1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.聯(lián)合國(guó)國(guó)際貨物銷售合同公約 中英文對(duì)照字體大?。?HYPERLINK javascript:setFontSize(16) o 大號(hào)字體 大 - HYPERLINK javascript:setFontSize(14) o 中號(hào)字體 中 - HYPERLINK javascript:setFontSize(12) o 小號(hào)字體 小 HYPERLINK quanzhoufanyi 發(fā)表于 08-08-07 10:42 閱讀(288) HYPERLINK #pl
2、#pl l pl#pl 評(píng)論(0) 聯(lián)合國(guó)國(guó)際貨物銷售合同公約(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) )Preammblee The SStattes Parrtiees tto tthiss Coonveentiion Beaarinng iin MMindd thhe bbroaad oobjeectiivess inn thhe rresooluttionns aadopptedd byy thhe ssixtth sspecciall seessiion of
3、thee Geenerral Asssembbly of thee Unniteed NNatiionss onn thhe eestaabliishmmentt off a Neww Innterrnattionnal Ecoonommic Ordder. Connsidderiing thaat tthe devveloopmeent of intternnatiionaal ttradde oon tthe bassis of equualiity andd muutuaal bbeneefitt iss ann immporrtannt eelemmentt inn prromooti
4、nng ffrieendlly rrelaatioons amoong Staatess, BBeinng oof tthe Opiinioon tthatt thhe aadopptioon oof uunifformm ruuless whhichh gooverrn cconttraccts forr thhe iinteernaatioonall saale of gooods andd taake intto aaccoountt thhe ddifffereent socciall, eeconnomiic aand leggal sysstemms wwoulld cconttr
5、ibbutee too thhe rremoovall off leegall baarriierss inn innterrnattionnal traade andd prromoote thee deevellopmmentt off innterrnattionnal traade, haave deccreeed aas ffolllowss: 本公約個(gè)締締約國(guó) : 銘銘記聯(lián)合合國(guó)大會(huì)會(huì)第六界界特別會(huì)會(huì)議通過過的關(guān)于于建立新新的國(guó)際際經(jīng)濟(jì)次次序的各各項(xiàng)決議議的廣泛泛目標(biāo) , 考考慮到在在平等互互利基礎(chǔ)礎(chǔ)上發(fā)展展國(guó)際貿(mào)貿(mào)易 , 是促促進(jìn)各國(guó)國(guó)間友好好關(guān)系的的一個(gè)重重要因素素 , 認(rèn)為采
6、采用照顧顧到不同同的社會(huì)會(huì) , 經(jīng)濟(jì)和和法律制制度的國(guó)國(guó)際貨物物銷售合合同統(tǒng)一一規(guī)則,將將有助于于減少國(guó)國(guó)際貿(mào)易易的法律律障礙 , 促促進(jìn)國(guó)際際貿(mào)易的的發(fā)展 . 茲茲協(xié)議如如下 . PART I SSpheere of Apppliccatiion andd Geenerral Proovissionns Chaptter I SSpheere of Apppliccatiion Articcle 1 (1) Thiis CConvventtionn apppliies to conntraactss off saale of gooods bettweeen pparttiess whhos
7、ee pllacees oof bbusiinesss aare in diffferrentt Sttatees: ( 本本公約適適用于營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)地在在不同國(guó)國(guó)家的當(dāng)當(dāng)事人之之間所訂訂立的貨貨物銷售售合同, ) (a) wheen tthe Staatess arre CConttracctinng SStattes; orr ( 如果這這些國(guó)家家是締約約國(guó) , 或 ) (b) wheen tthe rulles of priivatte iinteernaatioonall laaw lleadd too thhe aappllicaatioon oof tthe laww off a Con
8、ntraactiing Staate. ( 如果國(guó)國(guó)際私法法規(guī)則導(dǎo)導(dǎo)致適用用某一締締約國(guó)的的法律, ) (2) Thee faact thaat tthe parrtiees hhavee thheirr pllacees oof bbusiinesss iin ddifffereent Staatess iss too bee diisreegarrdedd whheneeverr thhis facct ddoess noot aappeear eittherr frrom thee coontrractt orr frrom anyy deealiingss beetweeen, orr
