1、英語畢業(yè)論文之從寵兒透視美國黑人女性的悲劇與成長 從寵兒透視美國黑人 女性的 悲劇與成長 學(xué)生姓名 學(xué)生學(xué)號 院系 年級專業(yè) 指導(dǎo)教師 the tragedy and growth of the black women embodied in beloved contents abstract i key words ii 摘 要iii 關(guān)鍵詞 iii introduction 1 i the tragedy and growth of the black women 3 a the tragedy of the black women 3 b the growth of the black
2、women 9 ii black women nowadays 15 conclusion 19 acknowledgements 22 bibliography 24 abstract toni morrison is the only afro-american woman writer who wins the nobel prize for literature and her works are well-known for vivid images copious emotions and profound thoughts her works are always present
3、ed on behalf of the black women and full of tragedies a general theme goes through all her fictions the tragic life of the black people and the conflict between the white culture and the black culture in beloved morrison tells people a story about a black slave woman who has a tragic life but never
4、gives up her faith in self-growth through the different growing experiences of three generations the fiction reveals the humble position of the black women and their difficult process of growth under the oppression of racism and sexism on the one hand morrison shows the real situation of the black w
5、omen from a distinct point of view and demonstrates their pains and sufferings on the other hand through the tragic story of beloved morrison also shows people the great strength and self-growth of the black women although the growing process is full of difficulties the black women through the effor
6、ts of generations finally build themselves up and bravely face the present and the future key words black women discrimination and oppression tragedy strength growth 摘 要 托尼莫里森是美國唯一一位獲得諾貝爾文學(xué)獎的黑人女性作家其小說以鮮明的 形象豐富的感情和深刻的思想而著名 她的作品總是代表著黑人女性并充滿了悲劇色 彩在她的小說中始終可以感受到一個主題 美國黑人命運的殘酷以及白人文化和 黑人傳統(tǒng)文化之間的沖突和對峙 在寵兒中 莫
7、瑞森就講述了一個生活在悲劇中但卻始終不放棄信念的黑人女 奴的悲慘故事通過三代人不同的成長經(jīng)歷展現(xiàn)了處于弱勢地位的黑人婦女在種族主義 和性別主義的雙重壓迫下艱難的心路歷程一方面莫里森用她獨特的視角講述黑人婦 女真實的處境使人們可以強烈深刻地感受到黑人婦女的痛苦經(jīng)歷另一方面通過寵 兒的悲劇故事莫里森向人們展示了黑人婦女的力量與自我成長盡管成長的過程充 滿荊棘但通過一代又一代的努力黑人女性最終成長起來開始勇敢地面對現(xiàn)在和未 來 關(guān)鍵詞 黑人婦女歧視和壓迫悲劇力量成長 introduction toni morrison is the only afro-american woman writer w
8、ho wins the nobel prize for literature it confirms her renown and makes her one of the most influential writers in america history from the bluest eye to love each of her fictions has exerted vibrating influence upon the literary world in the fictions of toni morrison there is a distinct and eternal
9、 theme which can be felt and touched clearly the tragic life of the black people and the conflict between the white culture and the black culture beloved a famous fiction by toni morrison in 1987 which wins the 1988 pulitzer prize best exemplifies the theme and her thoughts about the blacks especial
10、ly the black women the story of beloved comes from a true event in 1850 margaret garner a kentucky fugitive slave woman would rather choose death for herself and her children than being returned to slavery but she only killed one and the rest were recaptured and sold zhu 144 when toni morrison heard
11、 this story she was deeply moved and decided to write down it after 10 years of gestating and 3 years of writing she finally finished this great work once it was published it shook the whole american literary circle and cultural circle and was considered a milestone in the history of afro-americans
12、people always think that the black women are coquettish crude strong and humble and they can bear more pressure than the white women however morrison argues that they are wrong through her fictions morrison reveals that the black women have the same emotion just as other people do morrison is always
13、 proud of her black status in fact the black women contribute a lot to america and even to the whole world but they still cant be accepted by the society actually people know very little about the black women and about the troubles they met and the respect they should get in their work in their marr
14、iage in their character as a mother in their spiritual life and their belief morrison always tries to express to other people that though the black women have a tragic life they never give up their faith in self-growth and though their growing process is full of difficulties they finally build thems
15、elves up and bravely face the present and the future i the tragedy and growth of the black women a the tragedy of the black women morrison chooses the 124 house on bluestone road in cincinnati as the scene of the story the time is 1873 although it was 18 years ago when she escaped from the sweet hom
16、e and killed her daughter it was still a strong memory in sethes mind at the beginning of the fiction it said that 124 was spiteful full of a babys venom but by 1873 sethe and her daughter denver were its only victims morrison 3 the baby ghost was always in the house it speeded the grandmothers deat
