1、 品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯-英語論文品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯目 錄外文文獻翻譯.1摘要.11. 品牌戰(zhàn)略內涵與其功能意義.22. 我國企業(yè)品牌發(fā)展概況.32.1 國內品牌與國外品牌相比,存在著很大的差距.32.2 品牌發(fā)展缺乏整體規(guī)劃.42.3 產品質量低下,品牌個性不足,缺乏創(chuàng)新和發(fā)展能力.42.4 品牌發(fā)展策略存在誤區(qū).43. 企業(yè)品牌策略選擇.63.1 樹立正確的品牌競爭意識,著力提高品牌競爭能力.63.2 搞好品牌定位,培養(yǎng)消費者品牌偏好與品牌忠誠.63.3 遵循品牌設計規(guī)律, 注重品牌形象.73.4 采用多種品牌競爭手段.7外文翻譯原文.91. brand str
2、ategy with its connotations of the functional significance 102. enterprise brand development overview .122.1 domestic brands and foreign brands.132.2 brand development planning .132.3 overall lack of poor product quality.142.4 brand development strategy exist mistakes .143. brand strategy to establi
3、sh a correct choice .163.1 brand awareness of competition and strive to improve the competitiveness .163.2 brands improve brand positioning.163.3 followed branding laws.173.4 oriented brand image using a variety of means to brand competition .17參 考 文 獻1 年小山. 品牌學m . 北京: 清華大學出版社,2003,5 .2 余鑫炎. 品牌戰(zhàn)略與決策
4、m . 吉林: 東北財經大學出版社,2001,7 .3 梅清豪. 市場本文源自六維論文網(wǎng)m .北京: 電子工業(yè)出版社,2001,156.4 葉海名. 品牌創(chuàng)新與品牌營銷m .石家莊: 河北人民出版社出版社,2001 .5 翁向東. 本土品牌戰(zhàn)略m . 杭州: 浙江人民出版社,2002,30-46 .6 劉威. 品牌戰(zhàn)略管理實戰(zhàn)手冊m . 廣州: 廣東經濟出版社,2004 .7 廣州本田汽車有限公司eb/ol.8 李輝. 2007年度家用電器品牌分析j . 2007:39 宋永高. 品牌戰(zhàn)略與管理m . 浙江大學出版社,2003,73-75. 10 巨天中. 品牌戰(zhàn)略m .北京: 中國經濟出版社
5、,2004,231.11 charles w,lamb joseph,hair carl mcdaniel,marketing m 6thed北京大學出版社,2001 . 12 hart. c.wl, heskett, j.l sasser, w. e. jr. the profitable art of service recoverym . harvard business previewj . 1990 :1, 48-56 .13 kate bertrand,marketers discover what quality pearly meanm . business marketin6
6、, 1987, 4:58-72 . 14 苻國群消費者行為學m . 武漢: 武漢大學出版枉,2000, 52 . 15 菲利普-科特勒市場營銷原理m 北京:清華大學出版社,2001 .16 劉強軍. 商場現(xiàn)代化j . 2005, 2(453): 23-27 .17 (美) 理查德 .l. 霍德霍森 .市場營銷學m 上海: 上海人民出版社, 2004m 1326品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯摘 要從品牌戰(zhàn)略的內涵與其功能意義入手,探討了品牌戰(zhàn)略在企業(yè)營銷中的作用。在分析我國企業(yè)營銷品牌戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展狀況的基礎上,認為,提高品牌意識,搞好品牌定位,塑造良好品牌形象,綜合運用多種競爭手段,是企業(yè)品牌營
7、銷的必然選擇。關鍵詞:品牌戰(zhàn)略;企業(yè);品牌策略;品牌定位1. 品牌戰(zhàn)略內涵與其功能意義所謂品牌戰(zhàn)略是指企業(yè)通過創(chuàng)立市場良好品牌形象, 提升產品知名度, 并以知名度來開拓市場,吸引顧客, 擴大市場占有率, 取得豐厚利潤回報,培養(yǎng)忠誠品牌消費者的一種戰(zhàn)略選擇。品牌戰(zhàn)略是現(xiàn)代企業(yè)市場營銷的核心。從品牌戰(zhàn)略的功能來看, 一個品牌不僅僅是一個產品的標志, 更多的是產品的質量、性能、滿足消費者效用的可靠程度的綜合體現(xiàn)。它凝結著企業(yè)的科學管理、市場信譽、追求完美的精神文化內涵, 決定和影響著產品市場結構與服務定位。因此, 發(fā)揮品牌的市場影響力,帶給消費者信心, 給予消費者以物質和精神的享受正是品牌戰(zhàn)略的基本
8、功能所在。實踐證明, 良好品牌往往能給人以特別印象, 在同等質量下可以索取較高價格。有些公司擁有良好的品牌甚至還可以在不同國家逆周期、反季節(jié)制造產品, 從而使成本與收益流量暢通1 。經濟全球化背景下, 國際競爭越來越表現(xiàn)為品牌的競爭, 現(xiàn)代跨國公司絕大多數(shù)都是世界知名品牌公司, 尤其注重品牌戰(zhàn)略的運用, 通過品牌這種全方位的輸出形態(tài), 跨國公司逐步占領了國際市場, 可以毫不夸張地說, 而今, 品牌已是跨國公司 市場選擇的唯一要素。第二,監(jiān)督和保證產品價值品牌是一個集合概念,它包括產品質量、形象、技術、功能、效用等諸多內容。創(chuàng)造一個廣受消費者歡迎的品牌產品,需要日積月累的努力和長期的品質、價值保
9、證。第三,實現(xiàn)規(guī)模經濟效益品牌成長帶動了企業(yè)產品價格上揚,需求增加,有利于企業(yè)擴大再生產,增加規(guī)模經濟收益。第四,保證企業(yè)不斷壯大和持續(xù)發(fā)展許多跨國公司認為,成功品牌的價值不僅在于它們能夠保證將來的收入,增加顧客對公司產品的需求,更在于企業(yè)出現(xiàn)危機時能給他們予以支持,確保企業(yè)長期發(fā)展。2. 我國企業(yè)品牌發(fā)展概況市場開放以來,外商、外資大量涌入,在給我國企業(yè)和市場注入了新鮮血液和活力的同時,也為我國企業(yè)帶來了前所未有的競爭壓力。受傳統(tǒng)觀念和落后經營方式的影響,我國企業(yè)在品牌競爭意識方面普遍不強,因此吃了不少苦頭。一些企業(yè)為此丟了市場,一些企業(yè)因為品牌保護力度不夠被擠出了市場,還有些企業(yè)良好知名品
