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405 Driver perception of steering feel A C Newberry1 2 M J Griffi n1 and M Dowson2 1Human Factors Research Unit University of Southampton Southampton UK 2Jaguar Cars Ltd UK The manuscript was received on 25 July 2006 and was accepted after revision for publication on 4 January 2007 DOI 10 1243 09544070JAUTO415 Abstract Steering feel is optimized at a late stage of vehicle development using prototype vehicles and expert opinion An understanding of human perception may assist the develop ment of a good feel earlier in the design process Three psychophysical experiments have been conducted to advance understanding of factors contributing to the feel of steering sys tems The fi rst experiment which investigated the frames of reference for describing the feel i e haptic properties of a steering wheel indicated that subjects focused on the steady state force that they applied to the wheel rather than the steady state torque and on the angle that they turned the wheel rather than the displacement of their hands In a second experiment thresholds for detecting changes in both steady state steering wheel force and steady state steering wheel angle were determined as about 15 per cent The rate of growth in the perception of steady state steering wheel force and steady state steering wheel angle were determined using magnitude estimation and magnitude production It was found that according to Stevens power law the sensation of steady state steering wheel force increases with a power of 1 39 with increased force whereas the perception of steady state steering wheel angle increases with a power of 0 93 with increased steering wheel angle The implications for steering systems are discussed Keywords steering feel proprioceptive haptic feedback 1INTRODUCTIONwheel subject to kinematic losses through the steer ing system and subject to various assist methods in steering systems e g hydraulic and electric powerDriving a car is a complex task and involves many interactions between the driver and the vehicleassist where the driver can interact with them and develop an internal model of the steering propertiesthrough the various controls Good performance of the system depends on how well a car is able toand the environment Therelationshipbetweenthesteering wheel create the driver s intentions and how well diff er ences between those intentions and the vehicle storque and the steering wheel angle has been con sidered a useful means of describing steering feel 1 response can be detected by the driver The steering system is one of the primary controls in a car Various metrics of the relationship are used to defi ne steering feel 2 5 and experiments have found thatallowing the driver to control the direction of the vehicle The steering system not only allows thechanging the relation between the steering wheel force and steering wheel angle can alter the drivingdriver to control the car but also provides the driver with feedback through haptic i e touch senses experience 6 Knowledge of the way in which haptic stimuli at the steering wheel are perceived by driversgiving cues to the state of the road tyre interface Forces originating at the road tyre interface andmay therefore assist the development of steering system designs related to the road wheel angle vehicle speed and The perception of stiff ness 7 and the perceptionroad adhesion present themselves at the steering of viscosity 8 seem to come from force position and Corresponding author Human Factors Research Unit Univer velocity cues Psychophysiological studies indicate sity of Southampton Tizard Building Southampton UK email that muscle spindle receptors cutaneous mechano receptors and joint receptors provide the neuralacn soton ac uk JAUTO415 IMechE 2007Proc IMechE Vol 221 Part D J Automobile Engineering 406 A C Newberry M J Griffi n and M Dowson inputs used in the perception of the movement and force applied by a limb 9 Psychophysics provides techniques to describe how subjects perceive stimuli Classic measures include the diff erence threshold the minimum change needed to detect a change in a stimulus and the psychophysical function the relationship between changes in stimulus magnitude and the perception of those changes However the fi rst step in quanti fying steering feel using psychophysical methods is to identify what aspects of the haptic feedback at the steering wheel are used by drivers Steering torque and steering angle describe the steady state characteristics of steering systems and their relationships have been identifi ed as infl uencing steering feel 2 5 It seems appropriate to check Fig 1Test apparatus whether subjects are judging what the experimenter is measuring It has not been shown whether the by a rapid prototype polymer fi nished with pro properties of steering system should be described duction quality leather glued and stitched on to the in rotational frames of reference i e torque and grip angle or translation frames of reference i e force Subject posture was constrained by the seat and displacement steering wheel and heel point The joint angle at the This paper describes three experiments designed elbow was monitored and adjusted to 110 for all to study how drivers perceive the steady state subjects to ensure that they did not sit too close or properties of steering wheels The fi rst experiment too far from the steering wheel investigated whether rotational or translation frames The steering column assembly included an optical of reference are more intuitive to subjects It was incremental encoder to measure angle resolution hypothesized that if asked to match diff erent 0 044 a strain gauge torque transducer to measure steering wheel sizes either the rotational or the torque 0 01 N accuracy bearings to allow the wheel translation frame of reference would be matched to rotate freely isotonic control and a clamp to lock more consistently The second experiment deter the column in position isometric control mined