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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.藍色字為注釋,紅色字為尚待校正部分。00年8月 托福聽力文字Part A1. M: do youu haave thiis sstylle sshirrt iin mmy ssizee?W: Ill cheeck. Butt.to telll uu thhe ttrutth, i tthinnk tthiss onness riightt foor uu.Q: whhat doees tthe womman meaan?2. M: oh, Imm soorr

2、yy. I jusst rreallizeed tthatt I forrgott too brringg thhe ttapee reecorrderr youu leent me. I lleftt itt baack in my dorrm.W: Thhats aall rigght. I wwont nneedd it uuntiil ttoniightt. AAs llongg ass Ive gott it by theen.Q: whhat doees tthe womman Impply?3. M: So howw muuch wass yoour plaane ticcket

3、t?W: Moore thaan II coouldd reeallly aaffoord. I hadd too diip iintoo myy saavinng(動動用存款款).Q: Whhat doees tthe womman impply?4. W: Wedd. aare goiing to be bussy ddayss foor mme nnextt seemessterr. TThreee cclasss iin thee moorniing andd thhen twoo moore in thee affterrnooon. I woontt evven havve tti

4、mee foor lunnch.M: Yoou rreallly shoouldd trry tto ffit it in, youu knnow. Thoose aftternnoonn cllassseswouldd bee tooughh too siit tthrooughh(耐著著性子聽聽完) if u sstommachhs rummbliing(咕咕嚕叫).Q: Whhat doees tthe mann suuggeest thee woomann doo?5. W: Youu arre ddropppinng oout of thee Maarchhingg Baand? B

5、utt I thooughht yyou lovved it. Alll thhe ttravvelllingg, plaayinng bbefoore bigg crrowdds.M: I do. Butt.witth aall thaat ttimee awway froom mmy sstuddiess myy grradees aare reaallyy staartiing to sliip.Q: whhat doees tthe mann meean?6. W: Imm thhinkkingg off geettiing a nnew panntsuuit(長長褲與衣衣相配成成套的

6、便便服)tto wwearr too Jaamess wwedddingg.M: I jusst hhopee thhat my oldd suuit stiill fitts. Youu knnow howw I feeel aboout shooppiing.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann immplyy? 7. MM: WWhatts my shaare of thee biill? 18.50? Thaat ccant bbe rrighht! I oonlyy haad aasaladd foor ddinnner.W: doontt geet eexciitedd

7、. lett mee chheckk thhem outt(核對對).Q: whhat willl wwomaan pprobbablly ddo nnextt?8. M: Imm suurprriseed tthatt Saarahh toold herr booss he wass wrrongg too haave firred hiss seccrettaryy.W: I knoow. Butt thhat Sarrah.IIf sshe hass ann oppiniion, eveeryoones ggot to knoow it.Q: whhat doees tthe womma

8、n meaan?9. M: hoow aabouut aa mooviee toonigght? Thaat nnew commedyy iss oppeniing in towwn.W: Sooundds ggreaat, butt Ive gott too puut ffiniishiing touuchees oon mmy ppsycchollogyy ressearrch papper.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman impply?10. WW: youu woontt haave to loook vveryy haard to finnd aa joob o

9、on ccamppus. Butt I donnt thiink youulll fiind anyythiing thaat iisnt jjustt paart-timme.M: Thhat suiits me. Anyythiing morre tthann thhat, andd I havve tto cchannge my claass schheduule.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann meean?11. MM: DDo uu thhinkk u feeel eenerrgettic enooughh too waalk to ourr sttudyy grr

10、oupp sesssioon ttonigght?W: Iff thheree iss onne! I gguesss uu haavennt heaard thee weeathher repportt. oveer aa fooot oof ssnoww iss exxpecctedd.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman impply?12. MM: OOh! I tturnned alll off myy whhitee soock pinnk! I tthreew aa reed TT-shhirtt inn byy acccideent.W: Haave u ttr

11、ieed rrunnningg thhem thrrouggh aagaiin wwithh blleacch?Q: whhat doees tthe womman sugggesst tthe mann doo?13. WW: I hhearr thhat youur bbrottherr iss pllannningg too trranssferr too annothher uniiverrsittyM: noot iif II caan ttalkk hiim oout of it. Andd beelieeve me, Imm trryinng.Q: whhat doees tth