9、 frrom infformmatiion disscloosedd byy, tthe parrtiees aat aany timme bbefoore or at thee cooncllusiion of thee coontrractt. ( 當(dāng)事事人營(yíng)業(yè)業(yè)地在不不同國(guó)家家的事實(shí)實(shí),如果果從合同同或從訂訂立合同同前任何何時(shí)候或或訂立合合同時(shí) , 當(dāng)當(dāng)事人之之間的任任何交易易或當(dāng)事事人透露露的情報(bào)報(bào)均看不不出 , 應(yīng)不不予考慮慮 ) (3) Neeithher thee naatioonallityy off thhe pparttiess noor tthe civvil or co
10、mmmerrciaal ccharractter of thee paartiies or of thee coontrractt iss too bee taakenn innto connsidderaatioon iin ddeteermiininng tthe apppliccatiion of thiis CConvventtionn. ( 在確確定本公公約的適適用時(shí) , 當(dāng)當(dāng)事人的的國(guó)籍和和當(dāng)事人人或合同同的民事事或商業(yè)業(yè)性質(zhì),應(yīng)應(yīng)不予考考慮 ) Articcle 2 TThiss Coonveentiion doees nnot appply to salles: ( 本公約約不
11、適用用以下的的銷售 ) (a) of gooods bouughtt foor pperssonaal, fammilyy orr hoouseeholld uuse, unnlesss tthe selllerr, aat aany timme bbefoore or at thee cooncllusiion of thee coontrractt, nneittherr knnew norr ouughtt too haave knoown thaat tthe gooods werre bbougght forr anny ssuchh usse; ( 購(gòu)購(gòu)供私人人 , 家人或或家庭使
12、使用的貨貨物銷售售 , 除非賣賣方再訂訂立合同同前任何何時(shí)候或或訂立合合同時(shí)不不知道而而且沒有有理由知知道這些些貨物是是購(gòu)供任任何這種種使用 ) (b) by aucctioon; ( 經(jīng)經(jīng)由拍賣賣銷售的的 ) (c) onn exxecuutioon oor ootheerwiise by autthorrityy off laaw; ( 根根據(jù)法律律執(zhí)行令令狀或其其他領(lǐng)狀狀的銷售售 ) (d) off sttockks, shaaress, iinveestmmentt seecurritiies, neegottiabble (可通通過談判判解決的的) iinsttrummentts (
13、手手段) or monney;( 公公債,股股票,投投資證券券 , 流通票票據(jù)或是是貨幣的的銷售 ) (e) of shiips, veesseels (船只只) , hooverrcraaft (水翼翼船) or airrcraaft;( 船船舶 船船只,氣氣墊船或或是飛機(jī)機(jī)的銷售售 ) (f) off ellecttriccityy. ( 電力力的銷售售 ) Articcle 3 (1) Conntraactss foor tthe suppplyy off gooodss too bee maanuffacttureed oor pprodduceed aare to be connsi
14、ddereed ssalees uunleess thee paartyy whho oordeers thee gooodss unnderrtakkes to suppplyy a subbstaantiial parrt oof tthe matteriialss neecesssarry ffor succh mmanuufaccturre oor pprodducttionn.( 供供應(yīng)尚待待制造或或生產(chǎn)的的貨物的的合同應(yīng)應(yīng)視為銷銷售合同同 , 除非訂訂購(gòu)貨物物的當(dāng)事事人保證證供應(yīng)這這種制造造或生產(chǎn)產(chǎn)所需的的大部分分重要材材料 .) (2) Thiis CConvventtionn
15、dooes nott appplyy too coontrractts iin wwhicch tthe preeponnderrantt( 優(yōu)優(yōu)勢(shì)的 ) ppartt off thhe oobliigattionns oof tthe parrty (當(dāng)事事人) whoo fuurniishees tthe gooods connsissts in thee suupplly oof llaboour or othher serrvicces.( 本本公約不不適用于于供應(yīng)貨貨物一方方的絕大大部分義義務(wù)在于于供應(yīng)勞勞力或其其它服務(wù)務(wù)的合同同 ) Articcle 4 TThiss Coonve
16、entiion govvernns oonlyy thhe fformmatiion (形成成) oof tthe conntraact of salle aand thee riightts aand oblligaatioons of thee seelleer aand thee buuyerr arrisiing froom (產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生) succh aa coontrractt. IIn ppartticuularr, eexceept as othherwwisee exxpreesslly (明明確地) proovidded in thiis CConvventtionn, iit
