1、洛陽理工學(xué)院畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文翻譯資料系 部:經(jīng)濟(jì)與工商管理系專 業(yè):工商管理學(xué)生姓名:鄭雷震班級學(xué)號:B09090634指導(dǎo)教師姓名:鄧 輝指導(dǎo)教師職稱:副教授Human Resource ManagementJapa nese bus in essma nageme ntpers onnel of the supervisi on and restra int mainly from two aspects: first, the holding company from the cross-shareholdings,if a poor performa nee or bus in e
2、ss operators can not afford, the major shareholder of the bus in ess operators will be for criticism, and urge them to improve their work, un til the removal of the operator; Ano ther importa nt oversight from the main bank. Main bank mon itori ng the way of bus in ess man ageme nt un der specific c
3、ircumsta nces: in the good performa nee of the compa ny, the en terprise is operat ing no rmally, the main banks do not in terve ne, but when the poor performanee of the company to display and control power. Main bank can be major shareholders, the Board replace the man agers. Cross-shareholdi ngs i
4、n the compa ny and the main bank hold ing system, the hold ing sole purpose is to make shareholders stabilization, mutual support and control, rather than to get a higher divide nd and bonus. Therefore, the stock is not easily shot, turno ver rate is low, the stock market and therefore have little e
5、ffect on man agers. Mergers on the stock market, Japa n is also rare, making the market mecha nism of the bus in essma nageme nt of the effective ness of the exter nal con stra int is not.In Japa n, due to exter nal market is relatively un derdeveloped in terms of British and America n, plus the in
6、flue nee by Con fucia n culture, corporate family characteristics sig ni fica ntly, and man ageme nt tale nt is also a Ion ger period of employme nt, the gen eral practice of lifelo ng employme nt system, the relative mobility betwee n en terprises much less. En terprise man agers are mai nly promot
7、ed from within the en terprise (in additi on to the lowest level of job outside), so good managementis more willing to risk is low, more opport un ities for adva nceme nt in the pursuit of in dividual M-en terprise development, enterprises in Japan, M often gathered many of the more outstanding midd
8、le-level management personnel. In the promotion and remuneration, the impleme ntati on of power series in wages, promoti on system, with employees worki ng years of age and growth of en terprises to in crease wages and improve employee job level. For this system there is no in crease in wages and pr
9、omotio n by givi ng employees the ability or strength differenee, so for those who like the same age and length of service of employees, wages there would be no differe nee. Japa nese eompa nies attach great importanee to the development of enterprise training management personnel, many eompa nies h
10、ave their own training een ters and training are. However, differe nt from Japa nese eompa nies and the Un ited States, more emphasis on gen eralist trai ning.In Germa ny, the dual traek developme nt of huma n resourees training model (that is, young people in sehools and bus in essesat the same tim
11、e edueati on and trainin g), Germa ny on huma n resoureesdevelopme nt, a major feature. Germa n trai ning system and mode of this study with the same highlights and a eombination of theory and praetiee eharaeteristies, the more sueeessful resolution of the training system and employme nt system in t
12、erfaee.In additi on, Germa n eompa nies attaeh great importa nee to the serviee pers onnel (ineluding managers at all levels) for eontinuing edueation and retraining. Germanys bus in ess eom mun ity and flexible trai ning methods for employees, diversity, effieie ncy, the kind of training on the use
13、 of whieh ben efit. Content from the trai ning point of view, a new adaptive training of workers, have jobs diverted to training, job training, promotion, professional training and eorporate training managers at all levels. The training of professi on als so that they are ofte n take n to study prob
14、lems with orga nizing semi nars, exeha nges,orga nizing short eourses, the purpose, direet ion, praetieal, very strong. Training for enterprise management approaeh often taken at different levels. Senior man ageme nt of en terprises rely ma in ly on the self, orga nize them in to a eon diti on of go
15、od en vir onmen tal sites, eon duet diseussi ons and exeha nge; of middle man agers, most of the way to full-time trai ning, to the trai ning een ter to lear n; on line man agers, ofte n type of edueati on and trai ning to promoti on mode, with the incen tive meeha nism is also easy to find tale nt
16、from whieh eompa ni es, because this layer of workers who directly orga nize product ion and bus in ess activities, the status of importa nt and irreplaceable role.Own ership structure is the formatio n of the determi nants of differe nt man ageme nt modelsDiffere nt own ership structure is the form
17、atio n of the compa ny man ageme nt tale nt man ageme nt compa ny the decid ing factor. Differe nces in the own ership structure of the compa ny, thus the formati on of differe nt compa nies and man ageme nt tale nt management.Widely dispersed ownership of U.S. companies, the lack of strong corporat
18、e gover nance by shareholders in the supervisory board of bus in ess by the board of directors and the supervisory board ofte n a mere formality, the actual con trol easily transferred to the hands of managers. To this end the United States established a well-developed capital markets and sound corp
19、orate laws and regulati ons, effectively in hibited from outside the opport uni stic behavior of man agers. Mean while, the dispersed ownership of the companys acquisition of the stock market provides a convenient, making the market supervisi on as the most importa nt exter nal oversight mecha ni sm
