2、1-4 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc176583986 1Prefaace PAGEREF _Toc176583986 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583987 2Definnitionns PAGEREF _Toc176583987 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583988 3Appliicatioon (SOOLAS vvs IACCS) PAGEREF _Toc176583988 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583989 4Generral Prrincipple foor Insspectiion PAGEREF _
3、Toc176583989 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583990 5Qualiificattions PAGEREF _Toc176583990 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583991 5.1Coaating Inspeectorss PAGEREF _Toc176583991 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583992 5.1.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176583992 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583993 5.1.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176
4、583993 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583994 6Coatiings PAGEREF _Toc176583994 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583995 6.1Coaating Systeems PAGEREF _Toc176583995 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583996 6.1.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176583996 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583997 6.1.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176583997 h 8 HYPERL
5、INK l _Toc176583998 7Primaary Suurfacee Prepparatiion (PPSP) PAGEREF _Toc176583998 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc176583999 7.1Blaastingg PAGEREF _Toc176583999 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584000 7.1.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584000 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584001 7.1.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584001 h
6、 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584002 7.1.3RRecordds PAGEREF _Toc176584002 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584003 7.2Shoop Priimer AAppliccationn PAGEREF _Toc176584003 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584004 7.2.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584004 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584005 7.2.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584005
7、 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584006 7.2.3RRecordds PAGEREF _Toc176584006 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584007 8Assemmbly PAGEREF _Toc176584007 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584008 8.1Steeel Suurfacee Prepparatiion PAGEREF _Toc176584008 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584009 8.1.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584009
8、h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584010 8.1.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584010 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584011 8.1.3RRecordd PAGEREF _Toc176584011 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584012 8.2Seccondarry Surrface Prepaaratioon (SSSP) PAGEREF _Toc176584012 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584013 8.2.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF
9、_Toc176584013 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584014 8.2.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584014 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584015 8.2.3RRecordds PAGEREF _Toc176584015 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584016 8.3Coaating PAGEREF _Toc176584016 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584017 8.3.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584017 h 14
