1、Introduction to the text:1. This text is a piece of narrative writing, a story.2. The narrator of the story, Dobie Gillis, a freshman in a law school, is thehero or protag oni st( 主角,正派角色) .He struggles aga inst two an tago ni sts(反派角色):Petey Burch, his roommate whose girlfriend he plans to steal; a
2、nd Polly Espy, the girl he intends to marry after suitable re-education.3. The climax (高潮) of the story is reached in paragraphs147 to150 whe n Polly refuses to go steady with the narrator because she had already promised to go steady with Petey Burch.4. The deno ueme nt(結(jié)局) follows rapidly and ends
3、 on a very ironic tone.About the Title-The title of the story is humorous and well-chosen. It has two meanin gs:1. When“ fallacy ” is taken in its ordinary sense, the title means:There is a deceptive (虛偽的,欺詐的) or delusive (欺瞞的,迷惑的) quality about love.2. When “fallacy ” is taken as a specific term in
4、 logic, the title means:Love cannot be deduced(推理)from a set of give n premises.Perhaps Max Shulma n wants the reader, after read ing the story, to con clude that“ love ” is an error, a deception and an emotion that does not follow the principles of logic. But the writer, through this story has succ
5、eeded perhaps un witti ngly(無(wú)意地)in revealing what love may sometimes meanin the affluent society (物質(zhì)社會(huì)) Girls do not want brillia nt, gifted or educated husba nds, but want husba nds who are rich and wealthy eno ugh to provide all the things n ecessary in life home, clothes, cars, etc.Pay atte nti o
6、n to his cha nge of emoti ons:1. favori ng her with a smile2. chuckled with amuseme nt3. chuckled with somewhat less amuseme nt4. forcing a smile/ ground my teeth5. croaked, dashed perspireDetailed study of the texten terpris ing: ad. hav ing or show ingen terprise有事業(yè)心的; 有膽量的; 富于創(chuàng)業(yè)精神的It s very en te
7、rpris ing of them to try and start up a bus in ess like that.asas: a correlative con structi on used to in dicate the equality or same ness of twothi ngs.He is as str ong as an ox.mon th of Sun days : (colloquial 口語(yǔ)體的)long timeunfettered : ad. (fml. or lit.) free from control; not tied by several ru
8、lesThe new city developed quickly, un fettered by the usual pla nning regulati ons.limp : ad. droop in g; lack ing firmn ess無(wú)力的; 易彎的I like lettuce to be crisp, not limp and soggy.我喜歡萬(wàn)苣是脆的,不喜歡軟而濕乎乎的。flaccid : ad. soft and weak; flabbyspongy: ad. like a sponge; soft and porouspeda ntic: ad. pay ing to
9、o much atte nti on to details and uni mporta nt rules迂腐的;學(xué)究的peda nt: n.a pers on who pays more atte nti on to formal rules and book lear ning tha nthey meritdiscipli ne : a branch of kno wledge or lear ningtrauma: a term in psychiatry meaning a painful emotio nal experie nee or shock, ofte nproduci
10、ng a lasti ng psychic effect.心靈創(chuàng)傷; 精神創(chuàng)傷Read, the n, the followi ng essay which un dertakes to dem on strate that logic, far from being a dry, pedantic discipline, is a living, breathing thing, full of beauty, passion, and trauma.Metaphor(暗喻)and hyperbole(夸張).It is a metaphor comparing logic to a liv
11、inghuma n bein g. It is a hyperbole because it exaggerates for the sake of effect.calculat ing:ad. coldly pla nning and thinking about future actions and esp. whetherthey will be good or bad for on eself.perspicacious : ad. (fml.) having or showing very clever judgment or understanding聰敏的;睿智的a persp
12、icacious comme nt有見(jiàn)地的評(píng)論s adva ntage;感覺(jué)靈敏的;敏銳的astute: ad. clever and able to see quickly somethi ng that is to oneshrewd精明的;敏銳的;狡黠的 an astute bus in esswoma n/in vestme nt acute: ad.(1) (of the sen ses) able to no tice small differe nces; sharp深刻Dogs have an acute sense of smell. /He has very acute h
13、eari ng.(2) show ing an ability to un dersta nd things clearly and deeply; pen etrati ng.an acute an alysis of the political situati on(3) severe; very great 嚴(yán)重的acute pain/an acute shortage of waterdynamo an earlier form of generator, a machine that converts mechanical energy into electrical en ergy
14、chemist s scales: Such scales are more precise and accurate for they have to weighsmall qua ntities of powder or other medici ne.scalpel : a surge on s sharp knife used in operati ons 手術(shù)刀; 解剖刀Mybrain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist s scales, as penetratingas a scalpel. (Para.4)S
15、imile (明喻),comparing his brain to three different things.Hyperbole, exaggerati ng for effect.dumb (America n colloquialism or sla ng) stupid; moronic; unin tellige ntdumb as an ox: as stupid as an ox; very stupidnothing upstairs : (American slang)empty-headed; a nitwit (笨蛋; 傻瓜). Thecorresp onding Br
16、itish sla ng is“ unfurni shed in the upper storey.”unstable : ad. easily moved, upset or changedemotional : ad. having feelings which are strong or easily movedimpressi on able : ad. easy to be in flue need,ofte n with the result that one s feeli ngsand ideas cha nge easily and esp. that one is read