17、 iis nnot conncerrnedd wiith: ( 本公約約只適用用于銷售售合同的的訂立和和賣方和和買方因因此種合合同而產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的權(quán)權(quán)利和義義務(wù) . 特別別是本公公約除非非另有明明文規(guī)定定 , 與以下下事項(xiàng)無無關(guān) :) (a) thee vaaliddityy (效效力) of thee coontrractt orr off anny oof iits proovissionns (供供應(yīng)) or of anyy ussagee;( 合同的的效力,或或其任何何條款的的效力,或或任何慣慣例的效效力 ) (bb) tthe efffectt whhichh thhe cconttrac
18、ct mmay havve oon tthe prooperrty in thee gooodss soold. (合合同對(duì)所所銷售物物所有權(quán)權(quán)可能產(chǎn)產(chǎn)生的影影響。) Articcle 5 TThiss Coonveentiion doees nnot appply to thee liiabiilitty (責(zé)責(zé)任、義義務(wù)) of thee seelleer ffor deaath or perrsonnal injjuryy caauseed bby tthe gooods to anyy peersoon. (本公公約不適適用于賣賣方對(duì)于于貨物對(duì)對(duì)任何人人所造成成得死亡亡或傷害害的責(zé)任任
19、) Articcle 6 TThe parrtiees mmay exccludde tthe apppliccatiion of thiis CConvventtionn orr, ssubjjectt too arrticcle 12, deeroggatee (背背離) froom oor vvaryy thhe eeffeect of anyy off itts pprovvisiionss. (雙雙方當(dāng)事事人可以以不適用用本公約約,或在在第十二二條的條條件下,減減損本公公約德任任何規(guī)定定或改變變其效力力。) Chaptter II Genneraal PProvvisiionss A
20、rticcle 7 (1) In thee innterrpreetattionn off thhis Connvenntioon, reggardd iss too bee haad tto iits intternnatiionaal ccharractter andd too thhe nneedd too prromoote uniiforrmitty iin iits apppliccatiion andd thhe oobseervaancee off goood faiith in intternnatiionaal ttradde. (在解解釋本公公約時(shí),應(yīng)應(yīng)考慮到到本公約約的
21、國(guó)際際性質(zhì)和和促進(jìn)其其適用的的統(tǒng)一以以及在國(guó)國(guó)際貿(mào)易易上遵守守誠(chéng)信的的需要。) (2) Quuesttionns cconccernningg maatteers govvernned by thiis CConvventtionn whhichh arre nnot exppressslyy seettlled in it aree too bee seettlled in connforrmitty wwithh thhe ggeneerall prrincciplles on whiich it is bassed or, inn thhe aabseencee off suuch pr
22、iinciiplees, in connforrmitty wwithh thhe llaw apppliccablle bby vvirttue of thee ruuless off prrivaate intternnatiionaal llaw. (凡凡本公約約未明確確解決的的屬于本本公約范范圍的問問題,應(yīng)應(yīng)按照本本公約所所依據(jù)的的一般原原則來解解決,在在沒有一一般原則則的情況況下,則則應(yīng)按照照國(guó)際私私法規(guī)定定適用的的法律來來解決。) Articcle 8 (1) Forr thhe ppurpposees oof tthiss Coonveentiion staatemmentts
23、mmadee byy annd ootheer ccondductt off a parrty aree too bee innterrpreetedd acccorrdinng tto hhis inttentt whheree thhe ootheer ppartty kkneww orr coouldd noot hhavee beeen unaawarre wwhatt thhat inttentt waas. (本公公約的目目的,一一方當(dāng)事事人所作作的聲明明和其它它行為,應(yīng)應(yīng)依照他他的意旨旨解釋) (2) Iff thhe ppreccediing parragrraphh iss
24、noot aappllicaablee, sstattemeentss maade by andd ottherr coonduuct of a ppartty aare to be intterppretted acccorddingg too thhe uundeersttanddingg thhat a rreassonaablee peersoon oof tthe samme kkindd ass thhe ootheer ppartty wwoulld hhavee haad iin tthe samme ccirccumsstanncess. (如如果上一一款的規(guī)規(guī)定不適適用,當(dāng)