10、 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584018 8.3.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584018 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584019 8.3.3RRecordds PAGEREF _Toc176584019 h 15 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584020 9Otherrs PAGEREF _Toc176584020 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584021 9.1Verrificaation PAGEREF _Toc176584021 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584022 9.1
11、.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584022 h 16 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584023 9.1.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584023 h 17 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584024 9.2Insspectiion PAGEREF _Toc176584024 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584025 9.2.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584025 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584026 9.2.2
12、GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584026 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584027 9.3Annnex 3 Dry FFilm TThicknness MMeasurrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584027 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584028 9.3.1PPSPC RRequirrementts PAGEREF _Toc176584028 h 19 HYPERLINK l _Toc176584029 9.3.2GGuidannce PAGEREF _Toc176584029 h 19 HYPERLINK
13、l _Toc176584030 9.4Exaample Reporrting Formss PAGEREF _Toc176584030 h 21PrefaceeThe purrpose of thhis Guuideliine iss to pprovidde guiidancee for impleementaation of “Perfoormancce Staandardd for Proteectivee Coattings for ddedicaated sseawatter baallastt tankks in all ttypes of shhips aand doouble-
14、side skin spacees of bulk carriiers (hereiinafteer refferredd to aas “PSPC”)” refeerred in thhe ameendmennts too reguulatioons III-1/3-2 andd XII/6 of the IInternnationnal Coonventtion ffor thhe Saffety oof Liffe at Sea (SOLASS), 19974, aas ameended adoptted byy resoolutioon MSCC.216 (82).本指南旨在為進進行M
15、SC.216(882)會議通通過的SOLLAS第 III-1/33-2和 XII/6.條修正正案中所引入入的PSPCC所要求的執(zhí)行行提供指導(dǎo)。The terrms ussed inn thiss Guiddelinee havee the same meaniing ass thosse deffined in PSSPC.本指南中所引用用的術(shù)語與PPSPC中的的定義相同。These gguidellines are ddevelooped bbased on thhe currrent availlable and aapprovved tyypes oof paiints aand itt
16、 isrecogniised tthat nnew tyypes oof paiint maaybe ddevelooped iin thee futuure foor whiich alll theese reequireementss maynot be approopriatte. Itt is rrecognnised in thhese gguidellines but tthat aany deeviatiion frrom thhese rrequirrementts willlbe speccific to thhe paiint beeing aapprovved annd
17、forrm parrt of the ttestinng andd apprroved proceess too conffirm ttheircompliaance wwith tthe reequireementss of MMSC.2115(82) as aamendeed.本指南是基于目目前已被認可可的涂料系統(tǒng)所提出的的,這些要求求對于將來開開發(fā)出的新型型涂料系統(tǒng)可能并不不適用。任何何不是目前已已被認可的涂涂料系統(tǒng)的其它涂料系統(tǒng),需經(jīng)檢測試驗認可,以以證明該涂料系系統(tǒng)符合MSSC.215(882)提出的的要求。.Definittions For thee purppose oof th
18、iis Staandardd, thee folllowingg defiinitioons appply:下列定義適用于于本標準:2.1Balllast tankss are thosee as ddefineed in the gguidellines for tthe seelectiion, aappliccationn and mainttenancce of corroosion preveentionns sysstems of deedicatted seeawateer balllast tankss (ressolutiion A.7988(19) and tthe Guu
