1、Unit One What is Lexicology?Lexicology It is a branch of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary of a Ianguage and the properties of words as the main un its of Ian guage.Word It is the basic unit of speech and minimal free form which has a given sound and meaning and grammatical function.The relati
2、onship between sound and meaning is conventional because people of the same speech com mun ity have agreed to this cluster of sounds for such an ani mal.分類 Words may fall into basic word stock and non-basic by use frequency; content words and functional words by no ti on, n ative words or borrowed w
3、ords by origi n.Basic words stable and in dispe nsablecharacteristics1 All national character:.2 Stability: 3 Productivity. 4 Polysemy: 5 collocability .Non-basic words : Terminology 術(shù)語 Slang 俚語 Jargon 行話 Argot 隱語 Dialectal words 方言 Archaisms 古詞 Neologisms 新詞functional words , like : prep. conj. Aux
4、ilaries and articles They don t have notion of their own. Content (no tio nal) wordscon stitute the main body of En glish vocabulary. They are nouns, verbs,adjectives, adverbs and nu merals.Native words : Anglo-Saxon words, small in number, the core of the Ianguage, neutral in style, freque nt in us
5、e.Borrowed words : are words take n over from other Ian guagese.g. chaos, dogma, drama, pn eum onia-Greek. hymn, pope, martyr, monk, an them, shri ne,creed -old E Cradle, bald, slogan, flannel, down- CelticBalcony, corridor, attack, cannon,opera-Italy vocabulary-all the words in a Ian guage together
6、, all items in a dictio nary.5. Exercises:1) Which of the followi ng is n ot true? Aa. A word is the smallest form of a Ian guage.b. A word is a sound uni ty.c. A word has a give n meaning.d. A word can be used freely in a sentence.2) The differe nces betwee n sound and form are due to Da. the fact
7、of more phon emes tha n letters in En glishb. stabilizati on of spelli ng by printingc. in flue nee of the work of scribesd. inno vati ons made by lin guists3) Complete the followi ng senten ces:a. There is no intrin sic relati on ship betwee n sound and meaning, The connection betwee n them isarbit
8、rary, and conventional.b. Content words are changing all the time whereas functional words are more stable,.Functional words enjoy a higher freque ncy in use tha n content words.Un it Two Word Formati on1. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation。The mostproduc
9、tive ways of word-formati on are affixati on, compo unding and conversion.2. Morpheme is the smallest comp onent of a word which con tributes to its meaning. Take reader II for example. -er is attached to a word read . Read cannot be separated any more. Thus itis called a free morpheme;-er cannot st
10、a nd alone, thus is called bound morpheme. bound root is a bound form that has to combine with other morphemes to make words.An allomorph refers to a member of a set of morphs, which represent one morpheme Affixation (詞綴法) : is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or de
11、rivational affixes to stems. ( This process is also known as derivation).Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding to prefixes to stems. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of stem but only modify (change) its meaning.Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes
12、 to stem. Suffixation have only a small semantic role, their primary function being to change the grammatical function of stems( the word class).exercises:1) a minimal meaningful unit of a language ( morpheme )2) one of the variants that realize a morpheme ( allomorph) 同位語素3) a morpheme that occurs
13、with at least one other morpheme( bound morpheme) 粘著語素4) a morpheme that can stand alone ( free morpheme )5) a morpheme attached to a stem or root( affix )6) an affix that indicates grammatical relationships ( inflectional affix )7) an affix that forms new words with a stem or a root. ( derivational
14、 affix ) 派生詞綴8) what remains of a word after the removal of all affixes ( root ) 詞根Unit Three Basic Formation of Words and OthersCompounding (Composition) The formation of new words by joining two or more stems is called compounds There are different ways to compound English words: (three major ways
15、)1. Noun compounds: N+n: chairperson, prep+n: byproduct A.+ n : deadline , N+v: toothache, N+v+ing: air-conditioning, V+ing +n : walking stick Adv+ v : outbreak, V+adv .:sit-in,2. Adjective compounds: N+v-ing : record-breaking , A+v+ing: easy-going, Adv+v+ing: out-going, N+v+ed: poverty-stricken N(a
16、)+n+ed : short-sighted Num+n+ed: four-legged; N+a: duty- free 3. Verb compo un ds:lip-readi ng, mass- product ion to lip read, mass -produce. As is show n bythe examples, back-formed verbs are formed by dropping the suffixes.III. Conversion:Conversion is the formation of new words by converting word
17、s from one class to another class.These words are new only in a grammatical sense, with no morphological structure or meaning change but functional changeIV Other ways.The most productive way of forming English words are affixation, compounding and conversion, however, there are still some other way
18、s like shortening, clipping, acronymy and blending, etc at work in the expansion of vocabulary in modern English. P351. Clipping (縮略法) is a common way of making a word by cutting a part off a longer word andusing what remains instead. 1) Front clipping:areoplane-plane;2)Back clipping:photograph-phot
