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七年級英語(下)(人教版) 教材聽力原文及譯文 UNIT 1 Section A 聽錄音,為對話編號,1-3,。 1b Listen and number the conversations,1-3,. 對話1 Conversation 1 女孩:我想加入音樂社團(tuán)。 Girl: I want to join the music club. 男孩:哦你會唱歌嗎, Boy: Oh, can you sing? 女孩:是的我會。 Girl: Yes, I can. 對話2 Conversation 2 女孩:你會游泳嗎, Girl: Can you swim? 男孩:不我不會。 Boy: No, I cant. 對話3 Conversation 3 女孩:我想加入美術(shù)社團(tuán)。 Girl: I want to join the art club. 男孩:你會畫畫嗎, Boy: Can you draw? 女孩:是的我會。 Girl: Yes, I can. 聽這兩段對話,圈出你聽到的社團(tuán)。 2a Listen to these two conversations and circle the clubs you hear. 對話1 Conversation 1 戴維:你想加入什么社團(tuán)莉薩, David: What club do you want to join, Lisa? 莉薩:我想加入國際象棋社團(tuán)。 Lisa: I want to join the chess club. 戴維:你會下國際象棋嗎, David: Can you play chess? 莉薩:不我不會。你呢約翰, Lisa: No, I cant. What about you, John? 約翰:我會。 John: I can. 對話2 Conversation 2 鮑勃:嗨瑪麗。這是所有的社團(tuán)。 Bob: Hi, Mary. Here are all the clubs. 瑪麗:你想加入什么社團(tuán)鮑勃, Mary: What club do you want to join, Bob? 鮑勃:我想加入英語社團(tuán)。我喜歡 Bob: I want to join the English club. I like to speak 說英語。你呢, English. How about you? 瑪麗:嗯我想加入國際象棋社團(tuán)。 Mary: Hmm. I want to join the chess club. Can you 你會下國際象棋嗎, play chess? 鮑勃:不我不喜歡國際象棋。你 Bob: No, I dont like chess. Do you like music? 喜歡音樂嗎, 瑪麗:哦是的。我會唱歌、跳舞 Mary: Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music. 我喜歡音樂。 鮑勃:我也是。讓我們加入音樂社團(tuán)吧。 Bob: Me, too. Lets join the music club. 再聽一遍錄音,完成下面的句子。 2b Listen again. Complete the sentences. 對話1 Conversation 1 戴維:你想加入什么社團(tuán)莉薩, David: What club do you want to join, Lisa? 莉薩:我想加入國際象棋社團(tuán)。 Lisa: I want to join the chess club. 戴維:你會下國際象棋嗎, David: Can you play chess? 莉薩:不我不會。你呢約翰, Lisa: No, I cant. What about you, John? 約翰:我會。 John: I can. 七年級英語,下,人教版, 教材聽力原文 1 1/26頁Conversation 2 對話2 Bob: Hi, Mary. Here are all the clubs. 鮑勃:嗨瑪麗。這是所有的社團(tuán)。 Mary: What club do you want to join, Bob? 瑪麗:你想加入什么社團(tuán)鮑勃, Bob: I want to join the English club. I like to speak 鮑勃:我想加入英語社團(tuán)。我喜歡 English. How about you? 說英語。你呢, Mary: Hmm. I want to join the chess club. Can you 瑪麗:嗯我想加入國際象棋社團(tuán)。 play chess? 你會下國際象棋嗎, Bob: No, I dont like chess. Do you like music? 鮑勃:不我不喜歡國際象棋。你 喜歡音樂嗎, Mary: Oh, yes. I can sing and dance. I like music. 瑪麗:哦是的。我會唱歌、跳舞 我喜歡音樂。 Bob: Me, too. Lets join the music club. 鮑勃:我也是。讓我們加入音樂社團(tuán)吧。 Section B 1b Listen and number the words,1-4,in the order 聽錄音,按你在1a 中聽到的聲音的of the sounds you hear in 1a. 順序把單詞編號,1-4,。 1.The sound of a guitar 2. The sound of drums 1. 吉他的聲音 2. 鼓的聲音 3. The sound of a piano 4. The sound of a violin 3. 鋼琴的聲音 4. 小提琴的聲音 1d Listen and circle the words and phrases you hear. 聽錄音,圈出你聽到的單詞和短語。 Teacher: I want some students for the school concert. 老師:我想讓一些學(xué)生參加學(xué)校音 What can you do, Bill? Can you sing? 樂會。你會做什么比爾, 你會唱歌嗎, Bill: No, I cant. But I can play the guitar. 比爾:不我不會。但我會彈吉他。 Teacher: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, what can 老師:你會彈吉他:很好。那么 you do, Cindy? 你會做什么辛迪, Cindy: I can sing and I can play the drums. 辛迪:我會唱歌而且我會敲鼓。 Teacher: You can! Great, Cindy. Can you play the piano? 老師:你會,唱歌、敲鼓,:太棒了 辛迪。你會彈鋼琴嗎, Cindy: No, I cant. Frank can play the piano. 辛迪:不我不會。弗蘭克會彈 鋼琴。 Teacher: Frank, can you play the piano? 老師:弗蘭克你會彈鋼琴嗎, Frank: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I cant sing or dan- 弗蘭克:是的我會彈鋼琴但我 ce. 不會唱歌也不會跳舞。 1e Listen again. Fill in the chart with the words and 再聽一遍錄音,用1d 中的單詞和短phrases in 1d. 語填表。 Teacher: I want some students for the school concert. 老師:我想讓一些學(xué)生參加學(xué)校音 What can you do, Bill? Can you sing? 樂會。