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1、 HYPERLINK 更多企業(yè)學(xué)院: 中小企業(yè)管理理全能版183套講座+897000份資料總經(jīng)理、高層層管理49套講座+116388份份資料中層管理學(xué)院院46套講座+66020份資料國學(xué)智慧、易易經(jīng)46套講座人力資源學(xué)院院56套講座+227123份份資料各階段員工培培訓(xùn)學(xué)院77套講座+ 324份資料員工管理企業(yè)業(yè)學(xué)院67套講座+ 8720份份資料工廠生產(chǎn)管理理學(xué)院52套講座+ 139200份資料財(cái)務(wù)管理學(xué)院院53套講座+ 179455份資料銷售經(jīng)理學(xué)院院56套講座+ 143500份資料銷售人員培訓(xùn)訓(xùn)學(xué)院72套講座+ 4879份份資料IntroduuctionnTricol plc aa com

2、ppany wwho maakes aa rangge of furniiture and kkitcheenwaree. Andd one of itts mosst poppular produucts iis thee Zuppeer expaandablle tabble.The purrpose of wrritingg thiss repoort iss to ddo thee variiance analyysis, projeect evvaluattion aand too comppare tthe buudget and aactuall dataa by uusing

3、the ttechniique.FindinggsPart A Possiblle Reaason ffor Vaariancces1. MateerialDirect Materrial Totaal - 2,4000 F maade upp:Direct Materrial UUsage 200000 F (Level of siignifiicancee usagee/totaal buddgetedd Mateerial costss = 8,000/664,0000 = 122.5% 3%, shoould bbe revviewedd) 2000 kgg lesss mateeri

4、alss are used than budgeeted ffor thhe acttual llevel of prroducttion. Possiible rreasonn may be ussing tthe hiigher-gradee mateerial with less wastaage. OOr thee new machiinery use lless mmateriials aand inncurs less wstagge.Direct Materrial PPrice 5,6000 A (5,600/64,0000=8.775% 33%)It is 1 perr kg

5、 mmore eexpenssive tthan pplanneedPossiblle reaason:New matteriall suppplier does not ggive ddiscouunts ffor maateriaals.Hither-gradee mateerialss havee beenn usedd whicch is more expennsive.2. LaboourDirect Labouur Tottal - 6,4000A Direct Labouur Ratte 3,5200A(3,520/28,8000=12.2%3%)On averrage, the

6、 aactuall laboour raate iss 1/houur higgher tthan bbudgettedPossiblle reaason:The wagge setttlemeent iss highher thhan exxpecteedThe neww machhine rrequirres trraininngs soo thatt overrtime requiired mmore tthan eexpectted.Direct labouur Effficienncy - 2000 A3%)4.16%Actuallly, moore thhan 2000 labbo

7、ur hhours have been used than budgeeted. Possibble reeason:New macchinerry reqquiress moree hourrs forr traiining.Human rresourrce isssues the skillled opperatiives iis nott enouugh.3Totall Overrhead - 600 FF Rate iss 4.700%Unprediicted increease iin inssurancce andd Admiinistrrationn costtsPossibll

8、e reaason:New macchinerry briings mmore eexpenssive iinsuraance, higheer maiintenaance aand addditioonal aadminiistrattive ccosts.Part B 1. Key assummptionns madde: There iis no taxattion aand innflatiion.Assumedd thatt therre is no vaary giiven rreturnn markket raate.The tottal coost off the projee

9、ct wiill bee payaable aat thee starrtThe exppectedd reveenue ffrom tthe innvestmment thiss is tthe exxpecteed Nett Cashh Floww afteer dedductioon of all rrelevaant coosts2. PaybbackPaybackk in tthis ccase iis 4.1125 yeears (totall inveestmennt-retturn pperiodd is ffive yyears). So the ccompanny cann

10、 get back the iinvesttment.The Nett Pressent VValue is - 64,8800. IIt inddicatees thaat thee projject ddoes nnot apppear to bee finaanciallly viiable.ConclussionPart B This prrojectt is aavailaable bbecausse thee paybback iis 4.1125yeaars.But thee Net Preseent Vaalue (NPV) is neegativve. Soo the pro

11、jeect iss not availlable.Howeverr, we shoulld usee the coonclussion oof thee Net Preesent Valuee becaause tthe Neet Preesent Valuee (NPVV) connsiderred thhe timme vallue off moneey. RecommeendatiionsPart ARecommeendatiions ffor maanagemment aactionn: All thee variiancess shouuld bee anallysis becauu

12、se alll of them are aabove 3%, tthe leevel oof siggnificcance.Particuularlyy, thee direect laabour variaances need furthher innvestiigatioon why is thhe commpany payinng a hhigherr wagee ratee but the llabourr prodductivvity iis lowwer thhan pllannedd.Part BTo conssider the eeffectt of tthe neew fac

13、cilitiies onn comppanys ownn stafff in tterms of emmploymment aand reedeplooymentt oppoortuniities.To conssider any cchangees in any oother areass, likke soccial, polittical, econnomic, legaal andd techhnologgical factoors.Whetherr it iis posssiblee for the ccompanny to raisee the suffiicientt fundd

14、s to cconsidder iff the curreent caash fllow poositioon cann suppport ssuch aan invvestmeent.AppendiixPart A1.Tablee 1 Trricol plc FFlexedd Budgget foor JunneTricol plc FFlexedd Budgget Foor JunneFixed BBudgett2,000 uunitsFlexed Budgeet1,600 uunitsActual 1,600 uunitsVariancceA/FDirect Materrial10*4*

15、2,000=80,00010*4*1,600=64,00061,6002,400FDirect Laborr2*9*2,0000=36,0002*9*1,6600=28,80035,2006,400AVariablle Prooductiion Ovverheaads2*2,0000=4,0002*1,6000=3,2003,2000Insurannce coosts2,2002,2002,400200ADepreciiationn1,5001,5001,5000Rent annd Rattes2,5002,5002,5000Adminisstratiion Ovverheaads2,0002

16、,0002,200200AFixed OOverheeads8,2008,2008,600400 ATotal128,2000104,2000108,60004,400A2. Furtther VVariannce AnnalysiisThe callculattion oof thee variiancess Direct materrial ttotal :(Budgetted Quuantitty*Buddgetedd Pricce) (Acttual QQuantiity*Acctual Pricee)=(4kg*11,600*10perr kg) - (5,600kgg*11 pee

17、r kg)=64,0000-61,6000=2,4000 FDirect materrial uusage : Budgeteed priice* (Budgeeted QQuantiity Actuual Quuantitty) =10perr kg * (4kgg * 1,600-55,600kkg)= 8,0000 FDirect materrial pprice :Actual Quanttity* (Budggeted pricee Actuual prrice)=5,6000kg*(10 peer kg -11 peer kg)=5,6000ADirect laborr totaa

18、l :Budgeteed Houurs*Buudgeteed Ratte Actuual hoours*AActuall Ratee=(2hourrs*16000*9)- 352000=6,4000ADirect laborr ratee :Actual Hourss*(Buddgetedd Ratee Actuual Raate)=3,520hhours*(9-10)= 3,5200ADirect laborr effiicienccy :Budgeteed Ratte*(Buudgeteed Houurs Actuual Hoours)=9-(2hhours*1600-3520hhours)= 2,8880ATotal ooverheead : (Budgett Variabble Overheead + Budgett Fixed Overheead) - (Actuall Variabble Overheead + Actuaal Fixed Overheead) = (40000 + 82000) - (32000 + 88600) = 4000 FPart B1. Paybback p


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