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附錄 1 中文名稱:機械加工中心 英文名稱: machining center 其他名稱:自動換刀數(shù)控機床 定義:能自動更換工具,對一次裝夾的工件進行多工序加工的數(shù)控機床。 機械加工中心 ,簡稱 cnc,是由機械設備與數(shù)控系統(tǒng)組成的使用于加工復雜形狀工件的高效率自動化機床。加工中心又叫電腦鑼。加工中心備有刀庫,具有自動換刀功能,是對工件一次裝夾后進行多工序加工的數(shù)控機床。加工中心是高度機電一體化的產品,工件裝夾后,數(shù)控系統(tǒng)能控制機床按不同工序自動選擇、更換刀具、自動對刀、自動改變主軸轉速、進 給量等,可連續(xù)完成鉆、鏜、銑、鉸、攻絲等多種工序,因而大大減少了工件裝夾時間、測量和機床調整等輔助工序時間,對加工形狀比較復雜,精度要求較高,品種更換頻繁的零件具有良好的經濟效果。 按控制軸數(shù)可分為: ( 1)三軸加工中心 ( 2)四軸加工中心 ( 3)五軸加工中心。 項目二 機械加工中心設備技術分類 加工中心的品種、規(guī)格較多,這里僅從結構上對其作一分類。 一、立式加工中心 指主軸軸線為垂直狀態(tài)設置的加工中心。其結構形式多為固定立柱式,工作臺為長方形,無分度回轉功能,適合加 工盤、套、板類零件。一般具有三個直線運動坐標,并可在工作臺上安裝一個水平軸的數(shù)控回轉臺,用以加工螺旋線零件。 立式加工中心裝夾工件方便,便于操作,易于觀察加工情況,但加工時切屑不易排除,且受立柱高度和換刀裝置的限制,不能加工太高的零件。 立式加工中心的結構簡單,占地面積小,價格相對較低,應用廣泛。 二、臥式加工中心 指主軸軸線為水平狀態(tài)設置的加工中心。通常都帶有可進行分度回轉運動的工作臺。臥式加工中心一般都具有三個至五個運動坐標,常見的是三個直線運動坐標加一個回轉運動坐標,它能夠使工件在一次 裝夾后完成除安裝面和頂面以外的其余四個面的加工,最適合加工箱體類零件。 臥式加工中心調試程序及試切時不便觀察,加工時不便監(jiān)視,零件裝夾和測量不方便,但加工時排屑容易,對加工有利。與立式加工中心相比,臥式加工中心的結構復雜,占地面積大,價格也較高。 三、 龍門式加工中心 龍門式加工中心的形狀與龍門銑床相似,主軸多為垂直設置,除自動換刀裝置外,還帶有可更換的主軸附件,數(shù)控裝置的功能也較齊全,能夠一機多用,尤其適用于加工大型或形狀復雜的零件,如飛機上的梁、框、壁板等。 我國加工中心的未來發(fā)展趨勢! 未來發(fā)展的前景確實喜人,不過吳柏林也表示,由于我國工業(yè)基礎相對薄弱、以企業(yè)為主體的創(chuàng)新體系尚未建立、數(shù)控車床產業(yè)化時間短等原因,技術上和產業(yè)上與西方發(fā)達國家相比還存在一定差距,當前的發(fā)展還需要注意四個方面的問題。 2008 年 12 月,高檔數(shù)控車床與基礎制造裝備科技重大專項得到國家批準。專項對高檔數(shù)控車床等重大裝備、數(shù)控系統(tǒng)、功能部件與關鍵部件、共性技術、創(chuàng)新平臺建設及應用示范工程做出了部署。“今年專項將開始逐步啟動實施,車床工具行業(yè)自主創(chuàng)新能力將進一步提高,將為國產高檔數(shù)控車床持續(xù)發(fā)展奠定堅實 的技術基礎?!眳前亓终f。 三年前接受中國工業(yè)報記者采訪時,吳柏林提出需要重視功能部件的發(fā)展,此時又被他再一次重點提出。功能部件發(fā)展滯后的狀況似乎并沒有太多的改觀?!皵?shù)控車床的發(fā)展需要高水平、專業(yè)化、規(guī)?;a的功能部件作基礎,目前我國差距很大?!睋私?,大多數(shù)中高檔數(shù)控車床主要配套的還是發(fā)那科和西門子等國外數(shù)控系統(tǒng),刀庫機械手、數(shù)控刀架、滾珠絲杠和導軌、電主軸等主要還是日本、德國或中國臺灣地區(qū)的產品,用戶選購國產車床時普遍提出選用境外功能部件的要求。功能部件發(fā)展的滯后性,將制約國產中高檔數(shù)控車床的 發(fā)展。 吳柏林還認為,當前外商獨資趨勢應引起重視。近幾年來,車床行業(yè)有些合資企業(yè)逐步擴資轉為外商絕對控股或獨資,同時又新成立一批外商獨資企業(yè),這些企業(yè)的產品以占領國內中高端市場為目標,其技術由國外母公司控制?!拔覀冇檬袌鰮Q不到技術,又喪失市場,客觀上壓制了國內車床企業(yè)的產業(yè)升級?!?首先是新產品開發(fā)能力不足。從行業(yè)總體看,基礎技術和關鍵技術研究還很薄弱,基礎開發(fā)理論研究、基礎工藝研究和應用軟件開發(fā)還不能適應數(shù)控技術快速發(fā)展的要求,全行業(yè)科技人才不足,缺乏高級技術人員,科技投入和科研 設施尚不適應等。據了解,當前,國防軍工生產科研和國家重大工程提出的一批高端數(shù)控車床,如超重型雙龍門鏜銑床等,由于車床企業(yè)開發(fā)能力不足或完成開發(fā)的周期太長而不能承接合同,一些數(shù)控專機也由于開發(fā)人員缺乏而拖延。 同時,擴大產能與未來實際需求錯位也需引起重視。當前行業(yè)企業(yè)技術改造項目的產能目標過于龐大,技改項目產品的大型化、重型化趨勢明顯,高檔數(shù)控車床制造能力和功能部件的投入顯得不足。而且,車床企業(yè)自身裝備的數(shù)控化率低,信息化管理水平不高,生產效率低,企業(yè)的競爭力沒有得到足夠的提高,“從行業(yè)整體看,是否與未來的 市場需求相符,還需要研究。 數(shù)控機床是一種高技術設備 ,它可以通過改變數(shù)控程序 ,適應不同零件的自動加工 ,而且可以采用較大的切削用量 ,利用軟件進行精度校正和補償 ,從而提高生產效率、加工精度和加工質量 ,可以實現(xiàn)工序集中、一機多用 ,能完成復雜型面的加工。數(shù)控機床是現(xiàn)代制造業(yè)的關鍵設備 ,一個國家的數(shù)控機床的產量和技術水平在某種程度上反映了這個國家的制造業(yè)水平和競爭力。因此數(shù)控機床是將來機床研制的重點。本文針對經濟型數(shù)控立式銑床及其控制系統(tǒng)的設計作簡要的討論。 數(shù)控銑床是機械和電子技術相結合的產物,它的機械結 構隨著電子控制技術的在銑床上的餓應用,以及銑床性能提出的新要求,而逐步變化。與不同銑床相比數(shù)控銑床用三個數(shù)控伺服系統(tǒng)替代了傳統(tǒng)的機械進給系統(tǒng),其外形和結構與普通銑床類似。數(shù)控銑床的設計主要是進行主運動系統(tǒng)與進給系統(tǒng)的機械結構設計和控制系統(tǒng)設計 通常,一個典型的數(shù)控機床進給系統(tǒng),由位置比較,放大元件、驅動單元、機械傳動裝置和檢測反饋元件等幾部分組成。其中,機械傳動裝置是位置控制中的一個重要環(huán)節(jié)。這里所說的機械傳動裝置,是指將驅動源的旋轉運動變?yōu)楣ぷ髋_的直線運動的整個機械傳動鏈,包括齒輪裝置、絲杠螺母副等中間傳 動機構。 齒輪傳動是應用非常廣泛的一種機械傳動,各種機床的傳動裝置中幾乎都有齒輪傳動。在數(shù)控機床伺服進給系統(tǒng)中采用齒輪傳動裝置的目的有兩個。一是將高轉速的轉矩的伺服電機(如步進電機、直流和交流伺服電機等)的輸出改變?yōu)榈娃D速大轉矩的執(zhí)行件的輸入;另一是使?jié)L珠絲杠和工作臺的轉動慣量在系統(tǒng)中專有較小的比重。此外,對于開環(huán)系統(tǒng)還可以保證所要求的運動精度。 為了盡量減小齒側間隙對數(shù)控機床加工精度的影響,經常在結構上采取措施,以減小或消除齒輪副的空程誤差。