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1、英美國家概況答案 【篇一:英語國家概況 -謝福之-課后答案 -簡答題(美國部分)】er 81. how is the american population distributed? the distribution of the american population is rather uneventhe most densely populated region is the northeastern part ofthe country. the great plains have a comparatively smallpopulation .the south also has

2、a population of almost57.5million. the west is not densely populated ,except for somemetropolitan centers like los angeles and san francisco . it hasabout 20% of the nation s population. 2. why was the immigration act of 1942 instituted ? the new immigrants in the united states , being poor andaccus

3、tomed to poverty , were willing to work for very lowwages .this made other workers afraid that the immigrantswould ls and take jobs away from them . this opposition led tothe immigration act of 1942.chapter 91. why did american change its policy and enter world war ii?because of the formation of the

4、 axis , the americangovernment feared that the axis countries were wining the warand it might threaten america s security and interests . itbegan to provide war equipment to the foreign nationsresisting the aggression of the axis power . the japanese airraid on pearl harbor became the direct cause f

5、or america sentrance into the war.2. what were nixon s w e-lkl nown contributions during his presidency?a) brought the vietnam war to a close b)reestablishing u.s. relations with china c) negotiating the firststrategic arms limitation treaty with theformer soviet union . 3. what were the contents of

6、 reagan s economic program? reagan s economic program called for reductions in incometaxes and business taxes in order to encourage investment ,and it also requested that many government regulations beeliminated so as to reduce the federal government s role in the day-to-day operation of business.ch

7、apter 10 1. what are the two characteristics of the u.s. constitution? one is “checks and balances ”, the other is that the power ofthe central government and the powers of state governmentsare specified. 2. what are the qualifications for a senator and arepresentative respectively? a senator must b

8、e over 30 years old , a u.s. citizen for at leastnine years, and a resident in the state which they represent . arepresentative should be at least 25 years old and a u.s. citizenfor no less than seven years.3. what are the major powers of the supreme court?a) to interpret laws b) to hear appeals fro

9、m any federal court cases; c) to hear appeals from state court cases that involve theconstitution or national lawsd) may declare a lawunconstitutional e) may declare a presidential act unconstitutional.4. what is the difference between the democrats and therepublicans in terms of political opinions?

10、 the democrats want the government to play an important rolein the economy and emphasize full employment as a matter ofnational concern they favor civil rights laws , a strong socialsecurity system which gives enterprises a greater freedomand demand that the government control inflation. they stress

11、the need for law and order, and oppose complete governmentsocial programs and free choice of abortion they also favor astrong military posture and assertive stand in internationalrelations.chapter 11 1. what industry developments took place during the colonialperiod of america? during the colonial p

12、eriod ,the secondary industriesdeveloped as the colonies grew . a variety of specializedsawmills and gristmills appeared. colonists establishedshipyards to build fishing fleets and trading vessels . they alsobuilt small iron forges . by the 18th century , regional patternsof development in america h

13、ad become clear. 2. how did the civil war affect the american economy? after the civil war , the large southern cotton plantationsbecame much less profitable . northern industries , which hadexpanded rapidly because of the demands of the war ,surgedahead. 3. why does america try to reduce trade barr

14、iers? because the united states has increasingly realized that openbilateral trade will not only advance its own economic interests,but also enhance domestic stability and its peacefulrelationship with other nations.chapter 121. how does an american university choose its applicants?a)their high scho

15、ol records; b) recommendations from their high school teachers; c) the impression they make during interviews at theuniversity;d) their scores on the sat. 2. what functions do american higher education institutionsperform? higher education institutions in the united states have threefunctions: teach

16、ing , research and public service , and eachhas its own emphasis with regard to its function . 3. what similarities do four famous university share? they all have a long history , they all have an excellent faculty ,a large number of students and have made extensive academicachievements. some of the

17、ir graduates are very successful orinfluential in some areas such as politics, arts and business. 4. what are the origins of thanksgiving day? thanksgiving is associated with the time when europeans firstcame to the new world , in 1620,the mayflower arrived andbrought about 150 pilgrims. life at the

18、 beginning was very hardand there was not enough food , so many of them died. duringthe following summer the native america helped them and thenthey had a bountiful harvest. so they held a big celebration tothank god and the native americans.第四大題chapter 81 why is the united states regarded as a ”mel

19、ting pot ” anda ”salad bowl ” ? the united states is not merely a nation,but a nation ofnations.the immigrants came in waves,including theeuropeans,the africans and the asians.therefore,america isdescribed as amelting potwhere various racial and ethnicgroups are assimilate into american culture.rece

20、ntly,americahas been called asalad bowlin that people of difference racesand ethnic groups mix harmoniously,but at the same time keeptheir distinct culture and customs.2 what do you think is the best way to help assimilation in a multicultural society? the best possible way to help assimilation in a

