1、Assessment task 1Outcome coveredAll outcomes (1-5)Sectio n 1:(a) .The PESTEL an alysis head ing are a framework in which en vir onmen tal in flue nee are categorized into six main types: political, econo mic, socio-cultural, tech no logical, en vir onmen tal and legal.1. P: political forces, as the
2、political arena has a huge in flue nee upon the regulati on of bus in ess and the spe nding of con sumers and other bus in esses. The political is including government stability, taxation policy, social welfare policies and the trade regulatio ns.In our case of J D Wetherspo on plc, the Mon opolies
3、and Mergers Commissio n take a ruli ng about broke n the tied house system, this ruli ng limited the brewer selli ng thebeer and brewing the beer at same time. And the government pays attention for the disadva ntage.2. E: economic forces, as the state of a trading economy in the short-term andIon g-
4、term in flue nce the wealth of a populati on. The econo mic is in cludi ng in terest rates, in flati on, and disposable in come and product seas on ality and so on.About the J D Wetherspoon plc, in the start of twenty first century, J D Wetherspoon was facing much more competiti on. The retail lice
5、nsing marking had adapted to the cha nges in the tied house system and other retail pub cha ins liknRiegand Punch Taver ns had bee n develop ing their bus in esses.A nd the supermarket bega n selli ng drinks also have in flue nce on the compa ny.3. S: socio-cultural forces. Such as religion and demo
6、graphics impact upon product design and spending by consumers. It includes lifestyle trends, education level, populati on demographics and social resp on sbilityIn the case, people more and more carefully to take atte nti on on their health, so they bega n to reduce the wine drinking. Then J D Wethe
7、rsp on plc develops a kind of low etha nol wine.4. T: tech no logical forces, such as in formatio n tech no logy in flue nces producti on methods, and tran sportati on in flue nces market pen etratio n and product costs. It will in clude speed of in troducti on of new tech no logies, inno vati on s/
8、developme nts and con sumer buying opti ons and so on.In the case, with the tech no logical develop; the beer can be bottled and selli ng in the market. Because of this, people aren need to drink beer only in the pubs. This can decrease the sell share of the J D Wetherspo on.5. L: legal forces, such
9、 as product safety in flue nces desig n, and tradi ng practicesin flue nce how bus in esses con duct themselves in the market. It may in clude like employme nt law, healthy and safety, compa ny law and con sumer protecti on and so on.In the case, the government issued policies to limit the wine drin
10、king, and the Mon opolies and Mergers Commissio n take a ruli ng about broke n the tiednouse system, this ruling limited the brewer selling the beer and brewing the beer at same time. All of this legal force could have in flue nce on J D Wetherspo on.(b).The analysis of the organization ternal and e
11、xternal strategic environment is referred to as a SWOT analysis SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weakness opportunities and threats. The SWOT analysis is a very popular tool with managers because it is quick and easy to lear n.SWOT an alysis for J D Wethersp onIn ternalStre ngth:1. Staff.2. Goodser
12、viceanden vir onment.Weak nesses:1. Food.2. Service for children.ExternalOpport un ities:1. Different pub brand.2. Developing budget hotel.Threats:1. Other pubs compete.2. Gover nment policy.S: in the case, J D Wetherspo on claimed that people are its best asset. 20% of senior man agers bega n as ba
13、r staff or clea ners. The compa ny provide lifelo ng trai ning and adopt he staff suggesti on, and com muni cate with them, J D Wetherspo on provide quiet en vir onment and the service are always satisfied the con sumer dema nd, all of these can protect the compa ny develop well.W: the food in pubs
14、of J D Wetherspoon, it supports complimentary crisps with baguettes, this kind is bad for customers health and it didn t distinguish the hdegree, this might cause customer s disc onten ted for the J D Wetherspo on .It alsodoesn t have children s meals. This will let the customers oinacbjit/enient, a
15、nd it may because the children are hurt. All of these can loss the customers.O: J D Wetherspoonis managing he pub style as quiet But. now, it acquired theLloyds pub cha in, J D Wetherspo on develop it as ano ther style. This kind of pub music dazed outlets with a much stron ger en terta inment eleme
16、 nt and show TV programs, this can attract much more customers. The company also begun develop ing budget hotel, this can develop ano ther market and in crease the profit of J D Wetherspo on.T: J D Wetherspo on faced many computers, like Rege nt Inns, Punch Taver ns and the supermarket. They will st
17、rive the share of market and the customer. The gover nment policy also in flue nces it. Like the limit of brew ing and drink beer in the cen tury of the city, this also can decrease the share of J D Wetherspo on.(c).Through a SWOT an alysis an orga ni zatio n can assess its curre nt positi on and ma
18、kecomparis ons with competitors in order to pla n activities and resources appropriately. It is the first stage of planning and helps managers to focus on key issues. It is importa nt remember whe n carry ing out a SWOT an alysis that it is not absolute.Simple rules for successful SWOT an alysis lik
19、e n ext:Be realistic about the stre ngths and weak nesses of the orga ni zati on.An alysis should dist in guish betwee n where your orga ni zati on is today, and wherebe in the future.Be specific. Avoid grey areas.Always an alysis in relatio n to the competiti on.Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avo