25、當(dāng)事人所所作的聲聲明和其其它行為為,應(yīng)按按照一個(gè)個(gè)與另一一方當(dāng)事事人同等等資格、通通情達(dá)理理的人處處于相同同情況中中,應(yīng)有有的理解解來解釋釋) (3) In dettermminiing thee inntennt oof aa paartyy orr thhe uundeersttanddingg a reaasonnablle ppersson wouuld havve hhad, duue cconssideerattionn iss too bee giivenn too alll rreleevannt ccirccumsstanncess off thhe ccasee inncl
26、uudinng tthe neggotiiatiionss, aany praactiicess whhichh thhe pparttiess haave esttabllishhed bettweeen tthemmsellvess, uusagges andd anny ssubssequuentt (后后來的,并并發(fā)的) connducct oof tthe parrtiees. (在確確定一方方當(dāng)事人人的意旨旨或一個(gè)個(gè)通情達(dá)達(dá)理的人人應(yīng)有的的理解時(shí)時(shí),應(yīng)適適當(dāng)?shù)目伎紤]到與與事實(shí)有有關(guān)的一一切情況況,包括括談判情情形、當(dāng)當(dāng)事人之之間確立立的任何何習(xí)慣作作法、慣慣例和當(dāng)當(dāng)事人其其后的任任
27、何行為為。) Articcle 9 (1) Thee paartiies aree booundd (限限制) by anyy ussagee too whhichh thhey havve aagreeed andd byy anny ppraccticces whiich theey hhavee esstabblisshedd beetweeen theemseelvees. (雙方方當(dāng)事人人業(yè)已統(tǒng)統(tǒng)一的人人和慣例例和他們們之間確確立的任任何習(xí)慣慣作法,對(duì)對(duì)雙方當(dāng)當(dāng)事人均均有約束束力。) (2) Thhe pparttiess arre cconssideeredd, uunleess
28、othherwwisee aggreeed, to havve iimpllieddly madde aappllicaablee too thheirr coontrractt orr itts fformmatiion a uusagge oof wwhicch tthe parrtiees kkneww orr ouughtt too haave knoown andd whhichh inn innterrnattionnal traade is widdelyy knnownn too, aand reggulaarlyy obbserrvedd byy, pparttiess to
29、o coontrractts oof tthe typpe iinvoolveed iin tthe parrticculaar ttradde cconccernned. (除除非另有有協(xié)議,雙雙方當(dāng)事事人應(yīng)視視為已默默示地同同意對(duì)他他們的合合同或合合同的訂訂立適用用雙方當(dāng)當(dāng)事人已已知道或或理應(yīng)知知道的慣慣例,而而這種慣慣例,在在國(guó)際貿(mào)貿(mào)易上,已已為有關(guān)關(guān)貿(mào)易所所涉同類類合同的的當(dāng)事人人所廣泛泛知道并并為他們們所經(jīng)常常遵守。) Articcle 10 Forr thhe ppurpposees oof tthiss Coonveentiion: (為為本公約約的目的的) (a) if a p
30、partty hhas morre tthann onne pplacce oof bbusiinesss, thee pllacee off buusinnesss iss thhat whiich hass thhe cclossestt reelattionnshiip tto tthe conntraact andd itts pperfformmancce, havvingg reegarrd tto tthe cirrcummstaancees kknowwn tto oor cconttempplatted by thee paartiies at anyy tiime beff
31、oree orr att thhe cconcclussionn off thhe cconttracct; (如果果當(dāng)事人人有一個(gè)個(gè)以上的的營(yíng)業(yè)地地,則以以合同約約定的履履行關(guān)系系最密切切的營(yíng)業(yè)業(yè)地為其其營(yíng)業(yè)地地,但要要考慮雙雙方當(dāng)事事人在定定立合同同前任何何時(shí)候或或訂立合合同時(shí)所所知道或或所設(shè)想想的情況況;) (b) iff a parrty doees nnot havve aa pllacee off buusinnesss, (營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)地) reffereencee iss too bee maade to hiss haabittuall reesiddencce. ( 習(xí)習(xí)慣住所所
32、地 ) (如如果當(dāng)事事人沒有有營(yíng)業(yè)地地,則以以其慣常常居所地地為準(zhǔn)) Articcle 11 A cconttracct oof ssalee neeed nott bee coonclludeed iin oor eeviddencced by wriitinng aand is nott suubjeect to anyy ottherr reequiiremmentt ass too foorm. Itt maay bbe pprovved by anyy meeanss, iinclludiing wittnesssess. (銷銷售合同同無須以以書面訂訂立或書書面證明明,在形形式方面
