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1、、色彩心理概述我們生活在繽紛多彩的世界中,色彩如同光源一般點亮我們的生活。色彩是光刺激眼 睛所產(chǎn)生的視覺感受,也可以說是人的視覺對光反響的產(chǎn)物。約翰內(nèi)斯?伊頓曾說過:“光是色之母,色是光之子。我們通過視覺憑借光才能看見物體的形狀和顏色,從而獲得對客 觀世界的認識。 自然界中各種色彩的美, 我們有目共睹, 藍色的天空, 紅色的花, 綠的樹, 無一不向我們展示著自己,證明色彩的美好。色彩可以讓我們聯(lián)想到各種不同的事物,具有很強的象征性,這其中包括具象的聯(lián)想 和抽象的聯(lián)想,色彩由于色相的不同所表達的意象也各不相同。正如心理學家市場參謀羅 素 ?福斯坦第格曾說:“色彩起著一種暗示的作用, 它是一種包含

2、各種含義的濃縮了的信息。 一般如綠色代表生機勃勃、活力,而藍色那么被感知為平靜、沉穩(wěn)和理智。而在色彩的實際 運用上,很多時候是依照觀看者的心理狀態(tài)或文化背景, 不能斷言會有一樣的感受。 以“紅 色為例,對于中國人來說,是桔祥如意的象征,從傳統(tǒng)的中式婚禮再到春節(jié)家家戶戶張 貼的對聯(lián),中國人對于“紅色喜愛的程度可見一斑。而一些酷暑難耐的國家并不喜歡運 用紅色,因為紅色跟火焰和太陽的顏色相近,容易給人炎熱的感覺。歌德曾語:“顏色對于人的心靈有一種作用它能夠刺激感覺,喚起那些使人沖動、使人 痛苦或使人快樂的情緒。 雖然人們對各色相所反映出的情感各有不同, 但人們對色彩冷暖 的認識大致是一樣的。藍色和橙

3、色分別是極冷和極暖的兩個顏色,經(jīng)實驗說明,身處冷暖 的兩個房間內(nèi),體感溫度大約會有 3 度左右的差異,因為暖色容易讓人聯(lián)想到火焰和太陽, 而冷色那么讓人容易聯(lián)想到冰雪。暖色系還有增進食欲的作用,飯菜用暖色搭配起來令人食 欲大增,因此,在餐廳或食品包裝上為了讓食物看起來更為美味許多產(chǎn)品采用了暖色的設 計。二、包裝與色彩隨著人們生活水平的日益提高,當今琳瑯滿目的商品市場上,商品包裝以形態(tài)各異、 靚麗的外形呈現(xiàn),色彩已成為包裝設計中不可或缺的重要元素。色彩的力量對于品牌而言 十分重要,因為消費者在選購商品的同時,經(jīng)常以顏色作為快速選擇的依據(jù)。如消費者會 選擇以往熟悉的商品包裝, 而無視去仔細閱讀商品

4、的信息, 導致“山寨 商品的趁虛而入。 不同色彩能夠傳遞的品牌內(nèi)涵、聯(lián)想和信息也不同。 “色彩的含義廣泛而豐富,最為重要的 是,它們在文化上是獨立的。某些產(chǎn)品包裝的色彩會與特定的趣味和品質(zhì)聯(lián)系在一起,比 如粉紅色和紅色通常表示甜蜜,而白色和藍色那么意味著純潔和文雅。綠色通常與薄荷香料 或有機制造相聯(lián)系,而為了吸引消費者對新穎和改良產(chǎn)品或配方的注意,設計師 經(jīng)常會使用紅色和黃色。 包裝設計的首要目的是吸引消費者的目光,所謂“遠看顏色近看花 ,在我們接觸某件 物品之前最能吸引人們注意的便是色彩。研究說明,每個消費者掃視超市貨架上商品的時 間僅有短短的 0.03 秒,商品的外形、色彩等因素會直接影響

5、消費者對商品的判斷。在沒仔 細打量一件商品之前,色彩是人最先感受到的信息。人們對色彩的特殊敏感性,決定了色 彩在視覺設計中的重要地位。色彩作為包裝設計的重要組成元素之一, 對人們形成最直接、 強烈的視覺沖擊的同時, 又能與消費者產(chǎn)生情感上的共鳴。色彩不僅能強化產(chǎn)品的宣傳效果,還能吸引消費者對產(chǎn) 品的注意力,從而轉(zhuǎn)化成購置欲。色彩的合理運用,可以令設計作品錦上添花,到達事半 功倍的效果。包裝設計帶有明確的目的性,是傳遞品牌印象,產(chǎn)品信息不可或缺的,能與 消費者直接對話進行自我推銷。一個成功的包裝設計,既離不開好的圖形、文字、造型設 計,也不能缺少色彩。色彩與這些因素的相互融合才能產(chǎn)生好的設計。脫

