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1、計(jì)算流體動(dòng)力學(xué) 院 姓 學(xué) 課程論文 系:能源與化工系 名: 號(hào): 提交日期: 前處理利用GAMBIT建立計(jì)算模型 創(chuàng)建坐標(biāo)網(wǎng)格圖 Display Grid Coordinate Sys |ic_svs.1 F Visibility B I ffl I B I 田 I 41 I Plane XZ Axis * X V Z offset Maximum Minimum XYjJiane X Values 350 a Delete I 360 1 370 Unselect | 3S0 390 Delete All| 40C J 7 Update list | Increment Valwe: Op

2、 tions; Snaf) Grid:* Lines y Points dose 圖1網(wǎng)格顯示設(shè)置對話框 圖2網(wǎng)格顯示設(shè)置對話框 Apply I Reset ir . fe 1 $ 圖3創(chuàng)建節(jié)點(diǎn) 第2步由節(jié)點(diǎn)創(chuàng)建直線 (1) 隱藏坐標(biāo)網(wǎng)格 圖4創(chuàng)建直線的節(jié)點(diǎn) 圖5創(chuàng)建直線對話框 Apply I Reset 圖6 創(chuàng)建直線 (2) 由節(jié)點(diǎn)連成直線(邊界線) create Straight Edge Vertices I Type:* Real y Virtual 叫;上匸竺_二!JP Label ose 第3步創(chuàng)建小管嘴 (1) 創(chuàng)建小管嘴入口邊節(jié)點(diǎn) Move / Copy Vertices V

3、ertices Pick _i I 卜ertex4 # Move * copyp Op eratian: * Translatey Rot ala V Reflect乂 Scale Coordinate Sys. |:c_s/.1 Global Local J:的 X: po *=輒1 r: IT 斗 R Type 匚 arts naxinun uolume 53): total uolume (n3): Face area statistics: nininun face area Cr2) : 4-*97102e+000 naxinum face area (n2): 1.257327e+

4、a01 Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Checking Done. number number thread number OF node弓 per of faces peF pointers. OF cells per cell, cell. face. face cells- bridge faces. right-h

5、anded cells. face handedness. elenent typm consistency. boundary type; face pairs- periodic boundaries, node count. nosolup cell count, nosolue Fdce count. face children, cell childr&n. storage. 圖25讀入網(wǎng)格文件的信息反饋 (4) 網(wǎng)格信息 Grid Size LeuelCellsFacesModesPartitions 02295 092811 圖26網(wǎng)格信息 (5) 平滑網(wǎng)格 Smooth Smo

6、oth/Swa p Grid Swap Info Method skewness Number Swapped a Number Visited 407 Minimum Skewness Number of Iterations Smooth Swa p Close Help | 圖27平滑與交換網(wǎng)格對話框 1 cell zone, S face zones- No nodes noued, smoothing conplEtg_ Don?. Number faces suapped: Q Nunb&r faces uisited: U07 圖28光滑與交換網(wǎng)格 (6) 確定長度單位 Scal

7、e Grid Scale Factors Unit Conversion X D,al Grid Was Created In |cm Change Length Units Domain Extents Xmtn (cnk| fe Xmax (cm| Ymin (cm q Ymax (cm| 阿 ScAle UnecAle Claae Hiilp I 圖29長度單位設(shè)置對話框 (7) 顯示網(wǎng)格 圖30顯示網(wǎng)格對話框 第3步設(shè)置流體的物理屬性 圖31 管道網(wǎng)格圖 建立求解模型 (1)設(shè)置求解器 Soiver Salver G Segregated L Coupled Formulation 存

8、 Implicil 廠 Explicit Space V 20 L Axisymmclric Ayiymmelrlc Swirl 廣JD Tiirie Stcatiy I 廠 Unslcsdy Velocity Formulation W Afasalutr 廠 Relallve Gradient Option & Ccll-Osscd 廠 Mndc-Qustd Porous Formulation 存 Supcrlicial Vdowty 廠 Physicul Vclncily OK I Cane訓(xùn)Help | 圖32 求解器設(shè)置對話框 (2)選擇湍流模型 r (T r r r r Visc

9、ous Model Model Inviscid Laminar Spalflrt-Allmaras (1 eqn| k-epsilon |2 eqn k-omega (2 eqn) Reynolds Stress 5 eqn| OK Cancell I Help 圖33湍流模型選擇對話框 Vrous Mcxiel Uodel r r r 広 r r Laminar pakrl-Allmara? |1 eqn h-cpsilvn |E rqn k-arnega 2 cqn AcynOtde &trc3t f5 eqn| tc-r|ivilvii Mu del 左 Slflndard nc J

10、Ufier-Dtflneil FuncUeng Tinbl口rt Yi占B右雌 J Ncar-Wall rrcalmcnl 矣別勺NbfOW汕 Fuoclicn$ 廠 Nan-Equilibrium WjII FunclionE 廠 Enhanced Wall Trealmenl PK II nl I H郵 H 圖34湍流模型設(shè)置對話框 (3)選擇能量方程 EriErgy Energy Energy Equation OK Cancel I Help I 圖35能量方程設(shè)置對話框 Name Iwdter Materials Maicrial Type I fluid Chemical Form