33、面不受其其他條件件的限制制。銷售售合同可可以用包包括證人人在內(nèi)的的任何方方法證明明) Articcle 12 Anyy prroviisioon oof aartiiclee 111, aartiiclee 299 orr Paart II of thiis CConvventtionn thhat alllowss a conntraact of salle oor iits moddifiicattionn (變變更) or terrminnatiion (終止止) bby aagreeemeent or anyy offferr, aacceeptaancee orr ottherr i
34、nndiccatiion of inttenttionn too bee maade in anyy foorm othher thaan iin wwrittingg dooes nott appplyy whheree anny ppartty hhas hiss pllacee off buusinnesss inn a Conntraactiing Staate whiich hass maade a ddecllaraatioon uundeer aartiiclee 966 off thhis Connvenntioon. Thee paartiies mayy noot dder
35、oogatte (毀毀損) froom oor vvaryy thhe eeffeect or thiis aartiiclee. (本本公約第第十一條條、第十十二條或或第二部部分準(zhǔn)許許銷售合合同或其其更改或或根據(jù)協(xié)協(xié)議終止止,或者者任何發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)、接接受或其其他意旨旨表示得得以任何何形式作作出的任任何規(guī)定定不適用用,如果果任何一一方當(dāng)事事人的營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)地是是在已按按照本公公約第九九十六條條作出了了一個(gè)聲聲明的一一個(gè)締約約國(guó)內(nèi),個(gè)個(gè)當(dāng)事人人不得減減損本條條或改變變其效力力) Articcle 13 Forr thhe ppurpposees oof tthiss Coonveentiion wrrit
36、iing inncluudess teeleggramm annd tteleex (電電報(bào)) . (為為本公約約的目的的,“書書面”包包括帶難難保和電電傳) PART II Forrmattionn off thhe CConttracct Articcle 14 (1) A proopossal forr coonclludiing a cconttracct aaddrresssed to onee orr moore speeciffic perrsonns cconsstittutees aan ooffeer iif iit iis ssuffficiienttly deffini
37、ite andd inndiccatees tthe inttenttionn off thhe ooffeerorr too bee booundd inn caase of acccepttancce. A ppropposaal iis ssuffficiienttly deffiniite if it inddicaatess thhe ggoodds aand exppressslyy orr immpliicittly fixxes or makkes proovissionn foor ddeteermiininng tthe quaantiity andd thhe ppric
38、ce. (向一一個(gè)或一一個(gè)以上上特定的的人提出出的訂立立合同的的建議,如如果十分分確定并并且表明明發(fā)價(jià)人人在得到到接受時(shí)時(shí)承受約約束的意意旨,即即構(gòu)成發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)。一一個(gè)建議議如果寫寫明貨物物并且明明示或暗暗示地規(guī)規(guī)定數(shù)量量和價(jià)格格或規(guī)定定如何確確定數(shù)量量和價(jià)格格,即為為十分確確定。) (2) A proopossal othher thaan oone adddresssedd too onne oor mmoree sppeciificc peersoons is to be connsiddereed mmereely as an invvitaatioon (邀邀請(qǐng)) to makke oo
39、ffeers, unnlesss tthe conntraary is cleearlly iindiicatted by thee peersoon mmakiing thee prropoosall. ( 非向一一個(gè)或一一個(gè)以上上特定的的人提出出的建議議,僅應(yīng)應(yīng)視為邀邀請(qǐng)做出出發(fā)價(jià),除除非提出出建議的的人明確確地表示示相反的的意向。) Articcle 15 (1) Ann offferr beecommes efffecttivee whhen it reaachees tthe offfereee. (發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)于送達(dá)達(dá)被發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人時(shí)生生效。) (2) Ann offferr, eevenn
40、 iff itt iss irrrevvocaablee (不不能取消消的) , mmay be witthdrrawnn iff thhe wwithhdraawall reeachhes thee offferree befforee orr att thhe ssamee tiime as thee offferr. (一一項(xiàng)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià),即使使是不可可撤銷的的,得予予撤回,如如果撤回回通知于于發(fā)價(jià)送送達(dá)被發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人之之前或同同時(shí),送送達(dá)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人。) Articcle 16 (1) Unntill a conntraact is conncluudedd ann offferr maay bbe
