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此文檔收集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),如有侵權(quán),請聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除員工/顧客意外傷害事故處理程序Associates/Customers Accident Handling Procedure沃爾瑪公司一直致力于為員工創(chuàng)造安全的工作環(huán)境,為顧客創(chuàng)造安全的購物環(huán)境,以減少意外傷害的發(fā)生,保證公司的正常商業(yè)運作不受影響。這也是我們提供顧客服務(wù)的最重要內(nèi)容之一。Wal-Mart Stores is always working for providing a safe working and shopping surrounding for associates and customers by preventing accidental injuries from happening and ensuring company normal daily operation. This is one of our important mission of customers service.根據(jù)國家最新頒發(fā)的安全生產(chǎn)法和工傷保險條例等法律法規(guī),為及時處理員工/顧客事故,并統(tǒng)計和分析事故信息,從即日起實行新的員工/顧客意外傷害事故處理程序。According to Safe Production Law and Regulation of Industrial Injury and Insurance newly issued by government, we update associates/customers accidents handling procedure to standardize how to report associates and customers accidents instantly and correctly for statistics and analysis use.何時需要填寫When need to fill in the form 為方便統(tǒng)計,將事故分為A,B,C三類,此三類事故均需填寫事故報告。We divided accidents into three types, all the accidents belong to these three need to fill the form and report.A類事故:顧客意外事故Type A: Customers Accident因為沃爾瑪?shù)脑颍ㄔ虬▎T工,場地,商品,設(shè)備等)而產(chǎn)生的就醫(yī)或發(fā)生費用的事故才需要填寫報告.Accidents which caused hospitalization and loss days for reason of our associates, facility, merchandises and equipment, etc should be reported.以下事故屬于A類事故:Type A includes:1. 顧客在商場內(nèi)受傷;Customers are injured inside our stores;2. 顧客在屬于沃爾瑪管理的停車場或廣場受傷; Customers are injured in parking lot or square under Wal-Marts management.3. 顧客在免費巴士上受傷等。Customers are injured in free shuttle bus, etc.B類事故:員工工傷事故Type B: Associates Industrial Injury當?shù)厣鐣kU局認可的員工工傷事故或造成工作時間損失的員工事故,需填寫事故報告。Accidents which has been identified as Industrial Injury by Social Insurance Bureau or concerned loss days should be reported.以下事故屬于B類事故:Type B includes:1. 員工在工作時間和工作場所因工作原因受到的傷害(包括暴力傷害);Associates are injured in working area in working time by job factors (violent injury inclusive);2. 上下班途中受到機動車傷害(以當?shù)厣鐣kU部門的最終認定是否為工傷為準);Motor vehicles injury on route (follow-up the regulation of your local Social Insurance Bureau if belonging to industrial injury);3. 因工外出,由于工作原因而受到的傷害或下落不明。Associates are injured or missing on business trip.4. 在公司用餐時發(fā)生的食物中毒,或參加公司/部門組織的活動受傷。Food poisoned while having meal in company or injured in company or dept. activities.5. 工傷保險條例規(guī)定應(yīng)當認定的工傷。What accidents have been identified as Industrial injury in Regulation of Industrial Injury and Insurance.C類事故:意外事故Type C: Accident不屬于以上A,B類事故,但造成就醫(yī)或造成工作時間損失時才需填寫報告。此類事故不計入本商場的事故總數(shù),僅歸風(fēng)險控制組統(tǒng)計和分析使用。This type of accidents includes the accidents which caused hospitalization and loss days but not belongs to type A or B. We would not reckon it into our monthly accident summary, but for the use of statistics and analysis.以下事故屬于C類事故。Type C includes:1. 社會工傷保險部門未認可的員工事故。Associates accidents which have not been identified as industrial injury by Social Industrial Injury Insurance Bureau.2. 員工在非工作時間,非工作地點或從事與工作無關(guān)的事情時受到的傷害,如在家中受傷,私人旅游時的意外,交通意外,與工作無關(guān)的暴力行為,食物中毒,死亡等。Associates are injured while doing their own things in non-working time in non-working area, eg. injured at home, during personal trip, traffic accident, violent injury unrelated to job, food poison and death, etc.3. 促銷員,清潔工,供應(yīng)商在商場的受傷。Promoters, cleaners and vendors are injured in stores.4. 因第三方的責(zé)任引起的顧客受傷,如供應(yīng)商展示時造成的顧客受傷,促銷員傷害到顧客,清潔工傷害到顧客,顧客相互斗毆等不由沃爾瑪公司承擔費用的事故。The accidents caused by the third party, eg. customers are hurt by vendor showcase, promoters, cleaners or by another customer which Wal-Mart should not charge of the expanses.5. 