如采用雙片齒輪錯齒法、利用偏心套調整齒輪副中心距或采用軸向 墊片調整法消除齒輪側隙。 這里進給系統(tǒng)采用步進電機開環(huán)控制,由滾珠絲杠螺母副來實現(xiàn) ,縱向和橫向進給采用 130BF001 型步進電機驅動,經圓柱齒輪傳動帶動滾珠絲杠傳動,通過絲杠螺母機構來實現(xiàn);垂直方向進給運動由 150BF003 型步進電機驅動,經圓錐齒輪帶動滾珠絲杠傳動??v向和橫向齒輪可采用斜齒輪彈簧調整法來消除齒輪間隙;垂直方向的齒輪間隙可采用圓錐齒輪周向彈簧調整法來消除。 附錄 2 What is the mechanical machining center? Chinese Name: Machining Center English Name: Machining Center Title: automatic tool changing definition: can automatically replace the tool, NC machining of a workpiece fixture. Machining center, referred to as CNC, is composed of mechanical equipment and CNC system for machining of complex high automation tool shape workpiece. Machining center is also called computer gongs. Machining center with knife, the knife has the function of automatic change, is the NC machining of a workpiece fixture after. Machining center is a kind of mechanical and electrical products, workpiece clamping, the CNC system can control the machine tool according to different process automatic selection, automatic tool setting, automatic tool change, change the spindle speed, feed, which can continuously complete drilling, boring, milling, tapping, reaming and many other processes, thus greatly reducing the workpiece clamping time, measuring tools and adjust the auxiliary operation time, processing more complex shapes, high precision, varieties of frequent replacement of parts with good economic effect. According to the number of control axis can be divided into: (1) three axis machining center, (2) four axis machining center (3) of five axis machining center. Many items of equipment technology of the two machining center classification processing center varieties, specifications, here only the structure makes the classification. A vertical machining center, a machining center spindle axis arranged vertically. Its structure is of a fixed column, table is rectangular, no dividing rotating function, suitable for machining disc, cover, plate parts. There are three general rectilinear motion coordinate, NC rotary table and can be installed in a horizontal axis on a workbench, used for processing spiral parts. Vertical machining center fixture workpiece convenient, easy to operate, easy to processing, but the processing chip is not easy to remove, and the height of the column and the knife changing device limitations, can not be too high parts processing. Structure of vertical machining center, covers an area of small, relatively low price, widely used. Two, horizontal machining center machining center spindle axis refers to the state level settings. Usually with a work table indexing rotary motion. Horizontal machining center has three to five moving coordinate, common is three rectilinear motion coordinate with a rotary motion coordinate, it can make parts except the mounting surface and the top surface of the remaining four face machining in a fixture to complete, the most suitable for processing box type parts. Horizontal machining center debugging and test cutting processing is inconvenient inconvenient observation, monitoring, clamps and measurement is not convenient, but when processing chip easily, the processing advantage. Compared with the vertical machining center, horizontal machining center structure complex, covering an area of large, the price is higher also. Three, Longmen Longmen