41、 rrevookedd (無無效) if thee reevoccatiion (撤回回) rreacchess thhe ooffeereee beeforre hhe hhas disspattcheed (發(fā)發(fā)出) an acccepttancce. (在未未訂立合合同之前前,發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)得予撤撤銷,如如果撤銷銷通知于于被發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人發(fā)出出接受通通知之前前送達(dá)被被發(fā)價(jià)人人。) (2) Hoowevver, ann offferr caannoot bbe rrevookedd: (但但在下列列情況下下,發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)不得撤撤銷:) (a) iff itt inndiccatees, wheetheer b
42、by sstattingg a fixxed timme ffor acccepttancce oor ootheerwiise, thhat it is irrrevoocabble; orr (發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)寫明明接受發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)的期期限或以以其它方方式表示示發(fā)價(jià)是是不可撤撤銷的;或) (b) iff itt waas rreassonaablee foor tthe offfereee tto rrelyy onn thhe ooffeer aas bbeinng iirreevoccablle aand thee offferree hass acctedd inn reeliaancee (相相信
43、) on thee offferr. (被被發(fā)價(jià)人人有理由由信賴該該項(xiàng)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)是不可可撤銷的的,而且且被發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人已本本著對(duì)該該項(xiàng)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)的信賴賴行事。) Articcle 17 An offfer, evven if it is irrrevoocabble, iss teermiinatted (終止止) wwhenn a rejjecttionn reeachhes thee offferror. (一一項(xiàng)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià),即使使是不可可撤銷的的,予拒拒絕通知知送達(dá)發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人時(shí)時(shí)終止。) Articcle 18 (1) A staatemmentt maade by or othher connducct
44、 oof tthe offfereee iindiicattingg asssennt (同同意) to an offfer is an acccepttancce. Sillencce oor iinacctivvityy dooes nott inn ittsellf aamouunt to acccepttancce. (被發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人聲聲明或做做出其它它行為表表示同意意一項(xiàng)發(fā)發(fā)價(jià),即即是接受受。) (2) Ann acccepptannce of an offfer beccomees eeffeectiive at thee moomennt tthe inddicaatioon oof
45、 aasseent reaachees tthe offferoor. An acccepttancce iis nnot efffecttivee iff thhe iindiicattionn off asssennt ddoess noot rreacch tthe offferoor wwithhin thee tiime he hass fiixedd orr, iif nno ttimee iss fiixedd, wwithhin a rreassonaablee tiime, duue aaccoountt beeingg taakenn off thhe ccirccumss
46、tanncess off thhe ttrannsacctioon (交交易) , iinclludiing thee raapiddityy off thhe mmeanns oof ccommmuniicattionn emmplooyedd byy thhe ooffeerorr. AAn oorall offferr muust be accceptted immmediiateely unllesss thhe ccirccumsstanncess inndiccatee ottherrwisse. (接受受發(fā)價(jià)于于表示同同意的通通知送達(dá)達(dá)發(fā)價(jià)人人時(shí)生效效。如果果表示同同意的通通知在
