
Dynamics+simulation+and+Research+of+Tribological+Property+of+Involute+Gear+Meshing+Based+on+Virtual+Prototyping+Technology.pdf.pdf 免費下載



201I FourthIntem“onaiConferenceoBintel】igentComputation TedmoIogyandAutomationDynamics simulation and Research ofTribological Property oflnvolute GearMeshing Based on Virtual Prototyping TechnologyGuangyeHuangYingShiSchoolofMechanlcal E岫eH趣,Dallan JiaotongUmvers咄Dallan,116028,ChinaE-mini:shtymg(qjcijtuedecnAbs蛐a-aasea fill vlrmpretelyplag bb肺lo科,cemklerthg the laflueace ef眥恤impact lemmedyea刪a medal elhMate geu mI哩h emtabll止ed byADAMSTk d山-衄帆h tl n陸The raultJ ofd郵L曲_nH山ire b“c_時In ceefemaywithfltat efVaeeralealeeheeLTile varttcl仰trmd“ifuctlOll eflaefrie岫efadent and rdathe m血2刪between gearteeth卅simianbedThe multi alew tbet the slmehtiol-叫岫tad r碰an:lt ef耐叫口hIpreperty elIavelete gear嘣hlng c柚be re“ved by Vlrtmd Prototypes Techaele口,_hkh哪lay tk feundJon for deeply ttud3499 the“Mo刪Wopcvofsearmelhlalne method帥“hmgoodp“PnhpmdnHdqapplmLII DYNmncsSmnnA”0NOFGBRM酷HGA凸tabl自hmentandImportofVirtualPrototy口ingmodelThe methods ofmodeling for gear system are shownfoliowi,mg:A pmmetric model ofhv。lute gear is esblishedby using Pro E T蛔咖special抽缸eMechathsm:Promethfee-dimenslonelmodel canbemmKened directl)曲ADAMSto avoiddatalossAII con帥Is and tmpoaant markers can also be衄m自耵edtoADAMs 1kmethodisinmxhcedin。鬈東勰篙蝴帥。L礬”塒K刪VirtuaI n咖唧i雌ThoIo甜is a new technologywhichis appliedmformthe product捌皿andjm州the硎1lct礬d抽硼刪Thc慨Jmologycomhi峭assemblies dign砌analysisk幽b盯intheprocessof耐lJc【dswl唧eat,dthe whok礎(chǔ)I ofubn isestablished in the computerUndH the m:II珀1 wwkcon正Ii口m the d皿la婦姐自lj商s ofmodel is Iemia耐andthe僻m越附of口曲lct m刪曲耐fI-3virtualn“mypinEThlO盯plsys蜘imp咖troleh血efieldsofaepace,q口mg“OmAs a kind ofbassi mechanical ha刪幽mode,geartrmlssiom are mb used in wdomachineriesRel豫onthes恥蛙betweengearsonthe商血蛆andWen sh札the powef and motion are h嘶刪Gear岫sii佃Ilas齜adV蚍m辨of conpsa咖哳,effic岫n nm血鞴ioand a long 1ith The mechanicalperformance andwork口nthm岫ofthe gear system havea辨nimpacl onthemachmery systemInthispaper,the幻塒modelofinvolute cylindsr gearises乜blished in Pro_E Based 01the viaml prototy衄technology,cosi如dw the influence offiicdon oG tmpac-tload,the dynaJics刪el of invohne刪s蛔isestablishut and the由幽simulation is realizedCom硼ed the slmulalion i瑚elt with theoretical result,缸modeis provedbe feasible and correct Tbc vsl枷oB吲andieaction of the盤icoefficient矗nd塒蚰vesliding捌between gear teeth are mH刪hcdwhich canlay也e foundation for deeply study咄the幽Ioddop刪csofgearmeshing茹韶深淼鬣紫“1“detailin【41Gears alembled in PI啦aad the formet ofmodel is convened to IGESst自eelithograpby orRendef岫thenewmodeldocumentisiq“hDAmThe啊paimodelis d缸aly鼬陸cdinDAMS ADAMS has sc哪abliliy in the dynamics si刪佃柚d posrofessotanalytin Butits岫噸M帥poorTo血o complexmech咄sofiefines end自自嘲衄y beIotasthemodelisi唧刪toADAMSbyusingthesecondmethodSo the first method h applied to emablsli恤gearsystanmodeI andaamf日恤d瓶Fig 1 d啪theVirtualPrete蜘insmodel of血egear systen_o國習(xí)L一B ContactImpact4190rithra耐VirtualProtoypingTechnMogThere aretwotypes of contact如mes Onels bcd on,pact function the other Is based on the Restitutionfonction_TheImpactfimedon caLculatestheimpactforce oDthe basis ofedflil瞄c帆師cient and damping coetflciem andthe Restitutionfonedonls ontheklsis of pemltyfunctionand gocfileiem of rcstitotion Inthis悱LtheimDadforceis obtainedbvIkImpactfunctionill whichtheInil)actfoleels simulated as a nonlinear spring damperFig2 shows thecontactimpactmodcl ofADAMSRgK2 comalmnmodelofADdSfunction can begivenbya nMAX(O,k(x,-x-sre。