19、o,; 3) Front and back clipping: refrigeratorfridge;2. Acronyms (首字母拼音詞)are words formed in the process of joining the initial letters of namesof social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms, which are widelyused in science and modern computerized world. They can be
20、pronounced as a normal word. Radar: radio detecting and ranging; NATO: the North Atlantic Treaty Organization3. Blending( 拼綴法 ): is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plusa part of ano ther word,etc. There are many ways of ble nding: For example: smog smoke +fog;mot
21、el-motor+hotel, comsat- com mun icatio ns+ satellite; telecast-televisi on+ broadcast.4. Back-formation( 逆生法): As we know, suffixes is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to base, while back-formati on is the method of creati ng words by removi ng the supposed suffixes.5. Exercises:1) Comp
22、o unds are words formed by comb ing suffixes and stems. ( F )2) As a rule, the stress of compo unds falls on the first eleme nt. ( T )3) The meaning of a compo und is usually the comb in ati on of the stems. ( F )4) A compound functions as a single grammatical unit, so the internal structure can not
23、 be changed.(T )5) Con vers ion refers to the use of words of one class as that of a differe nt class. ( T)6) Words mainly in volved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adverbs. ( F)7) An alter native for con vers ion is functional shift. ( T)Unit FourWordMea ningWe know that a word is the comb in at
24、i on ofform and meaning. Meaning is what the form sta ndsfor. triangle of word sense (word concept thing triangle)(詞義三角)denies a direct relati on ship betwee n a word and the con crete object i n the world. Words have no meaning, people have meaning for them.sense: Every word that has meaning has se
25、nse, but not every word has reference.Meaning is con crete, sense is abstract.Se nse deno tes the relati on ships in side the Ian guage.It refers to its place in a system of sema ntic relati on ships.Refere nee is the relati on ship betwee n Ian guage and the world. So the reference of a word to a t
26、hing outside the Ianguage is arbitrary and conventional . But ?meaning II is not as simple as it seems to be.Concept In many cases, meaning is used in the sense of concept , which is beyond the symbol , is the result of huma n cog niti on, reflect ing the objective world in the huma n mind. So a con
27、 cept can have many referring expressions in different Ianguages and cultures and stylistics . Only through a speaker s mind can concrete rela tionship be established.4. What is motivatio n?(理據(jù))Motivationrefers to the internal connection between the linguistic symbol (or sign) and itsmeaning. Onomat
28、opoeicmotivation (擬聲理據(jù))suggests the meanings of certain words by theresounds; Morphological motivation( 形態(tài)理據(jù) )refers to the compound or the derived words when the meaning of the word can be figured out since many of them are the sum total of the multi-morphemic words. Semantic motivati on refers to
29、the men tal associati ons suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word. It explains the connection between the literal sense and the figurative sense of the word. Etymological Motivation may relate us directly to the history ofthe word. ?Pe n may suggests ?feather , which we used as a tool to write
30、.5. Exercises:1) He is fond of the bottle.II is basednanticmotivationand the word airmails basedon _morphological_ motivati on.2) Meaning is what the form of the word sta nds for. A word is the comb in ati on ofform_ andmeaning. Words are but _symbols_, ma ny of which have meaning only whe n they ha
31、ve acquired_reference, , that is the relati on ship betwee n Ian guage and the world.3) Word-mea ning is not monogen eous but a composite, con sisti ng of differe nt parts. A word may one type of meaning or a comb in ati on of types. Some meanings are _con sta nt _ and others may be tran sie nt, exi
32、sti ng only in actual con text.5) Words have both grammatical meaning and _lexical meaning. Grammatical meaning s refer to their functions as part of speech, sin gular and plural form, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms, such as forget-forgot-forgotten-forgetting, which are very imp
33、ortant in actual con text. _Lexical_ mea ning is con sta nt in all the content words with in or without con text as it is related to the notion the word conveys. Lexical meaning it self has two components: con ceptualmeaning and associative meaning.Unit 5 Word Mea ningLexical meaning itself has two
34、comp onents: con ceptual meaning and associative meaning.Conceptual meaning( 概念意義 )(also known as denotative meaning) is the meaning given in the dicti onary and forms the core of word meaning.Associate meaning(關(guān)聯(lián)意義)is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. Associative meaning
35、 comprises four types: connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, and collocative meaning.conno tative meaningrefers to the overt ones or associati ons which a word suggests or implies.Affective meaning in dicates the speaker s attitude towards the pers on or thi ng in questi on. Col
36、locative meaningcon sists of the associati ons a word acquires in its collocati on.Componential Analysis(語義成份分析 ),according to Leech, is the process of breaking down theword sense of a word into its mini mal comp onen p onent an alysis is a useful and reveali ngtech nique for dem on strati ng