17、h and made the little daughter denver eccentric the whole story begins with a mysterious ambience and it is even like a ghost story in morrisons mind brutal act from human being is crueler than slavery itself so she bitterly attacks it and describes the real situation of black slaves in the world wh
18、ite people believed that whatever the manners under every dark skin was a jungle swift unnavigable waters swinging screaming baboons sleeping snakes red gums ready for their sweet white blood the more colored people spent their strength trying to convince them how gentle they were how clever and lov
19、ing how human the more they used themselves up to persuade whites of something negroes believed could not be questioned the deeper and more tangled the jungle grew inside the screaming baboon lived under their own white skin the red gums were their own morrison 198 in beloved the schoolteacher is a
20、typical white man he seems to be impartial and objective but what he and his nephews did was really brutal in order to do so-called research he used to gauge the black slaves like the draught animals one of the nephews had nursed sethe while his brother held her down the white people do good or evil
21、 things just as they like and the black people have no choices but receive all with the coming of the modern society the scientific and democratic spirit has been put around the united states but never the africa-americans the ghosts of the black slaves are the irrefutable evidence morrison once sai
22、d her works are for the black people themselves the black people should love themselves especially the black women need do so in beloved sethe has to kill her daughter and undoubtedly thats a big tragedy besides beloved herself is a tragedy too she comes to this world at a wrong time and is killed b
23、y her mother when she comes back she is treated as an evil at the end of the beloved morrison writes everybody knew what she was called but nobody anywhere knew her name disremembered and unaccounted for she cannot be lost because no one is looking for her and even if they were how can they call her
24、 if they know her name although she has claim she id not claimed in the place where long grass opens the girl who waited to be loved and cry shame erupts into her separate parts to make it easy for the chewing laughter to swallow her all away morrison 274 although the daughters name is beloved she n
25、ever gets love nobody loves her she is just considered a ghost and everybody expels her in fact the black women are born to be looked down upon they are looked down upon by the white people and even by some black male so actually they are the most tragic people in the world they always have to bear
26、the pains and sufferings both from race and sex discrimination which is heavily imposed on them the black women are looked down upon for the color of their skin all the time although the american constitution says that everyone is equal in the society but in reality colored people especially the bla
27、ck women never have equal rights and respect they usually stay at the bottom of the society in american society generally people hold the idea that only the white people are in the main stream they would like to divide americans into several classes of course the white people are the first class peo
28、ple and they are the center of the social life there are no blacks or other colored people who can be the president or even the leading officers for the white people they believe they are undoubtedly superior to the black people the black people were born to be slaves or the lowest class people at t
29、he late of the 19th century the black peoples human rights and civil rights had been accepted in law but in practice they were still oppressed physiologically and intelligently for law it prescribes that everyone is equal but it does not prescribe that the white and black people can sit together sha
30、re the public equipment together or work together therefore in many places the whites and the blacks are segregated in restaurant there are the whites zone and the blacks zone in the train there are different carriages for the whites and the blacks in the past the black people were told that the rea
31、son why they were black was because their blood was black and they were dyed with the black blood so many black women tried to find husbands which were whiter to mix because they believed that the blackness would disappear in that way in beloved grandma baby suggs pondered color during her lost year
32、s took her a long time to finish with blue the yellow then green she was well into pink when she died morrison 201 she used the little energy left her for pondering all kinds of colors except red and black which refers to the blood and the black people she said the colors wouldnt hurt people however
33、 its the color that really hurts people even kills people the blacks in the whites opinion being dark is ugly and black is equal to evil while being white is beautiful then the black women were faced with even more problems their figures were usually abused disparaged distorted and even used as weap