11、競爭力方面,投入了一定的人力,物力與財力關注,也取得了一定的驕人成績,形成了一批如長虹、海信、tcl 、海爾、格蘭仕、聯(lián)想等頗有世界影響力的知名品牌。甚至在整個社會層面上,連普通的民營企業(yè)主、個體商販,也懂得了要進行商標注冊,要進行品牌宣傳。形勢雖然喜人,情況卻依然不容樂觀,從品牌戰(zhàn)略發(fā)展的高度來看,我國企業(yè)還存在著諸多問題:2.1 國內品牌與國外品牌相比,存在著很大的差距這種差距反映在國內品牌的數(shù)量、質量、規(guī)模、影響力方面,和品牌成長環(huán)境方面(包括法規(guī)、管理、規(guī)劃、戰(zhàn)略實施) ,以及品牌理論的深入和品牌觀念的普及方面,都還處于起步階段。以中外企業(yè)品牌對抗為例,國外企業(yè)知名品牌在中國市場上長驅
12、直入,占據(jù)大半河山,市場占有率每年以10 %左右的速度遞增3 。國內企業(yè)知名品牌則寥寥無幾, 市場不興,前景堪憂;國外企業(yè)品牌成長已經上升到了知識產權保護的高度,國內企業(yè)品牌卻還在與假冒偽劣產品糾纏不清;國外企業(yè)靠經營和技術樹立品牌,國內企業(yè)靠宣傳和命名樹立品牌;國外企業(yè)早已轉向開發(fā)品牌內在價值,強調品牌的產品擴散效應和產業(yè)組織聚合效應,以獲取更高的溢價收益和穩(wěn)定收益。國內企業(yè)卻還停留在品牌外在標記形象上認識品牌作用,將品牌僅僅看作是產品的附屬和象征而已;國外企業(yè)對知名品品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯牌的鞏固是以保護產品質量和聲譽為觀念。國內企業(yè)反以滿足無形資產評估,坐享其成為觀念。如此種
13、種,均將表明,我國企業(yè)品牌發(fā)展的道路必將是路漫漫其修遠兮,尚需上下而求索。2.2 品牌發(fā)展缺乏整體規(guī)劃成功的品牌形象塑造絕不是品牌戰(zhàn)略自身的事情,它要涉及到企業(yè)經營管理的所有重大戰(zhàn)略決策,諸如產品質量、技術開發(fā)、經營規(guī)模、品牌設計、廣告策劃、市場營銷、人才戰(zhàn)略設計等各個方面。當前,國內相當企業(yè)沒有將品牌融入到企業(yè)的整體規(guī)劃當中,也不重視品牌的研究開發(fā),只把產品宣傳交給一般的員工去完成,或者直接把它交給廣告公司,這樣,企業(yè)管理者對其重要的無形資產品牌,缺乏應有的了解,甚至產生疏遠感,加劇了產品與消費者之間溝通困難,從而導致消費者困惑和不滿,喪失了品牌競爭力。2.3 產品質量低下,品牌個性不足,缺
14、乏創(chuàng)新和發(fā)展能力國內不少企業(yè)產品品位低下,質量不穩(wěn)定,包裝不新穎,售后服務不到位,宣傳工作沒力度,嚴重影響了品牌地位的提升。從另外一個層面講,也有的企業(yè)品牌設計個性不鮮明,科技、文化、藝術等含量不高,內涵不豐富,缺乏強烈的吸引力。最為嚴重的是,不少企業(yè)品牌老化嚴重,資產與內在價值開始衰退甚至消失, 如中國最早一批“十大馳名商標”鳳凰、永久、霞飛等早已風光不再。品牌的生命在于創(chuàng)新。不能隨著市場需求的變化,消費者偏好的轉移,及時對現(xiàn)有產品進行改進改造,重新設計形象,是我國企業(yè)品牌普遍創(chuàng)新不足的主要原因。2.4 品牌發(fā)展策略存在誤區(qū)企業(yè)品牌發(fā)展策略是一種經營之道,需要有科學的經營理念和高超的運作技巧
15、,但國內不少企業(yè)品牌策劃者在此方面表現(xiàn)得尤為拙劣和急功近利, 影響了企業(yè)品牌的發(fā)展, 實際工作中出現(xiàn)了不少這樣的誤區(qū): 如認為創(chuàng)建品牌工作就是給產品取 名品牌等同于高價, 必須不切實際地提高產品價格等等。有的企業(yè)甚至在品牌操作誤區(qū)上走得更遠, 不惜放棄企業(yè)自身品牌, 采用外國公司品牌, 或將自身品牌低價出售轉讓, 如我國現(xiàn)有20多萬個“三資”企業(yè)中, 有90 %以上的合資企業(yè)在使用外方品牌; 廣州潔銀牙膏廠以200 萬元低價將品牌轉讓給合資企業(yè)4 等等, 就是這樣的突出事例, 現(xiàn)今其可怕后果已日漸顯現(xiàn)出來喪失了本國企業(yè)自身品牌、產品與知識產權, 民族產業(yè)競爭力究竟何在?3. 企業(yè)品牌策略選擇品
16、牌戰(zhàn)略是企業(yè)總體戰(zhàn)略的重要組成部分, 而品牌戰(zhàn)略的實施又是增強產品競爭能力的必然選擇。適應當前市場開放情況, 搞好品牌策略選擇,是我國企業(yè)營銷工作的一項急迫任務。3.1 樹立正確的品牌競爭意識,著力提高品牌競爭能力隨著對外開放和國際化進程的加快,我國已經進入了品牌競爭時代,創(chuàng)立品牌、宣傳品牌、保護品牌、發(fā)展品牌,走品牌之路已經形成了共識。但品牌的成長并不是一個簡單的一踏而蹴的事情,而是一個長期的系統(tǒng)工程,需要整體規(guī)劃,通盤考慮。結合當前實際,我國企業(yè)可以根據(jù)自身的條件與特點,在分析市場環(huán)境的基礎上,制定出品牌戰(zhàn)略,實施品牌工程,包括采取“發(fā)展拳頭產品,鞏固品牌;扶植新興產品,創(chuàng)造品牌;開發(fā)尖端
17、產品,培養(yǎng)品牌?!钡膽?zhàn)略方針,來壯大品牌實力,拓展市場份額,樹立品牌形象。當然,良好品牌是市場消費者認可的結果,而不是企業(yè)自吹自擂的力作,提高品牌競爭力不僅要求企業(yè)在廣告宣傳上是一流的,同時也應該在產品質量、技術性能、款式造型、售后服務、商標設計等方面都是一流的。3.2 搞好品牌定位,培養(yǎng)消費者品牌偏好與品牌忠誠品牌形象競爭并非全方位的競爭,每一個品牌都有自己的市場定位。定位的基本方法不是去創(chuàng)作某種新奇的或與眾不同的事項, 而是去操縱已經存在于心的東西, 即將顧客心目中潛在的購買欲望挖掘出來, 使之轉化為消費沖動5 。品牌定位離不開具體行業(yè), 否則毫無價值可言, 如”百事可樂”是種碳酸飲料,
18、這一品牌至多延伸到食品行業(yè), 再往外延伸, 其價值就無法轉移了。品牌是競爭力的綜合表現(xiàn)。品牌偏好與品牌忠誠的建立是品牌樹立的前提, 這不是一件容易的事情, 它需要企業(yè)有良好的市場信譽與道德規(guī)范作保證, 同時還要有保持對消費者aau (消費者對品牌的知名awareness ,態(tài)度attitude , 使用狀況usage , 的縮寫) 進行追蹤調整的能力。因此, 建立顧客信息反饋系統(tǒng), 不斷搜集消費者偏好變化情況, 了解顧客對品牌意見, 為消費者提供個性化服務, 就顯得十分必要了。顧客對企業(yè)品牌的忠誠是長期累積的結果, 并非一日之功, 可口可樂品牌樹立有100 多年歷史,萬寶路形象風靡全球有40
