1、 學校代碼:10255學號:108272制造業(yè)區(qū)域增長極企業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略研究study on competition strategy of enterprises in regionalgrowth pole of the manufacturing industry學 院: 旭日工商管理學院 學科專業(yè): 企業(yè)管理 學生姓名: 馮 強 導師姓名: 陳榮耀 答辯日期: 2015年2月27日 東華大學博士學位論文東華大學學位論文原創(chuàng)性聲明本人鄭重聲明:我恪守學術(shù)道德,崇尚嚴謹學風。所呈交的學位論文,是本人在導師的指導下,獨立進行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已明確注明和引用的內(nèi)容外,本論文不包含任何其
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3、 日 中文摘要制造業(yè)區(qū)域增長極企業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略研究摘 要制造業(yè)是國家硬實力的發(fā)展基礎(chǔ),是國民經(jīng)濟的根本性支柱產(chǎn)業(yè)。我國的制造業(yè)發(fā)展過程中,地理集中的空間分布極不均衡,呈現(xiàn)出向東部沿海地區(qū)集中的變化趨勢,逐漸形成了長三角地區(qū)、珠三角地區(qū)及環(huán)渤海地區(qū)的制造業(yè)區(qū)域增長極。這些制造業(yè)區(qū)域增長極為國家和區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展做出了卓越的貢獻,但也存在著制造業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)同構(gòu)的現(xiàn)象。產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)同構(gòu)必然導致重復建設(shè)和惡性競爭,使得各地區(qū)不能充分發(fā)揮各自的比較優(yōu)勢,阻礙了各地區(qū)制造業(yè)競爭力的提升,同時也不利于區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的健康有序發(fā)展。解決制造業(yè)區(qū)域增長極之間的問題,僅依靠地方政府和部門是不夠的,還需要從國家層面上進行統(tǒng)一協(xié)調(diào),通過相
5、方面,在構(gòu)建先進性綜合指數(shù)評價指標體系的基礎(chǔ)上,對制造業(yè)的集聚產(chǎn)業(yè)進行了先進性評價和分析;對制造業(yè)的集聚產(chǎn)業(yè)運用偏離-份額分析方法進行了產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭力的評價和分析;運用 d-s 模型分析了長三角和珠三角地區(qū)制造業(yè)集聚產(chǎn)業(yè)的競爭性和互補性關(guān)系;從資本深化、資本報酬率及其增長趨勢方面對制造業(yè)集聚產(chǎn)業(yè)未來的競爭潛力進行了具體分析。制造業(yè)企業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略、創(chuàng)新研發(fā)投入及企業(yè)績效關(guān)系研究方面,以2008-2012年307家制造業(yè)上市公司為研究對象,提出相關(guān)假設(shè),運用多元回歸分析方法對假設(shè)逐一進行驗證。制造業(yè)企業(yè)競爭策略研究方面,以浙江省制造業(yè)企業(yè)為實證對象進行了問卷調(diào)查,共收回有效問卷136份。對問卷數(shù)據(jù)進行描
6、述性統(tǒng)計分析、信度和效度檢驗、相關(guān)分析以及多元回歸分析。基于全文的分析和論證,得出主要結(jié)論如下:(1)在長三角和珠三角地區(qū),有20個制造業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)至少在一個省份形成了集i 中文摘要聚。這些制造業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)分別是:紡織業(yè)、紡織服裝、鞋、帽制造業(yè)、皮革、毛皮、羽毛(絨)及其制品業(yè)、木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、草制品業(yè)、家具制造業(yè)、造紙及紙制品業(yè)、印刷業(yè)和記錄媒介的復制、文教體育用品制造業(yè)、化學原料及化學制品制造業(yè)、化學纖維制造業(yè)、橡膠和塑料制品業(yè)、金屬制品業(yè)、通用設(shè)備制造業(yè)、專用設(shè)備制造業(yè)、交通運輸設(shè)備制造業(yè)、電氣機械及器材制造業(yè)、通信設(shè)備、計算機及其他、儀器儀表及文化、辦公用品業(yè)、工藝品及其他制造業(yè)、廢棄資
7、源和廢舊材料回收加工業(yè)。(2)至2011年,在長三角和珠三角地區(qū)形成集聚的先進制造業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)中,上海有3個,分別是交通運輸設(shè)備制造業(yè)、儀器儀表及文化、辦公用品業(yè)和家具制造業(yè)。江蘇有 3 個,分別是木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、 草制品業(yè)、文教體育用品制造業(yè)和化學原料及化學制品制造業(yè)。浙江有2個,分別是儀器儀表及文化、辦公用品業(yè)和化學纖維制造業(yè)。廣東有2個,分別是廢棄資源和廢舊材料回收加工業(yè)和紡織服裝、鞋、帽制造業(yè)。(3)制造業(yè)集聚產(chǎn)業(yè)進入資本深化階段比較完全的是江蘇和浙江兩省,其次是上海市,基本還沒有進入資本深化階段的是廣東省。進入資本深化階段的制造業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)中,浙江有19個,江蘇有18個,上海有12個,
9、業(yè)所采用的部分主要競爭策略在企業(yè)生命周期不同階段對企業(yè)績效的影響有著顯著差異。企業(yè)處于不同的生命周期階段,所面臨的競爭戰(zhàn)略問題有所不同,相應(yīng)地會采取不同的競爭策略,實施的每一種競爭戰(zhàn)略都有一種或多種主要的競爭策略。與低成本競爭戰(zhàn)略相對應(yīng)的競爭策略主要強調(diào)生產(chǎn)環(huán)節(jié)效率的提高,與差異化競爭戰(zhàn)略相對應(yīng)的競爭策略主要強調(diào)產(chǎn)品創(chuàng)新和提升產(chǎn)品的品質(zhì)和性能。最后,在研究結(jié)論的基礎(chǔ)上,進一步提出了有針對性的發(fā)展對策,為相關(guān)部門制定產(chǎn)業(yè)政策和企業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略決策提供參考。關(guān)鍵詞: 制造業(yè);企業(yè);區(qū)域增長極;競爭戰(zhàn)略ii 英文摘要study on competition strategy of enterprises
10、 in regional growth pole of the manufacturing industry abstractmanufacturing industry is the foundation of national hard power and is the fundamentalpillar industry of national economy. in the process of its development, manufacturing industryappeared to be geographically uneven and gradually concen
11、trated to the eastern coastal area,forming several regional growth poles, i.e., the yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta and thebohai rim region. these regional growth poles had made outstanding contributions to national andregional economic development. however, they are now facing the develo
12、ping issue of industryduplication which leads to redundant construction and vicious competition. the issue has hinderedthe upgrade of regional competitiveness of manufacturing industry and the healthy and orderlydevelopment of regional economy. as a result, it is hard for these regions to give full
