



1、范文最新推薦2018最新采購主管簡(jiǎn)歷范文(英文)Purchas ingSupervisorStre ngth5 / 7·Excellentmaterial planning and purchasing skills.·Outsta nding supplier base developme nt and man ageme ntcapability.& middot;Master of MRP.& middot;Valuableinventorycontrolexperienee and skills. Personal Name:Stella Li Gen de

2、r:Female Date of Birth:August 23th,1975Martial Status:Married Email Address:stellalichi Tel:(010)67183945-7869MobilePho nexperienee 08/1999 - 08/1999 XXXX Technology Co., Ltd Purchasing supervisor ·Mainly engaged in supplier approval,ratingand development and suppliermana

3、gement.·Supervis ing a team to perform purchas ing activities and track ing their performa nee. ·Lead ing the localsourcing in China and driving the on-going cost reduction plan. ·E nsuri ngthe supplypipeli neto maintain theproducti on,while the inven tory is un dercon trol.&mid

4、dot;Purchas ing procedure update and value-added process implementation. ·Besensitive to the worldwide supply market and ide ntify pote ntial supply risks from ven dors andtake acti onaccord in gly.1997/021999/07 XXXX SeniorPurchaser ·Ve ndor selecti on and developme nt, price& ter

5、msn egotiati onandallocati onupdate.·O n-going cost reducti on with ven dors via raw material price n egotiati on, ven dor product cost compositi on an alysis and other source ben chmark ing,to meet/exceed target.·Materialsupply assuranee & inventorycontrol.·Vendor performan

6、ee evaluation and qualityimprovement.-As I perfectly con trolled the material quality and delivery time,the sales departme nt was stron gly supported and orders were shipped on time and without shortage and effeciently reduced wastage. The total sales amount was raised from ganji.3 Millio nUSD to 5

7、Millio nUSD, enl arged bus in ess scope andattracted big customers. 1996/08 - 1997/01 XXX Purchaser ·Base on MRP to release orders and track the delivery. ·Coord in atewith relatedfun cti onfor new ven dorapproval and ECO control.Education 01/07/1996JiangSuUn iversityof Scie nee and Te

8、ch no logy,Zhenjia ng,Chi naAutomobile and Tracker desig n and manu facture Bachelor Speciality Computer Auto CAD, Lotus Notes userPers onalIn formati onN ame:xxxGe nder:maleDate of Birth:1986/05/12Residency:HuangShiZip Code:435002Career Objective :En glish TeacherMobile:xxxxxxxxxxxEmail: xxxxxxxPol

9、itical Background: probationaryparty memberLeadership Positi on : the chair of league memberAddress: HuBei provinceHua ngShi City Ma FangvillageWork Experience2005/07-2005/9 : commendecby dean to be an English private tutor in BeiJing2006/03-2007/05: QiHuiprivate tutor Cen ter as anEn glishTutor inX

10、ia nNin g2007/06-2008/12 : as an En glish Tutor teachi ng High School student in HuangShi2007/10-2008/05 : as a student secretary of the college of foreig n studies2008/08-2008/12 an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials,Inc. HuangShiBran chEducatio n2004/09-2007/06Xia nNingUni versityEn

11、glishEducati on Associate2007/09-2018/06 HuBei NormalUn ivercityEn glishBachelorTrai nin g2006/10-2006/12No 14Middle School in Huan gShi city En glish cadet teacherLa nguage SkillsE nglishexcelle ntJapa neseaverageCertificatio ns2008/03TEM Level 8 EVIII08100452362007/04 TEM Level 4 EIV 0710075088200

12、6/06 CET-6 0612420660018002005/12 provi ncial Computer Level Test Band1 20051211413452004/12 Mandarin Chi nese Rati ng CertificatecertificateX11404307872007/7 Teacher qualification20074210730000459HO no rs/Awards natio nal scholarshipthe first ranking scholarshipthesec ondranking scholarship3good&rs

13、quo;s studentoutstandingstudent leader9 f2 m: #H,excelle nt League Memberthe sec ond price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal Universitythefirst price in normalstude nts’teachi ngless on thethird price instudents’acqierementtheoutstanding price in first terminTelecom muni cati

14、onsCup ResumeCompetitio nSelfAssessme ntself-c on fide nee,in dustry, and en thusiasm as well asgreat passi on for educati onName: Zhu Huai-min En glish Name : Adam ChuPersonal Data: Sex: male Native Place: Suzhou, Jia ngsu , China Email: Office pho ne:Mobil:Educatio nal

15、Backgro und Major: In ter natio nal Trade Graduate school:Shan ghai Foreig n Trade In stituteEducati on:1985.2-1988.10 Nanji ng Normal Uni versity Majored En glish Lan guage 1989.2-1990.10 Sha nghai Foreig n Trade In stitute MajoredIn ter natio nalTrade Academic Mai n Courses:Man ageme nt/Marketi ng

16、/ln ter natio nalTrade, Import/ExportBus in ess, Foreig n Trade En glish, Computer Skill and so onEnglish Skills: Have a good commancbf both spoken and writtenEn glish. Computer Abilities: Skilled in use of Win dows /Office 2000 Self Assessment: Good professionalskills. teamwork spirit. high liabili

17、ty and attribution.nice characters.self-motivated,respond well in high-pressure atmosphere.en ergetic, adaptable and able man, cooperative and hon est to others Employment Experienee : 1993/2-1997/12 worked in St. Mila Co., (Russia), sold leather coats in Russia n market and lived in Moscow city. 19

18、98/2-2000/10 worked in MasterstaffTravel Co., (Russia), man aged overseas Chin ese traveli ng.2001/2-2003/12 worked in Alfa Group Co., (Russia) in charge of hotel service for overseas Chi nese lives. 2004/9-2005/6 worked in Wujiang Jinfeng Wooddoor Co., manageoverseas market bus in ess. 2005/7-2006/

19、2 worked in Don ggua nJinzhong Electric Co., man aged all export ing bus in ess. Positi on Wan ted: To obta in a challe nging positi on as a sales man ager for overseas market. Name: Zhu min En glish Name: AdamChu Pers onal Data: Sex: male Age: 46 Height: 168 cm Weight: 55kg Blood Type: A Marital St

20、atus : Single Native Place : Suzhou, Jiangsu , ChinaEmail: wtojob MSN Office phone:*Mobil: 136*Educati onalBackgro undMajor: International Trade Graduate school: Shanghai ForeignTrade In stitute Educatio n: 1985.2-1988.10 Nanji ng NormalUn iversity Majored En glish Lan guage 1989.2-1990.10

21、Sha nghaiForeig n Trade In stituteMajored In ter natio nalTrade AcademicMain Courses:Man ageme nt/Market ing/lntern ati onalTrade,Import/Export Bus in ess, Foreig n Trade En glish, Computer Skill and so on English Skills: Have a good commancbf both spoken and writte n En glish. Computer Abilities: Skilled in use ofWin dows / Office 2000 Self Assessme nt: Good professi onalskills. team work spirit. high liability and attribution.nicecharacters. self-motivated, resp ond w


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