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Shanghai Nautilus General Equipment Manufacturing Co Ltd文件種類Doc. TypeISO品質(zhì)文件ISO Quality Control Document文件編號S. No. 版 本VersionA1文件標題Heading靜電涂裝作業(yè)指導(dǎo)書Epoxy Coating Operation Manual修訂日期Date06.10.27頁 數(shù)Pages7 OF 7制定部門Dept品管部QC機密等級Confidential Level管制Controlled1. 目的Purpose: 作為涂裝作業(yè)之標準。 This document provides standards for coating inspection and acceptance.2. 范圍Scope of application: 適用于本廠的所有的進貨物品。 This document covers the general requirements for surface preparation, environmental control, and the inspection of powder coating to metal substrates.3. 參考文件References: GB9286 GB1732 GB67424. 操作條件General Requirements: 4.1 涂裝產(chǎn)品表面溫度至少要高出露點5或3。在操作開始時及操作過程中每4小時要測量一次。 The surface temperature shall be at least 5 or 3above the dew point. Readings are required at the start of work and approximately every 4 hours. 4.2 操作環(huán)境不得有污染、不適當(dāng)或被損壞的涂料存在。 Areas where contaminate, defective, or damaged coatings have been found are not allowed. 4.3 供應(yīng)商需在工作開始前對涂裝產(chǎn)品表面進行徹底檢查。 The supplier shall thoroughly examine metal surfaces to be coated prior to commencement of work. 4.4 供應(yīng)商必須對每一個步驟進行檢查和測試后方可進行下一個步驟。若發(fā)現(xiàn)有缺點和不足,必須立即進行補救工作,否則不得進入下一步驟操作。 The supplier shall inspect and test each step of the coating work operation before proceeding with the next phase. Defects and deficiencies in surface preparation and coating work that may adversely affect completed work shall be corrected before proceeding with the next step.5. 靜電涂裝工藝流程圖Coating Process Flow Diagram: 除油Grease removing(1)(1) 用脫脂劑加溫,除去工件表面油污.清洗WashingUse heated Degreasing solvent to quickly remove grease, oil and other contaminants of the metal surface(2)(2) 用自來水清洗.Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals.酸洗Pickling(3)(3) 用鹽酸除去工件表面各種銹及氧化皮.Use Hydrochloric acid to remove rust and oxide of the metal surface *如果是鍍鋅工藝,則由第2步直接進入第5步表調(diào).清洗Washing For galvanizing process, transfer from 2nd Step directly into 5th step (4)(4) 用自來水清洗Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals.表調(diào)Surface adjustment(5)(5) 用專用表調(diào)劑磷化前進行處理.磷化PhosphatingUse special surface adjustment solution for surface treatment before phosphating(6)(6) 用加溫磷化液進行磷化.Use heated phosphate solvent for phosphating清洗Washing(7)(7) 自來水常溫, 如天氣陰冷采用加高溫清洗.干燥DryingUse freshwater rinse or high-temperature cleaning for cold weather to clean the soluble chemicals .(8)(8) 自干或烘干.Bake or Dry in the air(9)(9) 用專用導(dǎo)電膩子墊平表面凹面刮膩子Putty Shaving烘干或涼干DryingUse special conductive putty to smooth out the concave surface(10)(10) 烘干或涼干.Bake or Dry in the air磨平Grinding(11)(11) 用砂皮打磨.Use sand paper to burnish the surface噴涂Coating(12)(12) 用純聚脂粉末噴涂,顏色由客戶指定Use polyester powder with customer appointed color scheme to coat烘干Drying(13)(13) 進烘箱,溫度控制于180190,升溫3045分鐘保溫根據(jù)工件厚度進行控制Put the coated component units Into oven, the temperature shall be controlled at 180190 (356374) for 3045 minutes according to component units thickness6. 詳細作業(yè)內(nèi)容Detailed Operation: 6.1 脫脂Grease removing 6.1.1 擦洗:當(dāng)工件有嚴重油垢時,需用汽油人工擦洗。 Scrubbing: Use gasoline to scrub the component units surface if grease or oil is serious. 6.1.2 脫脂:用脫脂液加溫,以加速去除待酸洗工件表面的油垢,潤滑脂,加工液等污物。 Grease removing: Use heated Degreasing solvent to quickly remove grease, oil and other contaminants of the metal surface 6.1.3 脫脂液的配制:ZC-II中溫脫脂劑(23)%+自來水余量。 Degreasing solvent preparation: Thinning 23% ZC-II Degreasing solvent with freshwater. 6.1.4 溫度: 5065 Temperature: 5065 (122149) 6.1.5 方法: 浸法。浸制時間:1015分鐘。根據(jù)脫脂的實際情況確定,也可延長。 Method: Immersing for 1015 minutes according to actual circumstances. 