1、be in strict accordance with both ability and political integrity, to germany for the first requirement, according to the department on the evaluation of cadres moral views on the strengthening of the provisions of, as the noble spirit of the pursuit of strengthening moral cultivation, the lead in s
2、tressing party spirit, to conduct, for example, tried to be a leader who both ability and political integrity, integrity and pragmatic style and governing for the peoples vanguard for example. first, we need to conscientiously study, to learn the number. learning is the basic methods of strengthenin
3、g the moral cultivation. hu jintao comrades stressed that learning is not only an important way for leaders to improve their level of knowledge, is an important way to improve their own spirits. a persons moral standards, high and low positions not necessarily linked with him, nor with his promotion
4、, and natural increase. in the analects learn gaining stature is very familiar with, but that are part of the sentence is official, that is to say a person wants to go into politics to do things, not only must first lay a good basis for learning, and since the more you want to read to learn, to get
5、things done. now after some cadres have taken leading positions, feel-good, thinking than others in all aspects, relax, relaxing world transformation, its easy to make mistakes. we must learn to understand the basic role of virtue, as a lifelong pursuit of learning, as the greatest reading pleasures
6、 of life, not only to learning theory, learning their jobs need knowledge, also studied literature, history, science and technology and other areas of knowledge purifies the soul with scientific knowledge and advanced culture, cultivate, and constantly enhance the level of moral. after the end of th
7、e general, county, township and village levels many comrades of the new positions were adjusted, whether retention, communication or promotion of leading cadres must conscientiously enhance learning, familiar with the business, as soon as possible into the role, open working situation as soon as pos
8、sible. second, to clean, to lide. morality has a strong sense of practicality, not just from practice, and practice. cadres of the people always listen to his words and watch his deeds. leaders clean officers is to keep poor, endure loneliness, making . the lack of. is evident that shame is how offi