20、id complexity and over-a nalysis.SWOT analysis is a kind of subjective and short term in its nature, so it can t usean alysis Ion g-term situati on.For example, whe n you an alysis the opport un ities, you can th ink about: where are the good opport un ities available to our orga ni zatior?Sectio n
21、2:(a) .1. Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely. A simple description is that itis a system of shared meaning betwee n members of an orga ni zati on or the way we(things here . It acts as the social glue which holds the organization togReeearch shows that the culture of an orga ni
22、zati on can sig nifica ntly affect the way in which the company operates, particularly in terms of its effectiveness. Shared values become embodied in the organization s ideology or philosophy and act as a quite torbehaviand ways of deali ng with an xiety.In J D Wetherspoon pubs, it says that people
23、 are its best asset. The company is satisfied the staff, so this is its organizational culture. It has a flexible training policy which en ables people from all kinds of differe nt backgro unds to join the compa ny .It is committed to lifelong training and it provides staff with opportunities to gai
24、n releva nt qualificati ons such as those offered by the British In stitute of Inn keep ing, 20% of senior man agers bega n as bar staff or clea ners.2. Basic assumptio ns at a very fun dame ntal, almost subc on scious, level tell employees how to perceive, think and feel about things. These are the
25、 elements of culture are un see n and not ope nly ide ntified in the day-to-day in teract ions of the members of the organization. Culture elements at this level exist as unspokenules and are rarely discussed within the organization. They direct the way events and actions are perceived and in terpre
26、ted by the orga ni zatio n.In the case, J D Wetherspo on create a quarter of the space in each establishme ntis non-smok ing.(b) .A kind of recognized model of organizational culture is Terrence Deal and Allan Kenn edy. It is based on how quickly orga ni zati ons receive or strategies and the level
27、of risk that they take. Deal and Kennedy stated that these two factors gave rise to four gen eric types of cultures, which they called tough guy/macho culture, work hard/play hard culture, bet-the-compa ny culture and process culture. Through the case, we canknow Tim Martin is a big man in his compa
28、 ny; he man ages the compa ny with hismind and idea, it compa ny is in elude by the food in dustry, all the staff work hard every day, and the n they will have a holiday for several days. So J D Wetherspo on is suit the tough work hard/pay hard culture.The work hard/pay hard culture s core valukeiep
29、ing good customer service. In the case,the company has a lifestyle guarantee which aims to give managers time for alife outside work. Ano ther key aspect of the compa ny s operatio n is vemievoa nd com muni cati on Staffs are kept in touch with weekly n ewsletters, a mon thly company video and by pu
30、blicizing the minutes of Board meetings. The company always pays highly attention to the staff and the customers, and the information shigh-speed recreati on, and the compa ny also does these suggesti ons quickly.(c) .Culture is something every organization has, but it is not a concrete entity. The
31、culture of an organization impacts upon how that organization reacts to change and it also explains what an organizations stands for. Organizational culture is difficult to define precisely. A simple description is that it is a system of shared meaning between members of an organization or thevay we
32、 do things here The founders of the orga ni zati on have taditi on ally had a major impact on the orga ni zati on s early culture.Through the culture and the behaviors, in the compa ny, the compa ny built the pubs environment very quiet and let its staff work hard in several days and have a holiday
33、in several days.So, a kind of culture will have a kind of behavior.(d) .The other type of Terrence Deal and Allan Kennedy of recognized model of organizational culture is process culture; it is focus on details and process excellenee. However, the stress may come from internal politics and stupidity
34、 of the system. This kind of culture has slow feedback/reward and low risk. As a food industry, it pays attention on the result about the customers satisfied. So it isn t paying much atteon the details and process. If the compa ny becomes the process culture, it will bog dow n with how things are do
35、ne and not with what is to be achieved.Sectio n 3:(a)In the Generic-Strategies-Michael Porter (1990), there are three strategies: cost leadership, differe ntiati on and segme ntatio n, ni che or focus strategy.1. Cost leadership is a low cost leader-gai n competitive adva ntage from being able to pr
36、oduce at the lowest cost- cosfedvantage is the focuses the low cost does n mean low price-gain the ben efits. It in a broad market scope en vir onment where it has a kind of substitute products and power competiti on.2. Differe ntiati on is differe ntiated goods and services satisfy the n eeds of cu
37、stomers, and the compa nies can de-se nsitize prices and focuses on value-higher price and a better margin. So it n eeds to in cur additi onal costs in creati ng its competitive advantage. It in a broad market scope environment is in that the customers loyalty can help the compa ny limited and reduc
38、e new entrants and competitors.3. The segmentation, niche or focus strategy is included cost focus and focus differe ntiatio n.The cost focus is a form aims at being the lows cost producer in that ni che or segment, it in a narrow market scope environment like low cost than the differentiation in a
