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1、1. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.3) x. ?* p. z( r5 cuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states6 j- x% y7 o! 1 b0 g8 cuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states3 v$ y) g. o/ s% fg7 g. x; i. t: f9 b7 cuus - chinese undergra

2、duates in the united statesassignment: is the opinion of the majorityin government or in anyother circumstancesa poor guide? plan and write an essay in which youdevelop your point of view on this issue. support your position withreasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or

3、observation. cuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states e: g( s7 u7 x+ ?2 o7 f+ b; m$ d os* r k, w4 o2. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.3) 5 q& 7 4 _ 2 q9 v2 i% s; r5 z, k7 w7 y& y z7 s4 f0 y+ uz, h: j- _ t/ w0 q5 w$ o/ i, t?assi

4、gnment: is creativity needed more than ever in the world today?plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on thisissue. support your position with reasoning and examples taken fromyour reading, studies, experience, or observation. , w$ 2 v3 k4 r+ l2 e2 i) q# v# q% g6 w( s7 x* t.

5、 y, e3. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.3) r9 b0 p$ v) k; $ l5 2 h& d% k2 q$ x5 n( m2 j_* o7 0 f* 2 8 x! t y; v, 2 v # vassignment: are people better at making observations, discoveries, anddecisions if they remain neutral and impartial?

6、 plan and write an essayin which you develop your point of view on this issue. support yourposition with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies,experience, or observation. , d a9 * g& o9 & b* j$ & 2 d- n( n1 h4. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and

7、assignment below: (2005.3) 8 c* g w- v* n, e$ p0 e- h+ b5 y; d+ x, n+ a4 n9 _w. t5 r; ?+ g: y 1 assignment: is a person responsible, through the example he or shesets, for the behavior of other people? plan and write an essay inwhich you develop your point of view on this issue. support yourposition

8、 with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies,experience, or observation. . f9 w6 4 / r z1 u% d- z1 4 a/ $ | u9 o5. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.5) 3 x5 a5 r2 a( x! # t4 l$ 3 t# n* z5 o8 |5 e7 ocuus - chinese undergrad

9、uates in the united states1 q3 z o2 n8 j! d2 a a文本框: if you think that what you do is your own business, you are wrong.in this world your conduct affects not only you but the conduct ofother people as well. if you behave in a way that is consideredunacceptable and other people copy your behavior, yo

10、u are responsiblefor the consequences. ! 7 a, y% t& o8 o5 x5 + s: p* u d8 w cadapted from margaret banning, “l(fā)etter to susan”) d: u, ( d4 e, j h2 hmc# hm* i3 m h$ 3 q文本框: even scientists know that absolute objectivity has yet to beattained. its the same for absolute truth. but, as many news reporter

11、shave observed, the idea of objectivity as a guiding principle is toovaluable to be abandoned. without it, the pursuit of knowledge ishopelessly lost.6 f6 c6 + i: e6 w+ v3 & i: a( v5 x* g; l4 uu1 6 l; gadapted from “focusing our values,” nieman reports# . w- r) f2 o7 kcuus - chinese undergraduates i

12、n the united statescuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states t3 c: |* ; / 文本框: given the importance of human creativity, one would think itshould have a high priority among our concerns. but if we look at thereality, we see a different picture. basic scientific research isminimized in favor

13、 of immediate practical applications. the arts areincreasingly seen as dispensable luxuries. yet as competition heats uparound the globe, exactly the opposite strategy is needed.# y, f; l l- n4 xcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states文本框: we must seriously question the idea of majority ru

14、le. the majoritygrinned and jeered when columbus said the world was round. the majoritythrew him into a dungeon for his discoveries. where is the logic in thenotion that the opinion held by a majority of people should have thepower to influence our decisions?4 d+ o3 g3 f- s) o: d/ n5 l7 & ) z8 eadap

15、ted from james a. reed, “majority rule” x! u m y$ u/ h1 j n5 6 x s1 e8 v/ n& l, h$ g! f0 o9 x& s, & l( h2 bassignment: do people depend on workwhether it is a job, schoolwork,or volunteer workto determine what their daily activities andinteractions with others should be? plan and write an essay in w