47、發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人所所規(guī)定的的時(shí)間內(nèi)內(nèi),如為為規(guī)定時(shí)時(shí)間,在在一段合合理的時(shí)時(shí)間內(nèi),未未曾送達(dá)達(dá)發(fā)價(jià)人人,接受受就成為為無效,但但需要適適當(dāng)?shù)目伎紤]到交交易的情情況,包包括發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人所使使用的通通訊方法法的迅速速程度。對(duì)對(duì)口頭發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)必須須立即接接受,但但情況有有別者不不在此限限。) (3) Hoowevver, iff, bby vvirttue of (由于于) tthe offfer or as a rresuult of praactiicess whhichh thhe pparttiess haave esttabllishhed bettweeen tthemmsellvess orr off
48、 ussagee, tthe offfereee mmay inddicaate asssentt byy peerfoormiing an actt, ssuchh ass onne rrelaatinng tto tthe disspattch (發(fā)送送) oof tthe gooods or payymennt oof tthe priice, wiithoout notticee too thhe ooffeerorr, tthe acccepttancce iis eeffeectiive at thee moomennt tthe actt iss peerfoormeed, pr
49、oovidded thaat tthe actt iss peerfoormeed wwithhin thee peeriood oof ttimee laaid dowwn (規(guī)規(guī)定) in thee prreceedinng pparaagraaph. (但但是,如如果根據(jù)據(jù)該項(xiàng)發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)或依依照當(dāng)事事人之間間確立的的習(xí)慣作作法或慣慣例,被被發(fā)價(jià)人人可以做做出某種種行為,例例如與發(fā)發(fā)運(yùn)貨物物或支付付價(jià)款有有關(guān)的行行為,來來表示同同意,而而無需向向發(fā)價(jià)人人發(fā)出通通知,則則接受于于該項(xiàng)行行為做出出時(shí)生效效,但該該項(xiàng)行為為必須在在上一款款所規(guī)定定的期間間內(nèi)做出出。) Articcle 19 (1)
50、A repply to an offfer whiich purrporrts (主旨旨) tto bbe aan aacceeptaancee buut cconttainns aaddiitioons, liimittatiionss orr ottherr moodifficaatioons is a rrejeectiion of thee offferr annd cconsstittutees aa coountter-offfer. (對(duì)對(duì)發(fā)價(jià)表表示接受受但載有有添加、限限制或其其它更改改的答復(fù)復(fù),即委委拒絕該該項(xiàng)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià),并構(gòu)構(gòu)成還價(jià)價(jià)。) (2) Hoowevver, a re
51、pply to an offfer whiich purrporrts to be an acccepttancce bbut conntaiins addditiionaal oor ddifffereent terrms whiich do nott maaterriallly altter thee teermss off thhe ooffeer cconsstittutees aan aacceeptaancee, uunleess thee offferror, wiithoout unddue (不適適當(dāng)?shù)模?dellay, obbjeccts oraallyy too thhe
52、 ddisccreppanccy oor ddisppatcchess a notticee too thhat efffectt. IIf hhe ddoess noot sso oobjeect, thhe ttermms oof tthe conntraact aree thhe ttermms (條條款) of thee offferr wiith thee moodifficaatioons conntaiinedd inn thhe aacceeptaancee. (但但是, 對(duì)發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)表示接接受但載載有添加加或不同同條件的的答復(fù),如如所載的的添加或或不同條條件在實(shí)實(shí)質(zhì)上并并不變更更
53、該項(xiàng)發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)的條條件,除除發(fā)價(jià)人人在不過過分遲延延的期間間內(nèi)以口口頭或書書面通知知反對(duì)其其間的差差異外,仍仍構(gòu)成接接受。如如果發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人不做做出這種種反對(duì),合合同的條條件就以以該項(xiàng)發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)的條條件以及及接受通通知內(nèi)所所載的更更改為準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)。) (3) Adddittionnal or diffferrentt teermss reelattingg, aamonng ootheer tthinngs, too thhe ppricce, payymennt, quaalitty aand quaantiity of thee gooodss, pplacce aand timme oof ddeliiv
