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1、介詞和介詞短語專項練習一、選擇埴空()1. It s hotsummer in Beijing.A. bv B. on C at D. in()2. Thu desks and chairs arc madewood.A. from B. of C bv D. in()3 China is famousher Great WallA. as B. for C to D. of()4. What do you meansaying so?A. with B. of C. for D. by()5. Taiwan isthe southeast of ChinaA. in B to C. on D

2、. at()6. Our teacher told us to lookthe new words in the dictionaryA. for B. up C at D. into()7. She was bornSeptember, 1990.A. at B on C in D. to()8 Thusu coats arc differentthe coats over thereA. in B on C at D. from()9. Thank you vcr)r muchleading the eraserme.A. for, at B to, to C for, to D. to,

3、 for()10. Since you arctrouble, why not askhelp?A. in, f(r B. in, to C with, f)r D. with, to()11. No one can stop herleaving for China.A. of B. from C to D. for()12. 一 When did Mr. Green come back一nine o clock yesterday morning.A. At B For C. In D. On()13. Mr. Ted taught English in China1999.A. for

4、B. since C in D. at()14. Don* t tell anybody about it. Keep ityou and me.A. among B. bcccn C in D. wth()15. Hu is a good student. He getswellothers.A. up, on B. in, on C on, with D. on, at()16 My father often helps memy maths.A. of B. to C on D. with()17. Li Ping is goodmaths, but he is weakEnglish.

5、A. at, at B. at, in C in, in D in, at()18. The womana red dress is my aunt.A. in B. at C of D. on()19. A new bridge was builtthe river.A. on BC in D. of()20. The girl often getsschool8:30.A. at, in B to, on C at, at D. to, at()21. Walkthe bridge and you 11 find the post officeA. along B throui C acr

6、oss D. past()22. Can you write a letterEnish?A. with B. ill C bv D. from J()23.“Whiit s wrongyou?” Thu doctor asked.A. from B. with C. for D. in()24. Grandma prefers teacoffeeA. about B to C. on D. of()25. You arc getting too fat. E a ting too much is badyour health A. for B. to C. about D. with()26

7、. Yesterday it snowed. Now the roads arc coveredsnow.A. with B. bv C. for D. inJ()27. It s not good to be lateschool.A. on B. for C in D. to()28. P(x)r Tom fellthe ladderthe groundA. off, into B down, into C down, onto D. off, onto()29. My father has gone to New York. He 11 be backfour months.A. aft

8、er B. in C. later D. f()r()30. Is this kind of car madeHarbin?A. of B. in C. bv D. from()31. It1 s rimesupper. Lucy and Lily arc sittingthe table.A. to, at B. at, f()r C for, on D. f()r, av()32. Tlicir parents arc waitinga bus.A. to B. at C. on D. for()33 Be careful when you getorthe bus.A. in, off

9、B. on, off C. on, from D. in, from()34. Please don t shoutthe boy. He isA. at B. on C. with D from()35.11is dangerouschildren to playfireA. for, with B. for, / C. to, with D. to, /()36. y friend, Miss Chen, livesthe other side of the street.A. bv B. f()r C. in D. on()37. How far is ithis hometownBei

10、jing?A. butwcxn, or B. either, or C both, and D. from, to()38. John hit Bob.A. in the face B. on his face C in face D. bv the face()39.】f you spend more rimeyour studies, I am sure you will do wellthem.A. in, in B on, on C on, in D. in, on()40. Don t readthe sun. It s badyour eves.A. in, to B uiidur

11、, to C in, f()r D. undur, f()r()41. She wanted Tom to singher friends.A. to B. f to workbike orA. by, by B on, on C by, on D on, by()50. Tom s sister had breakfasta hurry- and wentschool.A. in, lx)B fbr, f)r C to, to D. after, into二、用適當?shù)慕樵~埴空I Shall I sec youSundav?2. She has been to Shanghailast wee

12、k3 It s a secretyou and me.4. Thu bus arrivesa village in the evening.5. ere docs he come?6 It s vcnr kindyou to help me with my Enish7. He has visited seven book shopsonemother.8.1 * m sorry I call t say itEnglish9. The farmers arc earn ing baskets of applesthe truck.10. There arc a lot of leavesth

13、e tree.II The girlthe hat is Lucy.12. Give me a bottleorange please.13. VCrhat, s wrongyour TV?14.1 think the shop is closedthis time of day.15. They have lunchthe middle of the dnv.16. his way home, he met a stranger man.17. She was bornJune 6, 199518. VCrhat, s the rime, please? It s halffive.19.