machining center machining center and Longmen similar shape milling machine, spindle is arranged vertically, in addition to the automatic tool change device, but also with a spindle attachment can be replaced, NC devices function is more complete, to the use of a machine, especially suitable for processing large or complex shape parts, as the plane beam, frame, panels etc. Future development trend of Chinas processing center! Future is indeed gratifying, but Wu Bailin also said that, due to Chinas relatively weak industrial base, with enterprises as the mainstay of the innovation system has not been established, CNC lathe industry in short time and other reasons, the technology and the industry compared with the western developed countries still have a certain gap, the current development also need to pay attention to four aspects the problem. In 2008 December, major projects lathe and basic manufacturing equipment and technology approved by the national high-end cnc. Special made the deployment of high-grade CNC lathes and other major equipment, CNC system, functional components and key parts, common technology, innovation platform construction and application demonstration project. Special will be started this year gradually started, the ability of independent innovation lathe tool industry will be further enhanced, will lay a solid technical foundation for the sustainable development of domestic high-end CNC lathe. Wu Bailin said. Accept China industrial daily news reporter interviewed three years ago, Wu Bailin put forward the need to attach importance to the development of functional components, then he again put forward. Functional components development lags behind the situation does not seem too much. The development of numerical control lathe to feature high level, specialized, large-scale production base, at present our country difference. It is understood, the majority of high-grade CNC lathe main supporting or FANUC and Siemens abroad NC system, the knife manipulator, CNC turret, ball screw and guide rail, spindle, mainly Japan, Germany or Chinese Taiwan products, generally the foreign function parts require users to buy domestic lathe. Hysteresis function components development, to restrict the development of domestic high-end CNC lathe. Wu Bailin also believes that the current foreign investment trend, attention should be paid to. In recent years, lathe industry some joint ventures are gradually expanding to foreign capital holding or sole proprietorship, and at the same time, the newly established a number of wholly foreign-owned enterprises, the products of these enterprises to occupy the domestic high-end market as the goal, the technology is controlled by the foreign parent company. We use market for less than the technology, the loss of market, objectively to suppress the domestic lathe industrial upgrading of enterprises. The first is the lack of the ability of new product development. From the industry overall look, the technology and the key technology is still very weak foundation, foundation for the development of theoretical research, basic technology research and application of software development can not meet the requirements of the rapid development of NC technology, science and technology talents in all industries, the lack of senior