已閱讀5頁,還剩24頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、門店銷售常用英語話術(shù)一、銷售流程式顧客走進(jìn)商店時,店員經(jīng)常一邊說May I help you?,一邊走近顧客。同義句:Can I help you?What can I do for you?How may I help you?顧客可能說:我想買件套裝。I”d like a suit.我在找一種包。I”m looking for a . bag.I”mlooking for a black, leatherbag. (我在找一種黑色的皮包。)店員可答復(fù):How”s this? (這個怎么樣?)假設(shè)顧客說:我只看看。I”m just looking. *沒有特別想買的意思。Just looki

2、ng.Just browsing.I don”t need any help.I”m just browsing.Nojust yet.店員可以答復(fù):您有什么需要幫助的盡管說。If you need any help, let me know.*這是店員對顧客常用的一種說法。顧客看中某樣?xùn)|西:這雙鞋真秀麗!These shoes are great!These shoes are wonderful. 這個多少錢?How much is this?How much does this cost?What does this cost?What is the price of this? How

3、much?*比較生硬的感覺。假設(shè)顧客要講價,會說: 太貴了!That”sexpensive!That”s expensive! (太貴了!) Howexpensive!That”s too much! (太貴了!)假設(shè)顧客覺得很劃算,直接想買:真廉價!That”s cheap!How cheap! (怎么這么廉價!)關(guān)于尺寸顏色的:這種襯衫有小號的嗎?Do you have this shirt in a small? Doyouhavethisshirtinasmall?Do you have this shirt in a smaller size?這種毛衣有紅色的嗎?Do you hav

4、e this sweater in red?店員要查庫存可以說:Let me check. (我給你找找。)顧客要試穿會說:我可以試穿嗎?May I try it on? *try on帽子、眼鏡)”。May I try it on? (我可以試試嗎?)店員應(yīng)答復(fù):Sure. Let me help you. (固然,我來幫你。)顧客會問:試衣間在哪兒?Where is the fitting room? Whereisthefittingroom?Where is the dressing room.店員指路:Right this way, ma”am. (請往這邊,女士。)顧客覺得尺寸不適

5、宜:我穿著太小。It”s too small for me.*其反意為It”stoobigforme.(我穿著太大。)It”s a little bit tight. (有點(diǎn)兒緊。)It”sloose.(有點(diǎn)兒松。)It”s long. (長了。) It”s short. (短了。)尺寸正適宜:這套衣服正適宜。This suit fits perfectly.This suit is perfect for me.這個真不錯。This is nice.Thisisgood.這個比較好。This is better. *用于進(jìn)展各種各樣的比較之后,還是這個比較好的狀況。店員可以供給另一件商品給顧

6、客選擇: Howdoyoulikeit?Thisis better. (這個比較好。)I like this better. That”smorelikeit.這條裙子和這件上衣挺配的,是吧?This skirt matches thisblouse, doesn”t it?Thisskirt matchesthis blouse,doesn”t it?上衣挺配的,是吧?)Yes, they look great together. (是的,看上去很配套。)This skirt and this blouse go together well.你覺得哪個好?Which is better?Wh

7、ichonedoyoulikebetter?Which one do you think is better?兩個我都想要。I want both of them.I want them both.Idon”twanteitherofthem.太艷了。It”s too flashy.It”s too flashy. (這件太艷了!)Wehaveamoreplainlookingone.It”s too gaudy.It”s too loud.老氣。It”s too plain. It”s too conservative.It”s too bland.顧客想改衣服時:您能給鎖邊嗎?Wouldy

8、ou hemit? *hem擺的縫邊”。Would you alter it?Would you shorten it?談價錢:多少錢?How much is it?Howmuchdoesitcost?Could you tell me how much it is? (您能告知我多少錢嗎?)直接拿走:我要這個。I”ll take this one. I”lltakethisone.All right, ma”am. (好的。)I”d like this one.I”dliketobuythisone.I”ll get this one.店員可以問:您用現(xiàn)金還是卡?Will that be c