16、hichyou develop your point of view on this issue. support your positionwith reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies,experience, or observation. : n j& k+ v0 * s4 / m9 f. ?) g4 u8 ; t# j, x3 |6. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (

17、2005.5) ) f1 c: c9 g q! p) ecuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states c5 h: r# l. b, m4 f& m( 5 c- z! i0 v. v9 x$ t/ _5 b7 l1 qassignment: does progress depend on people with new ideas rather thanon people whose ideas are based on the current way of doing things?plan and write an essay in w

18、hich you develop your point of view on thisissue. support your position with reasoning and examples taken fromyour reading, studies, experience, or observation. . z& q8 p m5 2 g) 3 h% j) y7 h* n0 y3 p* e) l; t2 j$ 7. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment b

19、elow: (2005.5) $ a% q! sy: t0 7 c0 t# d7 r; t6 l8 j8 4 s: / s) r f0 a* f8 * c0 e- p0 9 r. v0 o o8 y oassignment: are people afraid to speak out against authority, whetherthe authority is an individual, a group, or a government? plan andwrite an essay in which you develop your point of view on this i

20、ssue.support your position with reasoning and examples taken from yourreading, studies, experience, or observations. % j; n2 p5 k$ $ n( g& u$ g c* r o9 x$ % |2 k( s3 g u8. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.5) # 6 c9 j9 o- e7 : 4 w9 k- j! s

21、+ y. g6 e7 7 q- o0 n& a+ u5 c& c2 _- assignment: does worrying too much about other peoples opinionsprevent us from seeing things clearly? plan and write an essay in whichyou develop your point of view on this issue. support your positionwith reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies,e

22、xperience, or observations. , r2 + ; s. x. 5 o+ $ o. y( p) 1 e- c- % y# v2 9. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.6) $ n: u) c p z8 y$ l8 q: i% v; e) m7 l+ ; n$ 2 ?uk+ k* q- z& t. e* p3 o 文本框: we are afraid that our cause is unjust, or that

23、it is unclear, orthat it is too insignificant to justify the horrors of a confrontationwith authority. we will endure almost any inconvenience beforeundertaking head-on, im-here-to-tell-you complaint. $ m$ l/ u- s( k- & ?# + f$ x0 w% |adapted from william f. buckley, jr., “why dont we complain?”cuus

24、 - chinese undergraduates in the united states% g0 c& z6 o: |8 z3 e* v* n! kt! m4 g4 td文本框: there is no progress unless someone comes up with a new way oflooking at things, of trying things that have never been done orthought of before. we cannot move forward by looking backward to oldcustoms and pa

25、st experience. there can be no advancement or improvementunless there are people who look forward in pursuit of the new anduntried. g& n2 * p5 q1 _5 v8 h& n$ d6 d ; a) u8 : u! l2 : _c2 d( d hr文本框: its easy to see whyaside from the income it provideshaving ajob is so desirable in our culture. work wo

26、rks for us. it structuresour time and imposes a rhythm on our lives. it gets us organized intovarious kinds of communities and social groups. and perhaps mostimportant, work tells us what to do every day. 7 2 b; b f+ b& w% + e. w+ 0 t* ?4 ?+ sadapted from joanne b. ciulla, the working lifecuus - chi

27、nese undergraduates in the united states3 * el; u4 n$ zcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states! o) x: h: r2 mu, t% p& i# 5 m% q/ r2 # y4 w e文本框: alone we can afford to be wholly whatever we are and to feelwhatever we feel absolutely. with others we are busy wondering whatdoes my companion

28、 see or think of this, and what do i think of it? theoriginal impact of our feelings gets lost or reduced.! p6 l) z& a y1 h. l7 n3 6 a c* l5 h& |adapted from may sarton, the rewards of living a solitary life5 h6 n5 z- g$ 8 _$ j k2 l% x% j# m8 c* / n+ % t& qcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united

29、 states) k) l1 x8 l4 c; c& e* k( ?( x6 oassignment: do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learnfrom the past and succeed in the present? plan and write an essay inwhich you develop your point of view on this issue. support yourposition with reasoning and examples taken from your readi