17、y to admire other people.The child is at an impressio nable age.這孩子正處于易受影響的年齡。faddist : a person who follows fads (a passing fashion or craze)Emoti onal type. Un stable. Impressio nable. Worst of all, a faddist.All four sentences are elliptical(省略的).The subject and verb “he is ” is leftout.fads : a
18、passing fashion or crazesubmit: v. to offer as an opinion; suggest; proposevery n egati on: complete (absolute) lackreas on: the ability to thi nk, draw con clusi onsto be swept up in: to be carried away by; to follow en thusiasticallycraze : something that is currently the fashion; fadto surre nder
19、 yourself to: to yield; to in dulge inidiocy : n. U great foolishness or stupidityacme n. the highest point of developme nt, success, etc.極度; 發(fā)展、成就的頂點(diǎn);登峰造極the acme of perfect ionacme of min dless ness: the height of stupidity; the greatest lack of in tellige neeLaxative : n./ad/ (a medicine or sth.)
20、 eaten for causing the bowels to empty easily瀉藥;通便劑It s dangerous for people suffering from appendicitis to take any kind of laxative. pausing in myflight: n. fleeing or running away from. Here it means “ stopped rushing out ” (to get a doctor).wail : v. (often derog.) to cry out with a long sound (
21、as if) in grief or pain嚎啕大哭;大聲哭叫pound: v. to hit hard; to deliver heavy, repeated blows猛擊; 猛打; 猛烈跳動(dòng)He poun ded the table an grily. /My heart poun ded with exciteme nt.in credulously : adv. show ing disbelief, un believ in glyan in credulous look/smilein credible : ad. sth. too stra nge to be believe
22、d; un believable or very hard to believe不敢相信的;難以置信的That s the most in credible coin cide nee I ve ever heard of!Look at it rationally :“ it ” stands for the whole question of owning and wearinga racco on coat.unsan itary: ad. not clea n or healthyThey shed: The fur of the racco on coats cast off or
23、lose hair (all the time).un sightly : ad. not pleasa nt to look at; uglyIt s the thing to do: It s the right, proper or fashi on able thing to do.in the swim: con formi ng to the curre nt fashi ons, or active in the main curre nt of affairs slip : to pass, move, etc. smoothly, quickly or easilyslipp
24、ed into high gear: bega n to work at high speed or efficie ncy. A machi ne is inhigh gear when the arrangement of gears provide the greatest speed but little power.gear: any of several arra ngeme nts, esp. of toothed wheels in a machi ne, which allowpower to be passed from one part to ano ther so as
25、 to con trol the power, speed or directi on of moveme nt.(齒輪傳動(dòng)裝置; 排擋 )narrowly : adv. (fml.) in a thorough and usu. doubting way徹底的;追根究底的The teacher questi oned the boy n arrowly about why he was late.affirm : v. to declare (usu. again, or in answer to a question or doubt)肯定; 確認(rèn)She affirmed that she
26、 was telli ng the truth.The minister affirmed the government s intention to reduce taxes.stroke : v. pass the hand over gently, esp. for pleasure撫摸The cats like being stroked.He stroked his beard reflectively.他捋著胡子在沉思。I stroked my chin thoughtfully.我若有所思的撫摸著下巴。covet: v. (esp. bibl or humor) to desir
27、e eagerly (esp. sth. belonging to another person)覬覦;垂涎to let myheart rule myhead: Metonymy. “Heart ” stands for “ feelings and emotions ” and “ head” for“reason and good sense ” .cerebral : ad. (fml. humor) conceived by the intellect rather than the emotions.理智的gracious : ad. polite, kind and pleasa
28、nt, esp. in a generous way親切的; 和藹的;仁慈的;有禮貌的規(guī)格;說(shuō)Busy as she was, she was gracious eno ugh to show us around her house specificati on : n. a detailed pla n or set of descripti ons or directi ons明The desig ner drew up his specificati ons for the new car.With one omission perfectly: Except forone thing
29、(intelligenee) Polly had all theother requireme nts (beauty and grace).pin -up: (American colloquialism) designating a girl whose sexual attractivenessmakes her a subject for the ki nd of pictures ofte n pinned up on port ions : lin es, shape of the bodysupply the lack: supply what is wan t
30、i ng.makings: the material or qualitiesneeded for the making or development of something素質(zhì);必要因素He has the makings of a good doctor./ The story has all the makings of a great movie. carriage : n. (sing) the manner of carry ing on eself, beari ng the manner of hold ingone s head, limbs, and body whe n
31、 sta nding or walk ing; physical posture儀態(tài); 體態(tài)Dancing can improve the carriage.舞蹈能增進(jìn)體態(tài)美。erectness of carriage: a noun plus an“ of ” phrase helps to emphasize the noun“erectness ” . So also “ease of bearing ” and “ best of breeding ” .bearing : n. the way a person holds his body or behaves; deportmen
32、t舉止; 姿勢(shì); 風(fēng)度She had an erectness of carriage, an ease of bearing, a poise that clearly indicated the best ofbreeding .“ bearing ” and “carriage ” are synonymous(同義詞).“ Bearing ” in comparison denotes manner of carry ing or con duct ing on eself and refers to characteristic physical andmental posture.
