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1、1、What color are the gs in the Google logo?A、BlueB、GreenC、RedD、YellowAnswer:A 2、In what country was AIDS first recognized?A、USAB、AfricaC、FranceD、BrazilAnswer:A 3、What are organisms that obtain energy by eating other organisms called?A、AutotrophsB、HeterotrophsC、PlantsD、ProducersAnswer:B 4、Which could

2、 be an input for a boolean variable?A、12B、nameC、intD、trueAnswer:D 5、What is the absolute value of 16?A、-16B、1C、2D、16Answer:D 6、What is the 5th planet from the sun?A、UranusB、SaturnC、MarsD、JupiterAnswer:D 7、Vectors defineA、magnitude.B、direction.C、magnitude and direction.D、a location.Answer:C 8、During

3、World War II, which country was not part of the Axis Powers?A、GermanyB、JapanC、PolandD、ItalyAnswer:C 9、Which NFL team was credited with being the first to put a team logo on their helmets in the 1940s? A、EaglesB、RamsC、SaintsD、PatriotsAnswer:B 10、What was the first music video to air on MTV?A、Jessies

4、GirlB、Video Killed the Radio StarC、You Better You BetD、Strawberry Fields ForeverAnswer:B 11、During the early years of the iPod, what other computer manufacturers name can be seen on some models?A、DellB、HPC、SamsungD、SonyAnswer:B 12、In March of 2011, which fast-food chain passed McDonalds to be the wo

5、rlds largest?A、SubwayB、Burger KingC、StarbucksD、Taco BellAnswer:A 13、The American video game crash occurred in which year?A、1977B、1983C、1985D、1990Answer:B 14、A _ burn destroys the entire dermis.A、1st degreeB、2nd degreeC、3rd degreeD、4th degreeAnswer:C 15、Which mathematician introduced much of the mode

6、rn mathematical terminology and notation?A、Albert EinsteinB、Leonhard EulerC、Sir Isaac NewtonD、Benjamin PeirceAnswer:B 16、Which language is written in five scripts?A、HindiB、UrduC、KonkaniD、TeluguAnswer:C 17、When is the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist?A、March 19B、June 24C、July 19D、August 15Answer:B 1

7、8、How many points is a orange worth in the original Pac-Man game?A、100B、500C、1,000D、5,000Answer:B 19、How many legs does a butterfly have?A、4B、6C、8D、12Answer:B 20、How many 9s are between 1 and 100?A、1B、10C、19D、20Answer:D 21、What is the square root of 16?A、2B、4C、8D、16Answer:B 22、Grabbing the third sta

8、r at the end of a level in Super Mario Bros. 3 results in aA、1-UP.B、3-UP.C、5-UP.D、10-UP.Answer:C 23、Mount Everest, the worlds tallest mountain, can be found in which country?A、CanadaB、JapanC、USAD、NepalAnswer:D 24、The term hat-trick was first used in which sport?A、HockeyB、TennisC、CricketD、BaseballAns

9、wer:C 25、4 * 17 = ?A、21B、48C、68D、71Answer:C 26、Who was the first country music artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album?A、Garth BrooksB、Kenny ChesneyC、George StraitD、Randy TravisAnswer:A 27、Which was the first cartidge-based video game system?A、Atari VCSB、ColecoVisionC、Fairchild Channel F(V

10、ES)D、Magnavox Odyssey 2Answer:C 28、Which Sonic the Hedgehog game introduced Tails?A、Sonic the Hedgehog 2B、Sonic SpinballC、Sonic ChaosD、Sonic CDAnswer:A 29、What athlete appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated a record 49 times?A、Jack NicklausB、Michael JordanC、Muhammad AliD、Magic JohnsonAnswer:B 3

11、0、What size were the original floppy disks?A、3.5 inchesB、5.25 inchesC、8 inchesD、10 inchesAnswer:C 駕校一點通365網(wǎng) /zhejiang/ 浙江駕校一點通31、What was the first wildcard team to win the Super Bowl?A、Denver BroncosB、Baltimore RavensC、Oakland RaidersD、Pittsburgh SteelersAnswer:C 32、Toastmaste