9、ash or charge?Cash or charge?Will you be paying by cash or credit card?Would you like to pay by cash or charge?顧客可以說:現(xiàn)金。Cash, please.卡。Charge,please.我可以用VISA?Can I use VISA?Do you accept VISA?Do you take VISA?我可以分期付款嗎?Can I pay by installment payment?我可以付港元嗎?Can I pay in Hongkong dollar?Do you take

10、Hongkong dollar? Do you accept Hongkong dollar?最終包裝一下:請給包一下。Please wrap it.要收據(jù):Do you have a receipt? (您有收據(jù)嗎?)退換貨:我想退貨。I”d like to return this. I”dliketoreturnthis.您能給我換一下這個嗎?Could you exchange this, please?這兒有點(diǎn)兒臟。It”s got a stain. / It has a stain.可以退款嗎?Can I have a refund? *refund “退款”。I”dliketoge

11、ta refund,please. (我想退款。)I”dlikearefund, please.I”dlikemymoneyback,please.講價:能再廉價一些嗎?Would you give me a discount? Wouldyougivemeadiscount?Thisisadiscountprice.Can you make it cheaper?店員說不能再降價了:不滿足就算了。Take it or leave it. *多用于商業(yè)的買賣中,向?qū)Ψ奖硎尽熬瓦@價錢”、“任憑你”、“不中意就別買了”,或 “在出示的價格范圍內(nèi)您考慮買還是不買”,特別在商業(yè)談判中常用。Accept

12、 it or reject it.Be satisfied with it or get nothing.That”smyonly offer.That”smylast offer.That”smyfinal offer.二、銷售常用提問話術(shù)歡送光臨! Welcome!Hello, May I help you?Is it for you or for others?For boy or girl?他/How old is he/she?這邊有很多款,你自己可以選擇,看看有沒有自己寵愛的。It”s a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself,

13、 checkthese out, which is your favorite?請問想買TExcuse me, would you like T-shirtor jeans?Do you like this one? / How about this one?Do you like this design?What color do you like?我們有紅色、淺藍(lán)和白色。We have red, light blue and white!What about this color?What is your size?May I pick one that you can fit on?Yo

14、u can try it on!Is this size fit you? / Is this yoursize?The fitting-room is over there!Please follow me!This shirt can match your pants.This one looks good!Does it fit?它格外適合您。 It fits you very well.You look beautiful in.Queen-size is not stored now!明天下午能到。 It”savailable tomorrowafternoon.這款很受歡送。 Th

15、isdesign is popular.它很暢銷。 It sellslike hot cake.多少錢? How much is it? / Whats thedoes it cost?price? / HowmuchIts fifty-nine yuan.太貴了。 Its too expensive.純棉面料,穿起來舒適。 The material iscomfortable to wear.pure cotton.It”sThis material is good quality and holdsquite well.品質(zhì)優(yōu)良。 Quality is excellent/ superio

16、r/ very good/ fine.You will get what you pay for. / Its goodvalue for money.I can give you a 20% discount.48Its price is fourty-eight after rebate.不用謝。這是我的職責(zé)It”s mypleasure.歡送下次光臨。Welcome nexttime!尺寸size面料material款式design價格price打折discount可得的,有用的available三、模擬銷售,顧客買鞋子賣家: Hello, how may I help you? 買家:

17、 Hi, I”m looking for a pair of men”s shoes for myhusband.你好,我買一雙男鞋給我先生。賣家: What do you think of this pair? I have these in browntoo, would you like to have a look?您覺得這雙怎么樣? 這雙我也有咖啡色的。買家: Are they real cowhide?這鞋是真牛皮的嗎?賣家: Yes, they are 100% genuine cowhide. These shoes havenewly arrived for the comi

18、ng season.100%牛皮做的,而且這雙鞋是剛進(jìn)店本季最流行的一款。買家: Could you please get me a pair of size 41 in brownplease.41Of course!固然可以!買家: How much are they?多少錢啊?賣家: Well, I don”t usually give discounts on newly arrivedshoes, however, you seem to really like these shoes and youreally want to buy them for your husband,