11“-一州j宅(1)whde j is ac“distancebetweenthetwo objeels(definedwith a displacemem ftmeaon),x is time rata of change ofthe variablex,。l istriggerdistance usedto determinewhenthe co啦nforcetams oil and offand should be specifieda real comtant value,P is stiffness force Cxponen;cmx isthe maximum value of damping coefllci舯t,d is thedamping ramp-up distance,and I is stiffmcocfllcicmwhich cmbeobtainedhmn月帥theoryAccording to Hertz theory,is a v”kable whichdepends OD the mataml and sIaactoral shaDe ofthe objectRelevant eqtmdons arc shownfollows:;=月1 72占 (2)R RI R2上:!二吐+Q煎 E】 F2(3)(4)where R1 and R2 aretheHdittses ofthe contact point onthewo imp“t objcc瞳舶and2th Poi on,ti sEland2撇me elhc州uksc Dm4m船SimulationResultsandAnalysisThe parametersofthe gear pair axelistedinTABLE IDriving gear rotates atthe eoastant angular veloeity of 360degree per second h orderto avoid a St!dden changeofthe10蚰,a stepfonctfon step(time,仉O,0 2,1 50000)is appliedtoexen a torque 0n the driven gear gradually Rotationcomtraints an Iaid Oll the shaR centecs ofdrivmg gear anddriven gear andtheirolmCt comtraintislaid betweeitthegearpair Runa simulationfor05 secondswlthl200啦TABLE L PRMEttlZ5CeTnE0心PAIR“黧勰黜激“舭“時0”F。4n 3n口k|ocof“啪蚪Figare4 MEhmg nO眥lf嗽e盒黛From the figure above,the velocity of driven gear israised gradually at the beginning of mnThe meshing forcehas some sudden changes because of the great impactbetween the gear pairAfter 02 seconds,the velocity of thedriven gear becomes smooth and enters a stable stageThemeshing force fluctuates around a certain average value,which is the result ofmeshing in and out ofthe gear pair in acertain cycle11圮theoretical values of the angular velocity of drivengear and meshing normal force are compared with thecorresponding simulation valuesne parametric values arelisted in the TABLE II11地鋤r is the absolute value oftheratio for the difference of simulation value and theoreticalvalue and the theoretical value【5】瑚I點CON咿ARIs0NOFlrI也THEOREllCALVAIl7EANDS刀MULATl0N VALUEComparimn item Angular velocity of Meshing normaldriven gear ifs) foroe(MTheoretical value 24353 375592Simulation value 24496 380065Error() O59 119From TABLE II,the erlor is reasonable in the se嚏lse ofengineering,which can prove the correctness of the virtualprototyping modelThe friction force is resolved by the Column frictionalgorithm based on the relative sliding speed in the ADAMSTo the lubricated steel material,the static friction forcereaches the maximum value at the speed of 01 millimetersper secondWhen the sliding speed is larger than 10millimeters per second,there is only constant dynamicfriction force between the meshing teethThe dynamicfriction cocfficient is 005 and the static friction coefficient isw0nO街m,nO柏O,n02nO _:_ 。”一 、 J一17一 一 *J 7,V ;,l,二。:一一一:一一一一一一一一一 一;一一一一一一、一、 t一一k一 :一一;一i,4 ij一I一 ;+。