12、e mann immplyy?14. WW: Idd liike to enrrolll in thee frree semminaar uu addverrtissed in newwspaaperr. TThe onee onn maanaggingg yoour perrsonnal finnancces.M: Okkay. Noww thhe aad ddid sayy thhat u hhavee too haave a ssaviing acccounnt aat oour bannk tto bbe eeliggiblle. Do u hhavee onne hheree?Q:

13、Whhat doees tthe mann waant to knoow?15. WW: DDid youu seee tthe weaatheer fforeecasst ffor thiis wweekkendd? I ccant bbeliievee hoow tthe temmperratuures ggonnna ddip(下降).M: I knoow. Thaat iisnt mmy iideaa whhat Octt. sshouuld be likke.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann meean?16. MM: TThiss exxhibbit is a tt

14、otaal bboree! I ccant bbeliievee thhey calll tthiss arrt.W: I thiink Ivve sseenn ennouggh.Q: Whhat willl tthe womman proobabbly do nexxt?17. WW: WWe sshouuld proobabbly thiink aboout sellecttingg soomeoone to leaad oour stuudy grooup youu knnow, sommeboody reaallyy orrgannizeed.M: Thhen u ccan couun

15、t me outt.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann meean?18. WW: whaat ddo yyou thiink wouuld be a rreassonaable ppricce tto ppay forr a neww commputter?M: Yoou aare askkingg thhe wwronng ppersson. my brootheer ggavee mee miine.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann immplyy?19. WW: TThatts a nnicee-loookiing jacckett. It fitts u

16、u peerfeectlly. Is it sommethhingg u bbougght reccenttly?M: Thhankks. No, Ivve hhad it a wwhille. Ivve jjustt beeen waiitinng ffor thee weeathher tocool dowwn.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann immplyy?20. MM: WWhatts wroong witth HHeraald todday? hee snnappped(厲厲聲說)to me for no reason.W: Doontt woorryy, its

17、jjustt thhe eend of thee seemessterr prresssuree. Helll bbe hhis oldd seelf nexxt wweekk.(變變回原來來的樣子子)Q: Whhat doees tthe womman sayy abboutt Heeralld?21. WW: Imm soorryy. I nneedd too woork latte ttoniightt. SSo uu shhoulld pprobbablly ccanccel ourr reeserrvattionn att thhe rresttaurrantt.M: Ohh, ac

18、ttuallly Ivve nneveer ggot rouund to makkingg onne iin tthe firrst plaace.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann meean?22. MM: PProffesssor Johhnsoon, forr myy soocioologgy pprojjectt thhis terrm IIm thiinkiing of inttervviewwingg alll tthe ressideentss inn toown on theeir TV vieewinng hhabiit.W: Weell thaatss qu

19、uitee ann unnderrtakkingg foor ssuchh a shoort terrm pprojjectt. MMaybbeyou sshouuld to takke aa liittlle wwhille tto tthinnk aabouut wwhatt thhat wouuld enttaill(使必必須的)before making your final decision.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman sugggesst tthe mann doo?23. MM: howw doo I loook in thiis nnew sweeate

20、er II booughht yyestterdday? I wwas in a hurrry, so didnnt havve aa chhancce tto ttry it on.W: Weell, I rreallly likke tthe styyle. Butt itt loookss a litttlee tiightt. YYou migght wannt tto ttakee itt baack andd geet tthe nexxt ssizee upp.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman sugggesst tthe mann doo?24. MM: D

21、Do yyou havve aany ideea wwhatt ittlll coost to sennd tthiss liittlle ppackkagee too Ausstraaliaa?W: Yoouvve ggot me! Thee faarthhestt Ive eveer ssentt a pacckagge iis CCanaada.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman meaan?25. MM: TThiss issntt thhe ddishh I orddereed, butt Im glaad II goot iit. Its ddeliicioous

22、.W: Ass faar aas IIm conncerrnedd, tthe waiiterr shhoulld sstilll hhearr abboutt itt.26. MM:Ive stiill gott too fuulfiill my forreiggn llangguagge rrequuireemennt, thrree semmestterss worrse. Whhat aboout youu?W: Noot mme. I ttestted outt off Sppaniish. Doontt yoou rremeembeer mmy ddad gott a jobb i

23、nn Meexicco wwhenn I wass 5? Ive livved theere forr 8 yeaars, soo Im pprettty fluuentt.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman meaan?27. WW: EExcuuse me. Do yyou knoow wwhenn thhe nnextt trrainn foor PPhilladeelphhia leaavess?M: Noo, II doontt. BBut theeres aa sccheddulee inn thhe rrackk, rrighht iin ffronnt oof

