外研版 必修二 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop artsGrammar課件(28張ppt).ppt_第1頁
外研版 必修二 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop artsGrammar課件(28張ppt).ppt_第2頁
外研版 必修二 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop artsGrammar課件(28張ppt).ppt_第3頁
外研版 必修二 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop artsGrammar課件(28張ppt).ppt_第4頁
外研版 必修二 Module 4 Fine ArtsWestern, Chinese and Pop artsGrammar課件(28張ppt).ppt_第5頁
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module4finearts western chineseandpoparts grammar ingformandtheinfinitive thefunctionoftheinfinitive todo tosayiseasy buttodoisdifficult mydreamistogocollegesomeday theywantedtohelpme wouldyoulikesometoeat theyrunovertowelcometheforeignvisitors ourteacheraskedusnottotalkintheclass 主語 subject 表語 predicate 賓語 object 定語 attribute 狀語 adverbial 補語 complement eatingtoomuchisbadforyourhealth hisjobissellingcomputers shelikesreadingnewspaperaftersupper hemaybeinthereadingroom thefunctionofthe ingform 主語 subject 表 predicate 賓語 object 定語 attribute be getusedto 習慣于 stickto 堅持 objectto 反對 leadto 導致 lookforwardto 期待 addto 增加 getdownto 開始做 payattentionto can tstand 不能忍受 giveup feellike putoff bebusy in havedifficultyin 做 有困難 beworth 值得做 v短語 doing v todo doing 意義不同 二 doing todo作主語 謂語v為單數(shù) 1 ing形式和不定式都可在句中用作主語 learning tolearnenglishisveryuseful 學習英語很有用 2 it形式主語 1 itis adj n for ofsb todo 2 itisuseless nouse nogood fun noharm awasteoftime agoodpleasure doing itisawasteoftimediscussingsuchmatterswithhim 與他討論那種事是白費時間 1 complete thetaskinadvance wehadtoworkovertime 2 ihappened meet afriendyesterday 3 thehouseiscomfortable live in 4 itisimportant learn english 5 ican tstand treat likethat 6 theoldmanrequires look after 7 nooneisallowed smoke intheplane 8 weregret tell youthatourlibrarywillbeclosed 9 canyouimaginewhatdifficultyihad borrow themoney 10 whatmadehimsosad lose hiscell phone 11 theparkiswellworth visit tocomplete tomeet tolive tolearn beingtreated looking tobelooked tosmoke totell borrowing losing visiting 1 heused ontherightinchina buthesoongotused ontheleftinengland a todrive todriveb todrive drivingc todriving todrived todrive todriving解析 選d usedtodo表示 過去常常做某事 getusedtodoing表示 習慣于做某事 句意為 他過去在中國都是靠右行駛 但很快他在英國習慣了靠左行駛 2 2011年高考天津卷 passengersarepermitted onlyonepieceofhandluggageontotheplane a tocarryb carryingc tobecarriedd beingcarried解析 選a 句意 乘客只被允許帶一件手提行李登機 該題考查permit的固定搭配bepermittedtodosth 被允許做某事 的用法 動詞不定式在permitsb todo中作賓語補足語 3 2011年高考安徽卷 tomaskedthecandymakersiftheycouldmakethechocolateeasier intosmallpieces a breakb breakingc brokend tobreak 解析 選d 句意 湯姆問糖果制造商們能否把巧克力做得更易于掰成小塊 這是一個固定句式 makesth adj forsb todo 使某事變得 使某人 做起來 4 shepretended mewhenipassedby a notseeingb nottoseec tonotseed havingnotseen解析 選b pretend后跟todo作賓語 todo的否定形式是nottodo 5 hewasverysorrythathehadmissed herattheparty a toseeb seeingc tohaveseend saw解析 選b miss后接 ing作賓語 6 insomepartsoflondon missingabusmeans foranotherhour a waitingb towaitc waitd tobewaiting解析 選a meandoing 意味著 meantodo 打算去做某事 句意 錯過這輛公共汽車意味著再等一小時 7 weregret thatthefilmwasnotworth a tosay toseeb tosay seeingc saying toseed saying toseeing解析 選b 本題考查regret和beworth的用法 regrettodo表示 為要做某事而抱歉 regretdoing意為 后悔做了某事 beworthdoing 值得做某事 句意為 我們很遺憾地告訴你這部電影不值得一看 8 eugene sneverwillingtoalteranyofhisopinions it snouse withhim a toargueb arguingc arguedd havingargued解析 選b it snousedoing常用句型 9 thelightinyourclassroomistillon oh iforgot a turningitoffb turnoffc toturnitoffd havingturneditoff解析 選c forgettodo忘記去做某事 10 tomdoesn tmind byhisfather a topunishb punishedc punishingd beingpunished解析 選d mind后跟 ing作賓語 根據(jù)句意 湯姆不介意被父親懲罰 1 istillremember tothefamentempleandwhatisawthere a totakeb tobetakenc takingd beingtaken 高考鏈接 2 billsuggested ameetingonwhattodofortheshanghaiexpoduringthevacation a havingheldb toholdc holdingd hold 3 davidthreatened hisneighbourtothepoliceifthedamageswerenotpaid a tobereportedb reportingc toreportd havingreported 4 susanwantedtobeindependentofherparents shetried alone butshedidn tlikeitandmovedbackhome a livingb tolivec tobelivingd havinglived 5 theyarequiet aren tthey yes theyareused atmeals a totalkb tonottalkc totalkingd tonottalking 6 allthestaffinourcompanyareconsidering tothecitycentreforthefashionshow a togo


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