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1、臨滄市澳洲堅果種植技術(shù)參考、地塊選擇澳洲堅果種植地應(yīng)選擇土層深厚、肥沃、土壤疏松、水分條件好海拔在 700, 1200米之間坡度在23度以下背風(fēng)、陽坡、相對集中連片的地塊。土壤宜 選磚紅壤、赤紅壤酸堿度在4. 56. 5之間最好是5-5.5之間。澳洲堅果不能 在雨水易于沉積的低凹、狹谷、溝筲種植。二、初植密度初植密度有兩種模式:一種是株行距8X8米即每畝種植10株,另一種是株行 距為4X7米即每畝種植24株??傊诖_定種植株數(shù)的時候株行距可根據(jù)地 塊實際靈活掌握適當縮小或加大達到每畝計劃的種植株數(shù)即可。三、開挖坑塘坑塘規(guī)格有兩種:一種是長、寬、深為1XIX 1米,另一種是口寬0.6X0. 6米

2、 底寬0. 4X0.4米深0. 5米。開挖時間要在種植前二個月完成以利于坑塘內(nèi) 土壤風(fēng)化和殺蟲滅菌。開挖時要把表土、心土分開堆放。在坑塘充分晾曬后就可 以施底肥每坑施30市斤腐熟的有機肥和1市斤鈣鎂磷肥若土壤酸性較大應(yīng) 加適量的石灰。具體步驟是:先將表土打碎撿凈雜草、樹根、石塊等然后拌入 肥料拌勻后回入坑塘內(nèi)之后再回心土填滿坑塘即可。四、苗木標準種植可使用營養(yǎng)袋嫁接苗和抒插苗兩種但最好用營養(yǎng)袋嫁接苗。,一,嫁接苗要選用一、二級具體標準是:一級苗高度在65厘米以上接口高 度小于30厘米抽梢在40厘米以上莖干粗度要在0. 5厘米以上,二級苗高度在 50厘米以上接口高度小于35厘米抽梢在25厘米以上

3、莖干粗度要在0.4厘米以上。還有一、二級苗嫁接口都要達到上下平滑、愈合良好無隆起或瘤狀腫大 解綁帶無明顯縊口的標準。,二,抒插苗要選用一、二級具體標準是:一級苗高度在85厘米以上抽梢在 65厘米以上莖干粗度要在0. 6厘米以上,二級苗高度在70厘米以上抽梢在50 厘米以上莖干粗度要在0. 5厘米以上。無論是嫁接苗還是抒插苗都要滿足以下標準:側(cè)根要有3條以上側(cè)根粗度在 0. 2厘米以上品種純度在98%以上,種苗至少已抽生兩次梢葉片已穩(wěn)定老熟、正 常硬革質(zhì)、顏色濃綠技條皮色呈棕紅或灰白老熟狀,根系無病蟲害莖干、枝葉 無嚴重病蟲害,莖皮無新傷口老傷口已愈合總面積不超過1. 5平方厘米單一 損傷口面積

4、不超過0. 4平方厘米。五、種植苗木,一,苗木處理,種植前要剪除營養(yǎng)袋外的須根、主根等根系并撕除營養(yǎng)袋。 在除袋時盡量不要使袋土松散如果袋土板結(jié)、過硬則需進行適當?shù)乃蓜哟痢lectpollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of coto understand the sterile of the term, sterile is generally used in sampling, means

5、 that the sampling process, avoid the ssaryunit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is nece ibrated their concentration before use Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques therecal d

6、 a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water Standard solution for unstable, long back, alsorbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loadethe caion of AgN03 and KMnO4, standard solution should

7、 storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in oid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes;some enough stable, as see light easy decompositsolution should properly save, av 1 -3mol standard solution containing iron LT hydrochloric acid di

8、luted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-L remove this volumetric flask with lmol LStandard solution 10. OOmL 100m。l-2mol LT hydrochloric acid diluted to scale This standard solution containing iron 179xl0-e Lmately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter

9、volumetric flask with lmol pproxid solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99. 99%) iron 100OOg, then joined in a small beaker amall and large Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standarte weighing, weigh

10、ing errors due to its too si standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately lOmg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accura-3mol L-ed standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1. 79xl0entratsolve quantitatively transferred to a 5OOmL bottle, dilut

11、ed with water to scale Dilute standard solution by dilution of conculd weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr207 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it disl K2Cr207 solution, sho-n of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentra

12、tion of 0.01000 mol L 1 direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentratiol and its concentration.Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method-standard solution mol L ended the establishment of a