technical personnel, investment in science and technology and research facilities are not adapt. It is understood, at present, national defense scientific research and production of major national projects proposed a number of high-end CNC lathe, such as super heavy double gantry boring and milling machine, lathe enterprises due to the periodic development ability is insufficient or completion of the development is too long and can not accept the contract, some special NC machine because developers lack of delay. At the same time, the expansion of production capacity and actual future demand mismatches also need to pay attention. The current industry enterprise technical transformation project of the production target is too large, large, heavy trends of technological transformation project products obviously, high-end CNC lathe manufacturing capacity and functional components of the input is insufficient. Moreover, the rate of NC lathe enterprises its equipment is low, the information management level is not high, the production efficiency is low, the competitiveness of enterprises has not been enough to raise, look from the whole industry, in line with the future market demand, but also need to study NC machine tool is a kind of high technology equipment, it can change the NC program, adapt to the automatic processing of different parts, but also can use a larger amount of precision cutting, correction and compensation for the use of the software, so as to improve the production efficiency, machining precision and machining quality, can realize the process using concentrated, a machine, can complete the machining of complex surface. NC machine tool is the key equipment of modern manufacturing, numerical control machine tool of a countrys production and technical level reflects the level of manufacturing industry and competitiveness of the country in a certain extent. Therefore NC machine tool is the key tool for the future. According to the design of the economical CNC vertical milling machine and its control system are briefly discussed. CNC milling machine products, machinery and electronic technology combined, the mechanical structure of the electronic control technology in milling hungry applications, as well as the new requirements proposed by performance, and gradually change. Compared with different milling machine CNC milling machine to replace the traditional mechanical feed system with three CNC servo system, its shape and structure and the ordinary milling machine similar. Design of NC milling machine is mainly the design of mechanical structure design and control system of the main motion system and feed system Usually, a typical NC machine tool feed system, the position is, the amplification element, a driving unit, a mechanical driving device and a feedback element and other parts. Among them, the mechanical driving device is an important link in the position control. The mechanical transmission device here, refers to the entire mechanical transmission chain rotational movement of the driving source into linear motion worktable, including gears, lead screw intermediate transmission mechanism. Gear is a mechanical transmission is widely used, almost all transmission devices of various machine in


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