diff erence thresholds for the perception of steering wheel force and angle with the hypothesis that Weber s law would apply for both stimuli The 3EXPERIMENTS third experiment investigated the psychophysical scales for the perception of the physical properties Three experiments were performed to investigate the at steering wheels by determining relationships response of the driver to steady state steering wheel between steering wheel force and the perception of properties and to determine fi rstly the driver frame steering wheel force and between steering wheel of reference secondly the diff erence thresholds for angle and the perception of steering wheel angle It the perception of force and angle and thirdly the was hypothesized that Stevens power law provides an rate of growth of sensations of force and angle adequate model for describing the psychophysical The experiments were approved by the Human scales Experimentation Safety and Ethics Committee of the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton 2APPARATUS 3 1Driver s frame of reference A rig was built to simulate the driving position of a 2002 model year Jaguar S type saloon car as shownFrames of reference provide means for representing the locations and motions of entities in space Therein Fig 1 The framework provided a heel point for subjects and supported a car seat and steering are two principal classifi cations for reference frames in spatial perception the allocentric a frameworkcolumn assembly The cross section of a Jaguar S type steering wheel was used to create the grips ofexternal to the person and the egocentric a frame work centred on the person For some tasks thethe experimental steering wheel which was formed JAUTO415 IMechE 2007Proc IMechE Vol 221 Part D J Automobile Engineering 407Driver perception of steering feel choice of reference frame may be merely a matter match the sensation experienced with the reference wheel Subjects were required to achieve the refer of convenience In human spatial cognition and ence or match within 6 s and to hold the force ornavigation the reference frame determines human angle for 4 s Subjects were required to move theirperception The haptic perception of steering wheel hands to the test condition within the 6 s given to position and motion is infl uenced by the spatial achieve the match The total time for one referenceconstraint imposed on the wheel which can only and match trial was 20 s rotate about a column Subjects attended two sessions one with isometricIn engineering terms it is convenient to describe steering wheels and one with isotonic steeringthe motion of a steering wheel in a rotational frame wheels Four reference conditions were presented inof reference using steering wheel torque and steering each session 5 N 15 N 1 5 N m and 3 N m with the wheel angle However drivers may use a diff erent isometric steering wheels and 3 9 10 mm andframe of reference when perceiving the feel of a 30 mm with the isotonic steering wheels The forcessteering system they may perceive steering wheel and distances refer to the forces and distances at theforce rather than steering wheel torque and steering rim of the steering wheel wheel displacement rather than steering wheel angle Forthisexperiment 12malesubjects agedbetweenAlternatively drivers may use neither allocentric 18 and 26 years took part using a within subjectsnor egocentric frames of reference and instead experimental design where all subjects participatedmay employ some intermediate reference frame as in all conditions The order of presentation of thesuggested by Kappers 10 reference conditions was balanced across subjects This experiment aims to test whether drivers For six subjects the fi rst session used the isometric sense steering wheel force or torque and whether steering wheels for the other six subjects the fi rst they sense angle or displacement The relationships session used the isotonic steering wheels between these properties are For each reference condition a total of 18 trials T rF 1 were undertaken nine trials to account for each combination of three reference wheels and three x rh 2 diameters of test wheel small medium and large To investigate which variable is intuitively used by including matching to the same wheel and a repeat drivers it is necessary to uncouple the relationship of these nine conditions between rotational and translation frames of refer The length of time that subjects were required to ence This can be achieved by altering the radius of hold a force or torque was minimized to prevent the steering wheel It was hypothesized that when fatigue Typically subjects took 10 s to reach the asked to match a reference condition using iso desired force or angle The view of their hands was metric steering wheels i e wheels that do not rotate obscured so that subjects did not receive visual with varying radii subjects would match either the feedback of their position or movement force applied by the hand or the torque applied to the steering wheel It was similarly hypothesized that 3 1 2Results when using isotonic steering wheels i e wheels that The results for a typical subject in the experiment rotate without resistance to movement with varying with isometric control are shown in terms of force in radii subjects would match either the displacement Fig 2 and in terms of torque in Fig 3 The results of the hand on the steering wheel or the angle for a typical subject in the experiment with isotonic through which the steering wheel was turned control are shown in terms of angle in Fig 4 and in terms of displacement in Fig 5 3 1 1Method Correlation coeffi cientsbetweenthephysical Using the method of adjustment 11 subjectsmagnitudes of the reference condition and the test matched sensations from a reference steeringcondition are presented for each subject in Table 1 wheel to a test steering wheel When grasping the For isometric control correlation coeffi cients were reference wheel subjects were required to achieveobtained for