33、“Carriage ” specifically stresses the physical aspects of a person.specialty of the house: the special dish which the restaura nt or cafeteria sells pot roast: meat, usually a large cut of beef cooked in one piece by brais ing gravy : n. U the juice which comes out of meat as it cooks, thickened wit
34、h flour, etc., to serve with meat and vegetables (力卩了面粉用于調(diào)味的)肉汁dipper : a Iong-handled cup esp. for dipping長(zhǎng)柄勺sauerkraut:德國(guó)泡菜a dipper of sauerkraut: a small cupful of pickled chopped cabbageveer: v. to tur n or cha nge directi onThe car went out of con trol and veered across the road.汽車(chē)失去了控制,突然轉(zhuǎn)向沖向大
35、路對(duì)面。smarte n up: to improve in appeara nee; cause to become n eat or stylishWe smarte n the office up with a fresh coat of paint.我們新刷一層油漆使辦公室煥然一新。Smarte n yourself up before you go in to the in terview.你去面試之前,把自己打扮得漂亮點(diǎn)。dumb: ad. (America n colloquialism or sla ng) stupid, moronic; unin tellige ntkee
36、 n: ad. (America n sla ng) good, fine, excelle nt, etc.: a gen eral term of approvalkid: (America n colloquialism) a young pers ongo steady: (America n colloquialism) to date some one of the opposite sex regularlyand exclusively; be sweetheartsout of the picture: not con sidered as invo Ived in a si
37、tuatio nfield: an area where games or athletic eve nts are heldope n: free to take part or compete in (games being held in the field)wink: v. to close and open (one eye) rapidly, usually as signal between people, esp. of amuseme ntHe win ked at her and she knew he was only prete nding to be an gry.S
38、he gave me a wi nk.A tran sferred epithet. He said mysteriously with a wi nk (the wi nk itself was notmysterious)gamy=gamey:ad. (of meat) having the strong taste of game which has been hung up for some time before cooking ( 肉)有濃烈的野味味道的gamy object: the raccoon fur coat which had a strong tainted(腐壞的)
39、smellStutz Bearcat: n ame of an automobileHoly Toledo: an in terjecti onal compo und (like holy cow! holy smoke!) to expressast oni shme nt, emphasis, etc.revere nt: ad. show ing a feeli ng of revere nee恭敬的They all maintained a revere nt sile nee.他們都保持肅靜。opposite: irrevere ntpelt: n. the skin of a d
40、ead ani mal with or without the fur or hair on it死動(dòng)物的生皮,帶毛的獸皮min ce: v. to lesse n the force of , weake n, as by euphemism. If you do not mince yourwords, you tell sb. sth. unpleasant without making any effort to be polite or to avoid upsett ing them.I n ever mince words, you know that.fling: v. to
41、throw viole ntly or with forceShe flung her shoe at the cat.Every morning he flings the win dows ope n and breathes deeply.stoutly: adv. bravely, determ in edly, resolutelyHe defe nded himself stoutly aga inst their accusati ons(指控)tear: v. to divide with doubt, un certa in ty, etc.; agitate; torme
42、nta heart torn by griefwaif: n. (esp. lit) an un cared-for or homeless child or ani mala pitiful little waif可憐的流浪兒set his jaw: He put his jaw in a fixed or rigid(僵硬的,嚴(yán)格的)position. This actionshows fixed, uny ield ing determ in ati on swivel: v. move roundThe chair swiveled to the right whe n he trie
43、d it.wax: v. esp. of the moon to grow gradually largerwane: v. to grow gradually smaller or less after being full or complete逐步變小,變少;逐步衰落The moon waxes and wanes every mon th.mad lust: fran tic, insane, overmasteri ng desireFinally he didn t turn away at all; he just stood and stared with mad lust a
44、t thecoat.Hyperbole. It s an exaggeration to describe his great longing for the coat as “ mad lust ” . He just stood there, looking with great longing at the coat.(有理化)“ Whats Polly to me, or me to Polly? ”He has no reas on to weep over los ing Polly. Petey goes on rati on aliz ing con scie nee 良心,道
45、德心casual kick: (America n colloquialism or sla ng) an occasi onal pleasurelaughs: (America n colloquialism or sla ng) mere diversi on or pleasurecomply: v. act in accorda nee with a request, order etc.He relucta ntly(嫌惡的,不情愿地)complied with their wishes.The factory was closed for faili ng to comply w
