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初三英語(yǔ)詞匯應(yīng)用專項(xiàng)練習(xí) 1. I can t remember all these great _(explore) names. 2. All those foreign _(thief) have been caught. 3. Is Australia the _(three) largest island country in the world? 4. Look, our dog Colly is lying_(comfort) on the grass,_(enjoy) its sunbath. 5. What a _(please) it is for me to play the piano with you! 6. There are a lot of differences between John and _( I.) 7. Here is some delicious _(orange ) for you. 8. It is _(pain) to get an injection. 9. Mother asked the Greens to help _(they) to some pears. 10. A few big eggs _(lay) by these ducks last night. 11. The porridge smells _(terrible). 12. He felt _(true) sorry for what he said. 13. Our _(know) of the universe is growing all the time, 14. The window _(break) by Jim yesterday has been mended. 15. There is a dog _ (lie) on the floor. 16. Please turn left at the second _(cross). 17. _(wool) sports sweaters are popular among young people. 18. Here _(be) some good news for you. 19. He went to school early as _(usual) . 20. How_(live)the student is! 21. I want to learn how to eat _(health). 22. Do you know the girl? She is a friend of my _ (sister). 23. The teacher looked _(angry) at me than before. 24. Mr Wang taught _(he) English last year and now he was good at it. 25. The coats are those _(visit). 26. Vivian sings even _(badly) than before. 27. Work must come _(one). 28.She looked at me in _(surprised). 29. _(clean) work is to sweep the road. 30 . She spent as much time as she could _(read) this book yesterday. 31. Eight _(forty) is one fifth. 32. I don t like _(rain) seasons. 33. There are _(two) as many books in the reading-room as in that one. 34. He prefers _(read) rather than _(watch) TV. 35. The students really enjoyed _(work) on the farm. 36. We wear glasses to keep our eyes _(safely). 37. The shop sells _(woman) hats. 38. The inventor has many _(invent). 39. He seemed _(happily) because he failed his exam. 40. They have lived here all their _(life). 41. The wind often blows strongly in spring in the _(north) part of China. 42. Mike thought hard, but he could _(hard) remember what he did last week. 43. They _(go) swimming if it _(not rain) this weekend. 44. His father doesn t let him _(smoke). 45. _(luck), he failed the English exam this time. 46. He has _(always) been there before, has he? 47. I went to the biggest _(scientist) museum in town yesterday. 48. _(when) you are free, you can come. 49. By the time we got there, the train _(be) away for ten minutes. 50. We ll have fun _(learn) English well. 51. Our physics teacher told us that light _(travel) faster than sound. 52. Tom had two of his_ (tooth) pulled out last year. 53. It s _(wet) today than yesterday. 54. Even though he is eighty years old, he never gives up_(learn) 55. He can work out the problem _(exact). 56. We just need to keep _(work) on it. 57. Let s see what _(happen) in the last few years. 58. It s a _(please) way to keep our city clean. 59. It s _(father) Day tomorrow. 60. It s five o clock. The twins _(feed) their dog. 61. Do you mind _(I ) opening the window? 62. There is a sweater _(hang) on the clothes line. 63. Those boys walked out of the classroom _(noise) 64. Do you think Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers in the _(twenty) century? 65.Sally was going to start work the _(follow) month. 66. The porridge smells_(terrible). 67.He was so _(luck) that he didn t catch the last train. 68. There will be _(rain) tomorrow. 69. This is _(real) an interesting story. 70. _(safe) comes first. 71. For_(who) are you going to buy a present? 72. Kate likes _(fish) best of all the food. 73. What is the _(high) of that mountain? 74. Look! How _(terrible) he is coughing! 75. The parks in Suzhou are nicer than _ (that ) in Shanghai. 76. He _(tell) to answer the questions in public. 77. I felt better, so I didn t go to the _(doctor). 78. That means we must have smaller families with fewer, but _(heath) children. 79. It s snowing _(heavy) when he got home today than yesterday. 80.His father s _(dead) made him very sad. 81. It was the first newspaper _(sell) on train in America. 82. Japan is a _(develop) country, but China is a _ (develop) one. 83. The book _(write) by Lu xun _(sell) well. 84. Why do you look much _(sad) today? 85. The visitors from _(German) are playing at the beach. 86.They deserved to lose, because they played _.(care) 87. Do you have any _(fly) on Sunday afternoon? 88. The ice in the _ (freeze) river is thick that you can skate on it. 89. He failed the maths exam. That s why he sat there _(happy). 90. The dog moves little. It s _(die). 