30、ng, studies,experience, or observation. w* r% l! p7 v9 k a9 r- & z# w0 m- w* % p7 n% 1 i10. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.6) _1 yi* b+ 0 y2 xd1 v$ m1 m/ y, s, i ; q) q& r, r* q$ g6 p0 f5 h- ccuus - chinese undergraduates in the united

31、states9 u) z) o * w& f zassignment: do people put too much emphasis on learning practicalskills? plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of viewon this issue. support your position with reasoning and examples takenfrom your reading, studies, experience, or observation.11. think caref

32、ully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.6) ) m; e7 j2 r: e5 r5 r3 i2 k3 n p3 ?2 $ . h* o v. a4 xm1 o+ b( y: w$ ?0 ?4 l! l$ t) x, cuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states : |1 g1 e5 k2 r& y! t7 y/ acuus - chinese undergraduates in the united state

33、sassignment: should schools help students understand moral choices andsocial issues? plan and write an essay in which you develop your pointof view on this issue. support your position with reasoning andexamples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation. 8 i, x8 f2 q; 0 n# b: i( k

34、7 xcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states* t+ z n$ d3 _: ue+ d4 _7 n( m12. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.6) ?. z! _7 u$ _6 f( i2 q3 $ _2 i/ u# u$ . c* tcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states4 o: c9 / d7 j5 w. z2

35、 w- o 2 h7 m6 & b. p7 h1 ) w, jassignment: do newspapers, magazines, television, radio,movies, the internet, and other media determine what is important tomost people? plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue. support your position with reasoning and examplestaken

36、 from your reading, studies, experience, or observation. 0 q4 y. e3 q2 t1 x 4 ( f- + o! c0 . e) q) |) u13. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.10) ; t7 e6 e) p6 t0 f0 d/ oo# c# g z7 n$ y; x+ x5 |cuus - chinese undergraduates in the united st

37、ates3 o4 k- ( f* z& r文本框: many persons believe that to move up the ladder of success andachievement, they must forget the past, repress it, and relinquish it.but others have just the opposite view. they see old memories as achance to reckon with the past and integrate past and present.; k5 ?( l& a9

38、x4 v4 y* q0 c: i) t6 o. d1 p1 r3 u3 e7 nadapted from sara lawrence-lightfoot, ive known rivers: lives of loss and liberation- v- c5 ! x1 e% o4 t+ 1 k2 + j. , w& _% o! c& q: y4 x, n% a/ n! $ t文本框: the media not only transmit information and culture, they alsodecide what information is important. in t

39、hat way, they help to shapeculture and values.ve/ , ( j& x$ r; j0 p: k9 ; v! g# _w. # t% xadapted from alison bernstein, “artists thrive on freedom and freedom thrives on the arts”# t+ f3 s0 p3 l8 w8 w( z i$ ?9 y( % 1 o7 x9 gcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states文本框: most of our schools

40、are not facing up to their responsibilities.we must begin to ask ourselves whether educators should help studentsaddress the critical moral choices and social issues of our time.schools have responsibilities beyond training people for jobs andgetting students into college. 0 m: v6 t& d0 j d, acuus -

41、 chinese undergraduates in the united states% q5 o$ 1 y( b, h ( x- u/ gadapted from svi shapiro; p n8 t/ h5 n0 k r1 t0 x0 r! k o$ u6 q文本框: i cannot comprehend those who emphasize or recognize only what isuseful. i am concerned that learning for learnings sake is no longerconsidered desirable, that e

42、verything we do and think must be directedtoward the solution of a practical problem. more and more we seem totry to teach how to make a good living and not how to live a good life. g, j! y6 x4 g( ncuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states( i d6 w3 i2 f! s( uadapted from philip d. jordan, “

43、the usefulness of useless knowledge”/ o/ i / p8 r2 c i, d1 l+ s6 dk( s% zp9 s) r4 x 5 y# e$ & z% _) p* 5 s& k - kassignment: is success in life earned or do people succeed because theyare lucky? plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue. support your position with