19、ideliines oon thee enhaanced progrram off insppectioons duuring surveeys off bulkk carrriers and ooil taankerss (A.7744(188), ass amennded)壓載艙 為A.798 (19) 和和A.7444(18) 決議所定義義的那些壓載載艙。2.2Deww poinnt is the ttemperraturee at wwhich air iis satturateed witth moiisturee.露點 為空氣所所含潮氣飽和和時的溫度。2.3DFTT is ddry
20、 fiilm thhickneess.DFT 為干膜膜厚度。2.4Dusst is loosee partticle matteer preesent on a surfaace prrepareed forr painnting, arissing ffrom bblast cleanning oor othher suurfacee prepparatiion prrocessses, oor ressultinng froom thee actiion off the envirronmennt.灰塵為呈現(xiàn)在準準備涂漆表面面上的松散的的顆粒性物質(zhì)質(zhì),是由于噴噴射清理或其其他表面處理理時產(chǎn)
21、生的,或或由于環(huán)境作作用產(chǎn)生的。2.5Edgge griindingg is tthe trreatmeent off edgee befoore seecondaary suurfacee prepparatiion.邊緣打磨 系指指二次表面處處理前對邊緣緣的處理。2.6“GOOOD” condditionn is tthe coonditiion wiith miinor sspot rrustinng as definned inn resoolutioon A.7744(188).“良好”狀況 系指A.7444 (188) 決議定定義的有少量量點銹的狀況況。2.7Harrd coaat
22、ing is a coatiing thhat chhemicaally cconverrts duuring its ccuringg proccess oor a nnon coonverttible air ddryingg coatting wwhich may bbe useed forr mainntenannce puurposees. CCan bee eithher innorgannic orr orgaanic.硬涂層系指在固固化過程中發(fā)發(fā)生化學(xué)變化化的涂層或非非化學(xué)變化、在在空氣中干燥燥的涂層。硬硬涂層可用于于維護目的,類類型是無機的的或有機的。2.8NDFFT is
23、the nnominaal dryy filmm thiccknesss. 900/10 ppractiice meeans tthat 990% off all thickkness measuuremennts shhall bbe greeater than or eqqual tto NDFFT andd nonee of tthe reemainiing 100% meaasuremments shalll be bbelow 0.9 xx NDFTT.NDFT為名義義干膜厚度。90/10規(guī)則的意義是指:所有測量點中90%的點的測量值應(yīng)大于或等于NDFT,余下10%的點的測量值均應(yīng)不
24、小于0.9NDFT2.9Priimer ccoat iis thee firsst coaat of the ccoatinng sysstem aapplieed in the sshipyaard affter sshop pprimerr appllicatiion.底漆 是指在鋼鋼材預(yù)處理線線涂裝車間底底漆后,在船廠(按建建造技術(shù)規(guī)格格書)規(guī)定的的涂層系統(tǒng)所涂涂裝的第一道道涂層。2.10Shhop-prrimer is thhe preefabriicatioon priimer ccoatinng appplied to stteel pplatess, oftten inn aut
25、oomaticc plannts (aand beefore the ffirst coat of a coatiing syystem).車間底漆 是指指鋼材預(yù)處理理時涂裝在鋼板表面面的底漆,通通常在自動化化車間(即:鋼材預(yù)處理理流水線)噴噴涂,(在規(guī)定的涂層系系統(tǒng)的第一道涂層層之前,即22.9項所定定義的底漆之之前)。2.11Sttripe coatiing iss painnting of eddges, weldss, harrd to reachh areaas, ettc., tto enssure ggood ppaint adhession aand prroper paint
26、t thiccknesss in ccriticcal arreas.預(yù)涂 是指對關(guān)關(guān)鍵區(qū)域,如如:邊緣、焊焊縫、不易噴噴涂區(qū)域等位位置的預(yù)先涂涂裝,以保證這些些區(qū)域良好的的涂層附著力和合適適的漆膜厚度。Target usefuul liffe is the ttargett valuue, inn yearrs, off the durabbilityy for whichh the coatiing syystem is deesigneed.目標使用壽命 為涂層系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)設(shè)計壽命的的目標值,以以年計。Techniccal Daata Shheet iis paiint maanufacctu
27、rerrs Prodduct DData SSheet whichh conttains detaiiled ttechniical iinstruuctionn and inforrmatioon rellevantt to tthe cooatingg and its aappliccationn.技術(shù)規(guī)格書是涂涂料生產(chǎn)商的的產(chǎn)品規(guī)格書書,包含與涂涂料及其涂裝裝有關(guān)的詳細細技術(shù)性說明明和資料。Applicaation (SOLAAS vs IACS)The Perrformaance SStandaard foor Prootectiive Cooatingg (PSPPC), mmade
28、 mmandattory bby SOLLAS III-1, AA-1, RReg. 33-2, wwas addoptedd by tthe IMMO Marritimee Safeety Coommitttee (MMSC 822) in Istannbul, 8 Deccemberr 20066. PSPC標準已已在20066年12月8日 的MSC822次會議上通通過 ,并引入 SSOLAS第第II-1 章A-1部分第第3-2條要求求強制執(zhí)行。For SOLLAS thhe dattes off entrry intto forrce arre:SOLAS強制制生效時間:For shii