13、 sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, recommherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, : having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools i

14、s essentia1. Unless you use the acquisition tools, ottools nst the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling ofing, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container Sterile sample collection is intended to suppor

15、t, agai2,二,種植要領(lǐng),種植時間一般在6-9月種植深度以袋土頂面與種植坑塘水 平、一致為宜千萬不要太深以免雨季積水,嫁接口要面對主風(fēng)方向,填土要把土 塊搗碎挑除石塊、雜物。具體方法:先在回滿土的坑塘中央挖一小坑大小以能 放進營養(yǎng)袋即可然后把將整袋苗放入小坑中再進行剖袋、取袋做到伸展根系 擺正苗木苗木的主桿要與地面垂直,注意不是袋土與地面垂直,,當土回填至營 養(yǎng)杯高度一半時用手壓實回填土再回填再壓實直至填滿為止。注意壓實土 壤是為了使根系與土壤緊密結(jié)合不要用腳壓踏以免壓斷、損害根系。,三,澆定根水,種植時如果下雨可以不用澆定根水,如果是晴天種植且種后 乂不下雨就必須對苗木澆定根水。定根水

16、一般用50市斤就可以也就是一桶左 右。具體方法:再回填土完成時以樹干為中西擴出一個四周高、中心低形狀象 盤子的東西俗稱“樹盤”其用途是用來澆水起到節(jié)約水苗木根系能吸收足 夠水份的作用。然后把水慢慢的倒入“樹盤”即可。,四,降溫保濕,苗木定植完畢后在苗木根部四周用雜草蓋住或者用塑料薄 膜覆蓋也可以。這樣可以達到保持土壤濕度和降低土壤溫度。六、撫育管理,一,抹芽,苗木定植成活后對砧木上的萌芽應(yīng)及時抹除做到隨見隨抹。,二,定桿,為植株主長至80cm以上時應(yīng)將植株主干80cm3以下的萌芽、側(cè)枝和嫁接位以下葉片修剪掉使之形成苗木中心主干并在主 干80cm處摘頂讓其分生側(cè)枝。,三,補植,根據(jù)成活情況在定植

17、后的次年6月底左右用同品種嫁接苗對缺 苗的坑塘進行補植保證林相整齊。,四,除草,在8、9月時對苗木根部周的雜草全部鏟除并覆蓋在苗木周圍 保持地面覆蓋防止土壤裸露。對于茅草一類的惡性雜草可采用化學(xué)除草劑如 草甘磷、白草枯、茅草枯等噴灑但施藥時必須特別小心決不能讓藥液噴到或漂 浮到澳洲堅果的幼嫩樹皮和樹葉上。,五,覆蓋,幼苗期苗木根部周圍應(yīng)常年保持覆蓋蓋草厚度為15, 20厘米半 徑應(yīng)在60厘米以上距苗木根莖要大于5厘米以防根莖灼傷或潰爛。所用覆 蓋材料必須切碎。也可用塑料薄膜覆蓋。,六,排灌,雨季雨水較多且集中應(yīng)及時將根周圍的積水排除以防根腐,高溫 干旱季節(jié)則要適時進行澆水。,七,施肥,主要以有

18、機肥和復(fù)合肥為主同時根據(jù)土壤酸堿度應(yīng)增施石灰和 其它營養(yǎng)元素。根據(jù)樹齡不同大致分為兩種:1、幼樹,1,促梢肥:新梢萌芽前一周到植株有少量枝梢萌芽期間施尿素。第一年每株大概施25克以后逐年遞增到第四年增至每株75克。,2,壯梢肥:嫩梢抽長1一一10厘米至梢基部的新葉山淡綠色變深期間施用復(fù)合肥和鉀肥。第一年每株大概施25克復(fù)llectpollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of coto unders

19、tand the sterile of the term, sterile is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the ssaryunit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is nece ibrated their concentration before use Chapter III microb

20、iological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques therecal d a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water Standard solution for unstable, long back, alsorbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, an

21、d in bottle at loadethe caion of AgN03 and KMn04, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in oid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decompositsolution should properly

22、 save, av 1 -3mol standard solution containing iron LT hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-L remove this volumetric flask with lmol LStandard solution 10. OOmL 100m。l-2mol LT hydrochloric acid diluted to scale This standard solution containing iron 179xl0-e Lmately 30mL in concentr

23、ated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with lmol pproxid solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 100OOg, then joined in a small beaker amall and large Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions

24、and Diluted to the required concentration of the standarte weighing, weighing errors due to its too si standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately lOmg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accura-3mol L-ed standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis nee

25、ds 1.79xl0entratsolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale Dilute standard solution by dilution of conculd weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr207 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it disl K2Cr207 solution, sho-n of the st

26、andard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0. 01000 mol L 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it becomes an accurate concentratiol and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct met

27、hod and indirect method-standard solution mol L ended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, recommherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless In order to avoid without a proper sampling too

28、ls, : having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essentia1. Unless you use the acquisition tools, ottools nst the plant sanitation status of the inspection findingsFirst, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling ofing,should avoid contamination, then place

29、d into a sterile container.Sterile sample collection is intended to support, agai4合肥和10克氯化鉀以后逐年遞增到第四年增至每株施75克復(fù)合肥和50 克氯化鉀。,3,鋪肥:每年春季生長高峰來臨前進行鋪肥。方法:二年生樹在樹冠滴水線開 挖環(huán)狀溝,三年生樹開挖半圓形溝,四年生樹開挖圓周1/3o溝寬、深各30厘米。 用一擔腐熟的農(nóng)家肥和土拌勻回填到溝內(nèi)。,4,壓青:從二年生樹開始每年78月進行壓青改土。方法:在樹冠滴水線 一挖長1米、寬0.4米、深0.6米的壓青坑用綠肥和預(yù)先堆泯的一擔腐熟農(nóng)家肥 分層回坑心土覆蓋其上。

30、2、結(jié)果樹,1,花詢肥:抽穗前期以速效氮肥為主配合磷鉀肥。,2,謝花肥:謝花后以氮、磷、鉀復(fù)合肥為主適當增施氮肥。,3,保果壯果肥:第一次在4月底以復(fù)合肥為主,第二次在6月中旬以磷、 鉀為主適當控制氮肥量。,4,果前肥:收獲前以復(fù)合肥為主適當增施氮肥。,5,果后肥:收獲后以復(fù)合肥為主適當增施氮肥。,6,鋪肥:春季氣溫回升根系恢復(fù)生長花穗抽生前以農(nóng)家肥為主復(fù)合肥 為輔。施肥量以樹齡為依據(jù)推薦的施肥量是:5年生的每株施復(fù)合肥4. 6市斤有 機肥100市斤,6年生的每株施復(fù)合肥5. 4市斤有機肥120市斤,7年生的每 株施復(fù)合肥6. 2市斤有機肥140市斤,8年生的每株施復(fù)合肥7. 2市斤有機 肥1

31、60市斤,9年生的每株施復(fù)合肥8市斤有機肥180市斤,10年及10年以后的 每株施復(fù)合肥9市斤有機肥200市斤。,八,維修環(huán)山帶,每年雨季結(jié)束要維修環(huán)山帶以保持帶面的平整、內(nèi)傾。七、間種作物和綠肥一般在幼齡期澳洲堅果應(yīng)進行間種。所以果園采用寬行密株種植形式。U 前間種的多年生作物主要有:咖啡、薯芋、菠蘿等,短期作物間種必須是矮桿作 物如生姜、紅云豆、花生、黃豆等,不能間種高桿或消耗地力很強的作物如木 薯。種植間作物必須距澳洲堅果樹1. 5米以上并開登高環(huán)山帶種植。種植綠肥覆蓋植物坡度20?以上的地塊或未間種作物的地塊應(yīng)種植綠肥如 蘭花毛蔓豆、無刺含羞草等,對原有原生豆科覆蓋植物應(yīng)予與保留。種植

32、綠肥主要 在于防止土壤裸露和水土流失同時定期鏟割后乂可為植株根部蓋草提供材料。standard solution mol L ended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, recommherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless In order to avoid without a prop

33、er sampling tools, : having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essentia1. Unless you use the acquisition tools, ottools nst the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling ofing, should avoid contamin

34、ation, then placed into a sterile container Sterile sample collection is intended to support, agai1lectpollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of coto understand the sterile of the term, sterile is generally used in samp

35、ling, means that the sampling process, avoid the ssaryunit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is nece ibrated their concentration before use Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques

36、 therecal d a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water Standard solution for unstable, long back, alsorbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loadethe caion of AgN03 and KMnO4, standard solu

37、tion should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in oid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy decompositsolution should properly save, avo l-3mol standard solution containing iron LT hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1. 79x10-L remove this volumetric flask with lmol LStandard solution 10. OOmL 100m。l-2mol LT hydrochloric acid diluted to scale This standard solution containing iron 1. 79


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