19、多年, 均得益于企業(yè)執(zhí)行長期營銷策略的結果。而消費者對品牌的深刻印象也只有經過長期一致的營銷活品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯動, 才能產生滿意和接受。3.3 遵循品牌設計規(guī)律, 注重品牌形象品牌設計是一門藝術。既要在消費者心目中留下深刻印象, 又要刺激消費者的消費欲望, 除產品功能、質量、包裝、造型設計是關鍵外, 商標設計也很重要。通常, 具有美感, 文化內涵豐富, 簡潔醒目,易于傳誦, 構思精巧, 能超越時空, 并朗朗上口的品牌最易為廣大消費者所接受。品牌設計往往要體現(xiàn)出企業(yè)宗旨和核心價值, 但其立足點大多根植于企業(yè)優(yōu)勢、消費者特點、同行比較這三維坐標。如3m 品牌優(yōu)勢在于機械、動力與管
20、理, 服務并滿足的是公司辦公需要與工廠制造需要, 在同行中凸現(xiàn)的是“小而精”的個性與數(shù)字化技術領先的魅力。誠然, 品牌設計必須順應市場的變化而不斷豐富、創(chuàng)新, 這是品牌競爭制勝的法寶。3.4 采用多種品牌競爭手段我國企業(yè)目前大多處于成長階段,品牌實力較弱,在競爭中處于不利地位,這是勿庸置疑的事實,但根據(jù)行業(yè)、市場和企業(yè)資源狀況,趨利避害,消除不利影響,不失為明智選擇。第一,與具有知名品牌的境外公司合作生產,借殼上市。如將我國生產的皮夾克運至意大利進行最后加工,皮夾克成品出口時標注“意大利”品牌,可獲高額利潤。當時機成熟時,再推出我們 的品牌或公司,消除其對本地品牌或公司的威脅。 如香水業(yè)近十年
21、來一直深受法國各種品牌的影響,為了消除這種影響,有資本實力的公司或企業(yè)可對法國化妝品公司進行收購。第三,使用掛鉤策略。如市場上,“可口可樂”、“百事可樂”是主要飲料品牌,具有很好的口感和形象,我國企業(yè)推出“非??蓸贰?將自己產品與國外可樂聯(lián)系起來,可以在消費者心目中產生聯(lián)想,制造購買沖動,樹立良好形象。第四,重新界定品牌形象,避免在同類產品競爭中發(fā)生沖突。如可以借鑒日本最大化妝品公司資生堂的經營模式,強調自己是護膚產品從而避免了法國化妝品(香水) 公司的圍攻。 第五,利用名人為品牌作保證,加強品牌宣傳??蓞⒖济绹涂斯竟陀没@球明星邁克爾喬丹為其運動服裝在歐洲市場作宣傳的營銷模式。第六,加強品
22、牌聯(lián)合。用兩個或多個品牌(如健力寶和中國女排) 有效地組成協(xié)作聯(lián)盟,提高自己品牌的社會接受力,效果比單獨走出去好得多。第七,重視品牌營銷創(chuàng)意和售后服務,以達到品牌轟動效應和強大沖擊力?!鞍准雍凇彼幤臓I銷創(chuàng)意, “海爾”集團對售后服務的高度重視,都是樹立成功知名品牌的例子。第八,多角化經營,多品牌策略。諸如頂益食品企業(yè),在高收入層次目標市場采用“康師傅”品牌,在低收入層次目標市場采用“福滿多”品牌。有效滿足了不同需求消費者,擴大了品牌知名度。第九,事實宣傳造勢策略。廣東蛇膽口服液生產廠家,為消除消費者對保健品不信任態(tài)度,引領消費者對產品的生產程序和制作方法進行全程參觀,并邀請有關專家進行咨詢,
23、結果口碑極佳,品牌聲譽迅速上升。品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯abstractfrom the connotation of brand strategy with its functional significance, this paper discusses a brand marketing strategy in the role. in analyzing corporate brand marketing strategy development on the basis that a higher brand awareness, improve brand positio
24、ning, building a good brand image, using a combination of competition means of brand marketing is the inevitable choice.keywords : brand strategy; enterprise; brand strategy; brand positioning sources1. brand strategy with its connotations of the functional significancethe so-called brand strategy r
25、efers to the market through the creation of good brand image, improving product visibility, and visibility to open up the market to attract customers, expand market share and achieved substantial profit, cultivate brand loyalty consumers a strategic choice. brand strategy is the modern enterprise ma
26、rketing at the core. from the functional brand strategy, a brand is not just a product of the signs, more products of the quality, performance, meet consumer effectiveness of the reliability of the comprehensive embodiment. it demonstrates the scientific management of the confidence, provide consume
27、rs with material and spiritual enjoyment of the brand strategy is the basic function of the host. practice has proved that good brand often give people a special impression that the same quality can be obtained from the higher prices. some companies have a good brand even in different countries can
