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2、dddresss: Telepphonne #: Faxx #: (Pleaase revvieww innforrmattionn abbovee, mmakee chhangges on forrm iif nneceessaary.)FACTOORY:Ownerrshiip TTypee off Faactoory:Joinnt VVentturee _ Paartnnersshipp _ Coorpoorattionn _ Prrivaatelly OOwneed _Foreeignn Innvesstmeent _ Othher _Name of Brookerr/Aggentt (
3、iif aappllicaablee): Mailiing Adddresss: Telepphonne #: Faxx #: FACILLITYY (NNotee: CCompplette aa quuesttionnnaiire forr eaach facciliity loccatiion)Ownerrshiip TTypee off Faacillityy:Joinnt VVentturee _ Paartnnersshipp _ Coorpoorattionn _ Prrivaatelly OOwneed _Foreeignn Innvesstmeent _ Othher _Yea
4、r Facciliity Esttabllishhed: Name of Plaant Mannageer: Telepphonne #: Faxx #: Articcless Prroduucedd: Totall Emmplooyeees aat tthiss Faacillityy: CConttracct: Loccal: If coontrractt woorkeers empployyed, leengtth oof cconttracct: Streeet AAddrresss off Doormiitorriess (iif aappllicaablee): SUBCOONTR
5、RACTTINGG FAACILLITIIES OR SISSTERR COOMPAANIEESName(s)_Locattionn(s)_Operaatioons perrforrmedd_NUMBEER OOF MMACHHINEES Sppeciify thee foolloowinng:Nuumbeer oof EsttimaateddEmmplooyeees oonMonnthlly Machiine TyppeNummberrMacchinneProoducctioonCuttiing Macchinnes_Cuttiing Tabbless_Knitttingg Maachiin
6、ess_Sewinng MMachhinees_Makinng MMachhinees_Loopiing Macchinnes_Proceessiing Macchinnes:Permmaprresssingg maachiiness_Dyinng mmachhinees_Stonne wwashhingg maachiiness_Otheer_Weaviing Macchinnes_Yarn makkingg Maachiiness_COMPLLETEED BBY:Name: Tittle: Signaaturre: Datte: 1.Arre aall empployyeess voolu
7、nntarrilyy woorkiing in thiis ffaciilitty?Yess Noo a.WWhatt prroceedurres enssuree/moonittor thaat aall empployyeess arre wworkkingg voolunntarrilyy? Are ttherre aany worrkerrs iin tthiss faacillityy thhat aree prrisoonerrs, havve bbeenn asssiggnedd byy thhe mmiliitarry, or anyy ottherr brrancch oof
8、 ggoveernmmentt?Yess Noo 3.Doo emmplooyeees hhavee frreeddom of movvemeent thaat iis nnot unnneceessaarilly iimpeededd? Yess Noo a.IIf nno, expplaiin: 4.Arre eemplloyeees freee tto lleavve wwhenn thheirr woork shiift endds?Yess Noo a.IIf nno, expplaiin: 5.Arre gguarrds posstedd onnly forr noormaal s
9、secuuritty rreassonss?Yess Noo a.Iff soo, wwhatt arre ttheiir bbasiic ddutiies? Are ddoorrs aand gattes on thee faactoory preemisses locckedd onnly forr noormaal bbusiinesss ssecuuritty ppurpposees?Yess Noo a.IIf nno, expplaiin: What is thee agge oof tthe youungeest worrkerr inn thhis facciliity? Wh
10、at is thee miinimmum agee alllowwed by laww? _Do yoou hhavee a minnimuum aage pollicyy diiffeerennt ffromm loocall laaw? Yess Noo If yess, eexpllainn: Do woorkeers exeecutte aa sttateemennt tthatt thhey aree att orr abbovee thhe mminiimumm agge? Yess Noo If yess, iis tthe staatemmentt fiiledd inn th
11、he eemplloyeees peersoonneel ffilees? 8.Arre ttherre aany worrk eexpeerieencee orr apppreentiice proograams forr scchoool aage chiildrren?Yess Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: 9.Arre ttherre rresttricctioons forr woorkeers undder 18?Yess Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: 10.WWhatt prrooff off agge ddocuumennts a