both torque and force at the steering a desired stimulus magnitude by acting on thewheel rim For isotonic control correlation coeffi wheel in a clockwise direction using visual feedbackcients were obtained for both angle and displace from a fi xed 11 point indicator scale on a computerment at the steering wheel rim It was assumed that monitor Instructions on the computer monitor thenthe variable with the greater correlation i e either instructed the subjects to move their hands to eitherforce or torque or angle or displacement is the most effi cient engineering term to represent the data the small medium or large steering wheel and to JAUTO415 IMechE 2007Proc IMechE Vol 221 Part D J Automobile Engineering 408 A C Newberry M J Griffi n and M Dowson Fig 4Relation between steady state reference angle Fig 2Relation between steady state reference torque and test angle for isotonic control data from and test torque for isometric control data from one subject one subject Fig 5Relation between steady state reference dis placement and test displacement for isotonic Fig 3Relation between steady state reference force control data from one subject and test force for isometric control data from one subject 3 1 3Discussion Over the 12 subjects for isometric control the Lines of best fi t to the data had gradients of less correlation coeffi cientsobtained forforcewerethan unity for 11 subjects The single subject that signifi cantly higher than those obtained for torqueachieved a slope greater than 1 0 did so only for p 0 01 Wilcoxon matched pairs signed ranks test angle data The eff ect could have arisen from the For isotonic control the correlation coeffi cients reference being presented fi rst i e an order eff ect obtained for angle were signifi cantly higher thanAlternatively it could indicate that the physical variables do not refl ect the parameters adjusted bythose obtained for displacement p 0 01 JAUTO415 IMechE 2007Proc IMechE Vol 221 Part D J Automobile Engineering 409Driver perception of steering feel Table 1 Spearman s rho correlations coeffi cients r is described in terms of a Weber fraction or percent between reference magnitude and test magni age Weber proposed that the absolute diff erence tude all Spearman rho correlation coeffi cients threshold is a linear function of stimulus intensity in the table are signifi cant at p 0 01 and can therefore be described as a constant per centage or fraction of the stimulus intensity This is Correlation coeffi cient r expressed in Weber s law Isometric wheelIsotonic wheel SubjectTorqueForceAngleDisplacement Dw w c 3 10 360 730 890 49 20 430 820 790 48 where c is a constant known as the Weber fraction 30 560 890 820 55 often expressed as a percentage 40 710 820 690 46 50 710 810 740 69 Diff erence thresholds for the perception of force 60 790 760 790 66 are available in a variety of forms Jones 12 reported 70 680 770 750 73 the diff erence threshold as a Weber fraction of 0 07 80 720 760 800 62 90 530 840 890 60 7 per cent for forces generated at the elbow fl exor 100 720 840 780 53 muscles Diff erence thresholds for lifted weights 110 530 890 790 69 120 620 850 900 60have been reported by Laming 13 based on an experiment by Fechner 14 using weights from 300 to 3000 g resulting in a Weber fraction of 0 059 5 9 per cent and Oberlin 15 measured diff erence the subjects Regardless of the deviations of refer thresholds for lifted weights from 50 to 550 g giving ences and matches from the 45 line the Spearman a Weber fraction of 0 043 4 3 per cent correlations ranked the reference and match data Haptic discrimination of fi nger span with widths according to magnitude without making any assump varying from 17 7 to 100 mm have been reported as tions about the exact values of the reference and 0 021 2 1 per cent by Gaydos 16 Discrimination the match of elbow movement has been reported as 8 per cent The results suggest that with idealized isometric by Jones et al 17 while discrimination of sinusoidal and isotonic controls drivers have a better sense of movements of the fi nger studied by Rinker et al 18 steering wheel force than steering wheel torque and produced diff erence thresholds that ranged from a better sense of steering wheel angle than steering 10 per cent to 18 per cent wheel displacement It seems that subjects used the The present experiment investigated diff erence forces in their muscles and the angles at the joints thresholds for steady state steering wheel force of their hands and arms to position the steering using an isometric steering wheel and diff erence wheels thresholds for steady state steering wheel angle To judge torque subjects would need to combine using an isotonic steering wheel estimates of force with knowledge of the distance between their hands and the centre of the steer ing wheel To judge the displacement of the steering 3 2 1Method wheelrim subjectswouldneedtocombine Diff erence thresholds were determined with a two estimates of their joint angles with the length of alternative forced choice procedure using an up their limbs The estimation of torque and distance and down transformed response UDTR method requires more information and greater processing 19 Subjects were required to act on the steering than the estimation of force and angle Consequently wheel to achieve a reference force or reference it is not surprising that torque and distance result in angle followed by a test stimulus The required levels less accurate judgements and are not preferred or for both actions were presented on a character natural less 11 point scale on a computer monitor The refer ence stimulus and a test stimulus were presented 3 2 Diff erence thresholds sequentially and in random order to subjects who were required to report which of the two stimuli felt A diff erence threshold is the smallest change in a stimulus required to produce a just noticeable diff er greater The UDTR method was used with a three down one up ru
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