6.1.6 清洗: 脫脂后的工件應(yīng)放入常溫清水池內(nèi)流水漂洗。 Washing: Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals of component units. 6.2 酸洗Pickling 6.2.1 經(jīng)脫脂、清洗并滴干后的工件放酸洗槽中進行酸洗,以除去工件表面的銹斑、氧化皮等。 Purpose: Use acid to remove rust, oxide and other contaminants of the metal surface. 6.2.2 酸洗液: 工業(yè)鹽酸,濃度20%。 Pickling solvent: Industrial Hydrochloric acid with concentration 20%. 6.2.3 方法:將工件浸沒在酸洗液中,工件之間必須有間隙,不可板面緊貼,以免影響酸洗結(jié)果。 Method: When multiple component units are immersed, there shall be space between the units, close to the tank are not allowed in case of influencing pickling result. 6.2.4 酸洗時間: 視工件板材的厚度、銹蝕程度以及氧化皮的狀況確定,以達到除銹的目的。 Time: According to actual thickness, rust and oxide of component units. 6.2.5 漂洗:為減少帶入漂洗槽的酸量,工件從酸洗槽中提出后應(yīng)在酸洗槽上方稍作停留,滴去工件上的大部分酸液后浸入清水槽,用常溫下流動水漂洗。經(jīng)漂洗后的工件放入中和槽中和,中和槽PH值910。 Washing: Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals at room temperature, then put into neutralization sink with PH 910. 6.3 表面調(diào)整Surface adjustment 6.3.1 目標: 酸洗后的工件表面較粗糙,經(jīng)表面調(diào)整后,能使金屬表面形成細結(jié)晶的磷酸鹽膜層。 Purpose: The metal surface is rough after pickling and surface adjustment will form crystallization of phosphate film on metal surface. 6.3.2 配制: 按重量比=膠體鈦鹽(0.20.3)% + 自來水余量。 Solvent preparation: Thinning 0.20.3% colloidal titanium salt with freshwater according to weight. 6.3.3 方法: 在常溫下將工件浸入表面調(diào)整液槽內(nèi),浸制時間0.51分鐘。 Method: Immersing for 0.51 minute at room temperature. 6.4 磷化處理Phosphating 6.4.1 磷化液: 用鋅系磷化液(ZL-II)按3%的重量比與自來水配制。 總酸度 :1620(點); 游離酸: 0.81.2(點); 促進劑:23(點); 堿度:1015 Solvent preparation: Thinning 3% ZL-II zinc-phosphate solvent with freshwater according to weight. Total Acid level: 1620; Educt Acid: 0.81.2; Catalyzer: 23; Alkalinity: 1015. 6.4.2 磷化溫度: 455 Phosphate Temperature: 455 6.4.3 處理方法: 浸制法,將待處理工件浸沒于磷化槽內(nèi)。 Method: Immersing. 6.4.4 磷化時間: 8分鐘 Phosphate Time: 8 minutes. 6.4.5 磷化液的管理: 每天測定一次總酸度和游離酸度,及促進劑和堿度,并使之符合要求。 Phosphate solvent management: Inspect Total Acid level, Educt Acid, Catalyzer and Alkalinity every day to meet the requirements. 6.5 磷化膜的質(zhì)量要求Phosphate film requirements 6.5.1 輕量級23g/M Lightweight: 23g/m2 6.5.2 磷化膜的外觀應(yīng)結(jié)晶致密、連續(xù)和均勻,顏色應(yīng)為淺灰色。不允許有疏松的膜層,不允許局部無膜(焊縫的氣孔和夾渣除外)。不允許有銹蝕和嚴重的掛灰 Surface: Crystallization shall be dense, continuous, uniform and light grey. Loose adhering coating, exposed metal surface (except weld stomata and slag), rust and serious dust are not allowed. 6.6 清洗Washing 6.6.1 水溫與方法:磷化處理后的工件從磷化槽內(nèi)取出滴干后,浸入清水槽內(nèi)清洗12分鐘。水溫65 Method: Use freshwater rinse to clean the soluble chemicals for 12 minutes. Temperature: 65(149). 6.6.2 清洗槽用水每天更換一次 Freshwater management: Change every day. 6.6.3 干燥方式: 自干 Drying method: Dry in the air. 6.7 刮膩子Putty Shaving 6.7.1 當(dāng)工件有凹陷表面及制作時用砂輪打磨過的不平表面的缺陷而有不能用噴涂覆蓋時,用導(dǎo)電膩子填補刮平。 Use special conductive putty to smooth out the concave surface. 6.7.2 待膩子干燥后用0號或1號鐵砂布打磨平整。 Use #0 or #1 sand paper to burnish the surface. 6.7.3 打磨膩子時應(yīng)盡量縮小打砂范圍,不要破壞非膩子填補部分的磷化膜。 Minimize the scope of putty shaving so as not to destroy non-putty filled phosphate film. 6.7.4 吹塵:經(jīng)打磨后的工件用壓縮空氣吹凈表面浮塵。 Use compressed air to blow dust and loose abrasive particles. 6.7.5 不噴漆表面的處理: 當(dāng)工件上有局部不噴漆要求時,用不干膠紙將該局部封蓋。 Protection: Surfaces are not to be coated shall be suitably protected by drop cloths and masking. 6.8 噴涂Coating 6.8.1 工藝參數(shù): 氣壓 0.30.5 MPa,電壓 7090 KV,電流 3545 A Parameter: Pressure: 0.30. 5 MPa, Voltage: 7090 KV, Current 3545 A. 6.9 固化Solidifying 6.9.1 在流水線上噴涂時按工件大小,板材厚度調(diào)整流水線行走速度: 0.60.8m/分鐘。 Pipelining speed: 0.60.8 m/min according to component dimension. 6.9.2 在箱式烘箱內(nèi)固化時,


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