9、cials at all, some official didnt do first because man is not properly done. two awe: comrade li yuanchao pointed out, when leading cadres of the cadres in particular is in power to be in awe. one is the fear of history, so that his work can stand the test of practice and history; the second is fear
10、 of the people, allow yourself to do something worthy of nurturing our people; the third is fear of life and reminiscing about the past will not feel regret in the future. fear can be. leaders in the face of all kinds of temptation, we must resolutely overcome catch the smug indifference, fearless,
11、fearless little attitude, and always maintain the caution, the pressure of skating on thin ice, always vigilant, self-discipline, di established active prevention. the sanctity of power to awe, always grasp the power of right direction; reverence for state laws and party discipline, always obey the
12、law, guard against abuses of power, adhere to the limits of power; the fear of public opinion, always pay attention to peoples comments and to reflect, listen to peoples criticisms and correct shortcomings and mistakes in our work. three must have normal heart: each party cadres to work every day, a
13、s a kind of spiritual experience, in明開電力隧道改性瀝青防水卷材施工方案 一、 編制依據(jù)1、大興區(qū)黃村鎮(zhèn)四街、五街、六街村大市政雙河北路等9條路道路、排水、給水、中水、燃氣、電力土建工程施工組織設計2、大興區(qū)黃村鎮(zhèn)四街、五街、六街村大市政雙河北路等9條路道路、排水、給水、中水、燃氣、電力土建工程施工圖紙3、地下工程防水技術(shù)規(guī)范gb50108-20084、地下防水工程質(zhì)量驗收規(guī)范gb50208-20115、建筑工程施工質(zhì)量驗收統(tǒng)一標準gb5030020016、項目相關(guān)資料。二、工程概況 黃村鎮(zhèn)四、五、六街村土地一級開發(fā)項目位于大興新城東北片區(qū),距南五環(huán)路3.6
15、長359.8m,雙河北路電力隧道長433.7m,清廣路七巷電力隧道長180.7m,廣茂大街電力隧道長330m。本程防水等級二級,混凝土用強度等級c40,抗?jié)B要求p6。本工程底板、側(cè)墻、頂板防水層采用3mm3mm厚sbs橡膠改性瀝青防水卷材。二、技術(shù)準備 施工前,技術(shù)人員須熟悉圖紙,了解設計意圖。施工人員持證上崗,保證所有施工人員都能按有關(guān)操作規(guī)程,規(guī)范及有關(guān)工藝要求施工。 對于重要施工部位,技術(shù)人員要對現(xiàn)場施工人員做詳細的技 術(shù)交底。事先準備本工程的各項檢查資料,確保資料真實,及時歸檔。 該項目工程人員安排如下: 1、 施工項目負責人1人。負責總體協(xié)調(diào)2、 技術(shù)人員 1 人。負責編制方案、措施
16、、整理資料、技術(shù)交底。 3、采購人員 1人。負責材料供應并及時通知檢驗 4 、主要施工人員10人。負責清除層面雜質(zhì)灰塵,涂刷底層涂料、鋪貼卷材、表層處理 三、材料選擇 1、主要材料選擇 根據(jù)設計,本工程底板、側(cè)墻及頂板防水層均采用sbs橡膠改性瀝青防水卷材3厚雙層做法。 防水卷材應符合地下防水工程驗收規(guī)范(gb50208-2011)要求。配套材料 基層處理劑:采用改性瀝青涂料。 輔助材料 主要包括:工業(yè)汽油。用于清洗機具、噴燈燃料使用。 2、設備機械配備 主要施工機具(工具)設備 (1)小平鏟、掃帚各20把,用于清理基層,開工前全部進場。(2)滾動刷20把,用于涂布膠粘劑(冷底油。 材(3)鐵
17、桶20個,用于分裝膠粘劑(冷底油)。 (4)汽油噴燈20個,用于熱熔卷材。 (5)剪刀5 把,用于裁剪卷材。 (6)卷尺11個,用于度量尺寸用。 四、施工工藝流程1、施工流程 料準備技術(shù)準備基礎處理涂布底油卷材試鋪鋪貼底層卷材保護層質(zhì)量檢驗隧道墻體施工墻體外側(cè)立面、頂面砂漿抹面鋪貼立面、頂面卷材保護層成品保護 2、基礎處理及保護層施工 (1)基礎墊層施工完成后,進行永久導墻施工。永久導墻40cm高,12cm厚磚砌導墻。臨時導墻高30cm。施工縫留置于永久導墻以上20cm處。(2)導墻施工后,與導墻內(nèi)側(cè)及墊層頂部,抹2cm厚1:2.5水泥砂漿找平層,找平層于陰角處做成圓角,以利于防水層施工。(3