14、hat arc they talking?20. He is sittingthe front of the bus.21. Zhang Hong isduty today.22. Dong eye exercises is goodyour eyes23. His pen is differentmine24. What s the weather、today?25. They have rice for suppertimes.26. Can you tell me the waythe post office?27. He left BeijingvisitLondon28. Don1

15、t laugh at thosetrouble.29. sunshine call reach the vegetables thu 6*ass-30. We should learneach other31. What do you meanpandas32. Hu g()cs to workusual.33 Li Lei went to the meeting instead mc-34.1 felt a little afraidmy father.35. He docsn, t like eggsall.36. You re justtimethu match.37.1 saw the

16、 newsa newspaper.38. What do you thinkthe book? Interesting.39. The moon movesthe earth.40. Can you find the answerHw questions41. A woman was sbindingthu comer of the street.42. Here s a pagea student s diary43. Have you heardyour under vet?44. The students walkedthe gate with Uncle Wang.45. hen he

17、 was re adv t he jumpedthu water.46. E化ry morning on his way to school Jim walksthu little house.47. We* re flyingthe clouds.48. There1 s a bridge the river.49. She livers320 Liao He Road.一、1. D 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. P 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. B 14. B 15.C 16. P 17.B 18. A 19. B 20. P 2

18、1. C 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. A 27. B 28. P 29. B 30. B 31. P 32. P 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. P 37. D 38. A 39. C 4(). C 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. A 45. C 46 D 47. B 48. A 49. C50. A二、1. on 2. since 3. between 4. at 5. from 6. of 7. from, to 8. in 9. onto 10. on 11. in 12. of13. with 14. at 15. in 16. On

19、 17. on 1& past 19. about 20. in 21. on 22. for 23. from 24. like 25. al 26. to 27. on, to 2& ill 29. through 30. from 31. by 32. as 33. of 34. of 35. at 36. in, for 37. in 38. of 39. round 40. to 41. at 42. from 473. through 45. into 46. by 47. above 48. over 49. al()51. The doctor cametime to save

20、 her lifeA. in B. on C at D. before()52. There is a big lakethe footthe mountain.A. on, to B. of, of C to, with D. at, of()53. All the people were sadthe news.A. to B. f()r C. at D. with()54.1 was g(M)dlearningothersA. in, to B in, ill C at, from D at, /()55. It s very importantme to say somethingyo

21、u.A. for, for B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for()56. There is a big holethe front wall and two beautiful picturesthe back wall.A. in, in B in, on C on, on D. on, in()57. It is very kindyou to help me.A. to B. f)r C. of D on()58. She arrived in Shanghaithe aftcrn(x)nher birthdayA. in, of B. on, of C on

22、, to D at, in()59. My sister wuitcd to have a bikeher ownA. on B. to C. of D. by()60. The young man spent a lot of moneyhis clothes.A. in B. with C. to D. on()61. How arc you gettingyour work?A. on with B up with C along for D. among to()62. The boy asked his fathera bottle of water.A. to B. f)r C-

23、with D. in()63. China isEast Asia. Japan isthe cast of China.A. in, to B. to, in C. on, to D. on, in()64. There is nothing in our bedroom,a new bud.A. and B. without C with D. except()65. The bagthe way must be moved away.A. in B. bv C. on D. atJ()66. Thu new houses were builtyoung treesA. among B.

24、on C with D. into()67. Don t write:black pencil orblue ink.A. in a, in B. in, with C with, with D. with a, in()6& The man tiinicd the keythe lock and opened the doorA. to B. in C. on D. with()69. You can do the cleaning allyourself.A. bv B to C. f()r D. with()70. There is somethingxTong wth his bike

25、, so he came herehis girlfriend sA. bv B. in C. with D. on()71. Children in western countries can usually get all kinds of presentsChristmasandtheir birthdaysA. on, on B. in, at C at, on D. by, on()72. The two rooms arcthe same size.A. at B. for C. on D. of()73. About 100 puoplu enteredthe classroom

26、A. to B. in C- into D. /()74. Mr. Brown sat backa smilehis face.A. with, on B. with, in C. f)r, on D with, at()75. We call t livewaterair.A. with, and B. without, or C. f)r, on D. with, at()76. Mary fbund a small bagthe groundthe way to school.A. on, on B. on, in C in, by D in, at()77. Thu boat is p

27、assingthe bridgeA. across B through C into D. cross()78. My room isthe second floorA. at B. on C. in D. to()79. y uncle lives105 Beijing Street.A. on B. at C. to D. of()80. He slept wellall the Endows open.A. when B. while C with D because()81.1 don t think you can finish the workmy helpA. since B.

28、because C. without D. until()82. His parents will be heretwo o clock.A. in B on C to D around()83. The plane is flyingthe cloudsA. on B above C()vur D. throui()84. The children threw a stonethe flog.A. at B. for C. on D. cross()85. The old mail sata big tree, keeping awaysunshine.A. undur, from B. o

29、n, in C in, from D over, on()86. He arrived hereall old taxi.A. bv B. in C. into D. with()87. Hu s stayed here 1995.A. for B. in C. after D. since()8& The field ws fullsheep and they were lyingthe ground.A. with, on B. of, on C. with, in D. of, onto()89.the end of last year, they had had f()ur Engli

30、sh partiesA. At B. Bv C. On D. After()90. uWc must hand in our compositionThursday,” said the monitor.A. before B since C after D. in()91. New China was founded 1949.A. in B on C at D. since()92. Thuy say they will have a basketball matchschool.A. behind B. after C around D. about()93. Do you do you