6、離色彩的包裝設 計會顯得黯淡無光,在現(xiàn)今競爭日益劇烈的商品市場中被同類競爭的商品所淹沒。因此色 彩能起到先聲奪人的作用。合理的配色能給人留下深刻的印象,甚至能讓消費者對產(chǎn)品本 身乃至企業(yè)產(chǎn)生好感,提升品牌的形象。在包裝設計中色彩帶有明確的設計目的,以鮮明的色彩搭配吸引消費者的目光,這時色彩在包裝設計中的合理運用顯得尤為重要。三、食品包裝設計中的色彩隨著科技的日益提高,食品包裝的用途不再局限于作為保護商品的承載物,而越發(fā)趨 向于滿足人們內(nèi)心深處對美的追求。無論是在哪些食品包裝設計中,要想讓該商品暢銷, 不僅商品本身要具有魅力,而且外形設計上也要奪人眼球。然而無論是何種食品包裝設計, 都可以借助色

7、彩來提高消費者的購置欲??煽诳蓸返陌b色彩算是經(jīng)典之一,其包裝設計 中運用的紅色是向人們傳遞著品牌的熱情與活力。之所以運用紅色,除了從色相看起來比 其他顏色突出外,還因為紅色能讓人感到情緒高昂,屬于“誘目性高的配色,讓消費者 過目難忘。同時紅色還是暖色,具有增進食欲的效果,能激發(fā)消費者的熱情和對強身健體 的渴望。這種獨一無二的經(jīng)典配色使消費者可以在琳瑯滿目的商品貨架中很容易辨識出來。在設計與食品包裝有關的內(nèi)容時,應注意色彩的搭配要讓食品看起來新鮮、美味。在 設計中使用“美味的暖色搭配,可以提高消費者的食欲。如番茄的鮮紅色,豌豆的翠綠 色,這些顏色都讓人感到食品看起來非常成熟和健康、新鮮,盡管味

8、道不一定可口。對于 同一系列的商品還可以采用不同顏色的系列包裝來區(qū)分口味,比方相同品牌系列的果汁飲 品,分別用紅、黃、綠三色包裝以區(qū)分番茄、橙子和葡萄的不同香味類型,讓消費者無需 解讀包裝上的文字便一目了然。在食品包裝色彩中由于色彩心理的存在,也逐漸形成了色 彩使用的某些規(guī)那么。像紅色、黃色都是最常被用來做食品包裝設計的色彩,其色彩艷麗, 容易讓人聯(lián)想到成熟的果實乃至香氣,甚至使人在視覺上產(chǎn)生膨脹的感覺,從而增加商品 的分量感。而黑色很少被用在食品包裝中,因為黑色容易讓人聯(lián)想到腐壞的食物,還會讓 人產(chǎn)生消極的情緒,因此,極少有食品包裝運用黑色。綜上所述,掌握色彩心理的規(guī)律,在食品包裝中把握好色

9、彩心理對食品的營銷,對提 升品牌的形象有至關重要的作用。只有合理運用色彩,做到滿足消費者心理情感和需求,才有可能在現(xiàn)今這個競爭劇烈的商品市場中立于不敗之地。The overview, the color psychologyWe are living in a colorful world, colors like light light up our life. Color is light stimulate an eye of visual perception, also can saying is the product of human visual light reflex. J

10、ohannes? Eaton said: the mother of light color, the color is the child of light. Through visual with light we can see the objects shape and color, in order to gain understanding of the objective world. The beauty of nature, there are all sorts of color, we see, the blue sky, red flowers, green trees

11、, all show us their, prove that color.Colour can let us think of a variety of different things, have strong symbolic, including lenovo and abstract representations, expressed by the color because of the different color images are different. As psychologist marketing consultant Russell? Mr Stein firs

12、t once said: role to play in a hint of color, it is a kind of contains various meanings of the enrichment of the information. Generally such as green, on behalf of the vitality and vigor, perception and blue as the calm, composed and reason. In colors on the practical application, a lot of time is i