12、ree obbtaiinedd frrom proospeectiive empployyeess? What prooceddurees ddoess thhis facciliity havve iin pplacce tto vveriify thee auutheentiicitty oof aage doccumeentaatioon? 12.HHow aree emmplooyeees rrecrruitted (i.e., neewsppapeer aadveertiisemmentt, aagennt, conntraact)? 13.HHow doees mmanaagemm
13、entt haandlle mmisccondductt orr pooor perrforrmannce on thee paart of an empployyee? Does thiis mmanaagemmentt off miiscoonduuct or pooor pperfformmancce iinclludee fiiness? Yess Noo If yess, eexpllainn faactoory pollicyy. Inccludde eexammplees: 14.DDo yyou resstriict empployymennt bby aage, raace,
14、 etthniic ggrouup, relligiion, geendeer, sexxuall orrienntattionn, ppoliiticcal afffiliiatiion, annd/oor nnatiionaal ooriggin?Yess Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: 15.WWhatt iss thhe lloweest wagge ppaidd byy thhis facciliity forr trrainned (i.e., prroduuctiion) emmplooyeees? For unttraiinedd (ii.e., jjan
15、iitorrs, traaineees) emmplooyeees? 16.HHow aree emmplooyeees ppaidd?Cassh Chheckk Autto PPay Ottherr 17.HHow is thee paay rratee caalcuulatted?Perr Hoour Piiecee Raate PPer Dayy Othher a.IIf ootheer, expplaiin: If emmplooyeees aare paiid oon aa piiecee raate bassis, whhat sysstemm dooes thee faacill
16、ityy usse iin oordeer tto ttracck tthe nummberr off piiecees wworkked on eacch dday by inddiviiduaal eemplloyeees? 19.IIs wworkk tiime doccumeenteed bby aa tiime carrd?Yess Noo a.IIf nno, expplaiin ssysttem: 20.HHow oftten aree emmplooyeees ppaidd?Houurlyy Weeeklyy Moonthhly Othher Does thee faactoo
17、ry proovidde aall empployyeess a payy reecorrd oor sstubb whhichh deetaiils thee cuurreent perriodds wagge ccalcculaatioon? Yess Noo If noo, eexpllainn: 22.AAre theere anyy deeducctioons froom eemplloyeees waagess?Yess Noo a.WWhatt chhargges aree deeducctedd frrom youur eemplloyeees paay? b.HHow is
18、thiis ddocuumenntedd? 23.DDoess anny eemplloyeee oowe thee faactoory monney?Yess Noo a.Iff yees, expplaiin: 24.WWhatt alllowwancces andd beeneffitss arre pprovvideed tto eemplloyeees in thiis ffaciilitty? Plleasse ccirccle thee foolloowinng tthatt appplyy: HHoussingg, mmealls, traanspporttatiion, an
19、nd ootheer aalloowanncess; hheallth carre; chiild carre; sicck lleavve; emeergeencyy leeavee; ppreggnanncy andd meensttruaal lleavve; vaccatiion; reeliggiouus aand hollidaay lleavve; andd coontrribuutioons forr soociaal ssecuuritty, liffe, heaalthh, wworkkers ccomppenssatiion andd ottherr innsurranc
20、ce ccoveeragge.If ffoodd iss prroviide, hoow mmanyy meealss/daay? _ Frree Subbsiddizeed ; OOtheer bbeneefitts _What bennefiits aree reequiiredd too bee giivenn too faactoory worrkerrs pper loccal laww? : 25.AAre bennefiits andd/orr alllowwancces inccludded in callcullatiing thee miinimmum wagge?Yess
21、 Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: 26.AAre theere anyy inncenntivve pplanns ooffeeredd (ee.g., bbonuusess)?Yess Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: 27.AAre worrkerrs ppaidd anny sspecciall waagess, ee.g., ffor proobattionn orr trrainningg?Yess Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: What is thee faacillityy pooliccy oon mmaxiim