39、niche.The focus differentiation is a firm creates competitive advantage through differe ntiati on withi n the ni che or segme nt. Its pote ntial problems are small, specialist ni ches could disappear in the long term. Its associated en vir onment is in the narrow market scope, you can use a special
40、product from the major developed market competitors who have differe nt purposes.(b)In the case, duri ng the1980s and 1990S the compa ny relied on orga nic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. And it is developing a style that is quiet, healthy and satisf
41、ied environment. In the case, we can see that it build non-smoking and provide health food to the customers. To its staff, the company thinks that people are its best asset. This style is more different with others.In our case, all of these we have said, duri ng the 1980s and 1990s, J D Wetherspo on
42、 is a pub cha in, it has many pubs, the compa ny s aim is to man age the pub to satisfiedwith the customer, and it is always make its strategy in the pub chain, its all of actions like provide cheap beer and non-smok ing area and so on, which are all of set the main point to its pub man age style.So
43、 I advise that the company situation is suit Generic-Strategies-Michael Porter (1990), differe ntiatio n.From the strategy, J D Wetherspo on gets more ben efits; here I only ide ntify four about it: the company builds its own style and brand, it has its own customer group, the expa nsion about share
44、 and scope is grow ing quickly, and the ben efits are more tha n before.(c)stDuring the 21 century, J D Weterspoon was facing much mire competition, and through the gover nmentsf policy limited, its develop was decrease and slowly, the n it begain to change its style and acquired others, it serve br
45、eakfast and open earlier in the morning, support the family dining area, show televised football and so on. The compa ny also bega n to man age other area like the hotel.So it suit Generic-Strategies-Michael Porter (1990), segmentation, niche or focus strategy.During the1980s and 1990s, the company
46、relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wetherspoon pubs. In the case, we can see that it build non-smoking and provide health food to the customers. To its staff, the compa ny thi nks that people are its best asset. It is Gen eric-Strategies-Michael Porter
47、(1990), differe ntiatio n.stDuring the 21 century, it also pays attention to the staff, but it try to change its style, man age motel, and the food what has provided.(d)whe n a compa ny was cha nging bus in ess strategy, it must be con sideri ng the factors, so as J D Wetherspo on .Exterior en vir o
48、nment: by the start of the twenty first cen tury, because of the retail licensing market had adapt to the changes in the “ed house” system and other competitor had bee n adapted it and develop ing their bus in ess. So J D Wetherspo on was faci ng much more competiti on. Many other competitors run th
49、e pub and receive the pay rent, this situation lead to saturation of the pub market. So J D Wetherspo on n eeds to cha nge its bus in ess strategy. Policy: duri ng 2002-2004, gover nment allows the supermarket bega n selli ng drin ks, particularly premium larger, at loss-leader prices. This means th
50、at the pub can not compare with supermarket in price. On the other hand, government concern about binge drinking and the consequent ant special behaviors, particularly in city centers. This lead the decrease of new pub nu mber and shares of J D Wetherspo on. They must to cha nge to save their compa
51、ny.(e)Key issues in the man ageme nt of a bus in ess strategy like n ext:Market/i ndustry kno wledgeSufficie ncy of resources and capabilitiesOfferi ng con sumers unique value perceived or realEstablishi ng a key differe ntiatorCon siste nt com muni catio n con siste ntlyMan ageme nt must keep cha n
52、ge feasible StructureRecog nize the prin cipal causes of strategic cha nge.About the J D Wetherspoon, I will talk about two points:Con siste nt com muni cati on con siste ntly .In the J D Wetherspo on, nhoveme nt and com muni cati on, staffs are keep ing in touch with weekly n ewsletters, a monthly
53、company video and by publicizing the minutes of broad meeting. And J D Wetherspoon attend to listen to the staff voice, like their suggestions wetherspoons listening policy is based on a system successfully pioneered by the hi-foreteller, richer soun ds.Establishi ng a key differe ntiator .Duri ng t
54、he developme nt and growth of the compa ny, the compa ny provide real ale beers at relatively low prices and care about child and disable, it build non-smoking area to keep health for the customers.Sectio n 4:(a)Because of the two powers about restrai ning forces and driv ing forces take effect. The
55、 strategy of J D Wetherspo on cha nged over time. Through two forces of restrai ning is the force work ing aga inst desired cha nges. And the other force of diving is the force of work ing for desired cha nges.If the diving force is stronger than restraining force, then the firm will be changing. Th
56、e leader could compare the two forces, and con sider the compa ny n eed to cha nge or not.Next we will talk about J D Wetherspoondriv ing force and restrai ning forces.1. Driving forces: The in crease competiti on, many competitors run pubs to rentthe mon ey.Government takes many police like concern
57、 about binge drinking, and thought it is anti-social behaviors.The cha nging market, the market appears to be over-supplied.2. Restraining forces: Inertia (habit) of the J D Wetherspoon, like their staff, theyhave habit to their ruler and man ageme nt. They want the steady en vir onment of work.Strength of culture in the J D Wetherspoon is very strong, the culture has a strong effect on J D Wetherspoon and its staff and its structure.(b)The big cha nges from bus in ess
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