13、n accordance with the viewers yulematou maka7 psychological status, or cultural background, can not assert that there will be the samefeeling. In red, for example, for the Chinese, is a symbol of good fortune as one wishes, from the traditional Chinese wedding to homes posted during the Spring Festi

14、val couplet, Chinese for red love. And some countries dont like hot summerwith red, because red with the flame and the colour of the sun, give a person the sense of heat easily.Goethe once: color for a persons heart has a kind of role it stimulates feelings, arouse the exciting, painful, or makepeop

15、le happy mood. Although people of various phase reflects the emotion is different, but the understanding of color changes in temperature is roughly the same. Blue and orange are the two extremely cold and warmcolor, the experimental results show that in two rooms of the changes in temperature, there

16、 will be about 3 degrees body feeling temperature difference, because warm color is easy to fire and the sun, and cool color can let a person easily associated with ice and snow. Warmcolor department and the role of appetite and the food with warm color match an appetite, therefore, in the restauran

17、t or food packaging in order to make food look more delicious many product design USES warm color.Second, the packing and colorAs people living standard is increasing day by day, the wide variety of goods on the market today, commodity packaging comes in forms, beautiful appearance, color has become

18、an indispensable important elements in packaging design. The power of color is very important for the brand, because consumers in the choose and buy goods at the sametime, often with color as the basis of quick select. As consumers can choose past familiar commodity packaging, and ignore to read car

19、efully the commodity information, lead to the shanzhai products. Different color can have different brand connotation, lenovo and message. The meaning of the extensive and colorful, most importantly, they are culturally independent. Some product packaging color will be associated with a specific tas

20、te and quality, such as pink and red usually say sweet, while white and blue means pure and elegant. Green isoften associated with mint flavor or organic manufacturing, and in order to attract consumers to a novelty and improved product or formula, designers often use red and yellow.Packaging design

21、 of the primary purpose is to attract the attention of consumers, the so-called far see color near flower, before we contact someitems can attract most attention is the color. Research has shown that every consumer scan on supermarket shelves commodity only a short time of 0.03 seconds, commodity ap

22、pearance, color and other factors will directly affect the judgment of consumers for goods. Before not peer into a commodity, the color is the first to feel the information. People of color special sensitivity, determines the color in the important position in the visual design.Color as an important

23、 element of the design of the packing, for people to form the most direct, strong visual impact, and can produce emotional resonance with consumers. Color can not only enhance the product publicity, but also can attract the attention of the consumers about the product, and the desire to buy into. Re

24、asonable use of color can make design work, achieve the result of get twice the result with half the effort. Packaging design with a clear purpose, brand image, is indispensable to product information, can speak directly with consumers self-promotion. A successful packaging design, is inseparable fr

25、om good graphics, text, modelling design, also cannot lack of color. Color and the fusion of these factors to produce good design. Out of the packaging design of color can appear dim, in todays increasingly competitive products in the market was flooded by competing goods. So the color can have the

26、effect of synthetic-aperture. Reasonable color boxuelun huayueting1 can give a person leave deep impression, even can let the consumer on the product itself and the enterprise, enhance the brand image. The design of color in packaging design with a clear aim, in bright colours attract the attention

27、of consumers, the reasonable use of color in packaging design is particularly important.Three, food packaging design of colorWith the increasing of science and technology, the purpose of food packaging is no longer limited to the vehicle as a protection commodity, and increasingly tend to satisfy pe

28、ople deep down to the pursuit of beauty. In what food packaging design, to get the goods from the seller, notonly goods itself tohave charm, butalso to take shape design. But whatever the food packaging design, can use color to increase the desire of consumers. Coca-Cola packaging color is one of th

29、e classic, the packaging design of red is used to convey the brand of passion and vitality.Using red, besides from hue than other colors look outstanding, because red can also make a person feel emotional high, belong to the orders lure high color, let consumer memorable. Red or warm color at the sa

30、me time, with the effect of the appetite, can stimulate the consumers enthusiasm and desire for physical fitness. This unique classic color can make consumers in a wide variety of goods shelves are easy to identify.Whenthe content of the design is related to food packaging, should pay attention to c

31、olorific collocation to look fresh and delicious food. Used in the design of delicious warm color is tie-in, can improve the appetite of consumers. Such as bright red tomatoes, green peas, these colors are let a person feel the food looks very mature and healthy, fresh, though not necessarily delicious taste. For thesame series of products can also adopt different color series packaging to differentiate between the taste, the samebrand series of juice drinks, for example, with red, yellow, and green packagin


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