28、reverse cycle-season manufactured products, so that the cost and revenue flows in the area 1. against the background of economic globalization and international competition is increasingly reflected in the competition for the brand, the vast majority of modern multinational companies are world-renow
29、ned brand companies, with particular emphasis on the use of brand strategy. this brand through all the output patterns, multinational companies gradually occupied the international market, it is no exaggeration to say that now, brand is a multinational companies to achieve the global strategic objec
30、tives of sharp weapons, is to expand capital important means. brand strategy by a rise, namely countries in the world as companies and enterprises, which values it at the global implementation of the industrial sector, universal significance lies : firstly, to promote sales of brand products is the
31、core product and brand marketing effect of other means than the, in developed markets, brand recognition has been replaced product identification, the market has become the only factor. second, supervision and guarantee of value brand is a combination of concept, which includes product quality, imag
32、e, technology, function, effectiveness of many other content. create a widely welcomed by consumers brand products, takes a long-term effort and the quality assurance value. third, the economies of scale driven by growth brand products rising prices and an increase in demand, help enterprises to exp
33、and production and increase economies of scale benefits. fourth, ensure that enterprises continue to grow and sustained development of many multinational companies that success of the value of the brand is not only because they are able to guarantee future income, increased customer demand for the c
34、ompanys products, but also because enterprises crisis can give them support, to ensure the long-term development. 品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯2. enterprise brand development overviewopening of the market, foreign companies and foreign capital influx chinese enterprises to the market and injected fresh blood an
35、d vitality in the meantime, chinese enterprises also brought unprecedented pressure of competition. traditional concepts and backward way business, chinas enterprises in the competitive brand awareness in general is not strong, so eat a lot of bitterness. some enterprises that lost market, as some e
36、nterprises have not done enough to protect brand being squeezed out of the market. some enterprises also well known brand is a vicious foreign enterprises fact that henceforth the doldrums. brand competition everywhere in a passive position. in contrast, foreign firms, most of them in the vanguard o
37、f the brand to a huge amount of capital and advanced technology as a backup, and at all costs to occupy the host market, products and services in the host country full market every corner. generally, the internationally renowned brands concentrated mainly in the high rate of return, the market capac