11、ula Fluent Ruid Maicnals Order Mate Hals By r Name ChrmicflI Formula Fluent Dalabse. LlpHjre User-Defined Databaee. none Prop crIicB Cp U/to M enn呂1曷nl J I Edit 19Ue con slam+ dh”, constant J I Fdit. |s.6 conslnl I I Edi 爲(wèi)” Density 燉恤刖 Thermal Conductivity fw/m-k) Vi&cusity (kg/m-sj o,nei ChangeCrea

12、te Delete Close Help 圖36流體材料設(shè)置對話框 設(shè)置邊界條件 Boundary Conditions ID Idelault-irleriDi fluid ikjid solid inlet 1 inler2 Dullel w/all Zone Type Sel I Cop” I Close | Help 圖37邊界條件設(shè)置對話框 (1)設(shè)置工作流體為水 Fluid 圖39 速度邊界1設(shè)置對話框 water Edit. Zone Name fluid Material Name Source Terms Fixed Values Porous Zone LaminarZon

13、e Motion Source Terms | Fixed Values | Porous Zone | Reaction Rotation-Axis Origin Y (cm 0 Motion Type Siationary OK Cancel I Help | 圖38流體設(shè)置對話框 (2)設(shè)置冷水入口速度邊界條件 Velocity Inlet Zone Name inlet 1 Velocity Specification Method Magnitude, Normal to Boundary Reference Frame Absolute I constant constant Ve

14、locity Magnitude (mfs) 3.2 Ternperature (k) 293 Turbulence Specification Method Intensity and Hydraulic Diameter Turbulence Intensity (%) 5 Hydraulic Diameter (cm)戶耳 OK Cancel Help (3)用同樣方法對inlet_2進(jìn)行設(shè)置 Velocity InletX Zone Name inlet 2 Velocity SpEuific玳inn Method Magnilude Normal to Boundary Refere

15、nce Frsme Absolute Velocity Magnitude (m/s) a.2 constant Ternperaturu k) 293 constant Turbulence Specification Method intensity and Hydraulic Diameter Turbulence Intensity %) 5 Hydraulic Diameter (cm) 20( OK Cancel Help I 圖40速度邊界2設(shè)置對話框 (4)為出流口設(shè)置壓力出流邊界條件 Pressure Outlet Zone Name outlet constant cons

16、lant Gauge Pressure pascal q Backflow Total Temperature (k qb Backflow Direction Specification Method Normal to Boundary Turbulence Specification Method intensity and Hydraulic Diameter Backflow Turbulence Intensity |%| 5 Backflow Hydraulic Diameter (cm)喬 廠 Target mass-flow rate OK Cancel Help 圖41壓力

17、出流邊界條件設(shè)置對話框 (5)設(shè)置壁面邊界 X 3 Zone Name ualll Adjacent Cell Zone Fluid Thermal | DPM | Momentum Speties | Radiation UDS I Granular | Thermal Condillons r r c c Heat Flux Temp erature Convection Radialion Mlixed Material Name aluminum Heal Flux Wall Thickness cm 2B0 Heat Generation Rate |岬mJ |g Edit*” I

18、constant I con slant Zone Name wall2 Adjacenl Cell Zone Fluid Thermal | DPM Momentum Species Radialion | UDS | Granular Thermal ConditionE r (! r r r Heat Flux Tem peraturc Convedion Radiation Mixed Tcmpcraturc (k)麗 Wall Thickness (cm) o Heat Generation Rate (w/ni3) o constant constant Material Name

19、 aluminum Edit OK Cancel 圖43壁面邊界2設(shè)置對話框 WallX Zone Name |uall3 Adjacent Cell Zone Material Name dFuminum 耳 Edil. fluid Thermal DPM 1 Momentum | Speciee | Radiation | UDS 1 Granubr | Thermal CanditionE Heal Flux 廣 Temperature 廣 Canvcction 廠 Radiation 廠 Mixed Heal Flux (w/in2) s 1 constant J Wall Ihtck

20、ness |crTi| 0 Heat Generation Rate e |cDnelant T 圖45壁面邊界4設(shè)置對話框 QK I CancEl I Help 圖44 壁面邊界3設(shè)置對話框 wail Zone Name 毋 alia fluid Thermal DPM | MomEnlum | Speclefi | Radiation | UDS Thermal Conditions Heal Flux 廣 Temperature 廠 Convection 廠 Radiation Mixed Heat Flux fw/mZ Wall Thickness (cm) Heat Generali

21、on Rate fw/m3J Adjacent Cell Zone I Granular | 0 0 0 Malerial Name conslanl conslanl Edit,. aluminum OK Cancel Help X Wall 圖47求解控制設(shè)置對話框 Zone Name uall5 Adjacent Cell Zcne Fluid Thermal DPM | Momentum | Species 1 Radiation J UDS j Granular j Heat Generation Rate constanl Temperature (k) Wall Thicknes