24、 tthe ticckett wiindoow.Q: Whhat cann bee innferrredd abboutt thhe mman?28. WW: II waant to takke ssomee piictuuress off myy faamilly wwhenn I go homme tthiss weeekeend, buut II haate luggginng mmy ccameera arooundd. IIts sso bbulkky(體體積大的的)annd hheavvy.M: Yoou ccan takke mminee innsteead. I wonnt n

25、eeed iit tthiss weeekeend andd itt taakess grreatt piictuuress deespiite thee siize.Q: Whhat doees tthe mann immplyy?29. WW: YYou knoow wwhatt thhe WWilddliffe CClubb neeedss? WWe nneedd ann addvissor, soomeoone whoo knnowss a lott abboutt thhe eenviironnmennt aand willd llifee coonseervaatioon.M: T

26、hherees sommeonne nnew in thee Biioloogy Depparttmennt, Proofesssorr Beell. Ill seee iff shhelll bbe iinteeresstedd.Q: Whhat willl tthe mann prrobaablyy doo?30. MM: YYou werre aalsoo weeariing a bbluee sccarff whhen youu caame in, weerennt youu? II thhinkk I graabbeed yyourrs bby aacciidennt.W: Noo,

27、 yyou diddntt. MMinees stiill hannginng bby tthe dooor. I ccan seee itt frrom herre.Q: Whhat doees tthe womman meaan?Part B31-355M: Whhat happpenned to youu toodayy?W: I wennt tto tthe Barrd MMusiic FFesttivaal iin ddownntowwn NNew Yorrk .I llistteneed tto aa reeallly nnicee coonceert.M: Reeallly? T

28、heen wwhosse mmusiic wweree thhey plaayedd?W: Juust Hayydns. It wass soo beeauttifuul tthatt I wass huummiing(哼哼唱的)the music myself all the way home on the train. What time is it, anyway? It must be getting late.M: 7oocllockk. DDid youu foorgeet? We werre ssuppposeed tto mmeett thhe ootheer mmembber

29、ss off thhe CCompputeer SScieencee Cllub thiis aafteernooon.W: Ohh, II amm soorryy. IIt ccompplettelyy sllippped my minnd.M: Saallyy waas ggoinng tto sshoww uss a sofftwaare proograam sshe bouughtt. II waanteed tto ssee it.W: Whhy ddidnnt youu goo?M: Weell, I wass waaitiing forr yoou, likke wwe ppla

30、nnnedd. AAnd befforee I kneew iit, it wass tooo llatee. BBut forrgett itt, tthe conncerrt wwoulld pprobbablly bbe mmoree innterresttingg.W: Myy faavorritee piiecee off Haaydnnt BBariitonne TTrioon NNo.997. Thee Baarittonee(薩克克斯號)is an old type of string instrument. Its unusual that it had two sets o

31、f strings. One set you play with a bow, like a violin, the other set you can pluck with your figures. The balance of the plucking and bowing was beautiful.M: Ive lisstenned to sevveraal oof HHayddns ssympphonniess beeforre. I hhavee a couuplee off () CDDs.W: Yoou ddo? Idd liike to borrroww thhem som

32、me ttimee iff yoou ddont mmindd.M: Iff I cann fiind theem, surre. My CD colllecctioons stuuff awaay ssomeewheere.W: I hoppe II caan gget thee CDD off thhe BBariitonne TTrioo Ive heaard.M: Weell, wee sttilll haave somme ttimee beeforre tthe malll cclosses. Whhy ddont wwe cchecck tto ssee if thee muus

33、icc shhops ggot it.W: Alll rrighht.31, wwhatt iss thhe cconvverssatiion maiinlyy abboutt?32, wwhy didd thhe wwomaan aapollogiize to thee maan?33, wwhatt iss unnusuual aboout thee baarittonee?34, wwhatt dooes thee woomann waant to borrroww frrontt thhe mman?35, wwherre wwilll thhe sspeaakerrs pprobba

34、blly ggo nnextt?Questtionn 366 thhrouugh 39;M: leetss saay yyou aree geeoloogisst, andd u wannt tto iinveestiigatte thee geeoloogiccal hisstorry oof aa pllacee. thaat iis, howw diid ggeollogiistss deeterrminne tthinngs likke.saay .How werre tthe roccks forrmedd? OOr wwas an areea ooncee unnderr waat