38、ity of vehicles, household appliances, household chemicals, beverages, pharmaceuticals, and telecommunications industries. in china, as long as a reference to sony, panasonic, philips, motorola, nokia, siemens, mercedes, general motors, coca-cola, bayview, p & g and other internationally renowned br
39、ands, i believe that every one people are not unfamiliar, and perhaps this is a quality of life change, but i am afraid it is more of its own brand of helplessness. cruel reality of market competition, education, the value of chinas enterprises operators, but also awakens the enterprises brand aware
40、ness. in recent years, chinas enterprises in cultivating brand competitiveness, a certain input of manpower, material and financial concerns, also made some remarkable achievements, such as the formation of a number of changhong, hisense, tcl, haier, glanz. lenovo quite influential in the world-reno
41、wned brands. even in a social level, even an ordinary private enterprise owners and individual traders, but also how to conduct the registration of trademarks, for brand publicity. although the situation is gratifying, however, the situation is still not optimistic from the brand strategy at the hei
42、ght of view, chinese enterprises still exist many problems : 2.1 domestic brands compared with foreign brands, there is a considerable gap between this gap reflected in the number of domestic brands, quality, size, influence, brand development and the environment (including rules and regulations, ma
43、nagement, planning and implementation of the strategy) and the in-depth brand theory and the concept of universal brand, are still in the infancy stage. chinese and foreign enterprises to brand confrontation example, the well-known brands of foreign enterprises in china to drive straight into the ma
44、rket, occupy most of the rivers. annual market share to 10% growth rate 3. domestic enterprises were very few well-known brands, the market quite calm, the field; brand development of foreign enterprises has risen to the height of intellectual property protection, brand domestic enterprises still in
45、 with fake and shoddy products entangling; foreign enterprises depend on business and technology for establishing brand, domestic enterprises depend on publicity and establish brand names; foreign companies have shifted brand development intrinsic value. brand stressed that the effect of the prolife
46、ration of products, and industrial organization polymerization effect, in order to obtain a higher premium income and stable on the protection of the quality and reputation of the concept. anti-domestic enterprises to meet the evaluation of intangible assets, thus enabling concepts. all these have t
47、o show that chinese enterprises brand development for the road is the road long course to you, yet and earth.2.2 brand lack of overall planningfor the development of a successful brand image is not shaping its own brand strategy matters, it involves the operation and management of enterprises of all