29、ps off not less than 500 ggross tonnaage: 適用于不小于5500總噸的的船舶:1. foor whiich thhe buiildingg conttract is pllaced on orr afteer 1 JJuly 22008, or2008年7月月1日或以后簽簽訂建造合同的船船舶;或2. inn the absennce off a buuildinng conntractt, thee keells of whichh are laid or whhich aare att a siimilarr stagge of connstrucct
30、ion on orr afteer 1 JJanuarry 20009, orr無建造合同,在在2009年1月1日或以后鋪龍骨或處于于類似建造階階段的船舶;或3. thhe delliveryy of wwhich is onn or aafter 1 Jully 20112.于2012年77月1日或以以后交船的船船舶。The coaating appliicatioon (inncludiing stteel ssurfacce preeparattion eetc) sshall be inn conjjunctiion wiith:涂裝施工(包括括鋼材表面處處理等)應(yīng)滿滿足如下要求求:C
31、oatingg systtem appprovaal: 涂層系統(tǒng)的認可可:Statemeent off comppliancce or Type Approoval iissuedd by aa thirrd parrty第三方提供的合合格證明或型式式認可證書Coatingg insppectioon: 涂裝檢驗To be ccarrieed outt by qqualiffied ccoatinng insspectoors ceertifiied too NACEE Coatting IInspecction levell 2 orr FROSSIO Innspecttor leevel
32、IIII orr equiivalennt, duuring coatiing prrocesss, to ensurre commpliannce wiith thhe Staandardd. Insspectiion reesultss to bbe inccludedd in tthe Cooatingg Techhnicall Filee. 為保證符合本標標準,在涂層層過程中下列列事項應(yīng)由具具有NACEE檢查員2級或者FROOSIO檢查查員III級資格或同等等資格的涂裝裝檢查人員完完成。檢查結(jié)果將將包含在涂層層技術(shù)文件中中。Verificcationn:驗證To be ccarriee
33、d outt by tthe Addminisstratiion orr recoognizeed orgganizaation, conssistinng of:應(yīng)由主管機關(guān)或或主管機關(guān)認認可的組織進進行下列各項項工作:a. reviiewingg the Coatiing Teechniccal Fiile審核涂層技術(shù)文文件b. checcking the TTechniical DData SSheet and CCoatinng sysstem aapprovval核查技術(shù)規(guī)格書書和涂層系統(tǒng)統(tǒng)型式認可證證書c. checcking the ccoatinng ideentifiicat
34、ioon on repreesentaative contaainerss核查代表性包裝裝桶上的涂料料標識與技術(shù)術(shù)規(guī)格書和符符合證明或型型式認可證書書標識的涂料料一致;d. checcking that the ccoatinng insspectoors arre quaalifieed andd checck theeir reeportss核查檢查員的資資質(zhì)并核查檢檢查員關(guān)于表表面處理和涂涂層的涂裝報報告e. moniitor iimplemmentattion oof thee coatting iinspecction requiiremennts.監(jiān)督涂層檢查要要求的執(zhí)行For I
35、ACCS thee datees of entryy intoo forcce aree:IACS強制生生效時間For shiips cooveredd by tthe IAACS Coommon Struccturall Rulees (CSSR), PPSPC aappliees Ballastt tankks of Doublle hulll oill tankkers wwith LL150 mm and Ballastt tankks of bulk carriiers wwith LL 90 m, Double skin void spacees bullk carrrierss
36、L150m the staandardd was appliied byy IACSS afteer adooptionn by MMSC 822 on 88 Decemmber 22006, as deecidedd by tthe IAACS Coouncill. IACS的共同同規(guī)范中,要要求20066年12月88日 之日及及以后簽訂建建造合同的船船長為90mm以上散貨船船,150mm以上油船壓壓載水艙,和和長為1500米以上的散散貨船雙舷側(cè)側(cè)處所,必須須符合IMOO的涂層標準準。For uniiform handlling oof CSRR untiil 1 JJuly 22008,
37、IACS has aadopteed a PProceddural Requiiremennt (PRR No. 34) ccoveriing guuideliines aand prroceduures ffor:IACS發(fā)布了了(PR NNo. 344)程序要求求 Tyype Appprovaal of coatiings涂層系統(tǒng)型式認認可程序 Asssessmment oof coaating inspeectorss quallificaationss Addminisstratiions engaagemennt in inspeectionn procceduree agreeem
38、enttVerrificaation of appplicaation of thhe PSPPC Reeview of Cooatingg Techhnicall Filee.檢驗員資格評估估認可程序主管機關(guān)關(guān)于檢檢驗協(xié)議程序序驗證PSPC應(yīng)應(yīng)用情況程序序涂層技術(shù)文件審審查程序Generall Prinnciplee for InspeectionnThe objjectivve of the ccoatinng insspectiion iss to eensuree thatt the requiired mminimuum levvel annd quaality of prrotec
39、ttive ccoatinngs byy PSPCC is aadequaately appliied.涂層檢查的目的的是保證保護護涂層的質(zhì)量量標準滿足PPSPC的最最低要求It is rrecognnized that in prracticce it is allmost imposssiblee to oobtainn a peerfectt coatting tthat hhas noo smalll impperfecctionss, eveen witth thee bestt execcutionn of tthis sstandaard. SSuch pperfecct coa
