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1、v1.0可編輯可修改題號:1 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2Not un til the 1980s, whe n the compa ny was take n over by Eis ner,an adva ntage in the hot competiti on.學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:2 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2extremely fashi on able clothes andby reporters, the famousactress picked up the micropho ne.A、We

2、ar,surroundedB Wearing,surroundedC、Wearing, surroundingD、Wear, surrounding學員答案:b說明:本題得分:211v1.0可編輯可修改題號:3 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2Our compa ny decided tothe con tract because a nu mber of theconditions in it had not been satisfied.學員答案:d說明:本題得分:2題號:4 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2The bank ma

3、n ager asked his assista nt if it was possible for him tothe in vestme nt pla n in a week.學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:5 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2Thoughin NewYork, he preferred not to mention his childhood living together with gran dpare nts.22v1.0可編輯可修改學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:6 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2

4、The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audie neeon ben ehes, ehairs or boxes.學員答案:e說明:本題得分:2題號:7 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2Televisi on is an in strume nt of com muni eati onus to see as well asto hear the performer.33v1.0可編輯可修改D、permits學員答案:b說明:本題得分:2題號:8 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正

5、確答案)本題分數(shù):2Huma n beings are cleverer tha n ani malsthey can use Ian guage asa tool to com muni cate.學員答案:a說明:本題得分:0題號:9 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2I n some areas,is called “equality ” does not really mean equalrights for all people.學員答案:d44v1.0可編輯可修改說明:本題得分:2題號:10 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2

6、They lost the way in the forest andmade matters worse whe n theni ght bega n to fall.學員答案:b說明:本題得分:2題號:11 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2A completely new situati on willwhe n the exam in ati on system comesinto existe nee.學員答案:e說明:本題得分:055v1.0可編輯可修改題號:12 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2that my head h

7、ad cleared, my brain was also beg inning to work muchbetter.學員答案:b說明:本題得分:2題號:13 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2It is not that mother does nt want to help him,it is bey ond herpower.學員答案:d說明:本題得分:0題號:14 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2If these shoes are too big; ask the clerk to bring you a smaller.6

8、6v1.0可編輯可修改學員答案:c說明:本題得分:2題號:15 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2The gold medal wasto Mr. Wang for his excelle nt performa nee.學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:16 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2Every society has its own special customs andof acti ng.77v1.0可編輯可修改學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:17 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)No one ha

9、d told Smith abouta lecture the followi ng day.A there beB there would beC、there wasD、there being學員答案:d說明:本題得分:2題號:18 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)For many years, Mickey Mouse has bee n popularchildre n.本題分數(shù):2本題分數(shù):2A、inB forC、toD、with學員答案:d說明:本題得分:288v1.0可編輯可修改題號:19 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2abroad

10、, he still wished he were back in his homela nd.A Comfortable while he wasB Comfortable although he wasC、However comfortable as he wasD、Comfortable as he was學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:20 題型:單選題(請在以下幾個選項中選擇唯一正確答案)本題分數(shù):2The patie nt has bee nof the safety of the operati on.學員答案:a說明:本題得分:2題號:21 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Base

11、d on Unit 1 Text A, if the author decides to add one more paragraph tothe end of the passage, the new paragraph will most probably talk about how to enl arge on es vocabulary.99v1.0可編輯可修改1、錯2、對學員答案:2說明:本題得分:3題號:22 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 2 Text A, the authors friend first thought about the fallenb

12、arn and friendship during the conversation with the author.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3題號:23 題型:判斷題 本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 1 Text B, in the United States, eating is often regarded as a time for peole to meet and com muni cate with one ano ther.1、錯2、對學員答案:2說明:本題得分:31010v1.0可編輯可修改題號:24 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit

13、 4 Text B, when a company spends a lot of money on the training of its employees, it will not lay them off easily.1、錯2、對學員答案:2說明:本題得分:3題號:25 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 2 Text B, in bus in esses and gover nment age ncies, people aresupposed to support each other as close frie nds.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3

14、題號:26 題型:判斷題 本題分數(shù):3Based on Un it 1 Text A, the author mainly wants to say that a large vocabularymay help you get high on the social ladder.1、錯2、對學員答案:21111v1.0可編輯可修改說明:本題得分:3題號:27 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 1 Text B, whe n talki ng to each other, North America ns do not care about the dista nee bet

15、wee n speakers.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3題號:28 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 2 Text A, rain water does harm to houses and similarly broke n promises can make frien dship fall apart.1、錯2、對學員答案:2說明:本題得分:3題號:29 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 2 Text A, during the whold conversation,the two friends fellinto deep sleep

16、 because of the read ing.1、錯1212v1.0可編輯可修改2、 對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3題號:30 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 3 Text A, if parents education level is high, children in home schools are sure to get high scores.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3題號:31 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 3 Text B, when the original explorer made a discovery,

17、he or she must have had a vocati onal skill.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:31313v1.0可編輯可修改題號:32題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Un it 3 Text A,ma ny USpreside nts atte nding homeschool has in creased the popularity of home school.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3題號:33題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 2 Text A, if you have good relati on ship

18、s with other people it mea ns that you are powerful.1、錯2、對學員答案:1說明:本題得分:3題號:34題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based onUnit 2 Text B,if you want your friend to understand you sometimes,you are expect ing too much.1、錯2、對學員答案:11414v1.0可編輯可修改說明:本題得分:3題號:35 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Un it 2 Text A, the old barn had bee n left empty before it fell because the owner moved away.1、錯2、對學員答案:2說明:本題得分:3題號:36 題型:判斷題本題分數(shù):3Based on Unit 1 Text A, the author men ti ons that wor


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