35、err? IIf sso, wheen? Howw shhoulld uu goo abboutt itt?W: Id sstarrt wwithh sttrattigrraphhy(地地層學(xué)).M: coouldd u expplaiin wwhatt thhat iis tto tthe claass?W: weell, sttrattigrraphhy iis tthe desscriiptiion of strrataa(地層層,sttrattum的的復(fù)數(shù)) in sedimentary rock. I guess thats not so clear, huh? Ok, lets s

36、ay one of the investigators spot near a river, for example. well, over the history of the area, every time the river flooded, it would deposit a layer of sediment all through with floodplain(泛濫平原). Sometimes a bigger layer, sometimes a smaller, depending on the size of the flood. Well, one layer or

37、stratum gets deposited over another. Obviously these strata built up over millions of years. Stratigraphy is the study of these layers of deposited settlement.M: soo dooes thaat mmeann iff i exaaminee eaach of theese strrataa, i ccan telll hhow lonng aago eacch oone is depposiitedd?W: noot nneceessa

38、arilly. Youu seee, theere migghtve beeen ssomee yeearss whhen thee riiverr diidnt ffloood aand no setttleemennt wwas depposiitedd. YYou neeed ootheer kkindds oof eeviddencce tto ttelll hoow mmuchh tiime migghtve gonne bby bbetwweenn whhen onee laayerr goot ddepoositted andd onne oon ttop of it gott

39、deepossiteed.M: annd wwhatt arre tthosse ootheer kkindds oof eeviddencce uu arre ttalkkingg abboutt?W: weell, fosssills ffor onee. YYou cann deeterrminne eexacctlyy hoow oold a ffosssil is andd thhats hhow u ccan telll hhow thee roock surrrouundiing it is.M: veery goood. Thee diiscooverry oof tthatt

40、 paartiicullar tecchniiquee iss ann innterresttingg sttoryy. IIt wwas a mman nammed Willliaam SSmitth wwho firrst useed ffosssilss foor tthe purrposse oof ddatiing strrataa baack in thee 18800ss.leetss taake a llookk att hoow hhe wwentt abboutt maakinng tthiss geeoloogiccal breeaktthrooughh.36 whhat

41、 is thee diiscuussiion maiinlyy abboutt?37 whhat doees tthe womman expplaiin wwhenn shhe ttalkks aabouut rriveers?38 acccorrdinng tto tthe disscusssioon, whyy arre ggeollogiistss unnablle tto ddeteermiine theegeoloogiccal agee off ann arrea by stuudyiing seddimeent depposiit aalonne?39 whhat willl t

42、the claass probaablyy diiscuuss nexxt?Part CQuesttionn 400 thhrouugh 43(這篇文文章Gtter的的筆記有有缺失)Recenntlyy soome antthroopollogiist connducctedd ann innterresttingg caase stuudy in ethhnollogyy. nnow ethhnollogyy(人種種學(xué)) as u rrecaall is a bbrannch of antthroopollogyy thhat deaal wwithh hoow vvariiouss cuu

43、ltuuress deevellopeed cchannge. Thhe sstuddy wwas aboout thee deevellopmmentt off baaskeet wweavvingg byy Affriccan-ameericcan wommen whoo liive in thee toown of Mouunt Pleeasaant, Souuth Carroliina. Thee toown is knoown forr itts hhighh quualiity sweeet graass bassketts wwhicch aare wovven byee thh

44、esee woomenn. TTheyyvee beeen weaavinng tthe bassketts ffor genneraatioons, hanndinng ddownn thhe sskilll ffromm mootheer tto ddaugghteer. Somee off thhe bbaskketss haave beeen pplacce oon ppermmaneent dissplaay aat tthe Phiiladdelpphiaa Muuseuum oof AArt. thee orrigiin oof ttheiir bbaskket weaaving

45、g daatess baack to thee 177th cennturry aand eveen eearllierr whhen theese wommens aanceestoors camme tto tthe Uniitedd Sttatees ffromm thhe wwestt cooastt off Affricca. Noww, its mmainnly a hhobbby. But bacck iin tthe 17tth aand 18tth ccentturyy Affriccan andd Ammeriicann woomenn woove thee baaskee

46、ts forr usse oon tthe ricce pplanntattionns. Theere werre ttwo typpes of bassketts tthenn: worrkbaaskeets andd baaskeets forr usse iin tthe homme. The worrkbaaskeets werre mmadee ouut oof bbulrrushhes(蘆葦). BBulrrushhes aree loong touugh graass thaat ggroww inn maarshhes. Onne ttypee off woorkbbaskke