12、r is a term associated withA、chess.B、public speaking.C、writing.D、orchestras.Answer:B 33、What was the name of the Bradys dog in The Brady Bunch?A、TigerB、TimmyC、TobyD、TodoAnswer:A 34、How old were Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix when they died?A、17B、27C、37D、47Answer:B 35、What is the zip co

13、de for Trenton, TN?A、27446B、38382C、72456D、99015Answer:B 36、The two creators of Superman sold all rights of their creation for how much?A、$130B、$1,300C、$13,000D、$130,000Answer:C 37、What is Barbies full name?A、Barbara Ann RobertsB、Barbara Ann RobertsonC、Barbara Millicent RobertsD、Barbie JacksonAnswer:

14、C 38、A standard Sony PS3 Sixaxis controller has how many buttons?A、14B、15C、17D、18Answer:C 39、Which NFL head coach has appeared in the most Super Bowls?A、Bill ParcellsB、Don ShulaC、Mike HolmgrenD、Dan ReevesAnswer:B 40、Who holds the record for most recieving yards in a single Super Bowl game?A、Dan Ross

15、B、Deion BranchC、Ricky SandersD、Jerry RiceAnswer:D 41、Which band did a cover of Michael Jacksons song, Smooth Criminal, in 2001?A、Alient Ant FarmB、Blink 182C、P.O.D.D、Three Doors DownAnswer:A 42、Which of the following help in the clotting of blood?A、Vitamin B1B、Vitamin B2C、Vitamin DD、Vitamin KAnswer:D

16、 43、Sam Malone, from the sitcom Cheers, was an athlete of which sport?A、BasketballB、BaseballC、FootballD、HockeyAnswer:B 44、In the Y2K Family Guy episode titled Da Boom, what did Stewie turn into?A、ButterflyB、DogC、OctopusD、ZebraAnswer:C 45、Which team has scored the most points in a Super Bowl game?A、G

17、iantsB、VikingsC、49ersD、BearsAnswer:C 46、In Tetris, how many blocks make up each game piece?A、3B、4C、6D、8Answer:B 47、In the movie Little Rascals, what was the dogs name?A、DoggyB、PeteyC、HappyD、AlfieAnswer:A 48、What country gave the Statue of Liberty to the U.S.?A、ChinaB、FranceC、GermanyD、ItalyAnswer:B 4

18、9、By area, which country is the largest?A、BrazilB、CanadaC、GreenlandD、RussiaAnswer:D 50、Opera, Chrome, and Safari are allA、text editors.B、operating systems.C、virus protection utilities.D、web browsers.Answer:D 51、What item of sports equipment can have a coquille or bellguard to protect the fingers?A、S

19、wordB、Hockey StickC、Baseball GloveD、Tennis Raquet Answer:A 52、What was the first personal computer?A、Apple IB、Commodore PETC、Kenbak-1D、TRS-80Answer:C 53、What car company invented air bags in 1973?A、FordB、ChevroletC、BuickD、HondaAnswer:B 54、From the 2011 movie, Limitless, NZT gave a person the ability

20、 toA、use all of their brain power.B、teleport.C、predict the future.D、read minds.Answer:A 55、Who was the first African American to have a music video air on MTV?A、Michael JacksonB、Vanilla IceC、Ice CubeD、MC HammerAnswer:A 56、Which is the largest of the Baleric Islands?A、CabreraB、IbizaC、MajorcaD、Menorca

21、Answer:C 57、What continent is subjected to the worlds largest ozone hole?A、South AmericaB、AfricaC、Antartica D、AsiaAnswer:C 58、What is the main ingredient in grits?A、CornB、RiceC、SoybeansD、WheatAnswer:A 59、What is the state fish of Hawaii?A、ParanaB、HumuhumunukunukuapuaaC、MaloloD、SalmonAnswer:B 60、Whic

22、h country is home to the Ob River?A、CanadaB、GreenlandC、RussiaD、TurkeyAnswer:C 61、What two networks broadcasted Super Bowl I?A、CTV and ABCB、CBS and NBCC、CTV and NBCD、CTV and CBSAnswer:B 62、A triangle whose angles are smaller than 90 degrees is known as a(n)A、acute triangle.B、obtuse triangle.C、right t