19、I”ll give you 10%off the original price.我們店里進(jìn)的貨一般是不打折的,但是既然您看上去是挺寵愛這鞋的,而且真想買給您先生,我們今日就給您打九折吧!買家: That”s wonderful, thank you very much!那太好了,謝謝!四、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)服裝術(shù)語詞匯1、 綜合類服飾 apparel and accessories:衣著。裝飾和保護(hù)人體的物品總稱,包括服裝、帽子、圍巾、領(lǐng)帶、手套、襪子等。服裝 apparel;garments;clothes:衣服、衣裳。穿于人體起保護(hù)和裝飾作用的制品。時裝 fashion:在肯定時間、地域內(nèi),為一大局部人

20、所承受的款流行服裝。成衣 ready-to-wear tailormade中式服裝 Chinese costume西式服裝 Western costume民族服裝 ethnic costume 上裝 tops下裝 bottoms套裝 suits連身裝 cover all內(nèi)衣 underwear 外衣 outerwear男裝 Young Men”s wear:適合于成年男子穿著的服裝。女裝 Misses” wear少男服裝 boy”s clothes 少女服裝 girl”s clothes children”swearinfant”s wear24穿著的服裝。功能性服裝onfunctional

21、garments職業(yè)服 work wear防護(hù)服 protective work wear運(yùn)動服 sportswear:適合于運(yùn)動時穿著的服裝,又稱為運(yùn)動裝,如登山服、滑雪服等。休閑服 casual wear:人們在閑暇生活中從事各種活動所穿的服裝。與運(yùn)動服有相當(dāng)大比例的重合局部。禮服 formal wear舞臺服 stage costume 家居服 dressing gown maternitydress針織服裝 knitted garmentswoven garments:又稱為梭織服裝。woollen garments棉類服裝 cotton garments麻類服裝 bast garme

22、nts silk garments化纖類服裝 synthetic-made garmentsfur garments皮革服裝 leather gamrnets人造毛皮服裝 fake fur garments 人造革服裝 fake leather garmentsjeans wear防寒服 cold protective clothingpadded garments羽絨服裝 down wear2 服裝成品西服 tailored suit中山裝 Zhongshan Zhuangmilitary jacket青年裝 young men”s jacketjacket獵裝 safari jacket襯

23、衫 shirt男;blouses女Chinese and Western-style coatChinese style coat背心 vest:又稱“馬甲”,僅有前后衣身的無袖上衣。文胸 brassieredress旗袍裙 Qipao style skirt斜裙 A-line skirt喇叭裙 flare skirt超短裙 miniskirt 褶裙 pleated skirt節(jié)裙 tiered skirt筒裙 straight skirt tailoredskirt西褲 tailored trouserstailored shorts中式褲 Chinese style slackoveral

24、l馬褲 riding breeches 燈籠褲 knickerbockers裙褲 culottes牛仔褲 jeans連衣褲 jumpsuit喇叭褲 bell-bottom trousers棉褲 padded pantsdown pants minishorts雨褲 rain-proof pants內(nèi)褲 underpants三角褲 briefs沙灘褲 beach shortsbikini:也稱為“三點(diǎn)式游泳衣”。泳裝 swimming wear緊身服 body fitting garmentsall-weather coat風(fēng)衣 trench coat雨衣 raincoat披風(fēng) cape:無袖,

25、披在肩上的防風(fēng)外衣。斗篷 mantle:有帽子的披風(fēng)。外套 overcoat旗袍 Qipao睡衣套 pyjamas睡袍 nightgown娘禮服 wedding gown晚禮服 evening wear morning coat3上裝部位前身 front肩縫 shoulder seam領(lǐng)嘴 collar notch門襟 closure:鎖眼的衣片。里underfly:釘扣的衣片。門front edgeplacket:外翻的門襟邊。front cut搭門 overlap扣眼 buttonhole眼距 buttonhole spacing假眼 mock button hole滾眼 button l

26、oop:用面料做的扣眼。buttonplacement:鈕扣的位置。single breasted雙排扣 double breasted駁頭 lapel平駁頭 notch lapelpeak lapel 駁口 roll line串口 gorge下盤頭 stand collar head armhole:又稱為袖孔。袖山 sleeve top袖口 cuff襯衫袖口 shirt sleeve cuffelastic cuff羅紋袖口 rib cuff胸部 chest腰節(jié) waist line擺縫 side seam底邊 hem前后披肩 shoulder piecefront yoke領(lǐng)省 neck