18、)底層卷材鋪設完成后,于卷材頂面抹2cm厚1:2.5水泥砂漿,砂漿層施工完成后,鋪5cm厚c20細石混凝土,混凝土達到一定強度后,即可進行方溝底板施工。(4)方溝混凝土施工完成后,拆除臨時導墻,于墻身外側(cè)及頂面抹2cm厚1:2.5水泥砂漿,待砂漿干燥后,進行卷材鋪貼,鋪貼后立面外側(cè)貼5cm厚模塑聚苯板保護層,頂面鋪設抵擋卷材隔離層,其上鋪筑7cm厚細石混凝土。五、卷材施工 1、涂布底膠 目的:清理基層灰塵,隔絕基層潮氣,增強卷材和基層的粘結(jié)能力。 方法:用長把刷把冷底子油涂刷在干凈和干燥的基層表面上,復雜部位用油漆刷刷涂,要求不露白,涂刷均勻。干燥4小時以上至不粘腳后方可進行下道工序。2、卷材
19、施工卷材實行熱熔鋪貼(1)卷材的配置應將卷材順長方向進行配置,使卷材長向與流水方向垂直,卷材搭接要順流水坡方向,不應成逆向。(2)在底板施工前先鋪設底層防水,底層防水鋪設應考慮與立面防水的搭接,在導墻上留出搭接長度及兩層卷材的錯縫長度。預留卷材長度原則為:兩幅卷材短邊和長邊的搭接寬度均不應小于100mm。采用雙層卷材時上下兩層和相鄰兩幅卷材的接縫應錯開1/3 1/2 幅寬且兩層卷材不得相互垂直。搭接卷材翻到導墻外面,導墻頂砌兩層磚,保護防水卷材不會在支模時損壞。底板防水施工完成后進行底板、側(cè)墻及頂板施工。(如下圖)(3)底板防水層鋪設時,在砂漿找平層上彈出基準線,把卷材試鋪定位。底板卷材采用空
20、鋪法施工,只在需要的部分涂刷基層處理劑(細部節(jié)點部位、基面周邊范圍800mm內(nèi)一圈等)。在鋪設卷材防水層前,應對干燥,平整,并已涂刷基層處理劑的基層各細部構(gòu)造、防水節(jié)點部位用附加卷材進行增強處理。用熱熔搭接封邊機充分烘烤搭接邊上層卷材底面和下層卷材上表面瀝青涂蓋層,必須保證搭接處卷材間的瀝青密實熔合,且有熔融瀝青從邊端擠出,形成寬度約5-8mm的勻質(zhì)瀝青條,達到封閉接縫口的目的。用高壓噴燈與卷材和基層的夾角處均勻加熱,待卷材表面熔化后把成卷的改性卷材向前滾鋪使其粘結(jié)在基層表面上。 (4)卷材的搭接寬度為長邊不小于100,短邊不小于100,搭接縫的邊緣以溢出熱熔的改性瀝青為宜,然后用噴燈均勻熱熔
21、卷材搭接縫用小抹子把邊抹好。 (5)在陰角陽角處設置卷材加強層,每側(cè)不少于25cm。(如下圖)陽角(此處的陰陽角專指三維交叉部位)在防水層施工中,數(shù)量諸多,也是防水層薄弱的部位之一,該處的通常做法是由施工作業(yè)人員按照下圖方式現(xiàn)場裁剪和安裝:(6)鋪貼平面和頂面的卷材防水層。 在電力隧道砼施工完成后,于側(cè)墻外側(cè)抹1:2.5砂漿2cm,待砂漿層干燥后,在其表面彈出基準線。鋪平面與立面相連的卷材,立面的卷材與導墻預留卷材搭接,然后由下向上鋪貼。立面與頂面采用熱熔滿貼法施工,用高壓噴燈與卷材和基層的夾角處均勻加熱,待卷材表面熔化后把成卷的改性卷材向前滾鋪使其粘結(jié)在基層表面上。立面與頂面相接陽角處,在砂
22、漿抹面時做成圓角,并使卷材緊貼陽角,不應空鼓。(7)防水層均為3mm厚雙層防水。(8)在立面與平面的轉(zhuǎn)角處卷材的接縫應留在平面上距立面不應小于600mm。(9)本工程施工時,卷材長向沿隧道橫斷面方向,相鄰兩幅卷材的搭接要錯開,注意上下二層卷材不得相互垂直鋪貼,上下二層之間搭接縫應錯開1/31/2幅寬。搭接長度為不小于100mm,平面搭接以及立墻搭接如下示意圖所示:六、質(zhì)量檢查與要求 (1)所選用的改性瀝青防水卷材的各項技術(shù)性能指標,應符合gb5028-2011要求,產(chǎn)品應附有現(xiàn)場取樣進行復核驗證的質(zhì)量檢測報告或其他有關(guān)材料質(zhì)量證明文件。 (2)卷材與卷材的搭接縫必須粘結(jié)牢固,封閉嚴密。不允許有
23、皺褶、孔洞、翹邊脫層、滑移或影響滲漏水的其他外觀缺陷存在。 (3)卷材與井口之間粘結(jié)牢固,卷材的末端收頭部位,必須封閉嚴密。 (4)卷材防水層不允許有滲漏水的現(xiàn)象存在。 七、施工注意事項1、所選用防水材料的外觀質(zhì)量、規(guī)格和物理性能均應符合國家標準、規(guī)范的規(guī)定要求。所有進場材料都附有取樣進行復核驗證的質(zhì)量檢驗報告和其他有關(guān)材料質(zhì)量證明文件。2、卷材之間的搭接必須粘接牢固、封閉嚴密。不允許有皺折、起鼓、翹邊、位移等影響防水效果的缺陷存在。3、細部節(jié)點:卷材應粘結(jié)牢固,卷材的收頭部位必須封閉嚴密。4、不能在雨中或環(huán)境溫度低于4時噴涂;5、防水卷材應避免與酸、堿、礦物油、凡士林等影響聚乙烯性能的化學物
24、質(zhì)接觸,同時應避免與80以上高溫接觸以免卷材發(fā)生永久變形。6、運輸與貯存時,應注意勿是包裝損壞,放置于通風、干燥處,貯存垛高不應超過平放五個卷材卷高度。7、自生產(chǎn)之日起,貯存期1年。八、成品保護 (1)施工人員應穿軟質(zhì)膠底鞋,嚴禁穿帶釘?shù)挠驳仔?。在施工過程中,嚴禁非本工序人員進入現(xiàn)場。 (2)防水上堆料放物,都應輕拿輕放,并加以方木鋪墊。 (3)施工用的小推車腿均應做包扎處理,防水層如搭設臨時架子,架子管下口應加以板材鋪墊,以防破壞防水層。 (4)防水層驗收合格后,可直接在防水層上澆注細石混凝土或砂漿作剛性保護層,施工時必須防止施工機具如手推車或鐵锨損壞防水層。 (5)施工中若有局部防水層破壞