34、ons to attack themselves many black women couldnt bear such miseries they had to abandon their own figures and turn to masks in the society men are considered to be independent offensive competitive rational and intrepid while women are such a group that most of them are oppressed by sex discriminat
35、ion many black women feel that they always see themselves through others eyes treasure their own souls by the whites rule and the world always looks down upon them and shows no mercy to them they really feel horror in their inner heart they suffer not only in their souls but also in their bodies alt
36、hough everybody has his liberty and right 詹妮特 412 female is unequal to male everywhere for example in the family female usually takes on all the housework and take care of the children it is considered that women are born to be housewives they are born to look after their husbands and their duty is
37、to give birth to children in those days women didnt have their rights and wasnt respected they were just like mens accessories the black women made contributions to the united states and the society had never stopped enjoying the benefits made by them but as a black woman no matter how smart she is
38、how much ability she has and how beautiful she is she also cant be accepted easily by the white society they are still discriminated and crashed by peoples old prejudicial ideas and are ruled by the world of the white people the old idea holds that if a black woman is strong she is not beautiful and
39、 even can not be regarded as a woman but if she does a servant work preparing food and setting a kid to go to school she must be stupid therefore the black people are looked through glasses with color no matter what they do they always suffer from discrimination no matter how successful they get the
40、y are still looked down upon for their black skins that is a big injury in their inner heart and the public opinion and pressure give them the allusion that they can not do anything they have to wait for the definition and evaluation by the white people with the rise of feminist movement some women
41、began to realize that they should have their rights then women began to fight for their own rights but most of them are white women they just fight for the white however they excluded the black women from getting into them so when the white women gradually win their rights in political or economic r
42、ealm the black women are still oppressed and have to live tragic lives because the oppression is doubled they have to bear the oppression both from the men and the white women some white women said that they call for the sisterhood without racialism and they want to let the black women join them tog
43、ether for this movement it seems that they just want to invite the guestthe black women as a host so many black women believed that it is not good for them and it is useless for them to take part in the movement to fight for the white women therefore it can be said that the racial discrimination wil
44、l exist for a long time because of the social system and the black women will still live in their tragic lives for a long time b the growth of the black women there is a motto of irish revolution you should sally out by yourself if you want liberty 詹妮特 467 thats fit for the black women absolutely th
45、e black women must fight by themselves to win the liberty and rights and also people always say that where there is oppression there is resistance the black womens situation is bad but they never lose their faith they are making unremitting efforts to find their ways to a better future thats their s
46、trength and growth because of the slavery grandma baby suggs was deprived of rights to be the others friend daughter wife mother and so on and she had seven children but was allowed only to leave her little son halle by her side this is her only chance to be a mother but at that time the children of
47、 the slave mothers dont belong to them all of them are the private property of the slave owner and like the tools of workers they are treated equal to the livestock baby suggs hates the whites very much and she hopes there is a clear place left for her but when the whites break into the yard she can
48、 do nothing but just accept it pondering color and waiting for death before she has been ransomed she has no ideas about herself after she gets freedom she realizes that if the blacks want to get liberty they should know their own value and learn to love themselves so in the woods she appeals her co
49、mpatriots for loving themselves love your hands love them raise them up and kiss them touch others with them pat them together stroke them on yours face cause they dont love that either you got to love it you and all your inside parts that theyd just as soon slop for hogs you got to love them the dark darklove it love it and the beat and beating heart love that too more than eyes or feet more than lungs that have yet to draw free air more than your li
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