1、書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘學子:學業(yè)有成,金榜題名!語言類考試復習資料大全劍橋商務英語初級模擬32劍橋商務英語初級模擬32READINGPART ONE Look at questions 1-5. In each question, which sentence is correct? For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet.問題:1. 100% satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.A.We guarantee to be sat
2、isfied with our service.B.We will return money if you are not satisfied with our service.C.We promise to return, your money to satisfy you.答案:B問題:2. Great Wall Express Type of Cuisines: Fast Food, Chinese Prices: $5 and under; no alcohol served; smoking; street parking and own parking lot. A.Great W
3、all Express serves fast food and Chinese food.B.Customers cant smoke and park their car.C.Wine is offered at a rather cheap price.答案:A問題:3. Your early reply to this inquiry will be highly appreciated.A.I have made an inquiry and expect an early reply.B.I enjoy receiving an early reply.C.I am interes
4、ted in asking, about your early reply.答案:A問題:4. The minimum relevant professional experience required is ten years.A.Applicants experience should be less thanl0 years.B.Applicants should have more than 10 years experience.C.Applicants are required to work at least 10 years.答案:B問題:5. To rent a portab
5、le computer or mobile phone, clients must have a credit card and valid passport.A.Clients can rent a portable computer or mobile phone free of charge.B.Without a passport clients can also rent a portable computer or mobile phone.C.Both a credit card and valid passport are needed to rent a portable c
6、omputer or mobile phone.答案:CPART TWO Look at the list below. It shows some of non-fiction categories. For questions 6-10, decide which section (A-H) of the categories each person on the opposite page should consult. For each question, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use an
7、y letter more than once. NON-FICTION CATEGORIESA Academic and ProfessionalB DictionariesC HistoryD Food and Drink (including cookery)E Travel/GuidesF Art and ArchitectureG Nature/AnimalsH Gardening1. Tara Simms plans to visit North America.答案: E2. Martin Wang has got some difficult words while readi
8、ng the newspaper.答案: B3. Elizabeth is going to prepare a dinner for her colleagues.答案: D4. Lisa Marie wants to learn more about the World War .答案: C5. James Haley needs to collect relevant information to write his paper for his masters degree.答案: APART THREE Look at the chart below. It shows growth
9、of Chinas GDP, export and import volumes. Which year does each sentence (11-15) describe? For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more than once.1. In this year, exports grew dramatically to reach the highest point over the period Whereas imports diminish
10、ed tremendously.答案: C2. This year witnessed rapid growth of exports and continuing fall of imports.答案: F3. Imports posted higher growth rate than exports after both had a sudden drop in the previous year.答案: H4. With exports being the lowest among three, GDP outpaced growth of both imports and expor
11、ts in this year.答案: E5. Imports maintained rapid growth, but export growth rate was smaller than that of GDP.答案: BPART FOUR Read the article below about a company. Are sentences 16-22 on the opposite page Right or Wrong? If there is not enough information to answer Right or Wrong, choose Doesnt Say.
12、 For each sentence 16-22, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Kodak Is Changing the Picture In September 2003, Mr Carp, CEO of Kodak, announced what he called the biggest taming point in Kodaks history. There would, he said, be no more big investments in traditional film. He also reduc
13、ed the companys dividend by 72% to finance a $3 billion investment. By 2010, Mr Carp hopes for an income of $ 20 billion. In 2002, some 70% of the companys income came from its traditional film products, the remainder from digital. By 2006, the plan is for digital income to account for 60%. That wil
14、l take some doing. In the nine months to September 30th, 2003, Kodaks net income rose by only 1.5% (to $9.5 billion), and despite the first profits from its digital cameras, net profits fell by 63% to $246 million. Over the next three years, Kodak expects film sales to fall by 10% or more every year
15、 in America and Europe, and by up to 20% a year in Japan. Companies that find their business model threatened by rapid technological change often fail to adapt successfully. Kodak is trying to take advantage of opportunities created by digital photography, such as designing easier-to-use equipment.