供應(yīng)商或其他合作伙伴發(fā)生的與沃爾瑪業(yè)務(wù)有關(guān)的嚴重傷害,如:承擔DC運輸?shù)呢涍\公司在送貨途中的傷害,商場免費巴士或送貨車司機在工作中受的傷害或?qū)λ说膫?。The severe accidents happened to Vendors or other partners which are related to Wal-Mart business, eg. Accidents happened while freight company for DC carrying are delivering goods, accidents happened to shuttle bus drivers or truck drivers during working period, or shuttle bus drivers or truck drivers cause injury to others for job factors.意外事故的處理指引Guide for Accident Handlingl A類事故:l Type A:1. 管理人員接到報告后第一時間趕到現(xiàn)場,安慰顧客表示關(guān)注。Management should be notified to the scene at first time and comfort customers.2. 使用緊急藥箱中的救護用品進行救護,如有必要,通知顧客家屬。Implement first aid and notified customers family members if necessary.3. 對事故現(xiàn)場進行拍照并保留證據(jù)。Take photos of the accident scene as an evidence.4. 如傷勢嚴重或應(yīng)顧客要求,則立即叫救護車或送醫(yī)院治療,至少安排兩名員工陪同前往,其中一名必須為前臺管理人員。Arrange at least two associates, one of them must be FE associate, take the injured customer to the hospital or call ambulance if customer inquire to do that or being heavily hurt.5. 如果顧客索要醫(yī)療費或其他費用,則告訴顧客我們會盡快與他/她聯(lián)系。在未查明事故原因之前不要承諾給顧客醫(yī)療費或其它費用。If customers ask for medical expense or indemnity, please do not promise anything before finding out the accident reason, but tell them you would contact him/her as soon as possible.6. 總經(jīng)理視具體情況可以決定為顧客墊付適當?shù)尼t(yī)療費,必要時向法律部或上一級管理人員咨詢。GM can judge if we could pre-pay the expense for customers based on real condition, and consult with Legal dept. or higher management if necessary. 7. 24小時內(nèi)再與顧客聯(lián)系查詢病情,表示我們關(guān)心顧客,并保持電話記錄。Inquire and care about the state of customers illness within 24 hours and keep the call conversation record.l B類事故:l Type B:1. 管理人員接到報告后第一時間趕到現(xiàn)場,安慰員工表示關(guān)注。Management should be notified to the scene at first time and comfort associates.2. 使用緊急藥箱中的救護用品進行必要的救護。如有必要或應(yīng)員工要求,應(yīng)通知員工家屬。Implement first aid and notified associates family members if necessary.3. 對事故現(xiàn)場拍照并保留證據(jù)。Take photos of the accident scene as an evidence.4. 如傷勢嚴重或應(yīng)員工要求,則立即叫救護車或送醫(yī)院治療,安排至少一名管理層陪同前往。Arrange at least one management to take the injured associates to the hospital or call ambulance if associates inquire to do that or being heavily hurt.5. 總經(jīng)理視具體情況可以安排從現(xiàn)金辦預(yù)借適當醫(yī)療費。GM can judge if we could pre-pay the expense from cash office for associates based on real condition6. 如員工住院或在家休養(yǎng),管理層應(yīng)至少每48小時致電問候一次。Management needs to call for greeting at least once per 48 hours if associates has hospitalized or recuperating at home.l C類事故:l Type C:1. 管理人員接到報告后報告總經(jīng)理,由總經(jīng)理決定是否前往事故現(xiàn)場或員工家中/醫(yī)院。Management should report to GM after accident happens, then GM decides if going to the scene or associates home/hospital.2. 管理人員代表公司對員工/家屬表示對事件的關(guān)注,并至少每48小時致電問候一次。Management should show our attention and care about the matter by calling associates family members at least once per 48 hours on behalf of company.3. 如員工或顧客需要其它幫助,由總經(jīng)理決定或批準。It is GMs responsibility to decide if approve to provide extra help which associates or customers need.4. 如不屬于沃爾瑪?shù)脑蛟斐傻念櫩蛡?,總?jīng)理視具體情況負責(zé)協(xié)調(diào)事情的處理。GM can deal with the accident based on real condition if it is not caused by Wal-Mart.的填寫和分發(fā)How to fill and distributel 對于商場事故l Accidents happen in stores部門經(jīng)理24小時內(nèi)填寫員工/顧客意外傷害事故第一時間報告。DM fills in associates/customers accident report within 24 hours.總經(jīng)辦對所有A,B,C類事故按順序進行編號,并在48小時內(nèi)將事故報告用電子郵件發(fā)至總部風(fēng)險控制組,商場保險協(xié)調(diào)員,人力資源部經(jīng)理,防損部經(jīng)理,同時抄送區(qū)域營運部,防損部,人力資源部。原件需有事故部門經(jīng)理,防損部經(jīng)理,總經(jīng)理簽字,交人力資源部存檔。