量。(3)為了推廣這種想


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