54、erry, exttentt off onne pparttyss liiabiilitty (責(zé)責(zé)任,義義務(wù)) to thee ottherr orr thhe ssetttlemmentt off diispuutess arre cconssideeredd too allterr thhe ttermms oof tthe offfer matteriiallly (本本質(zhì)上) . (有有關(guān)貨物物價(jià)格、付付款、貨貨物質(zhì)量量和數(shù)量量、交付付地點(diǎn)和和時(shí)間、一一方當(dāng)事事人對(duì)另另一方當(dāng)當(dāng)事人的的賠償責(zé)責(zé)任范圍圍或解決決爭(zhēng)端等等等的添添加或不不同條件件,均視視為實(shí)質(zhì)質(zhì)上變更更發(fā)價(jià)的的條件。) A
55、rticcle 20 (1) A perriodd off tiime forr acccepptannce fixxed by thee offferror in a tteleegraam oor aa leetteer bbegiins to runn frrom thee moomennt tthe tellegrram is hanndedd inn foor ddisppatcch oor ffromm thhe ddatee shhownn onn thhe llettter or, iff noo suuch datte iis sshowwn, froom tthe datt
56、e sshowwn oon tthe envveloope. A perriodd off tiime forr acccepptannce fixxed by thee offferror by tellephhonee, tteleex oor ootheer mmeanns oof iinsttanttaneeouss (即即時(shí)的) commmunnicaatioon, begginss too ruun ffromm thhe mmomeent thaat tthe offfer reaachees tthe offfereee. (發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人在電電報(bào)或信信件內(nèi)規(guī)規(guī)定的接接受期間間,從電
57、電報(bào)交發(fā)發(fā)時(shí)刻或或信上的的載明的的發(fā)信日日期起算算,如信信上未載載明發(fā)信信日期,則則從信封封上所載載日期起起算。發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人以以電話、電電傳或其其它快速速通訊方方法規(guī)定定的接受受期間,從從發(fā)價(jià)送送達(dá)被發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人時(shí)時(shí)起算。) (2) Offficciall hooliddayss orr noon-bbusiinesss ddayss occcurrrinng dduriing thee peeriood ffor acccepttancce aare inccludded in callcullatiing thee peeriood. Howweveer, if a nnotiice of acc
58、cepttancce ccannnot be delliveeredd att thhe aaddrresss off thhe ooffeerorr onn thhe llastt daay oof tthe perriodd beecauuse thaat dday fallls on an offficiial hollidaay oor aa noon-bbusiinesss dday at thee pllacee off buusinnesss off thhe ooffeerorr, tthe perriodd iss exxtenndedd unntill thhe ffirs
59、st bbusiinesss dday whiich folllowws. ( 在在計(jì)算接接受期間間時(shí),接接受期間間內(nèi)的正正式假日日或非營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)日應(yīng)應(yīng)計(jì)算在在內(nèi)。但但是,如如果接受受通知在在接受期期間的最最后天天未能送送到發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人地址址,因?yàn)闉槟翘煸谠诎l(fā)價(jià)人人營(yíng)業(yè)地地是正式式假日或或非營(yíng)業(yè)業(yè)日,則則接受期期間應(yīng)順順延至下下一個(gè)營(yíng)營(yíng)業(yè)日。 Articcle 21 (1) A latte aacceeptaancee iss neeverrtheelesss eeffeectiive as an acccepttancce iif wwithhoutt deelayy thhe ooffeerorr
60、 orrallly sso iinfoormss (告告知) thee offferree or disspattchees aa nooticce tto tthatt efffecct. ( 逾逾期接受受仍有接接受的效效力,如如果發(fā)價(jià)價(jià)人毫不不遲延地地用口頭頭或書面面將此種種意見通通知被發(fā)發(fā)價(jià)人。 (2) Iff a lettterr orr ottherr wrritiing conntaiininng aa laate acccepttancce sshowws tthatt itt haas bbeenn seent in succh ccirccumsstanncess thhat
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