22、umm coonseecuttivee daays of worrk? How oofteen iin aa 3 monnth perriodd iss thhat maxximuum eexceeedeed? _29.WWhatt arre tthe staandaard opeerattingg hoourss off thhis facciliity? FFromm _a.m. to _ p.mm.30.HHow manny wworkk shhiftts ddo yyou runn inn yoour facciliity? a.HHow manny hhourrs pper worr
23、k sshifft? 31.DDo yyou payy foor ooverrtimme?Yess Noo What is thee miinimmum wagge ffor oveertiime in thee loocall laaw? _32.HHow aree ovverttimee waagess caalcuulatted (e.g., weeekddayss 1.5x; hoolidday 2x, ettc.)? 33.WWhatt iss thhe aaverragee nuumbeer oof ooverrtimme hhourrs wworkked perr woorkee
24、r eeachh weeek? 34.WWhatt iss thhe mmaxiimumm nuumbeer oof wworkk hoourss peer dday at reggulaar ppay? 35.WWhatt iss thhe mmaxiimumm nuumbeer oof hhourrs eemplloyeees aree asskedd too woork in a ggiveen wweekk? _Does thee faactoory obttainn waaiveers froom ggoveerniing autthorritiies in thee evventt
25、 thhat thee nuumbeer oof pplannnedd woork houurs forr a givven weeek eexceeed thee maaximmum as perr loocall annd nnatiionaal llaw? Yess Noo a.IIf nno, expplaiin: 37.DDo eemplloyeees havve ttimee eaach dayy foor aa meeal?Yess Noo 38.DDo eemplloyeees havve ttimee eaach dayy foor bbreaaks?Yess Noo a.I
26、If yyes, hoow mmanyy annd wwhatt iss thhe dduraatioon oof eeachh brreakk? 39.DDo eemplloyeees takke wworkk hoome?Yess Noo If yees, howw arre wwagees ffor thiis wworkk deeterrminned? What typpe oof wworkk? _40.AAre firrst aidd suupplliess avvaillablle iin tthiss faacillityy?Yess Noo 41.AAre theere an
27、yy meediccallly ttraiinedd peersoonneel oon ssitee?Yess Noo 42.AAre saffetyy edducaatioon/ttraiininng pproggramms ooffeeredd (ii.e., ffirsst aaid, ettc.)?Yess Noo a.IIf sso, whaat? 43.DDo yyou havve ffiree exxtinnguiisheers andd/orr spprinnkleer ssysttemss inn thhis facciliity?Yess Noo Do yoou ttrai
28、in aall worrkerrs oon tthe bassic usee off fiire exttingguissherrs?Yess Noo Do yoou pperfformm fiire saffetyy drrillls? Yess Noo If yees, do youu keeep reccordds oof tthesse ddrillls witth aall perrtinnentt deetaiils as to thee reesullts of thee drrillls?Yess Noo 46.AAre firre eescaapess avvaillabll
29、e ffor buiildiingss moore thaan oone stoory higgh?Yess Noo Do yoou hhavee emmerggenccy eevaccuattionn pllanss, iin tthe nattivee laanguuagee(s) off thhe eemplloyeees andd poosteed iin vvieww off faactoory worrkerrs? Yess Noo 48.IIs pperssonaal pprottecttivee eqquippmennt aavaiilabble at no cosst tto
30、 tthe empployyee?Yess Noo 49.DDo eemplloyeees havve uunreestrrictted acccesss too drrinkkablle wwateer?Yess Noo 50.HHow manny ffuncctioonall tooileets doees tthiss faacillityy haave? Maale _ Feemalle_51.DDo yyou havve aa veentiilattionn annd llighhtinng ssysttem?Yess Noo 52.DDo yyou usee anny mmatee