25、,應及時采取相應的補救措施,以確保防水層的質(zhì)量。an effort to develop a sense of normalcy in the work, fame and correct treatment of personal gains and losses. specific to be three: one is to take yourself too seriously. who holds a certain power of leading cadres, often tall and one eye, handing out. on this, to keep awake
26、 of mind, summary cannot because others on you enthusiasm is, and kind is, and respect is, on arrogant, carried away, even produced superior of thought, and should pendulum are location, modest, learned clip with tail man, put himself see have light is, put work do have good is, on cadres masses aga
27、in courtesy is, makes cadres masses feel to you has personality charm, can close, willing to contacts, worth respect. second, see dark fame. due to the particularity of jobs, than any other cadre of leading cadres will see some more fame and fortune, will be more convenient to get some fame and weal
28、th, if not treated correctly, can lead to mental imbalance, thereby further affecting the impartiality and objectivity of the work. as a leader, work not only position higher, we should see far, fame, gain and loss in perspective, do know grace, contentment, he knows the responsibility. know well, i
29、s to cherish the people feeding of grace, parental support, and the partys culture of grace. content is to be good at desire, abstinent contentment, develop business, light of fame and fortune in a healthy state of mind. knows responsibility is to a high degree of political responsibility and a stro
30、ng sense of professionalism, conscientious, solid work, based on past performance to make progress, as a winning position, truly li ju after all, responsibility in people first. third, look on your image. as well as protect their eyes and consciousness to cherish and keep your image, whether its at
31、work, or in life, is to obey the law, doing things, strictly abide by the partys political discipline, discipline, discipline and moral norms of the icac, and take concrete actions to establish a good image of leading cadres honest and clean, faithful people. . do good problem-solving, perseverance,
32、 do it right for the people, show concern for the benefit of people and bring benefit to the people. scores of modest, humble ever, not grown arrogant, not to make their achievements as capital of the organization reached; to be too big picture, fame, got quiet, honor does not reach before, responsibility does not excuse before. more stringent requirements for life. foster healthy delight of life, and strict adherence to discipline the
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