你會做什么比爾, 你會唱歌嗎, Bill: No, I cant. But I can play the guitar. 比爾:不我不會。但我會彈吉他。 Teacher: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, what can 老師:你會彈吉他:很好。那么 you do, Cindy? 你會做什么辛迪, Cindy: I can sing and I can play the drums. 辛迪:我會唱歌而且我會敲鼓。 Teacher: You can! Great, Cindy. Can you play the piano? 老師:你會,唱歌、敲鼓,:太棒了 七年級英語,下,人教版, 教材聽力原文 2 2/26頁 辛迪。你會彈鋼琴嗎, Cindy: No, I cant. Frank can play the piano. 辛迪:不我不會。弗蘭克會彈 鋼琴。 Teacher: Frank, can you play the piano? 老師:弗蘭克你會彈鋼琴嗎, Frank: Yeah, I can play the piano, but I cant sing or dan- 弗蘭克:是的我會彈鋼琴但我 ce. 不會唱歌也不會跳舞。 UNIT 2 Section A 聽錄音,將時間和活動配對。將時1b Listen and match the times with the actions. Draw 鐘和圖片連線。 lines from the clocks to the pictures. Interviewer: What time do you usually get up, Rick? 采訪者:里克你通常幾點(diǎn)起床, 里克:嗯我通常六點(diǎn)半起床。 Rick: Um, I usually get up at six thirty. 采訪者:那么你什么時間刷牙和洗 Interviewer: And what time do you brush your teeth and take a shower? 淋浴, 里克:我六點(diǎn)四十刷牙和洗淋浴。 Rick: I brush my teeth and take a shower at six forty. 采訪者:嗯你什么時候吃早飯, Interviewer: Hmm. What time do you eat breakfast? Rick: Seven oclock. 里克:七點(diǎn)鐘。 采訪者:那么你通常什么時候穿衣 Interviewer: And what time do you usually get dressed? 服, Rick: I usually get dressed at seven twenty. 里克:我通常七點(diǎn)二十穿衣服。 采訪者:我問最后一個問題。你什 Interviewer: And my last question. What time do you go 么時候去上學(xué), to school? Rick: I usually go to school at seven thirty. 里克:我通常七點(diǎn)半去上學(xué)。 采訪者:謝謝你。 Interviewer: Thank you. 聽對話并完成句子。 2a Listen to the conversation and complete the sentences. 采訪者:吉姆你有一個大家庭對嗎, Interviewer: You have a big family, dont you, Jim? 吉姆:是的我有兩個兄弟和兩個 Jim: Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters. 姐妹。 采訪者:哇:你們有幾個淋浴器, Interviewer: Wow! How many showers do you have? 吉姆:我們只有一個淋浴器。 Jim: We only have one shower. 采訪者:那會很麻煩嗎, Interviewer: Is that difficult? 吉姆:不會因?yàn)槲覀冇幸粋€淋浴 Jim: No, because we have a shower schedule. My 時間表。五點(diǎn)半我哥哥鮑勃 brother Bob takes a shower first at five thirty. 先洗淋浴。 采訪者:哇:那么早: Interviewer: Wow! Thats early! 吉姆:是的。然后我姐姐瑪麗五點(diǎn) Jim: Yeah. Then my sister Mary takes a shower at 五十洗接下來我哥哥杰克 five fifty. Next my brother Jack takes a shower 七年級英語,下,人教版, 教材聽力原文 3 3/26頁六點(diǎn)十五洗。我六點(diǎn)半洗 at six fifteen. I take a shower at six thirty, my 我妹妹安娜六點(diǎn)四十五 sister Anna at six forty-five 洗? 再聽一遍錄音,完成吉姆一家的淋2b Listen again. Complete the shower schedule 浴時間表。 for Jims family. 采訪者:吉姆你有一個大家庭對嗎, Interviewer: You have a big family, dont you, Jim? 吉姆:是的我有兩個兄弟和兩個 Jim: Yes, I have two brothers and two sisters. 姐妹。 采訪者:哇:你們有幾個淋浴器, Interviewer: Wow! How many showers do you have? 吉姆:我們只有一個淋浴器。 Jim: We only have one shower. 采訪者:那會很麻煩嗎, Interviewer: Is that difficult? 吉姆:不會因?yàn)槲覀冇幸粋€淋浴 Jim: No, because we have a shower schedule. My 時間表。五點(diǎn)半我哥哥鮑勃 brother Bob takes a shower first at five thirty. 先洗淋浴。 采訪者:哇:那么早: Interviewer: Wow! Thats early! 吉姆:是的。然后我姐姐瑪麗五點(diǎn) Jim: Yeah. Then my sister Mary takes a shower at 五十洗接下來我哥哥杰克 five fifty. Next my brother Jack takes a shower 六點(diǎn)十五洗。我六點(diǎn)半洗 at six fifteen. I take a shower at six thirty, my 我妹妹安娜六點(diǎn)四十五 sister Anna at six forty-five 洗? Section B 聽錄音,圈出你聽到的活動。 1c Listen and circle the activities you hear. 采訪者:湯姆我想了解你的一天。 Interviewer: Tom, I want to know about your day. 湯姆:好的。 Tom: OK. 采訪者:你什么時候起床, Interviewer: When do you get up? 湯姆:我什么時候起床,嗯通常大 Tom: When do I get up? Hmm. Usually about half 約五點(diǎn)半然后六點(diǎn)鐘跑步。 past five. Then I run at six oclock. 采訪者:你早上六點(diǎn)鐘跑步, Interviewer: You run at six in the morning? 湯姆:嗯。 To
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