16、1. By announcing the biggest turning point in Kodak history, Mr Carp is to secure a digital future for Kodak.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:C2. Mr Carp made use of 72% of the companies dividend to finance traditional film products.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:B3. By the year 2010, Mr Carp hopes for di
17、gital income to account for 70% of his company.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:C4. In the first 9 months of 2003, Kodaks net income rose a bit but its net profit dropped sharply.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:A5. Traditional film sales are expected to fall in the market of America, Europe and Japan.A.Rig
18、htB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:A6. Companies often find it easy to adapt to the rapid technological change in the world.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:B7. Kodak is switching its manufacturing from traditional film products to digital equipment.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt Say答案:APART FIVE Read the article below ab
19、out a successful company. For each question 23-28 on the opposite page, choose the correct answer. Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. A Recipe for Success Not many companies can boast of having been in business for more than three and a half centuries. Yuzaburo Mogi, president and CEO
20、 of Kikkoman Corp. the worlds leading manufacturer of soy sauce is well aware however that the company cant rest on its laurels if its to successfully meet the challenge posed by its thousands of competitors globally. But Mogi the first Japanese person to ever earn an MBA from the Columbia Business
21、School in 1961 loves a challenge. He learned American management methods through his studies at Colombia, as well as practical marketing know-bow thanks to his experience as a product demonstrator, serving soy sauce in supermarkets and at international trade fairs during his summer breaks from his s
22、tudies at Columbia, which has been a source of inspiration for him through the years. In 1957, the company established Kikkoman International, Inc. in San Francisco in order to launch full-scale sales and marketing activities in the US. Test kitchens were built and home economists were recruited to
23、come up with recipes for American-style dishes using soy sauce. The recipes were introduced in newspaper articles, on tiny recipe books attached to the necks of soy sauce bottles, and in cookbooks. Kikkomans strategy of building a global company that acts locally has contributed greatly to its growt
24、h. Kikkoman hires local people to operate its plants outside Japan, and develops marketing campaigns that appeal to consumers in overseas markets. The goal is to have consumers identify Kikkomans products as the leading locally made products in its field. We have seen our soy sauce becoming more and
25、 more a part of the American lifestyle, Mogi says. As he notes, Kikkoman has captured 56% of the US market, double that of its nearest competitor, and the company has the top share of the world market. Kikkoman is also a leader when it comes to quality. Its soy sauce is naturally brewed, unlike many
26、 of its rival products, which are chemically produced. Kikkomans commitment to high quality has made it an unparalleled brand in recent decades, as consumers in the US and other countries have become more health-conscious and aware of the importance of truly natural food. That is why our soy sauce h
27、as established itself as an all-purpose seasoning, a dependable ingredient, in kitchens around the globe, Mogl says. 1. What has Mogi understood?A.A company should be more competitive.B.Successes in the past do not secure success in the future.C.Studying MBA can help a person be successful.答案:B2. Mo
28、gi got his practical marketing skillsA.through his MBA courses at Columbia Business school.B.as a salesperson at trade fairs.C.from his part-time jobs on vacations.答案:C3. What is the main purpose of setting up a company in San Francisco?A.to obtain market share in the USAB.to create recipes fit for
29、the American peopleC.to sell soy sauce all around the USA答案:C4. The company developed rapidly becauseA.it was able to adapt to local marketplace.B.its marketing strategy was global.C.its products satisfied customers.答案:A5. What does Mogi say about his product in the USA?A.The product has conquered A
30、merica.B.It was unique and popular.C.It has been influencing the American way of living.答案:C6. What can we conclude about Kikkoman?A.The company has made more profit in the USA than in Japan.B.Its leader is far-sighted and enterprising.C.It has planned to move to the USA.答案:BPART SIX Read the introd
31、uction below about a book fair. Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A, B, or C on the opposite page. For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Book fair facts 答案:C2.A.whichB.yetC.while答案:C3.A.overB.onC.at答案:B4.A.fromB.withC.off答案:B5.A.againstB.toC.for答案:C6
32、.A.draftB.draftingC.drafted答案:B7.A.AroundB.OfC.Near答案:A8.A.areB.wereC.have答案:A9.A.outB.upC.aside答案:B10.A.WithinB.BetweenC.After答案:A11.A.suchB.inC.so答案:C12.A.asB.tooC.much答案:APART SEVEN Read the memo and the letter below. Complete the information record form on the opposite page. Write a word or phra
33、se (in CAPITAL LETTERS) or a number on lines 41-45 on your Answer Sheet. MEMOTo: RaulFrom: DarcyDate: March 25, 2003Message: Alpha Food Machines is making a new system, which can handled up to 95 reusable bottles a minute and run 24 hours a day with minimum maintenance.Would you please send them a l
34、etter and ask them to pay us a visit? Their address is 54 Rue Barrault, Toulouse 31000, France.Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing in connection with your advertisement about Rapid Bottler in Food and Drink News.We are a small company, manufacturing soft drinks for sale in the south of Spain. At the mome