23、riangle.D、small triangle.Answer:A 63、Which song was Foreigners only number one hit?A、Cold As IceB、I Want To Know What Love IsC、Juke Box HeroD、UrgentAnswer:B 64、What types of ads were banned in 1971, costing TV networks $200 million?A、Makeup adsB、Cigarette adsC、Alcohol adsD、Automobile adsAnswer:B 65、

24、Which ocean is the smallest?A、Artic OceanB、Atlantic OceanC、Indian OceanD、Pacific OceanAnswer:A 駕駛證考試網(wǎng) /km1/ 駕照考試科目一66、Which fast food restaurant says that you can Have it your way?A、Burger KingB、Papa JohnsC、SubwayD、WendysAnswer:C 67、France is the _ largest country by population?A

25、、10thB、58thC、4thD、19thAnswer:D 68、In what movie was Freddie Highmore not in?A、Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryB、August RushC、Finding NeverlandD、EnchantedAnswer:D 69、Who was the composer/conductor for the first three Rocky movies?A、Bill ContiB、Bernard KerrmannC、Danny ElfmanD、John BarryAnswer:A 70、Wh

26、at is the sum of adding the numbers 1 through 9?A、10B、37C、42D、45Answer:D 71、What is the symbol for iron in the periodic table?A、IB、IrC、FeD、InAnswer:C 72、Before Julius Caesar became Consul for the second time, he was the Governor and military leader of what province?A、GermaniaB、ThraceC、IberiaD、GaulAn

27、swer:D 73、Which was not a name of one of the main witches in the move Hocus Pocus?A、WinifredB、BertaC、SarahD、MaryAnswer:B 74、How many stars form the Little Dipper?A、7B、6C、5D、9Answer:B 75、What is the first official day of summer in the U.S.?A、June 21B、June 1C、May 13D、July 4Answer:A 76、What show did MT

28、V introduce in 1988 to feature rap/hip-hop music and news?A、Rap N RockB、Night TracksC、Headbangers BallD、Yo! MTV RapsAnswer:D 77、100 * 1,000 = ?A、10,000B、100,000C、1,000,000D、10,000,000Answer:B 78、What sport is the most common cuase of eye injuries in the U.S.?A、DartsB、FencingC、BaseballD、FootballAnswe

29、r:C 79、In their 1966 hit, where did the Monkees take the last train to?A、ClarksvilleB、Baton RougeC、NashvilleD、BrooklynAnswer:A 80、How many 2 element subsets does a 4 element set have?A、2B、4C、6D、8Answer:C 81、What film features a fight scene in which Bruce Lee breaks Jackie Chans neck?A、The Big BrawlB

30、、Enter The DragonC、Game of DeathD、South Park: Bigger, Longer & UncutAnswer:B 82、What was the name of WIlliam Shakespeares only son?A、HamnetB、SamuelC、JohnD、FolioAnswer:A 83、What U.S. state pays its Governor the most money?A、CaliforniaB、New YorkC、FloridaD、UtahAnswer:B 84、Death Valley is located in wha

31、t U.S. state?A、CaliforniaB、NevadaC、TexasD、UtahAnswer:A 85、Mt. Fuji is the highest point in what Asian country?A、BangladeshB、BurmaC、ChinaD、JapanAnswer:D 86、How many moons does Jupiter have?A、5B、68C、63D、15Answer:C 87、How many members make of the country group Rascal Flatts?A、2B、5C、3D、4Answer:C 88、What

32、 is the state flower of Alabama?A、IrisB、Red RoseC、CamelliaD、DaisyAnswer:C 89、Shakespeares parents names wereA、John and Susan.B、Mark and Mary.C、John and Mary.D、Romeo and Juliet.Answer:C 90、What was Steve Jobs last word as he passed away?A、AppleB、NoC、ByeD、WowAnswer:D 91、What is the atomic number for nickel?A、38B、48C、13D、28Answer:D 92、Which Legend of Zelda game was released on the


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