40、ating may oonly bbe posssiblee undeer labboratoory coonditiions. With this in miind innspecttors sshouldd havee a coommon underrstandding oof whaat is the aaccepttable minimmum leevel oof quaality of prrotecttive ccoatinngs inntendeed by the aappliccationn of tthis sstandaard.應(yīng)該清楚的是,實實際的涂裝施施工做到一點點缺陷
41、沒有是是不可能的,應(yīng)應(yīng)是盡可能的的實施該標準準。完美的涂涂層僅可以在在實驗室條件件下實現(xiàn)。基基于此,檢驗驗員應(yīng)知道該該標準在實施施過程中的最最低可接受標標準,確保該該標準的實施施。For exaample, the checkk poinnts foor DFTT meassuremeents ffor thhe juddgmentt of 990/10 rule are cclearlly inddicateed in annexx 3 off PSPCC, butt thiss cannnot guuaranttee thhat 900/10 rrule iis perrfectlly a
42、chhievedd for the eentiree surfface. The commoon undderstaandingg is tthat ssuch aa samppling methood is enouggh forr makiing thhe juddgmentt, andd if tthe saample measuuremennts doo not satissfy thhe criiteriaa, addditionnal sppot chhecks shoulld be takenn for any aarea cconsiddered necesssary by t
43、hhe coaating inspeector.例如,PSPCC標準附件3中已經(jīng)明確確描述了900/10規(guī)則則干膜厚度測測量取點方法法,但還不能能保證90/10規(guī)則完完全適應(yīng)全部部的表面。統(tǒng)統(tǒng)一的理解是是這種取樣方方法已經(jīng)可以以進行判斷,如如果有這種取取樣測量方法法不能滿足標標準的要求的的地方,檢查查員可以在認認為需要的區(qū)區(qū)域增加測量量點。Unless expreessly proviided ootherwwise iin PSPPC (foor exaample annexx III) aand thhis Guuideliine, iinspecction by saamplinng a
44、ndd stattisticcal meethod shoulld be adoptted too the extennt neccessarry forr makiing prracticcal juudgmennt. Thhis meeans tthat tthe exxtent of innspecttion ccould vary, depeendingg on tthe quualityy conttrol oof shiipyardds, too ensuure thhat thhe reqquiredd miniimum llevel and qqualitty is achie
45、eved.除了在PSPCC標準和指南中中已明確的部部分外,可采采用取樣檢測測和統(tǒng)計的方方法做出涂層層質(zhì)量的判斷斷,這意味著著檢查的程度度是各式各樣樣的,依靠船船廠的質(zhì)量控控制來保證達達到PSPCC標準要求的最最低質(zhì)量標準準。Qualifiicatioons資質(zhì)Coatingg Insppectorrs涂層檢查人員PSPC ReequireementssPSPC 要求求(1)Bassic reequireementss3GENERRAL PRRINCIPPLES3.2Insspectiion off surfface ppreparrationn and coatiing prrocessses
46、 shhall bbe agrreed uupon bbetweeen thee shippownerr, thee shippyard and tthe cooatingg manuufactuurer aand prresentted too the Adminnistraation for rrevieww. Thhe Admministtratioon mayy, if it soo requuires, partticipaate inn the agreeement proceess. Clearr eviddence of thhese iinspecctionss shalll
47、 be reporrted aand bee inclluded in thhe Coaating Technnical File (CTF) (seee paraagraphh 3.4).表面處理和涂裝裝過程的檢驗驗應(yīng)該由船東東、船廠和涂涂料生產(chǎn)商達達成一致,并并提交給主管管機關(guān)審查。如如有要求,主主管機關(guān)可參參與到協(xié)議過過程中。應(yīng)報報告這些檢驗驗的明確證據(jù)據(jù)并包括在涂涂層技術(shù)文件件中(CTFF)(見第3.4段)6COATIING INNSPECTTION RREQUIRREMENTTS6.1Genneral6.1.1TTo enssure ccompliiance with this St
48、anddard, the ffollowwing sshall be caarriedd out by thhe quaalifieed coaating inspeectorss certtifiedd to NNACE CCoatinng Insspectoor Levvel 2, FROSSIO Innspecttor Leevel IIII orr equiivalennt as veriffied bby thee Admiinistrrationn. 為保證符符合本標準,下下列事項應(yīng)由由具有NACCE檢查員2級、FROSSIO檢查員員III級資格或主管管機關(guān)承認的的同等資格的的涂層
49、檢查人人員完成。6.1.2CCoatinng insspectoors shhall iinspecct surrface prepaaratioon andd coatting aappliccationn duriing thhe coaating proceess byy carrrying out, as a minimmum, tthose inspeectionn itemms ideentifiied inn secttion 66.2 too ensuure coompliaance wwith tthis SStandaard. Empphasiss shalll be pl
50、aceed on initiiationn of eeach sstage of suurfacee prepparatiion annd coaatingss appllicatiion ass imprroper work is exxtremeely diifficuult too corrrect llater in thhe coaating progrress. Reprresenttativee struucturaal memmbers shalll be nnon-deestrucctivelly exaaminedd for coatiing thhickneess. Th