22、s (cm) |cDn3tBn1 Thermal Conditions Heal Flux 席 Temperature L Convection 廠 Radiation u Mixed Material Name laluminum QK I Cancel | HiHp | 圖46 壁面邊界5設(shè)置對話框 第5步迭代求解 (1)設(shè)置求解控制參數(shù) EquaHana Solution Controls 亙I旦 UndenRclaxalton Factors Pressure 0.3 Density 5 Body Forces 斤 Momentum 0.7 Pressure-Velocity Coup

23、lling Discretization SIMPLE Pressure standard Momentum first Order Upwind Turbulente Kinetic Energy First Order Upwind Turbulence Dissipation Rate First Order Upwmd OK Default Cancel Htip (2)流場初始化 Solution InitializationX inlet_2 席 Relative to Cell Zone 廠 Absolute Initial Values Gauge Pressure pasca

24、l) X Velocity (m/s) 0 Q Compute From Reference Frame -0_2 Turbulence Kinetic Energy ni2/s2) Init Reset Appldl Close 圖48流場初始化對話框 (3) 設(shè)置殘差監(jiān)測器 Residual Monitors Qp tiions Storage Plotting R Print 臣 Plot Met ations 10QO Window fo Normalization Iterations ioqq 廠 Normalize Scale Axes Curves. Residual cont

25、inuity x-uelocit| p-uelocity energy 0.001 PI 0.001 卡I |o.aoi 1e-06 而I 0.Q01 CheckConve rgence Monitor Convergence Criterion OK Plot I Renorm Cancel I Help 圖49殘差監(jiān)測器設(shè)置對話框 (4) 設(shè)置監(jiān)視器 Surface MonitorsX Surface Monitors H Plot Print Write jmonitor-l r 廠 |nionitor-2 r 廠 r |nionitor-3 r r 廠 Imonitor-li 廠 r

26、r Name Iteration Iteration Iteration deration OK Cancel | Hkl|)| Define. Define Define. I 圖50表面監(jiān)視器設(shè)置對話框 Define Surface Monitor X 圖51表面監(jiān)視器定義對話框 (5)保存文件(201241102132.caS (6)開始迭代計(jì)算 圖52迭代參數(shù)設(shè)置對話框 Residuate continuity x-velocity y-velodty sntrgy k epsilon Ib-KH U4W 1-02 Ifi-OS ID 13 15 ie 20 Iterations 圖5

27、3 殘差監(jiān)測曲線 Monilore mofiitor-1 235.1900 Area Weighted Avera 29S.UCD 29S.120D 295.1CWD 235.Q340 295.04flD 295.0MD Ite raftion 圖54 出口平均溫度監(jiān)測曲線 (7) 放大截面溫度監(jiān)測曲線 Axes - Surface Monitor Plot Axis Number Format Major Rules flaal foreground Label Precision J/eight Log Minimum Cnlnr Auto Range 廠 Major Rules dair

28、k gray J 廠 Minor Rules Maximum Weiyihl |295,16| P Qp lions Range Minor Rules Apply Close I Help I 圖55軸向曲線放大設(shè)置對話框 (8) 調(diào)整殘差臨界值 X Residual Monitors Options 臣 Print 17 Plot Storage Plotting Herat! ons 1000 Window 0 Normallization Iterations 1 QQO 廠 Normalize 兩 Scale Axes. I Curves Residual CheckConverge

29、nce * Monitor Convergence Criterion continuity ie-06 |x-uelocity y-uelocity energy OK Plot Re norm I Cancel Help I 圖56調(diào)整殘差收斂臨界值 (9) 進(jìn)一步迭代計(jì)算 Monilcirs manitaf-l 3S5.17M q 25.1300 - Area - Weighted Average 抻$1250 - 1 295.10 T 1 1 52 53 Iteration 圖57 出口平均溫度曲線 (10)保存 data 文件(201241102132.dat) 第6步 顯示計(jì)算結(jié)果

30、 Contours Options Contours of Filled Velocity. Node Values r ir Global Range Auto Range Clip :o nanye Draw Profiles Draw Grid 20 丄 1 斗 J Levels Setup Surface Name 卩attern Match 圖58 Velocity Magnitude p 卩上時(shí)了65 Surfaces default-interior A inle(_1 inlet_2 outlet wain 7 Surface Types =Jd axis A clip-sur

31、f ex haust-fan fan V Win (fn/s) Di占pl曲y I Compute I Close I Help | 繪制云圖設(shè)置對話框 (1)利用不同顏色顯示速度分布云圖 3.24eOO 3.4le-0O 3.0?91-00 2 7304-00 2邸滬QCi 2 空e+E 2.219*00 2.046*00 1.ST6*00 1.70s*00 1騁計(jì)曲 1 see-oo 19尹00 1.03s*00 e .53601 B 81401 5 11&-01 2.S08*00 0 3.4101 1.70e-01 圖59 速度分布云圖 (2)顯示速度矢量場 Vectors Options Node Vai les Global Range Auto Range I Ip it I? Rdr ije Auto


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