21、 multiculturalsociety is to be open and tolerant toward differentcultures.people from different racial and ethnic backgroundsshould respect each other.society should create opportunitiesto help immigrants become assimilated.at the same time theimmigrants should keep their own language,customs andrel

22、igion,contributing to the diversity of a multicultural society.chapter 91. what was the cause of the american civil war? the southern planters of america needed a large number ofblack african slaves to manage their plantations and theyregarded the slaves as their property.in the north,with thedevelo

23、pment of industry,there was a growing demand for freelabor.what s more,hte northerners demanded a law to protecttariffs and asked the government to finance the building ofrailways and roads.but the southerners were against it andadvocated free trade so as to purchase cheaper goods fromforeign countr

24、ies.the accumulating conflicts led to the divisionof the north and the south and finally the american civil war. 2. what made the united states a powerful country by the endof world war ii? during the two world wars,america remained neutral in theearly stage.however, americans continued their profit

25、abletrade with the warring countries.therefore,they not onlyretained their military forces,but also accumulated greatwealth.when america entered the wars,it was almost at the endof the wars.by sharing the fruit of victory with other allies,america greatly strengthened its power and became apowerful

26、country by the end of world war ii.chapter 10 1. how is the american president voted into office? what areyour ideas about the american election? each party holds its national convention every four years tochoose a candidate for presidency.to win a presidentialelection,a candidate has to spend milli

27、ons of dollars,travel allover the country to make speeches and debate on television with the rival.thegeneral election is technically divided into two stages.duringthe first stage,presidential electors for each state will bechosen.in the second stage the electors meet and vote apresident.since the s

28、econd stage is only a kind offormality,everyone knows who will be the next president ansoon as the first stage is over. i think the candidates spend too much money on the electoralcampaigns.and, the election cannot solve the social andeconomic problems of the u.s. as some candidates do notkeep their

29、 word after they become president. 2. what was president eisenhowers foreign policy and whatwere the consequences ? president eisenhower made vigorous efforts to wage the coldwar.he placed new emphasis on developing nuclear strengthto prevent the outbreak of war.he also frequently authorizedthe cia

30、to undertake secret interventions to overthrowunfriendly governments or protect reliable anti-communistleaders whose power was threatened.the cia helped topple thegovernments of iran and guatemala,but it suffered anembarrassing failure in indonesia.in addition,eisenhower usedu.s.power and prestige t

31、o help create a non-communistgovernment in south vietnam,which brought disastrous long-term consequences to the united states.chapter 111. how did the u.s constitution lay the groundwork for american s economic development ? the u.s.constitution,as an economic charter,established thatthe entire nati

32、on was a unified or commonmarket.there wereno tariffs or taxes on interstate commerce.it provided that thefederal government could regulate commerce with foreignnations and among the states,establish uniform bankruptcylaws,create money and regulate its value,fix standards ofweights and measures,esta

33、blish post office and roads,and fixrules governing patents and copyrights.the last-mentionedclause was an early recognition of the importance ofintellectual property,a matter that began assuming greatimportance in trade negotiations since the late 20thcentury. 2. cite examples to illustrate the role

34、 of governmentintervention in americas economic development. the government has always played an active and importantrole in america s economic development.in the early 1930s,thrunited states suffered the worst economic depression inamerican history.president roosevelt introduced the new dealto tack

35、le the financial crisis.besides,he set up the new yorkstate emergency relief commission to help those in desperateneed and tried to relieve the serious problems of the jobless.atthe end of 1970s, the american economy again suffered arecession.the reagan administration combated inflation bycontrollin

36、g government spending deficit,cutting taxes andraising interest rates.both policies mentioned above helped toset the country s economic development on its right course,inall,the intervention of the government has ensured thateconomic opportunities are fair and accessible to the people.ithas prevente

37、d flagrant abuses of the system,dampened theeffects of inflation and stimulated economic growth.chapter 12 1. what are the ideals that guide the american educationalsystem? the first ideal is that as many people as possible shouldreceive as much education as possible .the second ideal isthat of ptod

38、ucing a society that is totally literate and of localcontrol . the third ideal is that scholars and students shouldwork to discover new information or conceive new ways tounderstand what is already known . 2. how does america carry out multicultural education? american schools routinely teach the ex

39、periences and valuesof many ethnic cultures.current textbooks incorporate a varietyof ethnic individuals who have achieved success.struggle forequality are vividly depicted,and past racism is bluntlyacknowledged.cultural pluralism is now generally recognized as the organizing principle ofeducation.s

40、chools at all levels offer students opportunities tolearn about different cultures.【篇二: 2016 年春英美國家概況在線作業(yè)及答案】the us school systems, which of the following divisions is true? a.elementary school, grammar school.b.elementary school, junior high school. c.elementary school, secondary school.d.junior hi

