1、項目名稱Project Name密級Confidentiality Level僅供收件方查閱項目編號Project ID版本Version文檔編號Document Code1.0Project ID_SD_003XX Software System Design Specification (OO)XX 軟件系統(tǒng)設計說明書 (OO)Prepared by 擬制Date日期Reviewed by 評審人Date日期Approved by批準Date日期 版權所有 不得復制Copyright BroadenGate Technologies, Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserv
2、edRevision Record修訂記錄Date日期Revision Version修訂版本CR ID /Defect IDCR/ Defect號Sec No.修改章節(jié)Change Description修改描述Author作者Catalog 目 錄1Introduction 簡介11.1Purpose 目的11.2Scope 范圍11.2.1Name 軟件名稱11.2.2Functions 軟件功能11.2.3Applications軟件應用12Level 0 Design Description第0層設計描述12.1Software System Context Definition 軟
3、件系統(tǒng)上下文定義12.2Design Considerations (Optional)設計思路(可選)12.2.1Design Alternatives 設計可選方案22.2.2Design Constraints 設計約束22.2.3Other Design Considerations 其他23Level 1 Design Description第一層設計描述23.1System Architecture系統(tǒng)結構23.1.1Description of the Architecture系統(tǒng)結構描述23.1.2Representation of the Business Flow業(yè)務流程說
4、明33.2Decomposition Description分解描述33.2.1Module/Subsystem 1 Description模塊1/子系統(tǒng)1描述33.2.2Module/Subsystem 2 Description模塊2/子系統(tǒng)2描述33.3Dependency Description依賴性描述33.4Interface Description接口描述33.4.1Module/Subsystem 1 Interface Description模塊1/子系統(tǒng)1的接口描述43.4.2Module/Subsystem 2 Interface Description模塊2/子系統(tǒng)2的
5、接口描述44Level 2 Design Description第二層設計描述44.1Module Name (1) 模塊1名稱44.1.1Design Description模塊設計描述44.1.2Function Illustration功能實現說明54.2Module Name (2) 模塊2名稱54.2.1Design Description模塊設計描述54.2.2Function Illustration功能實現說明55Database Design數據庫設計55.1Entities Definition實體定義65.1.1Decomposition Description分解描述6
6、5.1.2Internal Dependency Description內部依賴性描述65.2Behaviors Definition行為定義65.2.1Decomposition Description分解描述65.2.2External Dependency Description外部依賴性描述65.2.3Internal Dependency Description內部依賴性描述66Detailed Design of Module 模塊詳細設計76.1Class1 CLASS的設計76.1.1Overview簡介76.1.2Class Diagram類圖76.1.3Status Des
7、ign狀態(tài)設計76.1.4Attributes屬性76.1.5Methods方法76.2Class2 CLASS的設計87Detailed Design of the Database數據庫詳細設計87.1Stored Procedure1 #/Trigger1# 存儲過程1#/觸發(fā)器1#的名稱87.2Stored Procedure 2#/Trigger2# 存儲過程2#/觸發(fā)器2#的名稱8 Keywords 關鍵詞:Abstract 摘 要:List of abbreviations 縮略語清單:Abbreviations縮略語Full spelling 英文全名Chinese expla
8、nation 中文解釋1 Introduction 簡介1.1 Purpose 目的This section should state the purpose of this document. The intended reader should also be specified here. 這部分要描述文檔的目的,并指明文檔的讀者。1.2 Scope 范圍1.2.1 Name 軟件名稱Identify the software by name.對軟件命名。1.2.2 Functions 軟件功能Explain what the software product(s) will and w
9、ill not do (either directly or by reference to another related document).解釋軟件產品將完成或不完成的功能(可以直接描述也可以參考相關文檔)。1.2.3 Applications軟件應用Describe the application of the product (either directly or by reference to another software document)描述軟件的應用領域(可直接描述也可以參考其他軟件文檔)。2 Level 0 Design Description第0層設計描述2.1 So
10、ftware System Context Definition 軟件系統(tǒng)上下文定義This section should describe the relationships between the software system to be developed and the external entities. Architecture diagrams could be used to describe the architecture and the interactions.本節(jié)描述待開發(fā)軟件系統(tǒng)與外部實體的關系,可以使用系統(tǒng)結構圖來描述系統(tǒng)結構和交互關系。The descript
