1、Chapter 1 Introduction What i s the Engli sh Sty IisticsIt is a science that deals with the research for a wide variety of the styles of written and oral English in English Ianguage What are language functionsa) To deliver some infor to other peopIeb) To communicate with each other in society How do
2、 we express ourselves in a proper waySeveral factors do worka) Phoneticsb) Vocabularyc) Grammard) Some know I edge concerning Engli sh sty I istics The correc tness in using the language can not replace the appropr ia ten ess in language communication. WhyFour examples:a) “ HelIo ” and “ Hi ”b) u As
3、sist me! Assist me! and u Aid! Aid!c) “That sail right. M That s to say. “It s .”d) See next paged) u I amt err ibly sorr yt o hear that yo ur husband has jus tdied, but don t let it upse t you too much You re an att rac ti ve, young lad y. I m pre tty sure it is very easy for you to find someone el
4、se soon The effects of Ianguage expressions are sometimes related to some nonTinguistic factorsa) Sex u Oh, my God! ”b) Age u Cheers! M andBye for now. Mc) Vocation u Watch the birdie”d) Received education “ go to e) Soc i a I station * Wha t promp ted you to apply for t his job Why should we I earn
5、 and study Engli sh sty I isticsa) It will help us to express ourselves in Engl i sh proper Iy.b) It will help us to know some thing abou t language fea tures of a var ie ty of Engl i sh wr itten sty lesc) It wi I I help us to effects and atta ini ngd) It will help us toe) It will help us toselect a
6、 proper way for getting the best language our communicative purposesgo at literary cr iticism.do the trans I ation v/ork we I lChapter 2 Language Description & Sty I istic Analysis There are 4 phonetic means in English:1) stress 2) Intonation 3) pause 4) voice qua Iity.Stress has several apparent st
7、y I istic and grammaticaI functions(1) The fi rst function is for emphasis(2) The second fundion is to change the meaning or the part of speech of some words, or both.(3) The t hi rd func tion is to d i ffer some Eng I i sh v/ords(4) The four th func tion i s to show some one s surprise, anger, fear
8、, doub t, pleasure, etc. Intonation can be empIoyed to express people* s happiness, sadness, certainty, hesitation, depression, etc. There are 5 pitches in phonetics:(1) The fal I ing pi tch i s used to show the mea n i ng of def i n i ten ess, cer ta i nty and comp Ieteness(2) The rising pitch i s
9、empIoyed to show the meaning of indefiniteness, uncerta i nty and incompIeteness(3) The fal Hr ise pitch is used to give people some encouragement or give people a warning.(4) The r ise-fa I I pitch is employed to give peopIe a sincere praise or to show the fee Ii ng of shock(5) The level pitch is u
10、sed to give account on something happened in thepast. Pause can be divided into two.a) voiced pause b) s iI ent pause Some useful rhetori cal devices1 Per i od and i nvers i on2. Para I IeI i sm and antithes i s3. Cl imax and anti-cl imax4. Repetit ionChapter 3 Oral Style and Written Style Several o
11、ccasions for using oral style:1. In literary masterpieces2. In everyday conversation3. In informaI speeches The differences between oral communication and writtan communication1 Use some gestures ( body language ) in oral communication2. Use a statement as a question in oral communicat ion3. Use som
12、e pure ora I words i n ora I communi cat i on The comparison of Ianguage styles in oral style and in written style What can be used with oral style1) slangs 2) vogue words 3) abbreviations 4) phrasal verbs 5) idioms What can be used with written style1) Scien tif ic English 2) Lega I Eng I i sh 3) R
13、e I igious Engl i sh 4) Forma I speech 5) Official documentsChapter 4 Formal Style & InformaI StyleFive sty les were advanced by Martin Joos in the book “ The Five Clocks ”1) Froze n Style: lega I items, historic lit era ture, the docume rrts for internat i onaI conferences, etc2) Formal Style: This
14、 style is usuaI ly used to del iver some infor on formal occasions3) ConsuItative Style: With this style peopIe usual Iy offer some background information. It is usually empIoyed in business activities.4) Casual Style: PeopIe usually use it between fr iends, acquaintances, or insiders Its main featu
15、re i s t hat peopIe usually empIoy ellipsis, slangs or cants with it.5) Intimate Style: It is usually used between husband and wife Moreover it is employed in jargons sometimesChapter 6 Societal Deviation in EngIish What is societai deviation in EngIishSocietai deviation is something about societai
16、d i a Iects. Black Engl ish Vernacular: (土語)urban black Engl ish What are the reasons for you to know Black Engli sh VernacuI ar(1) It wi I I help us to know the status que of AE. (2) It wi I I help to read some novels in American I iteratureChapter 7 Time Deviation in English Three stages of the de
17、veIopmerrt of English language1) The 1 st stage is from 449 to *1100 ( Old Engl ish ).(The verbs in Old Engl ish can be divided into two cat egor iesonei s strong verbs and another i s weak verbs The past tense forms of most of weak verbs are with the ending -cec, -ode, or -de after the or iginal we
18、ak verbs.)2) The 2nd stage is from 1100 to 1500 (Middle English)(At that time u hw in Old Engl ish became u wh ” and u cw became “ qu ” )3) The 3rd stage is from 1500 to present time (Modern Eng Ii sh)(There are two remarkabIe features i n Modern Eng I i sh)(1) There are many loans in Modern English