47、tss waas fann baaskeet whichh waas uusedd too seeparratee thhe ggraiin oof rricee frrom wasste. Thhe bbaskketss ussed in thee hoome werre mmadee ouut oof tthe morre ddeliicatte ssweeet ggrasss. Theey wweree ussed forr evveryythiing froom ffruiit bbaskketss too baaby craadlees.40 whhat is thee taalk

48、maiinlyy abboutt?41 hoow ddid thee woomenn meentiioneed iin tthe tallk llearrn tto wwavee baaskeet?42 acccorrdinng tto tthe speeakeer, whaat ttypee off baaskeets wass maake outt off buulruush?43 whhat is thee maain reaasonn thhat thee woomenn inn Soouthh Caarollinaa noow wweavve bassketts?Questtionn

49、s 444 tthrooughh 466:This morrninng II waant to telll uu abboutt a reccentt sccienntiffic disscovveryy deealiing witth tthe rellatiion bettweeen pplannts andd annimaals. thhis is aboout a ddeseert shrrub whoose leaavess caan sshooot a sstreeam of poiisonnouss reesinn(樹脂脂)a disstannce of sixx feeet.

50、Yoou tthinnk iit wwilll bee saafe froom aall atttackks bby iinseectss. BBut a rreceent stuudy hass fooundd onne iinseect, a bbeettle, thaat ccan cheew iits wayy paast thee pllantts deffensse ssysttem by cutttinng tthe maiin vveinn thhat delliveers thee pooisoon tto tthe leaavess. TThiss veein cuttti

51、nng iis jjut onee meethood tthe beeetlees uusedd too prrepaare a ssafee meeal. Anootheer iis bby ccutttingg a patth aall thee waay aacrooss thee leeavee too hoold thee fllow of cheemiccalss. TThenn thhey simmplyy eaat bbetwweenn thhe vveinns oof ppoisson. In thee paast, sciienttistts wwho stuudieed

52、iinseet aadapptattionn too pllantt deefennsess haave foccuseed oon cchemmicaal rrespponsses. Thaat iis, howw thhe iinseectss caan nneuttrallizee orr allterr thhe ppoissonoous subbstaancees pplannts prooducce. whaatss unniquue aabouut tthiss chhewiing strrateegy is thaat tthe beeetlee iss acctuaallyy

53、 exxhibbitiing a bbehaavioorall(行為為的) ressponnse to thee pllantts deffensses rattherr thhan thee moore commmonn chhemiicall reespoonsee. IIt iis onlly aafteer aa beeetlless suurviivedd seeverral enccounnterrs wwithh thhe pplannt ressin thaat iit llearrns howw too avvoidd thhe ppoisson: by cheewinng

54、tthrooughh thhe rresiin ttrannspoortiing veiins on thee neext leaaf iit eeatss. AAnd thuus ggivees iitseelf a mmeall. howweveer, it cann taake a bbeetlee ann hoourss ann a hallf oof ccareefull veein cutttinng tto pprepparee a smaall leaaf tthatt taakess itt onnly a ffew minnutees tto eeat. So, thoou

55、ghh thhe mmethhod is efffecttivee, its nnot verry eeffiicieent.41 whhat is thee taalk maiinlyy abboutt?42 whhat is unuusuaal aabouut tthe dessertt pllantt?43 hoow ccan thee beeetlles avooid beiing poiisonned by thee pllantt?Questtionns 447 tthrooughh 500:Weree gooingg too sttartt ouur ddisccusssionn

56、 off pooetrry iin WWestternn Euuroppe wwithh thhe IIliaad aand thee Oddysssey .thhesee twwo ggreaat ppoemms sstannd oout as greeat exaamplles of thee eaarliiestt Euuropeean poeems. theey aare bellievved to havve bbeenn wrrittten somme ttimee beetweeen 8000BC andd 7000BCC,paartlly bbecaausee thhe ppo

57、emms rrefeer tto tthe socciall coondiitioons of thaat ttimee, ccondditiionss thhat havve bbeenn vaaliddateed(驗驗證)bby tthe finndinngs of arccheoologgistts. butt juust whoo waas tthe poeet wwho laiid ddownn thhesee coorneersttonees(基基石) of wessterrn lliteeratturee? WWelll, ttradditiion asccribbless thhem to a mman nammed Hommer, butt wee knnow virrtuaallyy


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