91.Could you get _(dress) when you were three years old? 92. You have _(succeed) finished the work. Congratulations! 93. He thought his _(speak) English was very poor. 94.Do you think Li Lei is _(fat) of the two. 95. You d better spend as much time as you can _(take) exercise after school. 96. By the time the fireman arrived, the big fire _(put) out. 97. He left home ten years ago and _(be) away ever since. 98.Would you please speak louder to make yourself_(understand) . 99. The broken camera is _(use) to the students. 100. By today one hundred eggs_(lay) by the duck I keep. 101.The old man decided to refuse the little boy in a _(politely) way. 102. They kicked a goal, but we soon got one _(we) 103. Can you tell me what to do after your homework _(do)? 104.The woman said that she _(lie) in bed from eight to ten last night. 105. I met her yesterday. We _(not meet) each other for ten years. 106. She went out of the room, _(leave) her daughter crying. 107.Seven _(twelve) of the students were asked to do such a job. 108. By the end of the 21st century, the number of the workers in this factory_(pass) 2000. 109. The problem seems _(terrible) serious. 110. So far neither of the twins _(leave) for a long time. 111.The thief was brought in, with his hands _(tie) behind his back. 112. What s the number of the Smith s flight_ (leave) Beijing? 113. The more he said, the _(angry) we felt. 114. Which colour is _(bad), Green, white or black? 115. The physics teacher told us that water _(freeze) below zero. 116.The cars are those _(German).but they re made in China. 117. Mr Smith had his wallet _(steal) on the bus yesterday. 118. Be careful _(not make) friends with bad boys. 119. This year alone, there _(be) many new buildings here. 120. How _(noise) they are talking over there! 121. You can travel _(safety) by train than by air. 122. The rice _(grow) in South China tastes nice. 123. There are many more trees_(plant). 124. There are many more trees for us_.(plant) 125 The two _(rob) both happened on a rainy night. 126. Of all the books, I like it _(well), for it s not interesting at all. 127. It is _(terrible) cold today, isn t it? 128.They are waiting for you at the front _(enter) to the building. 129. At last I saw the stars _(appear) in the sky. I couldn t find them any more. 130. Why don t you like the story? It s _ (interest) one that I have ever heard of. 131. When I passed the window, I saw her _(canoe) on the lake. 132. If you do your homework _(care) you ll make a lot of mistakes. 133. Can you give us a full _(describe) of this accident? 134.Jim like his classmates_(travel) to many places so far. 135. The trees in the forests can keep the soil from _(wash) away by floods. 136. _(most), this kind of pencil is used for drawing. 137. Look! This pair of trousers _(wear) out. 138. A quarter _(multiply) by two thirds is a sixth. 139. He looks _(relax) as if nothing has happened. 140. Many tall buildings _(build) in our city during the last few years. 141. The radio says there will be much _(rain) this afternoon. 142. Look! The road_ (build) by the workers. 143. The teacher often gets us _(try) out new ideas. 144. _(when) you see him, he is setting his mind to study his lessons. 145. I broke the glass. The woman looked at me _(straight) and angrily. 146.I ll spend as much money as I can _(decorate) my house. 147. Thanks to the _(invent) work. We are living better and better. 148. He _(angry) pointed at my nose and said shouted, 149. He told me he would tell us something _(surprise) 150. He has been very ill, but the doctor says he is now out of _ (dangerous). 參考答案 1. explores 2. thieves 3. third 4. comfortably, enjoying 5. pleasure 6. me 7.orange 8. painful 9.themselves 10. were laid 11.terrible 12. truly 13. knowledge 14. broken 15. lying 16. crossing 17. Woolen 18. is 19. usual 20. lively 21. healthily 22.sister s 23. more angrily 24. him 25. visitors 26. worse 27.useful 28. surprise 29. Cleaners 30. (in ) reading 31. fortieths 32. rainy 33. twice 34. to read , watch 35. working 36. safe 37. women s 38. inventions 39. unhappy 40.lives 41. northern 42. hardly 43. will go, doesn t rain 44. smoke 45. Unluckily 46. never 47. science 48. Whenever 49. had been 50. learning 51. travels 52. teeth 53 wetter 54. learning 55. exactly 56. working 57. has happened 58. pleasure 59. Fathers 60. are feeding 61. my 62. hanging 63. noisily 64. twentieth 65. following 66. terrible 67. unluckily 68. (a) rain 69. really 70. safety 71. whom 72. fish 73. height 74.terribly 75. those 76. is/was told 77. doctor s 78. healthier 79. more heavily 80. dea
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