13、play to theircomparative advantages. to solve the issue, it is not enough to rely solely on the local governmentand unified coordination from the national level is also necessary.the present study focused primarily on competitive strategy problems of enterprises of themanufacturing industry regional
14、 growth pole. on the basis of related literature and theory,evaluative model of competitive strategy of manufacturing industry regional growth pole wasconstructed. the associated model included four aspects, i.e., the industry competitivenessevaluation of competitive strategy, the impact of differen
15、t competitive strategy on enterpriseperformance, the impact of innovation and r&d investment under different competitive strategyon enterprise performance, and the impact of specific competitive method adopted in differentcompetitive strategy on enterprise performance.firstly, the present situation
16、of the manufacturing industry regional growth pole wasanalyzed. to be specific, comparative analysis of indexes such as the total output value, total profitand tax, and the ability index of technological innovation was conducted; quantitative analysis ofindustrial clusters in yangtze river delta and
17、 pearl river delta was conducted by using themethod of composite location quotient.iii 英文摘要secondly, the others aspects of the competitive strategy model were discussed and analyzed.in terms of the evaluation of competitiveness of competitive strategy, comprehensive indexevaluation method was constr
18、ucted and used in evaluating and analyzing of the advance nature ofthe manufacturing industrial cluster. the competitive and complementary relationship of themanufacturing industry in yangtze river delta and pearl river delta was analyzed by using thed-s model. the future competition potential of ma
19、nufacturing industrial cluster was analyzedconcretely in terms of capital deepening, return rate of capital, and its growth trend.in terms of the relationship between competitive strategy, innovation and r&d investment,and enterprise performance, hypothesis were put forward and be tested using multi
20、ple regressionanalysis, based on the data collected from 2008 to 2012 from 307 manufacturing industry listingenterprises. in terms of the competitive strategy of manufacturing industry enterprises, a surveywas conducted taken enterprises in zhejiang province as the object. there were totally 136effe
21、ctive questionnaires returned and analysis of descriptive analysis, reliability and validitytesting, and correlation and multiple regressions were conducted. the main conclusions are asfollows:(1) in yangtze river delta and pearl river delta, there were at least 20 manufacturingindustries have achie
22、ved industrial agglomeration, including the textile industry, textile, garment,shoes, and hat manufacturing industry, leather, fur, feathers (down) and associated productsindustry, timber processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm, and straw products industry, furnituremanufacturing industry, paper a
23、nd paper products industry, printing and record mediumreproduction industry, culture, education and sports goods manufacturing industry, chemical rawmaterials and chemical products manufacturing industry, chemical fiber manufacturing industry,rubber and plastic products industry, fabricated metal pr
24、oducts industry, general equipmentmanufacturing industry, special equipment manufacturing industry, transportation equipmentmanufacturingindustry,electricalmachineryandequipmentmanufacturingindustry,communication equipment, computer and other instrumentation, culture and office suppliesindustry, han
25、dicrafts and associated manufacturing industry, reclaiming and processing ofabandoned resource and waste material.(2) by the end of 2011, there were three advanced manufacturing industrial clusters formedin shanghai, i.e., the transportation equipment manufacturing industry, instrumentation industry