11、ion of the external entities attributes shall be limited to these attributes which will interact with the software design. In lieu of a complete description, reference could be made to relevant documentation of the concerned software entity, e.g. OS Programmers Manual.外部實體屬性描述只限于描述與本系統(tǒng)軟件設計相關的屬性??紤]到描
12、述的完整性,可參考相關軟件實體文檔,如OS程序員手冊。2.2 Design Considerations (Optional)設計思路(可選)2.2.1 Design Alternatives 設計可選方案 Analyze several alternatives of system design scheme, and specify the scheme that shall be used. 對本軟件系統(tǒng)的幾種設計方案進行分析、比較,并確定所采用的方案。2.2.2 Design Constraints 設計約束1. Standards compliance 遵循標準Describe st
13、andards that software system shall comply with.描述本軟件所遵循的標準、規(guī)范。2. Hardware Limitations 硬件限制Describe hardware limitations of the software system.描述本軟件系統(tǒng)實現的硬件限制。3. Technology Limitations 技術限制Describe technology limitations of the software system.描述本軟件的技術限制。2.2.3 Other Design Considerations 其他Describe o
14、ther design considerations of the software system.描述其他有關的設計考慮。3 Level 1 Design Description第一層設計描述3.1 System Architecture系統(tǒng)結構如果本文檔是針對增強開發(fā)/小特性的設計,繼承了原有的系統(tǒng)結構,那么應拷貝原有的系統(tǒng)結構說明,如系統(tǒng)結構圖和相應的文字說明,然后在一層設計中明顯標識出新增功能在原有系統(tǒng)結構中的位置(屬于原來哪一個模塊的新增功能,與原有各模塊之間有什么交互)。在后續(xù)的業(yè)務流程說明、模塊分解描述、依賴性描述和接口描述中,如果與本次增強開發(fā)/小特性無關的,可以不再重復描述,
15、如果有關聯(lián)的,應該拷貝原有的設計說明,在此基礎上再說明更改的內容。3.1.1 Description of the Architecture系統(tǒng)結構描述The software system architecture should be described here. Architecture diagrams, hierarchical decomposition diagrams, or package diagrams could be used to represent the architecture. And the partitioning principle, such as
16、the architecture defined in a standard protocol, a scheme coming from the analysis model, or the constraints to be followed to integrate with the legacy systems, should also be depicted. The responsibilities and relationships of the analysis classes should be clarified while an analysis model is int
17、roduced.這里要描述軟件系統(tǒng)的總體結構,可以使用結構圖、層次分解圖或包圖來描述,并應說明系統(tǒng)結構劃分的原則(例如,基于標準、協(xié)議所規(guī)定的體系結構,來自于分析模型的方案,或者基于原有體系結構的限制)。對于使用分析模型的體系結構,應說明分析類的職責及相互關系。3.1.2 Representation of the Business Flow業(yè)務流程說明Sequence diagrams or collaboration diagrams could be used to illustrate the specific use case(s) scenarios from the use-ca
18、se model to represent the final system architecture or analysis classes,and how these architectural modules work. 描述系統(tǒng)架構模塊/分析類之間的動態(tài)交互,來說明用例模型中的典型用例場景,以體現系統(tǒng)功能是如何實現的。建議采用Sequence圖、Collaboration圖等來描述。3.2 Decomposition Description分解描述This section describes the packages, sub-systems, modules in the syste
19、m.本節(jié)描述系統(tǒng)中的子系統(tǒng)和模塊。3.2.1 Module/Subsystem 1 Description模塊1/子系統(tǒng)1描述Dont actually write Module name (1). Specify the name of the module in few words.不要直接寫“模塊/子系統(tǒng)1”,用簡短的詞語命名模塊/子系統(tǒng)。Describe as follows 按照以下格式描述: 1.Overview簡介 2.Functions功能列表3.2.2 Module/Subsystem 2 Description模塊2/子系統(tǒng)2描述3.3 Dependency Descrip
20、tion依賴性描述This section describes the relationships among the design entities such as sub-systems, data stores, modules, processes, etc.本節(jié)描述系統(tǒng)中的子系統(tǒng),數據結構,模塊,進程等設計實體間的關系。Structure charts, transaction diagrams could be used to represent dependences.依賴關系描述可以使用文字,結構圖,(交互)事務圖。3.4 Interface Description接口描述Th