48、 major strategic decisions, such as product quality, technology, size, brand design, advertising planning, marketing, human resources strategy design, among other areas. at present, domestic enterprises do not quite brand into the overall business plan, not to brand research and development, product
49、 publicity only to the general staff to complete, or direct it to advertising companies so that enterprise managers to their important intangible - brands, the lack of understanding, even a sense of alienation. products and exacerbated the difficulties in communication between consumers, leading to
50、consumer confusion and discontent, loss of a brand competitiveness. 2.3 poor product quality, brand personality, lack of innovation and development capacity many low-grade products. quality, packaging is not new, after-sales service is not in place, no publicity, and a serious impact on the brand st
51、atus improvement. from another angle, and some brand personality is not distinctive design, technology, culture, art and other contents, rich content, the lack of a strong attraction. the most serious is that many enterprises have serious aging brand, and the intrinsic value of assets began to decli
52、ne or even disappear. if the first batch of chinas ten well-known trade mark - phoenix, permanent and xiafei have long been passed their prime. brands life lies in innovation. not with the changing market demands, the shift in consumer preference, in a timely manner to improve existing products tran
53、sformation redesign the image of our brand enterprises generally the main reason for innovation. 2.4 brand development strategy mistakesexist brand development strategy is a business management, need science business ideas and the operation of superb skills, however, many domestic enterprises brand
54、planning in this regard was especially poor and rich, affected the enterprises brand development, actual work a lot of this misunderstanding : if work is to create brand products to obtain a good name. improve product visibility of the product or packaged; good brand is painting a satisfactory visua
55、l signs it; advertising is to cultivate well-known brands only means, in addition to vigorously in the media for advertising, the other has no concern; once the scale enterprises formed a well-known brand on the establishment of a naturally; well-known brands in the same price, be unrealistic to rai
56、se prices, and so on. some enterprises even in the operation mistakes on brand gone farther, has abandoned its own brand enterprises, the use of foreign brand companies, or to sell its own low-priced brand transfers, such as chinas current 10,000 over 20 three-capital enterprises, 90% of the joint v
57、enture in the use of foreign brand; 品牌營銷戰(zhàn)略參考文獻和英文文獻翻譯guangzhou kit silver toothpaste plant to 2 million low-priced brand will be transferred to the joint venture, etc. 4. this is an outstanding example of the horrible consequences of today has become increasingly apparent - the loss of their own brand enterprise
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