27、line dart前肩省 bust dart 脅省 pocket dart前腰省 front waist dart橫省 side dart肚省 fish dart前身通省 front open dartprincess seam后身 back總肩 across back shoulderback yoke背縫 center back seam背叉 vent擺叉 side vent后領(lǐng)省backneck dart后肩省后領(lǐng)省backneck dart后肩省backshoulder dart后腰省backwaist dart后身通省 back open darttops parts領(lǐng) collar

28、立領(lǐng) stand collar翻折領(lǐng) fold-over collarcollarstand。又稱為領(lǐng)座。翻領(lǐng) lapel領(lǐng)上口 roll collar領(lǐng)下口 collar neckline 領(lǐng)里口 collar stand linestyle linecollar notch Ulstercollar中山服領(lǐng) Zhongshan collarmandarin collar襯衫領(lǐng) shirt collar兩用領(lǐng) convertible collar尖領(lǐng) V-neck圓領(lǐng) crew neck squareneck青果領(lǐng) shawl collarwing collar荷葉邊領(lǐng) ruffled co

29、llarsailor collar扎結(jié)領(lǐng) tie collar圓形領(lǐng)口 round neckline 方形領(lǐng)口 square necklineVV-neckline一字形領(lǐng)口 boat neckline雞心領(lǐng)領(lǐng)口 sweetheart neckline袖 sleevecuffbutton:又稱為袖卡夫。folding cuff袖叉 sleeve vent袖叉條 sleeve placket大袖 top sleeve:衣袖的大片。小undersleeve:衣袖的小片。袖sleeve center line前袖縫 inseam后袖縫 elbow seam sleeve line shirtslee

30、ve圓袖 set-in sleeve:在臂根圍與衣身接合的袖型。連袖 kimono sleeve:衣袖相連,有中縫的袖型。連raglan sleeve:又稱為插肩袖。raglan sleeve with center seam:中間有縫的圓袖,又稱為連肩袖。喇叭袖 flare sleevepuff sleeve蝙蝠袖 batwing sleeve泡泡袖 bishop sleevepetal sleeve口袋 pocket插袋 vertical pocket貼袋 patch pocket開袋 slit pocket雙嵌線袋 double jet pocketsinglejetpocketcard

31、pocket:放名片、卡片的小袋。breast pocketwelt pocket:裝有袋爿的開袋。glasses pocket里袋 inside pocketsaw-tooth edge trimmed inside pocket:又稱為三角形里袋。有蓋貼袋 flapped patch pocketpatch pocket with topstitched box pleat吊袋 Zhongshan Zhuang pocket:又稱為老虎袋。風(fēng)琴袋 bellow pocketpatch pocket with inverted pleatpatch pocket with box pleat

32、小部件 small parts領(lǐng)袢 collar tab 吊袢 hangtag loop 肩袢 epaulet腰袢 waist tab 下擺袢 bottom tab袖袢 sleeve tab腳口袢 leg opening tab線袢 French tack掛面 facing:又稱為貼邊。耳朵皮 flange:在前身里與掛面處拼接做里袋的一塊面料。滾邊 bias strip壓條 band腰帶 waistbandtuck:衣服上有規(guī)章的裝飾褶。袋蓋 pocket flap襯布 interlining前身襯 front interlining駁頭襯 lapel interlining胸襯 chest

33、 interlininginterlining under the waist line領(lǐng)襯 collar interlining肩頭襯 domette幫胸襯 bias strip袋角襯 pocket reinforcement patchhem interlining袖頭襯 cuff interlining掛面襯 front facing interlining腰頭襯 waist band interlining patch stay牽條 tape下裝部位 bottoms橫襠 crotch:上襠下部最寬的部位。上襠 crotch depth:腰頭上口至橫襠間的部位,又稱為直襠。中襠 knee

34、:一般為褲腳口至臀圍線的二分之一處的部位。creas press leg opening 褲卷腳 turn-up cuffhem側(cè)縫 side seam腰縫 waistband seaminseam小襠縫 front crotch seam前襠縫 front crotch seamback crotch seam 腰頭 waistband top腰頭上口 upper side of waistband腰里 waistband lining褲裙腰省 waist dart褲裙pleat下裝部件 bottoms parts側(cè)縫直袋 side pocket slant pocket cross poc