oj 一一 f+ :一Figure 6喇vc sliding叩eed ofmeshing teethThe meshing process of the gear pair is divided to twopartsFrom 0233 seconds to 02787 seconds,two pairs ofteeth arc meshing from the site where the gears start touchingto the pitch pointThe relative sliding speed decreasesgradually until the pitch point at which the meshing teethremain staticThe dynamic friction coefficient converts tothe static friction coefficient and then to the maximum staticfriction coe銜cientFrom 02787 seconds to 03229 secondsthe relative speed increase gradually until the teeth separateThe static friction coe伍cient converts to the dynamicfriction coe歷cientThe analysis results of the frictioncoe伍cient and the relative sliding speed bv舢)AMS accordwith the actual situationBased on the relationship between the friction coe伍cientand time and the relationship between the relative slidingspeed and time,the relationship between the伍etioncoemcient and the relative speed is obtainedTherelationships in the two stages above are in good accordanceIn the stage where the relative sliding speed decreases,therelationship between the two parameters is shown in Fig7Heonly the relative sliding speed less 15 millimeters persecond is shown008The simulation result of the friction coefficient and 008relative sliding speed 8re shown in the Fig5 and Fig61190060舛tel|0ive曲曲堆tqoeed鈿_,I)Figure 7Relationship between relative sliding speedand friction coefficientFrom the figure above,the relationship between therelative sliding speed and the friction COe銜cient accordswith the Colunm friction theory of ADAMSWhen therelative sliding speed is less 01 millimeters per secondthereis only the static friction between the meshing teethWhenthe relative speed is 01 millimeters per second,the staticfriction toefficient reaches the maximum value which isO08When the relative sliding speed is larger than 10millimeters per second,there is only the dynamic friction(、目占、=摹孽_Ii;_:e譬!。_鼉ooao!-q罨鼉菩暑gibetween the meshing toeth and the constant ctymmie frictioncoc硒clent is 00511艟method,that Pro E and ADAMS ale combinedto model and simulate dynamically,can play theirfull advantage and make up for the modelingweakness of ADAMS for the complex mechanismsand parts Based oil the virtual prototyping teelanology,simulation analysis of the gear meshing process isrealizedThe simulation result accords withtheoretical resultThe virtual prototyping teehnologYCall provide a accurate basis for the strength eheok,optimization design and the test of noise andvibration,which can get rid of the disadvantage ofhigh COst and 10ng period in the traditional designThe method can find good prospects in practicalengineering applicationThe virtual prototyping model established can beapplied to research the tzibologieal property of alltypes of gear systelIL The relationship obtainedbetween the friction eoeffieient and the relativesliding speed plays an important role for deeplyresearching the taibologieal dynamics property of thegear system【I】 G L饑X lL Wang andZJ氓”Technique for dyllamic virtualprototype of ailcran”Aeta Aeronautica畦Astro,autiea Sinica,v0126,S印2005,坤550-555【2】 JCZhang,BzLei and Qx Zlumg,virtual prototylteelmology based fatigue life analysis of gears”,2010 IntemationalCollferencc on Mechanic Automation and Co,tzol E,gi,eemg(MACE2010)。pp5845-5明7【3】 FZorriassatine。CWykes。M1arkin and NCindy,A survey ofvirtual prototyping techniques for mechanical product development,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical EngineersPart B:Journal of Engineering Manufacllllt


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