46、ith gover nment safety regulati ons.bun ch: v. to (cause to) form into one or more bun ches or close groups使聚成堆 / 群The capta in told the players not to bunch (up) together, but to spread out over the field.mound: n. of(1) a pile of earth, ston es, etc. ofte n one built in ancient times as a defe nee
47、 orover a grave; small hill土石堆,土崗,土丘a burial mound 墳堆(2) a large pile ofa mound of papers on my deskSimile, compari ng Petey in the fur coat to a large pile of dead racco ons.deal: (American slang) an unethical transaction or agreement from which both parties ben efit, specifically, the securi ng of
48、 favored treatme nt by extorti on(敲詐)orbribery (賄賂)Gee: an exclamati on of surprise, won der, etc.Delish: clipped vulgar form for“delicious ”loom: v. to come in to sight without a clear form, esp. in a way that appears verylarge and unfrien dly, caus ing fear.隱約出現(xiàn)If sth. looms, it appears as a probl
49、em or eve nt that is approach ing, or that willsoon happe n, a rather literary use.This looms as a big questi on for many new pare nts.no small:Understatement,restraintor lack of emphasis in expression,as forrhetorical effect. 保守的陳述,掩飾Litotes/Understatement: A figure of speech consisting of an under
50、statement in which an affirmative is expressed by negating its opposite, 曲言法, 間接表達(dá)法, 反語(yǔ)法(以 反面的否定代替肯定的詞格)not bad = very goodno easy = very difficultThis is no small problem=This is a very big/serious problem.dime nsion: n.(1) a measureme nt in any one directio n, exte ntLen gth is one dime nsion and
51、width is ano ther.Time is sometimes called the fourth dime nsion.(2) a particular side or part of a problem, subject, etc.; aspect問(wèn)題等的方面,部分There is another dimension to this problem which you haven t considered.got to: (America nism) bega n to, started tophysical charms: beautiful face and figureway
52、 she en tered a room: carriage and poise of beari ngway she han dled a knife and fork: refi ned table mannersI had all the facts at my fin ger tips: I was completely familiar with all the facts.have at one s fin ger tips: to be completely familiar with; to have available forin sta nt useI picked nex
53、t date: On our next social engagement day I called on her to take heralo ng with me.pick up: to stop for (to call on) and take or bring alongKno II: the n ame of the campus meet ing place. Perhaps it was give n this n ame becauseit was a small mound or hillock.trysti ng place: meeti ng place, esp. w
54、here lovers meet secretlywin ce: v. to move sudde nly as if draw ing the body away from sth. un pleasa ntShe win ced as she touched the cold body.by all means: of course; certa inly, express ing her approvalbatting her lashes: blinking or flutteringher eye-lashes rapidly to show pleasurableexciteme
55、ntMetonymy換喻).Otherwise you have committed a logical fallacy called“ a dictosimpliciter ad dictum sec un dum quid ”But this is marvy: But this is marvelous (won derful)It will be better if:a request show ing displeasuredesist: v. (fml.) from to stop doing sth.The judge told the man to desist from th
56、reate ning his wife.“Really? ” said Polly, amazed.“Nobody?”(Para.76)Two elliptical rhetorical questi ons.It is really true that n obody at the Uni versity of Minn esota can speak Fren ch?hid my exasperatio n.The n arrator was greatly irritated or anno yed by Polly s stupidity. He con trolledhis voic
57、e and temper to hide his true feeli ngs.exasperati on: n. U extreme an ger or annoyanceexasperate: v.In sheer exasperatio n, she gave the machi ne a kick. /她氣急敗壞的踢了這臺(tái)機(jī)器一腳。I fought off a wave of despair: I struggled to keep away the feeli ng of despair.I was gett ing girl: I was making no progress with this girlget no where: to make no progress; accomplish no thi ngI am nothing persistent: a case of a double negative making a positive. I am very persiste nt.“You are guilty
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