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1、2021/3/111 unit2 Growing pains 2021/3/112 Did you have the experience of staying at home alone? 2021/3/113 What might happen if you were left home alone? Could you keep everything going well? Could you keep everything clean and safe? What would you do? 2021/3/114 Have you read an English play before

2、? Do you know something about a play? Can you tell me something about that? 2021/3/115 A playA play Act oneAct one Act twoAct two Scene oneScene one Scene twoScene two Mom and Dad arrive back fromwhen Mom Mom and Dad arrive back fromwhen Mom and Dad enter.and Dad enter. Dad Dad : its so nice to be h

3、ome !: its so nice to be home ! MomMom: Yes, I cant wait to surprise the boys: Yes, I cant wait to surprise the boys! Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball Suddenly a door opens and a soccer ball walking very slowlywalking very slowly EricEric: Mom! Dad! You are back early! : Mom! Dad! You are bac

4、k early! (looking around the room, sounding frightened(looking around the room, sounding frightened) But, butBut, but DanielDaniel: (running into the room ) Mom, Dad, : (running into the room ) Mom, Dad, I can explain I can explain ( (looking around the room, sounding frightenedlooking around the ro

5、om, sounding frightened) ) running into the roomrunning into the room 2021/3/116 A play is a piece of work written to be performed(表演表演) by actors and actresses. It may have several acts(幕幕), and sometimes there are two or more scenes(場景場景,布景布景) in one act. Most plays are in the form of a dialogue(對

6、對 話話)and has several main characters(角色角色,人物人物) . Besides, some instructions (指導指導,說明說明)are also included in a play. Brief introduction about a play: 2021/3/117 1.Who are the main characters in the play? 2.Why was Dad angry with Daniel? 3.What happened to their dog ,Spot? Eric, Daniel, Mom and Dad.

7、The room was a mess./ There was trash all over. Spot was ill. 2021/3/118 1.Mom and Dad were back from their holiday a week earlier. 2.Eric was happy when seeing his mother. 3. Parents left Daniel in charge. 4.The boys spent the money seeing the vet for Spot. 5.The room was very clean and tidy when t

8、heir parents came back. 6.Daniel didnt have a chance to explain what had happened. 7.Mom felt regretful for what they said to Daniel. day frightened in a mess F F F T T T T 2021/3/119 Careful reading: Please read the play act by act Tips:To really understand a play, you should 2021/3/1110 Characters

9、 Things they doFeelings Mom and Dad Eric Daniel Where is Daniel?Where is Daniel? just arrive back just arrive back fromfrom plays soccer at plays soccer at homehome Outside the roomOutside the room At the beginning, they are When they see the dog and the room, they are At first, he feels But Mom and

10、 Dad shout at him, so he feels very Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in form:form: excitedexcited angryangry sorrysorry angryangry surprisedsurprised frightenedfrightened vacationvacation 2021/3/1111 Please read Act Two carefull

11、y and fill in form: Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form: CharactersThings they doFeelings Daniel Eric Mom Mom and Dad areMom and Dad are the things that the things that happened todayhappened today Dad Still with Daniels behavior express his angry Comfort(安慰) calm regretful very angry ang

12、eranger his brotherhis brother talking abouttalking about 2021/3/1112 Discussion 1.Suppose you were one of the two children what would you do? Would you stay silent or offer an explanation to your parents? 2.Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your family? How to narrow(bridge) th

13、e gap? a smile a talkunderstanding a walk a gift a letter Positive attitude 2021/3/1113 A play is quite different from an article in a magazine or a newspaper .It is a piece of work written to be by actors and actresses on stage. performed 2021/3/1114 How to perform this play? We need four students to act the four main characters in this play Student ADad Student BMom Student CDaniel Student DEric Preparing Perf


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