31、r homeworkhome?A. in B at C insidu D. on()94. She usually has lunchschool.A. in B. to C. at D. from()95. A group of people movedthe castthe Great Salt lakeA. from-to B in-.in C on -.in D. to -.to()96. This kind of machine is madeChina.A. in B. of C by D. at()97. s there cnoui rainyour countn ?A. abo

32、ut B around C in D. at()9& Now wu know there arc no living thingsthe moon.A. at B(rvur C in D. on()99. Li Ping is taller than Wnag Hai but shorter than Wu Dong. His scat isWangHai? sWu r)ong, sA. behind-in after B. behind-in front of C in front of- - .behind D. between-and()100. We saw them playing

33、fix)tballthe playground.A. on B near C- round D over()101. Li Ping is goodEnish. He 汕ways works hardit.A.B. at- in C inat D. wth-at()102. What s the matteryou, Tom?A. to B. of C in D. with()103. The Great Pyramid is madestones.A. bv B. of C in D. with()104.their joy, the seagulls came to cat not the

34、 crops, but the locusts.A. With B. To C. For D. Of()105.all the stars the sun is the nearest to us.A. Of B. Among C- Between D. About()106. Young Tom became interestedsciencu.A. of B. on C- in D. about()107.1 have a few other friendsyou.A. busidus B except C except for D. but()108. Beijing isthe nor

35、th of China.A. in B. to C. on D. of()109. Japan isthe cast of China.A. to B. on C. in D. of()110. He always goes outa hat.A. of B. about C. in D. at()111.the help of our teacher, his handwriting is getting better and better.A. Under B. In C With P. On()112. Do you go to schoolbus?A. of B. on C- bv D

36、. atJ()113 We go to sch(x)l every* daySunday.A. besides B except C busidc: D except f()r()114. Under the table, there is a boxbooks.A. filed of B- full of C. fill with D. filled of()115. Can you come and stayus f()r a time?A. on B. with C. of D. about()116 In a way I agreeyou.A. to B. with C on D. a

37、t()117. He diedoverwork.A. from B. of C. through D. by()118. He said he would show the studentsthe factory-A. about B. around C oil D. of()119. The sun risesthe cast and gets downthe west.A. in, in B on, on C from, from r) at, at()120. Guangzhou is a beautiful citythe south of China.A. on B. at C to

38、 D. in()121. is knockingthe door?A. at B. in C of O. to()122.1 want to have a wordyou.A. to B. with C- for D. at()123.my way home, I met an old friend of mine.A. In B. By C On D. At()124.the way, where is Li Ping, do you know?A. On B. In C. Bv D At()125.their surprise, the farmers saw not locusts th

39、is time, but seagulls.A. In B With C To P. Bv()126. How do you know I m a scientist?the man askedsurpriseA. at B. in C to D. with()127. The old fishcrmin asked the Genie if he could changesmoke again.A. inix)B in C to D. about()128. Hurr- up, or we? 11 be latethe meeting.A. to B. of C at D. f B. at

40、C round D. though()159. Drinkyour milk.A. off B. up C away D. in()160. We arc leavingLondon next week.A. from B. to C for D. at()161. Gothe bridge and you 11 find the hospital on the left.A. along B through C across O. past()162. Do you feelssinging?A. about B. like C. by D. for()163. He will wait f

41、(r youthe bus stop.A. at B. on C. before D. over()164.The girla red dress is my sister.A. at B. of C. on D. in二、用適當?shù)慕樵~埴空1. Shall I sec you Sunday?2. She has been to Shanghailast week3 It s a secretvou and me.4. Thu bus arrivesa village in the evening.5. ere docs he come?6. It s vcr)r kindyou to help

42、 me with my English.7. He has visited seven book shopsonemother.8.1 * m sorry I call t say itEnglish.9. The farmers arc carrying baskets of applesthe truck10. There arc a lot of leavesthe tree.11 The girlthe hat is Lucy.12. Give me a bottleorange please.13. VCrhat, s wrongyour TV?14.1 think the shop

43、 is closedthis time of day.15. Tlcv have lunchlhe middle of the day.16. his way home, he met a strange man.17. She was bornJune 6, 1995.18. VCrhat, s the time, please? It s halffive LPJrtu u- eJO【-ssuEUIA.Jpoq ulpuudEdseu u.UElu aooE UXF duxl rlcAopSMUU ulp Bus i ulup Asn-yJWAS53UU 蘭:i USUOPUH ppu七 US z nulp=E u(lu丨 P-ES.Sm-suulu ulpo 二 Hub -3qJ pnsn OB 2 SU(5OUH Cepmd artuE nA ( p 占刁 es- P3O 疇 UMuulpo IPEUSSZI3 ulp SU3E&UA ulp 上U32wfa I Usolp-E q3n 1 aoc aou 皐5.S一uq 一 UI duue。wiu I Ag ulp UE noA UBJ SUIUHI -liLdns xy uu-cUAJs-u 兮-IUIPEU


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