35、nt, we bottle our drinks using an Anderson Disposable Bottle Filling System but we would be interested in hearing more about your computer-controlled equipment.We would be grateful if you could arrange to visit our factory in late May.Yours faithfully,Raul SanchezManagerPurchasing DepartmentInformat
37、As manager of the personnel department, you are organizing a seminar for the new staff of your company. Write a note to your personal assistant: telling her the time and venue of the seminar asking her to get necessary facilities ready requesting her to inform all new staffs. Write 30-40 words. Writ
38、e on your Answer Sheet.答案: A seminar for oar senior staff is to be held at 9:00 am on May 18th in our meeting room. Would you please inform all senior staff and get the OHP (and transparents) ready there? (Thanks.)PART TWO問題:1. Read this part of an application letter for agency. We learn from ABC Co
39、mpany that you are looking for a reliable firm with good connections in the foodstuffs trade to represent you in South Korea. Having had experience in marketing foodstuffs and an efficient sales network, we are confident we could develop a good market for you in South Korea. We should be pleased to
40、learn about your interest in our proposal and terms of signing an agency agreement. For our standing in the trade, please refer to B/E Corporation. Write a letter of reply: thanking him for the letter showing interest in cooperation asking for his terms and conditions suggesting a face-to-face talk
41、with the General Manager. Write 60-80 words. Write on your Answer Sheet.答案:Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of asking to act as our agent in South Korea. In view of your connections throughout that trade in South Korea, we believe there is much you could do to extend our business there. Our fina
42、l decision would depend on your terms and conditions. As your General Manager will be visiting Beijing in two weeks time, we think it would be better to discuss this with him in detail then. Yours faithfully, LISTENINGPART ONE For questions 1-8 you will hear eight short recordings. For each question
43、, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. You will hear the eight recordings twice. (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名) 1. On what day will they meet? 答案:B解析M: Look, Lynn, I think I have to make our meeting on 18th of October to another day. You see, I have to go out to our branch office in Los Angles
44、to attend the opening ceremony.F: Em, yes, let me have a look. Mm. How about 21st?M: 21st. Oh, I have an appointment with my lawyer on that day. Is 22nd OK?F: No problem. Ill write it down.2. Which is the correct direction? 答案:A解析F: Good afternoon, this is Jessica Reid from T答案:A解析M1: Susan, let me
45、introduce. This is Mathew Young from Polygram.F: Hi, Mr Young, nice to meet you. Which department do you work in Polygram?M2: I worked in Sales Department for one year but now I am in the Marketing Department.F: I used to work in Polygram for two years, but I was in the Finance Department.M2: Oh, re
46、ally, thats interesting.4. Which graph is correct? 答案:B解析F: Now, look at it in detail. In the first six months, the sales volume of K71 reached to 170 million dollars and K73 rose to 150 million dollars, which are not easy considering they had dropped below 1 million at the end of last year, but our
47、 new product K75 did not sell well as predicted, only 100 million.5. How much will the customer pay? 答案:A解析M: . and how much is your Hid 2919 digital TV?F: Originally it was $500. But we are having a promotion this weekend, then you can get a 15% discount, so its $425.M: OK, and do you charge for de
48、livery?F: Yes, $ 20 in the city area.M: All right, Ill have it delivered then.6. How did the man send the parcel finally? 答案:C解析M: How long will it take for a parcel to get to New York by air?F: About a week.M: Then how about by ship?F: Well, that would be much longer, about 40 days.M: Well, Ill sen
49、d it by air then.7. Which model did the woman order most? 答案:B解析M: . now, what mobile phone do you want to order?F: Well, we want 20 Nokia 8210, 40 Motorola C266 and 25 Sony-Ericssion T628.M: I am sorry, we dont have any Nokia 8210 in stock at the moment.F: Well, in that case, well have 50 Motorola
50、C266. This model sells well.M: Do you want delivery?F: Yes, sure.8. Who will work for Ms Butler?A.EmilyB.Mr CromwellC.Daniel答案:C解析F: Daniel, this is Emily, the new secretary. She will take your place and work with Mr Cromwell from tomorrow.M: Then where do I work?F: You have to go to the Advertising
51、 Department to work with Ms Butler. I think shell need your inspiration in this field. Its going to be challenging.M: OK, Ill accept that.PART TWO Look at the notes below. Some information is missing. You will hear a man calling to book conference rooms. For each question 9-15, fill in the missing i
52、nformation in the numbered space using a word, numbers or letters. You will hear the conversation twice.Emperor Hotel Conference CenterReservation FormTYPE OF ROOM BOOKED: (9) three _ rooms and one big roomDATE OF CONFERENCE: (10) January _NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: (11) about _ peopleDISCOUNT: 1 _%TOT
53、AL PRICE PER DAY: (13) $ _CONTACT NAME: 2 _ SewardACCOUNT NUMBER: 3 _ -3218 (如需獲取本MP3聽力錄音請搜索標題名)1.答案: MID-SIZED解析 9-15F: Good morning, Emperor Hotel, Conference Center. Can I help you?M: Hello, this is Jerald Seward from MSU. We are going to bold an international symposium on global business at the end of this month and we want to book some conference rooms.F: No problem. Just a moment, I need to write down some details. Your name, please?M: Jerald Seward. Thats J-E-R-A-L-D Seward, S-E-W-A-R-D. The contact number is 9643-74961.F: When exactly do you want to book?M: January 2
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