21、is section describes the interfaces of the design entities (such as sub-systems, modules, processes, etc.) that make up the system。本節(jié)描述軟件系統(tǒng)中設計實體(如子系統(tǒng),模塊,進程)的接口.Interface files, parameter tables could be used to describe the interfaces.接口描述可以使用接口文件,參數表。In case of external entities, only the interface
22、s relevant to the software being discussed need to be described.對于外部實體只有同被描述軟件相關的接口才需描述。Function calls、events、messages、signals should be included.接口可以是函數調用、事件、消息、信號等。3.4.1 Module/Subsystem 1 Interface Description模塊1/子系統(tǒng)1的接口描述Describe as follows 對每個接口按照以下格式描述:Name名稱:(The name of the interface接口名稱)Des
23、cription說明:(Brief description of the interface對接口的簡短說明)Definition定義:(接口原型定義,說明接口類型及相關參數)3.4.2 Module/Subsystem 2 Interface Description模塊2/子系統(tǒng)2的接口描述4 Level 2 Design Description第二層設計描述Each module that is defined in L1 and identified for further description shall be stated by separate sub-sections as m
24、entioned below. More sub-section levels could be added optionally, and finally all specific classes corresponding to each final minimal module, including its public attributes and pubic methods, should be defined. 一層設計中定義的每個模塊的進一步設計在下面的章節(jié)進行描述。對層次比較多的模塊,可以增加設計層次,最終要說明對應于最小分解模塊的具體設計類(包括其public屬性和publi
25、c方法)。This will be repeated for each package/module as follows.對每個模塊重復使用下述的格式。4.1 Module Name (1) 模塊1名稱Dont actually write Module name (1). Specify the name of the module in few words. 不要直接寫 “模塊1名稱”,用簡短的詞語命名模塊。如果本文檔是針對增強開發(fā)/小特性的設計,繼承了原有的二層模塊結構,那么應拷貝原有的模塊結構說明,如包圖/類圖和相應的文字說明,然后在二層設計中明顯標識出新增功能在原有模塊結構中的位置
26、(屬于原來哪一個子模塊/設計類的新增功能,與原有各子模塊/設計類之間有什么交互)。在后續(xù)的功能實現說明和設計類定義中,如果與本次增強開發(fā)/小特性無關的,可以不描述,如果有關聯(lián)的,應該拷貝原有的設計說明,在此基礎上再說明更改的內容。 對更改的設計類應該給出類的完整定義,再標識出更改的屬性和方法。4.1.1 Design Description模塊設計描述Depict the decomposition of the modules e.g. the functionality of each sub modules. The design classes should be defined he
27、re, class diagrams could be used to describe the design classes and the relationships among these classes, and the design pattern(s) should also be interpreted.描述模塊分解,例如每個子模塊的功能定義。定義出具體的設計類,用類圖來描述其相互關系,并說明所采用的設計模式。This will be repeated for each class as follows.對每個類重復使用下述的格式進行描述。1. Class name1 # 類名S
28、hould be replaced by a true design class name.應該用實際的類名替換。Specific classes corresponding to each final minimal module should be defined as below.按下面的格式對每個設計類進行說明。(1)CI Identification標識CI Identification of the class to be recorded in the Software Requirements Traceability Matrix.說明該類的配置項標識(用于需求跟蹤,配置項的
29、命名方式在CMP中已定義。一般為:產品名_模塊名_類名,如果在類的命名中未包括前面兩部分)。(2)Overview簡介Overview of its responsibilities.簡單介紹該類的功能。(3)Definition類定義(Optional)Class diagrams or pseudo codes could be used to depict the class definitions in detail,if it is not described previously. All the public attributes and methods should be de
30、fined specifically.如果該類在前面沒有定義,使用類圖、偽代碼描述該類的類定義,需說明該類的所有public屬性和public方法。2. Class name2 # 類名(1)CI Identification標識(2)Overview簡介(3)Definition類定義(Optional)4.1.2 Function Illustration功能實現說明Sequence diagrams or collaboration diagrams, etc. could be used to represent the relationships among the design c