26、,and culture, office supplies and furniture manufacturing industry. in jiangsu province, there were 3industrial clusters formed too, i.e., the timber processing and wood, bamboo, rattan, palm, andstraw products industry, culture, education and sports goods manufacturing industry, and chemicalraw mat
27、erials and chemical products manufacturing industry. there were 2 industrial clustersformed in zhejiang province, i.e., instrumentation and culture, office supplies industry, chemicalfiber manufacturing industry, and 2 in guangdong province, i.e., the recycling of waste resourcesand waste materials
28、industry and the textile, garment, shoes, hat manufacturing industry.iv 英文摘要(3) by now, zhejiang and jiangsu province have entered the stage of capital deepening inmanufacturing industrial cluster, followed by shanghai city. guangdong province had not enteredthe stage of capital deepening yet. there
29、 were 19, 18, 12, and 2 manufacturing industriesrespectively in zhejiang, jiangsu, shanghai, and guangdong, that had entered the stage of capitaldeepening. these industries differed from each other in their increasing returns of capital and onlysome had a increasing capital returns. besides, these i
30、ndustries differed a lot in their return rate ofcapital.(4) both the low cost competitive strategy and the differential competitive strategy hadpositive effect on enterprise performance. compared with low cost competitive strategy,differential competitive strategy appeared to have a significant effe
31、ct in creating enterprisescompetitive advantage.the differential competitive strategy was positively correlated withinnovation and r&d investment, the correlation between the low cost competitive strategy andinnovation and r&d investment was not significant. the innovation and r&d investment wasposi
32、tively related with enterprise performance, and this relation had a lag effect.competitivestrategy and innovation and r&d investment together had a significant positive impact onenterprise performance. to be specific, r&d investments can improve enterprise performancewhen differential competitive st
33、rategy was adopted; however, when competitive strategy of lowcost strategy was adopted, r&d investment appeared to have a negative impact on enterpriseperformance.(5) the main competitive strategy adopted by manufacturing enterprises differed in differentstage in their life cycle. in different stage
34、s of life cycle, competitive strategic issues manufacturingenterprises facing were different and different competitive strategy should thus be adopted. ingeneral, there were one or more main competitive methods for each competitive strategy. whenlow cost competitive strategy was adopted, the associa
35、ted competitive method should focusprimarily on enhancing the production efficiency. however, when differential competitive strategywas adopted, the associated competitive method should focus on product innovation andenhancing the quality of products.according to the above conclusions, policy sugges
36、tions were put forward to providereference for relevant departments to formulate industrial policy and for enterprises to choose theircompetitive strategy.feng qiang(business managemnet)supervised by chen rongyaokey words: manufacturing industry; enterprise; regional growth pole;competition strategy
37、v 目錄目 錄摘 要.iabstract.iii目 錄.vi第1章 緒論.11.1 研究背景及問題的提出.11.1.1 研究背景.11.1.2 問題的提出.31.2 研究目的及意義.61.2.1 研究的目的.61.2.2 研究的意義.71.3 國內(nèi)外制造業(yè)研究綜述.71.3.1 制造業(yè)戰(zhàn)略方面相關(guān)研究.71.3.2 制造業(yè)創(chuàng)新方面相關(guān)研究.81.3.3 區(qū)域制造業(yè)方面相關(guān)研究.91.3.4 制造業(yè)產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚、產(chǎn)業(yè)集群方面相關(guān)研究.101.3.5 研究評述.111.4 研究內(nèi)容及研究方法.111.4.1 研究內(nèi)容.111.4.2 研究方法.121.4.3 技術(shù)路線.131.5研究的創(chuàng)新點.13第2章 相關(guān)理論及競爭戰(zhàn)略分析模型構(gòu)建.152.1增長極理論.152.1.1 增長極理論概述.152.1.2 增長極理論實踐應(yīng)用及與產(chǎn)業(yè)集聚的關(guān)系.162.2 競爭戰(zhàn)略理論.172.3 區(qū)域產(chǎn)業(yè)視角的競爭戰(zhàn)略分析思路.192.3.1 波特鉆石體系理論應(yīng)用于區(qū)域產(chǎn)業(yè)分析的可行性.192.3.2 區(qū)域產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略的條件分析.202.3.3 區(qū)域產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略的價值鏈分析.232.4 制造業(yè)區(qū)域增長極企業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略分析模型構(gòu)建.242.4.1 企業(yè)競爭戰(zhàn)略分析模
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