31、riaals thaat ggeneeratte ttoxiic oor hhazaardoous fummes or wasste?Yess Noo 53.HHavee anny eemplloyeees beccomee illl ddue to worrkinng wwithh prroduuctss?Yess Noo 54.IIs ttherre aa suuperrvissor on thee flloorr foor eeachh woork shiift?Yess Noo a.HHow manny ssupeerviisorrs pper worrk sshifft? 55.DD
32、o yyou alllow youur eemplloyeees to asssociiatee?Yess Noo 56.WWhatt effforrts doees tthe commpanny mmakee inn reegarrds to thee ennvirronmmentt (ii.e., wwasttewaaterr maanaggemeent, aiir ppuriificcatiion, haazarrdouus mmateeriaal ddispposaal)? 57.DDo yyou proovidde ddormmitoory or othher ressideenti
33、ial facciliitiees ffor worrkerrs?Yess Noo If yees: facciliity conntroolleed reentaal uunitts ootheer If doormiitorriess arre pprovvideed, pleeasee annsweer qquesstioons 58 thrrouggh 774.58.NNumbber of buiildiingss: _Nummberr off emmplooyeees tthatt reesidde iin ddormmitooriees: _59.AAverragee nuumbe
34、er oof eemplloyeees in a ssleeepinng rroomm: Approoximmatee sppacee (iin ssquaare metterss) pper empployyee in sleeepiing rooom: _61.AAre sleeepiing quaarteers seggreggateed bby ggendder?Yess Noo 62.AAre empployyeess prroviidedd thheirr owwn iindiividduall maats or sleeepiing spaace?Yess Noo 63.AAre
35、 dirrecttionns ffor evaacuaatioon iin tthe casse oof ffiree orr ottherr emmerggencciess poosteed iin aallssleeepinng qquarrterrs iin tthe nattivee laanguuagee?Yess Noo 64.DDoess thhis facciliity havve ffiree exxtinnguiisheers in alll slleeppingg quuartterss?Yess Noo 65.AAre firre ddrillls connduccte
36、dd?Yess Noo 66.AAre firre eescaapess avvaillablle ffor buiildiingss moore thaan oone-stoory higgh?Yess Noo 67.AAre commbusstibble matteriialss sttoreed iin tthe dorrmittoriies or buiildiingss coonneecteedtoo thhe ddormmitooriees?Yess Noo 68.NNumbber of toiiletts ffor empployyeess: MMalee _ Feemalle
37、_69.AAre kittcheen oor llaunndryy faacillitiies proovidded?Yess Noo 70.DDo eemplloyeees payy foor tthe folllowwingg? (Payy inn caash, orr paayrooll dedducttionns)a.IIf yyes, hoow mmuchh?Sleeepiing quaarteers:Meaals:Traanspporttatiion:Uniiforrms:Dammageed eequiipmeent:Othherss (ppleaase lisst): 71.II
38、s ddormmitoory acccesss coontrrollled?Yess Noo If yees, expplaiin: 72.AAre theere anyy cuurfeews on empployyeess?Yess Noo a.IIf yyes, exxplaain: 73.AAre empployyeess frree to comme aand go as theey ppleaase?Yess Noo a.IIf nno, expplaiin: 74.DDo eemplloyeees havve uunreestrrictted acccesss too drrink
39、kablle wwateer?Yess Noo Does thee faactoory connducct vveriificcatiionss off prroduuctiion? Yess Noo If noo, eexpllainn: What is thee acctuaal ggarmmentt/unnit outtputt onn a monnthlly bbasiis? _Does thee faactoory enggagee inn muultii-coounttry proocesssinng?Yess Noo Does thee faactoory havve ccopi
40、ies of thee ouutwaard proocesssinng aarraangeemennts in whiich it is invvolvved? Yees NNo If noo, eexpllainn: Does thee faactoory maiintaain acccuraate reccordds oof aall traansaactiionss wiith subb-coontrracttorss? Yess Noo If noo, eexpllainn: Do thhe ffiniisheed pprodductts ccorrresppondd too thhe ppurcchasse oordeers? Yess Noo If noo, eexpllainn: Can tthe traail of prooducctioon bbe ttracced viaa paaperr frr
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