31、lasses and how the design classes implement their typical responsibilities.使用Sequence圖、Collaboration圖等來說明這些設計類之間如何交互,實現本模塊的典型功能。4.2 Module Name (2) 模塊2名稱4.2.1 Design Description模塊設計描述1. Class name1 # 類名2. Class name2 # 類名4.2.2 Function Illustration功能實現說明5 Database Design數據庫設計This section could list
32、all the entities such as data stores (tables, stored procedures (SPs), triggers, etc.); a verbose description of what that entity pertains to and list of all its attributes. For each of the attributes, its database, the data size, specific constraints and a verbose description of that attribute shou
33、ld be specified. All specific constraints for that entity and its relationships with other entities should also be noted.本節(jié)列出所有的數據存儲類的實體(表、存儲過程、觸發(fā)器等),詳細描述實體的內容和并列出全部屬性。對每個屬性,詳細描述其數據庫、數據大小、特定約束。實體的所有約束及實體間的關系也要注明。5.1 Entities Definition實體定義5.1.1 Decomposition Description分解描述Represent the design consi
34、derations and constraint rules.The key tables, views and the items, functions, storage requirements, integrity constraints and stress should be defined here. The initial setup data should be considered concerning the static tables.闡述設計思路及約束規(guī)則。詳細定義每個關鍵數據表、視圖中的各個字段屬性、存儲要求、完整性約束、功能、注意事項,對靜態(tài)數據表應考慮定義初始配置
35、記錄。5.1.2 Internal Dependency Description內部依賴性描述E-R diagrams could be used to depict the relationships between the entities, and the requirements of the storage spaces, performances and integrity should also be analyzed.使用E-R圖描述實體間的關聯(lián)依賴關系,分析對存取空間、性能、完整性的要求。5.2 Behaviors Definition行為定義5.2.1 Decomposit
36、ion Description分解描述The stored procedures and triggers should be classified according to its functions, etc., and be described in detail and decomposed. The main functions of every sort of SPs or triggers should also be represented.Recount the functions, input, output, return value, return set, the d
37、ependent tables and stored procedures, and special requirements such as transactions.根據功能或其他方式對存儲過程/觸發(fā)器進行歸類,便于進一步細化和分解,并說明每類存儲過程/觸發(fā)器主要功能。詳細定義每個存儲過程(觸發(fā)器)的功能、輸入輸出參數、返回值、返回的記錄集、依賴的數據表和存儲過程,以及一些特殊要求(比如需要啟用事務等)。5.2.2 External Dependency Description外部依賴性描述Represent the dependency with the external modules
38、. 描述與其它模塊之間的依賴關系。5.2.3 Internal Dependency Description內部依賴性描述Represent the dependency between the internal stored procedures, triggers, tables and views.描述存儲過程間、存儲過程和數據表/視圖間依賴關系。6 Detailed Design of Module 模塊詳細設計6.1 Class1 CLASS的設計6.1.1 Overview簡介Recount the responsibilities and functions of the cla
39、ss. Sequence diagrams, collaboration diagrams, or state chart diagrams can be used to depict the realizations, if its not described previously. If necessary, the static and dynamic relationships with the related classes could also be described.如果在前面的設計中未說明,則在此詳細描述CLASS1的職責和功能,可使用順序圖、協(xié)作圖、狀態(tài)圖來詳細描述。必要時
40、,可描述本類與相關類之間的靜態(tài)/動態(tài)關系。6.1.2 Class Diagram類圖Class diagram, if not described in HLD.提供類的結構圖,在概要設計中沒有定義時需要。6.1.3 Status Design狀態(tài)設計State chart diagrams can be used to depict the status information of class.可以用狀態(tài)圖來描述類的狀態(tài)信息。6.1.4 Attributes屬性可先定義相關的數據結構。也可以不使用表格、而使用偽代碼格式描述。The common data structure should be described here.Visibility可見性Name 屬性名稱Type 類型Brief descriptions 說明(對屬性的簡短描述)6.1.5 Methods方法Every metho
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