GMO numbers all the accidents as Type A, B, C and sends the report to OH RM team, Store Insurance Coordinator, HR manager, LPM and Copy to Operation dept. LP dept. and HR dept. at district level by email within 48 hours. The report should be kept by HR dept. with the signature of DM, LPM and GM.l 對于JV,DC,分部和深圳總部事故l Accidents happen in JV office, DC, Hub and Shenzhen OH事故部門的負責(zé)人填寫,用電子郵件發(fā)至總部風(fēng)險控制組和相應(yīng)區(qū)域的營運部,防損部,人力資源部。原件需由事故部門經(jīng)理/總經(jīng)理,防損經(jīng)理簽字,交當?shù)厝肆Y源部存檔。Management of dept. concerned accidents should fill in Associates/Customers Accidents Report and send email to OH RM team, Operation dept. LP dept. and HR dept. at district level. The report should be kept by HR dept. with the signature of DM/ GM and LPM.誰負責(zé)跟進Who will follow up1. 對所有區(qū)域,如屬于嚴重傷害事故,商場/部門負責(zé)人應(yīng)第一時間通知該區(qū)域的最高級別負責(zé)人和防損經(jīng)理,防損部經(jīng)理立即向總部風(fēng)險控制組和防損總監(jiān)報告,確保以最短時間通知到公司高層或國際部.If heavy accident happened, All the units should immediately notify highest level manager of district and LPM, LPM reports to OH LP RM team and LP director to ensure WM China top management or international are communicated at first time.2. 對于顧客事故(A類事故),由商場/公司保險協(xié)調(diào)員根據(jù)員工/顧客意外傷害事故第一時間報告向保險公司報案,并將索賠情況和索賠金額通知總經(jīng)辦,總經(jīng)辦更新報告后發(fā)出。Insurance Coordinators are responsible for notifying to Social Insurance Bureau for claim if concerned customers accident (Type A), and let GMO know the claim result and sum, so GMO delivers the updated report timely.3. 若屬于員工事故(B類事故),人力資源部根據(jù)員工/顧客意外傷害事故第一時間報告,按當?shù)赜嘘P(guān)規(guī)定向社會保險部門申請工傷賠償,并將索賠情況和索賠金額通知總經(jīng)辦,總經(jīng)辦更新報告后發(fā)出。HR is responsible for applying for industrial injury compensation from Social Insurance Bureau if concerned associates industrial injury (Type B), and let GMO know the result and compensation sum, so GMO delivers the updated report timely.4. 如果涉及到財產(chǎn)損失,同時遵守財產(chǎn)損失事故處理程序。Please also follow up Property Incident Handling Procedure if any property loss is concerned.5. 對于嚴重的員工/顧客事故,如重傷/死亡或傷殘鑒定達到傷殘級別的,由人力資源部報告當?shù)匕踩a(chǎn)監(jiān)督管理部門。(由于各地政府對需要報告的事故有不同要求,具體哪些事故需要報告請咨詢到當?shù)氐陌踩a(chǎn)監(jiān)督管理部門)HR should report heavy accidents, eg, GBH/death/disability to local Safety Production Supervise Bureau. (Please consult with local Safety Production Supervise Bureau of what kind of accidents should be reported.)6. 對所有A,B,C類事故,由安全小組組長和防損主管或以上級別人員在事故發(fā)生后一周內(nèi)(特殊情況除外)調(diào)查事故原因(非商場區(qū)域內(nèi)的事故不需調(diào)查),并填寫,并在事故發(fā)生日的第30至40天內(nèi)跟進整改方案的落實情況。調(diào)查報告原件交人力資源部保存,防損部保存復(fù)印件。Safety Team Leader and LPS or higher level are responsible for investigate Type A, B, C accidents within one week happened in store area, and fill in Associates/Customers Accident Investigation Report, and follow up the carrying out condition of action plan 30 to 40 days after accident happens. Report is kept by HR dept. and LP dept. keep the copy one.7. 每周的安全小組會議上由組長/扶持人對事故進行分析,每月由安全小組組長/扶持人在員工大會上分享本月所有員工/顧客事故。Safety Team Leader/Sponsor would analyze the accident with safety team at safety meeting, They shares all the associates/customers accident monthly at associates meeting. 8. 防損部經(jīng)理在管理層會議上宣布事故調(diào)查情況,并跟進事故預(yù)防措施的落實。LPM shares accident investigation progress at management meeting and is responsible for prevention measure follow-up.9. 總部風(fēng)險控制組每月統(tǒng)計全國的事故情況,分析事故原因,制定預(yù)防措施,并每月將事故情況報告國際部和公司高層。OH RM team will summarize and analyze the accidents monthly and work out prevention measure, then report the accident trend to management at high level and International.填寫注意事項Notes for filling1. 事故編號格式:年份-商場類型/JV/OH/DC-商場/單位編號-事故編號(含類型),所有事故按連續(xù)的順序號排列。Accident number format: Year-JV/OH/DC/SC/SAM-Store/Unit-Serial Number + Accident Type.如2701超市2004年第一起顧客事故顧客編號: 2004-SC-2701-001AEg: The 1st customer accident of SC#2701 in 2004: 2004-SC-2701-


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