35、ket 表袋 watch pocket后袋 hip pocket過腰 waistband膝蓋綢 knee kickerheel stay門襟 fly facing:位于褲、裙開合處,用以鎖眼或裝一側(cè)拉鏈的部件。里襟 fly shield:位于褲、裙開合處,用以釘鈕扣或裝一側(cè)拉鏈的部件。button tab at fly shieldfront crotch stay:小檔部位的里布。大襠底 back crotch stay:后襠部位的里布。過橋 trouser curtain:里襟里布延長的條狀部件,用以掩蓋十字襠縫。串帶 belt-looptrouser curtain:遮蓋腰頭襯布的里布。

36、袋布 pocket bagpocket mouth stay:袋口處墊在袋布上的條料。4 服裝設(shè)計款式 style:服裝的式樣。silhouette:服裝的外形輪廓。構(gòu)造 garment construction根底線 basic line:構(gòu)造制圖過程中使用的縱向和橫向的根底線條。輪廓線 outline:構(gòu)成成型服裝或服裝部件的外部造型的線條。構(gòu)造線 construction line:服裝圖樣上,表示服裝部件裁剪、縫紉構(gòu)造變化的線條。效果圖 fashion drawingworking sketchcutting illustration:又稱為裁剪圖。sketch map呈現(xiàn)圖 flat

37、 patternmakingdetail sketch5 服裝工藝操作檢查原輔料 material inspection驗(yàn)色差 colour shade inspection查疵點(diǎn) inspection for defect inspection for spot分幅寬 fabrics width grouping 查襯布色澤 checking interlininginspection for skewness復(fù)米 roll length audit:復(fù)查每匹原、輔料的長度physical and chemical test裁剪 cutting燙原輔料 wrinkle removal自然回縮

38、 fabric relaxing排料 layout計算機(jī)裁剪 computer aided cutting服裝CAM clothing computer-aided manufacturing服裝CAD computer-aided garment design鋪料 spreading劃樣 marking:用樣板或漏劃按不同規(guī)格在原料上劃出衣片裁剪線條。版樣 pattern:記錄服裝構(gòu)造圖及相關(guān)技術(shù)規(guī)定縫份、布紋方向、對位點(diǎn)、規(guī)格等的紙板的統(tǒng)稱。紙樣 paper pattern:軟質(zhì)紙的版樣。板樣 pasteboard pattern:硬質(zhì)紙的版樣,亦稱樣板。布樣 cloth pattern:

39、布質(zhì)的版樣、立裁中產(chǎn)生的版樣。marker audit裁剪 cutting drilling打刀口 notching:又稱為打剪口。分片 identifying and bundling:裁片分開整理。打粉印 chalking:用粉片在裁片上做出縫制標(biāo)記。編號 numbering:裁好的衣片按挨次編上號碼。查裁片刀口 checking notchesassigning sundries釘標(biāo)簽 attaching label:將有挨次號的標(biāo)簽釘在衣片上。驗(yàn)片 cut piece inspection織補(bǔ) darning換片 changing defective piecespunching co

40、llar interliningpunching cuff interliningsewing節(jié)選trimmingpieces打線丁 making tailor”s tack環(huán)縫 overcasting stitches sewing darts燙省縫 pressing dart open歸拔前片 blocking front piece燙襯 pressing interlining粘襯 pressing interfacing敷袖窿牽條 taping armholejoining side seam倒鉤袖窿 back-stitching armholejoining shoulder sea

41、m分燙肩縫 pressing open shoulder seam绱袖 setting in sleeveslip-stitching collar to garmentsblind stitching hem定眼位 marking button positioncutting buttonhole绱袋 attaching pocket to garment粘襯 fusing interlining绱過肩 setting back yoketop stitching绱袖頭 attaching cuff to sleevemarking button position 釘扣 sewing but