37、relati ons of meaning betwee n words. Knowing the sema ntic features of a word helps one grasp exactly the coverage of its con ceptual meaning.A sema ntic fieldis a term of sema ntics. It refers to a meaning area where words of the sameconcept or the same classification congregated in one field.Prag
38、matic meaning of words refers to the meaning in con text. Pragmatic meaning aims at the meaning in use, so it is dyn amic.The basic features of pragmatic meaning1) Primary meaningadhesive 2 ) Pers onal experie need3) Un stable 4) TemporaryCon text refers to the con diti on or the back ground how a w
39、ord is used. It can be divided into lin guistic con text and non-li nguistic con text.c on text is the n ecessary con diti on of pragmatic meaning. Its appropriateness depends on culture and social situation.In order to suit differe nt con text. it is n ecessary to exte nd or shorte n the overt one
40、of the word con ceptual meaning.Exercises:1) Motivation explains why a particular form has a particular meaning.( T )2) Grammatical meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses of verbs and stylistic features of words. ( F )3) Un like con ceptual meaning, associative meaning is un stable and in dete
41、rm in ate.( T )4) Affective meaning refers to the part of the word-mea ning which in dicates the attitude of the user.(T )5) Collocati on can affect the meaning of words. ( T )6) In the phrase ?the tongues of fire, , the word fire is semantically motivated.( F )7) By etymological motivation, we mean
42、 that the meaning of a particular word is related to its origin.(T )8) The conno tative meaning is also known as conno tati ons , which are gen erally found in the dicti onary ( F )Un itSixSe nse Relatio ns of Words1. Sy nonymy (同義關(guān)系):Types of Synony ms:Absolute synonyms ,Relative synonymsDiscrim in
43、 atio n of Synonyms(辨析)As relative synonyms always differ in one way or ano ther,the differences exist in denotation(概念);emotion and style and their different collocation.a. Synonyms may differ in the range andintensity of meaning or different degrees of a givenquality. b. Some words share the same
44、denotation but differ in theirstylistic reference. c. Manysynonyms have clear affective values. Take result/ consequenee; d. Some words arecollocation ally restricted. For example: a flock of sheep/Synonymy deals with words that are the same_ or _nearly the same in meaning. The wordswhich are fully
45、_identical _in meaning are called absolute synonyms and all others are relativesynony ms.Absolute synonyms are in tercha ngeablewhereas _relativesynonyms differ in such areas as _denotation_ , _connotation_,(stylisticand affective), andapplicati on.2. Antonymy: is concerned with sema ntic oppositi o
46、n.Contraries(相對反義詞/兩極反義詞)Complementaries(絕對反義詞/互補反義詞)Conversives(換位反義詞/關(guān)系反義詞)Semantic incompatibles(多項不相容詞)Exercises: Decide whether the followi ng stateme nts are true or false:1) Word which have opposite meanings are called antony ms( T).2) Con tradictory terms don t show degree. ( T).3) Relatives
47、 terms are relati onal opposites, which in clude verbs reversing acti on of each other. T4) Con trary terms are non-gradable and allow in termediated members in betwee n.(F )5) If a word has synony ms, n aturally it has antony ms. ( F )6) The un marked terms of an antonym ous pair ofte n covers the
48、meaning of the marked. ( T)7) Antonyms should be opposites of similar inten sity. ( T)8) Antonymy deals with the relati on ship of sema ntic oppositi on. (T )3. Polysemy 多義關(guān)系:When the same symbol is used to express different phenomenon,theresult is polysemy. Words have a nu mber of differe nt aspect
49、s accord ing to the con texts in whichthey are used. Some of these aspects are purely e ph emeral(短暫的);The various meanings of the same word developed from two differe nt an gles: diachr onic(歷時) and synchronic( 共時).Exercises: Fill in the bla nks:.Polysemy is the result of long sema ntic developme n
50、t of a word. Diachr on icallly, a polysema ntwas _monosemic_when it was first created and it became _polysemic_ graduallywhen itacquired more and more mea nings later on. The first mea ning was the _primary_ mea ning and the rest were _derived_ from it. Synchronically, a_polysemant_ has a number of
51、meaningsthat _coexist_ at the same time. Among them there is a _central meaning which is the _primary_meaning,and the rest are all _related_ to it in one way or another and can be_traced_back to the cen tral meaning.4. Homo nymy同形異義關(guān)系Homonyms are gen erally defi ned as words differe nt in meaning bu
52、t either ide ntical both in sound and spell ing or ide ntical in sound and spell ing.Homonyms fall into three classes: perfect homonyms; homographs and homophones.4.4 Exercise:Decide whether the statements below are true or false:1) Perfect homonyms share the same spelling and pronunciation. T2) Hom
53、onyms come mainly from borrowing, changes in the sound and spelling and dialects. F3) Homonyms are words whose meanings are closely related.F4) The origins of words whose meanings are key factor in distinguishing homonyms from polysemants. T5) Mosthomonyms are words that are the same in spelling, but differ in sound and meaning. F5. Hyponymy ( 上下義關(guān)系 )deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. It refers to the relationship which obtains between the genus (general lexical item)and the species(specific lexical items).The general lexic
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