44、reasoning and examplestaken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 9 z8 r7 j$ p. t) j) r: 1 y 1 1 x# ?! im4 tl14. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.10) ; b4 dl5 h# . 2 dcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united statesp,

45、 d5 t0 h+ w- s6 a) r3 y8 z% f2 i7 _/ g# l& k$ p+ d# ) q3 dassignment: is societys admiration for famous people beneficial orharmful? plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue. support your position with reasoning and examplestaken from your reading, studies, experi

46、ence, or observations. # s8 ( w, h0 |; n2 y- . p8 u, t9 o7 l7 w$ % 2 g15. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.10) # m1 m1 _& a9 w, m8 a% n3 be9 a1 w; j- m3 8 ?$ k1 pcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states3 i7 d) k . k: l0 a # ?1 n

47、0 3 f$ jassignment: do we live in a time when people do not engage in seriousthinking? plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue. support your position with reasoning and examplestaken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. cuus - chinese undergra

48、duates in the united states- l4 y9 h1 ! i0 3 vcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states7 r: w8 f$ b5 6 q1 t6 g- m16. think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.10) v7 u ) g e8 u- j2 q! d. _% a$ t( h+ b: t$ z8 8 w- o) z4 # u0 6 # a$ _assign

49、ment: should people make more of an effort to keep some thingsprivate? plan and write an essay in which you develop your point ofview on this issue. support your position with reasoning and examplestaken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. , q# _ l3 c: _ 文本框: this is a time for

50、shallowness. seriousness is so rare these daysthat we tend to make all kinds of allowances for those who only seem topossess it. in this way, shallow ideas are not recognized for what theyare, and they are increasingly mistaken for deep thoughts. cuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states3 k

51、( w1 t& u+ w7 d* . s, + ?0 e4 x4 5 e: jcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united statesadapted from margaret talbot, “the perfectionist”8 x7 d4 h0 h( . r* g6 l f$ i) ?! sa3 i2 r* y, c1 文本框: nowadays nothing is private: our culture has become tooconfessional and self-expressive. people think that t

52、o hide onesthoughts or feelings is to pretend not to have those thoughts orfeelings. they assume that honesty requires one to express everyinclination and impulse. 5 y! y6 o d& ?2 l4 k2 % c. s& x+ l, , a. f2 adapted from j. david velleman, “the genesis of shame”cuus - chinese undergraduates in the u

53、nited states6 h! c5 s/ t( f; n: j6 r3 qcuus - chinese undergraduates in the united states1 e 6 q( g4 r7 y, o文本框: 1. celebrities have the power to attract “communities” oflike-minded followers; they provide an identity that people can connectto and call their own. celebrities are trusted; they stand

54、for certainideas and values to which followers can express $ i+ t# a6 h/ u2 i& x4 q2 g! kadapted from william greider, who will tell the people?* e* z c) f5 f: i r7 t. _+ ?, n7 o$ _ l2. admiration for celebrities is often accompanied by contempt for“average” people. as we focus on the famous, other

55、people become lessimportant to us. the world becomes populated with a few “some bodies”and an excess of “near-nobodies.”6 a: i# v/ f1 c* d# oadapted from norman solomon and jeff cohen, wizards of media oz- . z9 z/ 6 w& u( m( 4 g: b8 l, u& r e8 l: 9 r文本框: 1. success in life is largely a matter of luc

56、k. it has littlecorrelation with merit. and in all fields of life there have alwaysbeen people of great merit who did not succeed.! c+ b5 p7 akarl popper, popper selections z) y8 _5 h; g; ? e5 l# f% |4 w! d1 l s+ 5 l- _, r2. as colin powell said, “there are no secrets to success. dontwaste time looking for them. success is the result of preparation, hardwork, and learning from failure.” c( m3 w1 h* x f2 y; c7 h# o. nadapted from barry farber, “selling points”& f+ % i6 y: w4 y; a2 r# 3 l) u& d$ e, | + # j6 o$ # o( , r6 v, f9 |4 z17. think carefully about the


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