42、ton絎棉 quilting釘扣袢 sewing button loop釘領(lǐng)鉤袢 attaching hook and eye鑲邊 making bias binding as a decorative trimattaching zipper绱門袢 attaching fly facingattaching fly shield绱腰頭 sewing on waistbandtacking loops to waistband绱雨水布 attaching trouser curtain joining inseam合前后縫 joining crotch封小襠 bartacking front

43、crotch花繃十字縫 cross-stitching crotchfolding and pressing heel staygatheringforming and stitching flat pleatsmaking French tack針距 stitch size spacing縫型 seam types包縫 overlock stitch 明包縫 flat felled seamwelt seam來去縫 French seam分縫 open seam坐倒縫 plain seamlap seam分緝縫 double top-stitched seamtop-stitched lap

44、ped seamself-bound seam with sink stitch,又稱灌縫。top-stitched open seam6、各類針法 kinds of stitch撩針 running stitch扌寨針 baste stitch 暗纟喬針 blind stitch明纟喬針 slant stitchback stitch倒回針 back stitch絎針 quilting鎖針 buttonhole stitchbar tack7、服裝成品缺陷領(lǐng)部位缺陷 defects in collar領(lǐng)外口松 collar outer edge too loose領(lǐng)外口緊 collar ou

45、ter edge too tighttop collar too tight領(lǐng)面松 top collar too loose collar band too long領(lǐng)里縮進(jìn) collar band too shortunmatched collar底領(lǐng)起皺起綹 crimpy collar banduneven necklinecircular wrinkle below back necklinetop collar uncover collar band起泡 crimpy top collar駁頭外口送 lapel outer edge too loose駁頭外口緊 lapel outer

46、 edge too tightlapel sticking up駁頭起皺 puckering lapel 駁口不直 uneven breakline 串口不直 uneven gorge linetight neckline領(lǐng)離脖 loose neckline衣片部位缺陷 defects in piecesuneven hemcrossed vent 背叉豁 unmeet vent backdefect肩縫不順直 shoulder seam defect綹肩 puckering on shoulder塌肩 sloping shoulders后身吊 bodice back too short塌胸

47、hollow chest省尖起泡 dart bubble腰脅不平服 wrong waist shaping袋部位缺陷 defects in pocketflap sticking up袋蓋止口反吐 unfavoring flap袋蓋不順直 uneven flap edge袋口角不平 bound pocket defect 袋口裂 unmeet bound pocket mouthpocket mouth defectpocket or flap out graindeformed pocket門襟部位缺陷 defects in closureunfavoring front edge fron

48、t edge defect 止口反翹 front edge sticking upuneven front edge止口攪 crossed front edgeunmeet front edge 绱拉鏈起綹 uneven zipper門里襟長短 unmatched front flydefects in sleevesleeve inseam swing out sleeve hangs forward swingsleeve hangs back swing绱袖不圓順 uneven armholesleeve defect袖口起綹 uneven sleeve openingtwist sle

49、eve lining裉窩起綹 wrinkle lower armholetight lower armhole褲腰部位缺陷 defects in waist of pantswaistband extansion腰縫起皺 uneven waist seam腰縫下口涌 unmatched waist line褲襠部位缺陷 defects in crotch夾襠 tight crotch兜襠 short crotch baggyseatthread breakage at crotch seamwrinkle front crotch里襟起皺 wrinkle fly shieldthread br

50、eakage at front crotchuneven fly facing下襠十字縫錯位 unmatched crotch crossunfavoring fly facingdefects in bodyofpants and skirt燙跡線外撇 creasing of leg curvetosideseam燙跡線內(nèi)撇 creasing of leg curveunbalanced legs吊腳 uneven legtoinseam褲下口不齊 uneven leg hem褲腳不對稱 unsymmetrical legunmeet pleat裙身吊 hem pull up and sta

51、nd awayuneven skirt flareuneven skirt hem線路 seam緝線上炕 sewing bow 緝線下炕 sewing bow staggedseam絎棉起綹 uneven quilting 緝線跳針 skipped stitches浮線 floating戳毛 damage to fabric眼皮 eyelid針孔 loops on the underside毛 loops on the top脫 thread breakage 漏 missing stitches線頭 thread end整燙 pressing waterspot亮光 pressing mark污跡 spot燙黃 overpre


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