19、 from Japanese/fromFrench/from Latin/ from Chinese(2) There are some neo log isms (新詞)in Modern English. The appl ica tion of Engl i sh archaic words (過時的詞)in moder n ti mes1) In legal Engl i sh 2) In re I igious Engl ish 3) In Engl ish poe try 4) In newspapers Why use archaic words in modern times
20、formal/rhyme/show-offChapter 8 Common Practical Styles Three functions of Engli sh advertisements1) to attract readers attention 2) to arose customer interest 3) to erge customer to take actions as soon as possible Some features of English advertisements(1) More simple sentences(2) Less negative sen
21、tences If people reaIly want to express then egat i ve mea ning in adver tiseme nts, t hey may use u not hi ng or no instead of u not (3) Frequent use of present tense(4) More and more imperative sentences(5) Far more el I iptical sentences(6) More figures of speech(7) Some special adjectives(8) Som
22、e newly-created wordse Journalistic Eng Ii sh: News report/news storytwo categor ies of newspapers1) qua I ity paper 大報 2) tabloid 小報 Three requirements for news reports: Swift / objective / true Some features of journalistic EngIish1) Some journal i stic jargons 2) Some acronyms 3) Some apocopation
23、 4) Some aphoeresis 5) Some words with front and back cl ipping 6) Some syncopations 7) Some neologisms 8) Some blends 9) Some nouns are used as verbs to make the head Ii nes vividScientific Engl i sh What can be written with scientific Eng Ii sh1) Scientific works and literature2) Academic theses3)
24、 Laboratory reports4) Product instruetions Some important features of sc i ent i f ic Eng Ii sh1) Passive voice is high-frequent Iy used in sentences2) Prese rrt t ense i s quite often emp I oyed in sen ten ces because scie rvtific concepts and principles are usuaIly described as truths.3) Long and
25、comp Iete sentences are often used to express meanings, ideas and concepts.4) There are some words which are from Latin.5) There is a simpl icity in meaning for some words in scientific Engl ish6) There are some useful prefixes and suffixes in scientific EnglishChapter 9 Literary Style The Ianguage
26、features of English poetry1. The rhythm and the meter of English poetryRhythm is a regular succession of weak and strong stresses, accents, sounds, or movements in speech, music, poems, dancing, etc. How i s the rhythm formed in English poemsStressed syllables and unstressed syI lab les wh i ch alte
27、rnately appear in a stanza may produce rhythm in English poems Wha t is meter Meter is the measur The Engl i sh poetic rhythm i s based on meter.構成英詩節(jié)奏的基礎是韻律,即“格律”。 How many meters are there in English poetic compositionThere are seven (1) iambus 抑揚格(2) trochee 揚抑格 dactyl 揚抑抑格(4) anapaest 抑抑揚格(5) am
28、phibrach 行詩(6) spondee C7) purrhic What is stanzaIt cons ists of Iines or verses Simply speaking it is a poetic paragraph Some common forms of stanzas:1) couplet 雙行詩 2) triplet 三行詩 3) quatrain 4) cinquain 5) sestet 6) septet 7) octet 8) Spenser ian stanza 9) ten-verse poem 10) sonnetA sonnet is & on
29、epoom of 14 lines, written in iambic pentameter(1) Petrarchan sonnet or Italian sonnet ( abba abba cde cde )(2) Shakespeare sonnet ( abab cdcd efef gg )(3) Spenser ian sonnet ( abab bcbc cdcd ee ) What is verseverse is the poetic sentence,IineIt is made up of one foot or more than one Briefly speaki
30、ng it is called a poet i c sentence How to keep a rhyme in a poem1) Keep an end rhyme ( It can be divided into four forms)(1) The fi rst form i s to keep a single rhyme (Sometimes it is cal led a mascuIi ne rhyme or a ma Ie rhyme)(2) The second form is to keep a double rhyme (Sometimes it is cal led
31、 a feminine rhyme or a fema Ie rhyme)(3) The thi rd form is to keep a tr iple rhyme(4) The fourth form i s to keep an eye rhyme2) Keep a head rhyme3) Keep an internal rhymeBlank verse: Un rhymed verse Three features of blank verses1) They do not keep any rhymes, but they are the poems with some mete
32、r.2) They can be long or short3) The i r feet in each line are not uniform Common Figures of Speech Used in Eng Ii sh PoetryUse of simile and repetition/head-rhymed (a I I iteration) /metapher/ paral lei ism/ personif ication / speaking si lence, dumb confession / paradox 矛盾修飾法/hyperboIe, overstatem
33、ent exaggeration/ metonymy 借代轉(zhuǎn)喻 Sty Ii stic Features in FictionTv/o points of view (Two perspectives)1) Use s i ngu I ar or p I ura I number of the th i rd personas a nar ratoror a story-teller to narrate some plots in a noveI.Notes: a. Most of wr iters or novel i sts I ike to use this perspective.b
34、 The effec t of using t his perspec tive i s u ob ject i ve 2) Use singular or plural number of the first personas one of thecharacters to narrate some plots in a noveINote: In this way it wi I I make readers think that it is real ly a true story and there i s no trace of make-up The dialogs in nove
35、Is1) Some usefu I i nforma I v/ords 2) Some comm on s I angs Direct and indirect speeches in noveIs1) Sometimes some novelists I ike to use di rect speech in order to make a psychological descr i ption in narrating plots in a noveI.2) Sometimes some novelists like to use i nd i rect speech i n order to make a thought presentation in narrat ing plots in a noveI. How to ana Iyze a Iiterary mastarpiece1) Use a v/ay of rhe t
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