51、e iinspecctor sshall veriffy thaat apppropriiate ccollecctive measuures hhave bbeen ccarrieed outt. 涂裝檢查查人員應(yīng)檢查查整個涂裝過過程的表面處處理和涂裝施施工,做為最最低要求,應(yīng)應(yīng)至少進行第第6.2節(jié)中中的檢查項目目,保證符合合本標準。檢檢查重點應(yīng)放放在表面處理理和涂裝施工工各階段的起起始,因為不不恰當?shù)墓ぷ髯髟谝院蟮耐客垦b過程中很很難糾正。應(yīng)應(yīng)采用非破壞壞性的方法檢檢查主要結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)件的涂層厚厚度。檢查員員應(yīng)保證正確確執(zhí)行全部的檢驗過過程。6.1.3RResultts froom thee in
52、sppectioon shaall bee recoorded by thhe insspectoor andd shalll be incluuded iin thee CTF (refeer to annexx 2, EExamplle of Dailyy Log and NNon-coonformmity RReportt). 應(yīng)由檢查查人員記錄檢檢查結(jié)果,并并應(yīng)放入CTTF中(參考考附錄2 - 檢查日志志和不符合報報告的樣本)7VERIFFICATIION REEQUIREEMENTSS認證條件The folllowinng shaall bee carrried oout byy t
53、he Adminnistraation priorr to rreviewwing tthe Cooatingg Techhnicall Filee for the sship ssubjecct to this Perfoormancce Staandardd:.1checck thaat thee Techhnicall Dataa Sheeet andd Stattementt of CCompliiance or Tyype Appprovaal Cerrtificcate ccomplyy withh thiss Stanndard; 核查技術(shù)規(guī)格書書和符合證明明或型式認可可證書符合
54、本本涂層性能標標準;.2checck thaat thee coatting iidentiificattion oon reppresenntativve conntaineers iss conssistennt witth thee coatting iidentiified in thhe Tecchnicaal Datta Sheeet annd Staatemennt of Complliancee or TType AApprovval Ceertifiicate;核查代表性包裝裝桶上的涂料料標識與技術(shù)術(shù)規(guī)格書和符符合證明或型型式認可證書書標識的涂料一致; .3 cheeck t
55、hhat thhe insspectoor is qualiified in acccordaance wwith tthe quualifiicatioon staandardds in paraggraph 6.1.11 按第6.11.1段的資資質(zhì)標準核查查檢查員的資資質(zhì);.4checck thaat thee insppectorrs repports of suurfacee prepparatiion annd thee coattings appplicattion iindicaate coompliaance wwith tthe maanufaccturerrs Tecchn
56、icaal Datta Sheeet annd Staatemennt of Complliancee or TType AApprovval Ceertifiicate; and 核查檢查員員關(guān)于表面處處理和涂層的的檢驗報告,確確認符合涂料料商的技術(shù)規(guī)規(guī)格書和符合合證明或型式式認可證書一一致;.5 moniitor iimplemmentattion oof thee coatting iinspecction requiiremennts. 監(jiān)督涂層檢檢查要求的執(zhí)執(zhí)行。Guidancce-1 Thee choiice off coatting iinspecctors shouuld be
57、e partt of tthe innspecttion aagreemmentAny of the ppartiees invvolvedd in tthe innspecttion aagreemment hhave tthe riight tto reqquest for reeplaceement of thhe insspectoor whoo is ddeemedd unsuuitablle or unssatisffactorry. If the partiies too the agreeement consiider tthat ssuch aa requuest iis j
58、usstifieed, thhe insspectoor shaall bee repllaced as sooon ass convveniennt.涂層檢查員的選選擇應(yīng)該是檢檢查協(xié)議的一一部分。任何何在檢查協(xié)議議中的一方都都有權(quán)要求更更換在船舶建造的進程程中被認為不不適合或不理理想的檢查員。如如果協(xié)議各方方認為這樣的的要求是合理理的,檢查員員應(yīng)盡快更換換。-2If tthe cooatingg insppectorrs reqquire addittionall testt, meaasuremment aand innspecttion aabove the rrequirrementt
59、 of tthis ssectioon, the inspeector has tto havve cleear reeason but hhe hass the rightt to rrequirre addditionnal meeasureement.如果檢查員要求求 增加 本部分分要求以外的的試驗,測定定和檢驗,檢檢查員要有明明確的理由方方可進行。-3If tthe cooatingg insppectorrs requuires assisstancee fromm otheer perrsons to doo the part of thhe insspectiions uunde
60、r the ccoatinng insspectoors suppervission, thosee perssons sshall be too the coatiing innspecttors sattisfacction.如果檢查員需要要助手協(xié)助其其完成部分檢檢驗工作,助助手應(yīng)在檢查查員的監(jiān)督之之下并達到檢檢查員的滿意意Coatinggs 涂層Coatingg Systtems 涂層系統(tǒng)PSPC Reequireementss PSPCC需求(1)Bassic reequireementss 基本要求Table 11Basicc coatting ssystemm requuireme
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