41、gh school, senior high school. 您的答案: c題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.02第 2 題 to get a bachelor s degree, an american undergraduatestudent is required to do the following except _. a.attending lectures and complete assignments b.passing examinations c.taking certain subjects such as history, language andphilosophy

42、 d.earning a certain number of credits at the end of the fouryears at college您的答案: c題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.03第 3 題which of the following is not guaranteed in the bill of rights?a.the freedom of religion.b.the freedom of searching a person s home by police. c.the freedom of speech and of the press.d.the ri

43、ght to own weapons if one wishes. 您的答案: b題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.04第 4 題 the reason why many american young people were involved inthe social movements of the 1960s wasthat _.a.they resented traditional white male values in us society.b.they love america so much.c.they thought they knew better than their t

44、eachers.d.they viewed the adult world with grave doubt. 您的答案: a 題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.05第 5 題which of the following institutions isresponsible for the making of the internet?a.the us military.b.the us entertainment industry.c.the us film industry.d.the us education sector.您的答案: a題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.06第 6 題

45、which of the following is not a power of the president? a.the president can veto any bill passed by congress. b.the president has the authority to appoint federal judgeswhen vacancies occur.c.the president can make laws. d.the president has broad powers, with the executive branch,to issue regulation

46、s and directives regarding the work of thefederal departments.您的答案: c題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.07第 7 題 if a student wants to go to university in britain, he will take theexamination called _. a.general certificate of education advanced.b.general certificate of secondary education. c.the common entrance exami

47、nation.d.general national vocational qualifications. 您的答案: a題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.08第 8 題where are international tennis championships held in the uk?a.wembley.b.wimbledonc.london.d.edinburgh您的答案: b題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.09第 9 題 a free press is considered very important to the functioning ofparliamentary democr

48、acy because _. a.it plays a watchdog function, keeping an eye on thegovernment.b.it informs people of current affairs in the world. c.it provides people with subjective reports.d.it publishes short pamphlets for parliament. 您的答案: b題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 0.010第 10 題which city is the capital in scotland?a.car

49、diffb.edinburgh c.glasgowd.manchester您的答案: b題目分數(shù): 2.0此題得分: 2.011第 11 題how many counties are there in northern ireland? a.26 b.6 c.32 d.20 您的答案: b題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.012第 12 題when did scotland join the union by agreement of the englishand scottish parliaments? a.in 1715b.in 1688 c.in 1745 d.in 1707您的答案:

50、 d題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.013第 13 題what happened in 1215? a.it was the year of norman conquest in british history. b.forced by barons, king john signed the magna carta. c.hey iv granted the commons the power to review moneygrants.d.king egbert united england under his rule. 您的答案: b題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.014第 14

51、題which of the following is not a true description of the queen s role?a.the queen selects the prime minister and the cabinet.b.the queen symbolises the tradition and unity of the british state.c.the queen acts as a confidante to the prime minister.d.the queen is the temporal head of the church of en

52、gland.您的答案: a題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.015第 15 題which of the following sports was not invented in britain?a.football.b.tennis.c.basketballd.cricket.您的答案: c題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.016第 16 題easter commemorates _.a.the birth of jesus christ.b.the crucifixion of jesus christ.c.the coming of spring.d.the crucifixion and

53、 resurrection of jesus christ.您的答案: d題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.017第 17 題in the examination called “the 11 plus ”, students with academic potential go to _.a.grammar schools. c.public schools.d.technical schools.您的答案: a題目分數(shù): 1.0此題得分: 1.018第 18 題which of the following description about the【篇三:英語國家概況 英國-課后問答題 1

54、】ass=txtchapter 1questions for thought: 1. what was the british empire? what do you know about it? inwhat way is the empire still felt in britain and in the international field? key points: 3. a system of monarchy was observed still on today s britain,which went through the history. the queen is sti

55、ll the head ofthe commonwealth. 4. the empire still can be felt in the following ways: a. there are still close relationships between the uk and thefifty or more countries which used to be its former colonies,and which maintain links through a loose organization calledthe commonwealth of nations. b.

56、 it became one member of theeuropean union since 1973. c. the effect also lies in the makeup of the british populationitself. newly immigrants mainly came from the former colonies,specially from india and caribbean area. d. today the monarchrepresents the country in many occasions. e. class exists a

57、ndlords and peers are obvious evident of the imperial past. 2. why does the author say that it is not possible to sum upthe british people with a few simple phrases? key points: reasons: 1. regional differences-england, scotland, wales,northern ireland 2. racial differences 3. class differences 4.cultural differences-highland vs lowland 5. religiousdifferences-protestants vs catholics (main in northern ireland) 3. british history has been a history of invasion . pleaseillustrate this point with the examples from the text. how did each o


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