20、s. Corporate cross-shareholdi ngs by Japa nese compa nies as the main features of the concen tratio n of own ership, or the relative concen trati on of the internal con trol management will play an important role, and supervision of enterprises through the acquisiti on of the stock market operators
21、more difficult.So, the compa ny is how differe nces in own ership structure formed? The latest research shows that own ership structure is not en tirely the formatio n of a competitive market outcome, the U.S. and Japa nese compa nies of differe nt own ership structure is due to differe nt n ati on
22、al laws, econo mic practices and other historical path caused by the differenee. For example, the United States banned the use of deposits held by commercial ban ks, stocks, mutual an titrust laws strictly limit the hold ing compa ny. Japa nesecompa nies allow commercial banks to hold less tha n 5%
23、of the compa nys stock, the associati on of the mutual hold ing compa ny looser tradi ng restricti ons and so on.Therefore, we select the operati on and man ageme nt tale nt man ageme ntmode, to consider the overall system environment, consider the situation resulting from the history, con sider the
24、 own ership concen trati on. Therefore, in the market system is not perfect, not perfect laws and regulati ons un der con structi on, the compa nys exter nal market-based management model is likely to result poor; for the relatively highconcentration of large state-owned enterprises, strengthen inte
25、rnal control and gover nance is very importa nt.The effects of two man ageme ntThe effect of An glo-America n modelAn glo-America n model of the internal man ageme ntof its rati on ality. Board of Directors and managers do their job, is conducive to the operator to concentrate, improve management, u
26、se of the work of the operators to maintain enthusiasm and innovation, prompted the company to develop. However, at the same time, Anglo America n also obvious internal man ageme nt problems. British exter nal market-based man ageme nt n eed to address the questi on of how the operators work to keep
27、 the passi on in the same time, the lack of adequate mon itori ng mecha ni sms and of a great derelicti on of duty and senior man agers to con trol the issue for pers onal gain. Begi nning of the 20th cen tury, 80 years, this issue may become in creas in gly prominent in the An glo-America n perform
28、anee. In particular, in 2002 Enron, WorldCom, Xerox and other corporate scandals have exposed the credibility with the market mechanism to ensure the authe nticity of finan cial in formati on and the in depe ndence of in depe ndent directors was suspect in the supervisi on of An glo-America n model
29、more appare nt defects . Therefore, in the Anglo-American, on board the improvement, the introduction of independent directors and outside directors on how to play a substa ntive role has become a focus of atte ntio n.Exter nal market-orie nted An glo-America n man ageme nt tale nt man ageme nt mode
30、l is built on a more sound market mecha nism and legal system based on its man ageme nt of the company and operate better supervision and restraint. But it also has the following shortcomings: the highly fragmented ownership structure resulted in the operators short-term, Ion g-term damage to bus in
31、 ess in terests and developme nt; the high mobility of the companys equity capital structure so that the stability of Anglo-American differenee, managers replaced too frequently; acquisition in many cases not con ducive to the man agers of their in itiative.An glo-America n man ageme nt model, man a
32、ger market developme nt, bus in ess man ageme nt pers onnel rem un erati on are closely lin ked with the con tributi ons and the market, pay way more diverse, which makes un der America n man ageme nt i ncen tive compensation system better able to fully mobilize the management staff initiative. Howe
33、ver, the U.S. corporate high-promoted, high-reward, high-stimulated man ageme nt to some exte nt also be adversely affected. Very serious short-term phe nomenon, many young people to work less tha n a year to replace the five or six times the work, this phenomenon is upset the companys Iong-term tra
34、ining programs of the companys developme nt strategy. And with the in creas ing in come gap, the general staff turno ver rate is also climbing, the companys operating efficiency will certainly be different degrees. Also, any nu mber of staff employme nt policies also brought serious in security, low
35、ered their loyalty to the en terprise; labor confron tatio n, the excessive concen trati on of decisi on-mak ing power also showed a larger ills.Effect of Germa n and Japa nese modelsGerma n-Japa nese model is better internal man ageme nt. I n this mode, the banks in gen eral is the compa nys larges
36、t shareholder, the bank has accessto the compa ny in control of information production and management of natural advantages, making the monitoring role of shareholders to better play, supervision and management of the bus in ess was better tha n bound good. In additi on, because the compa nys core s
37、hareholders - the shareholders of Bank is a stable, lo ng-term in vestme nt focus, which can be subject to Ion g-term incen tive man ageme ntis con ducive to better achieve the compa nys Ion g-term developme nt.Germa n-Japa nese man ageme nt model, i n promoti on and compe nsati on in gen eral, the
38、implementation of power series in wages, promotion system, with employees work ing years of age and growth of en terprises to in crease wages and improve employee job level. Labor relati ons and comprehe nsive cooperatio n have stre ngthe ned the staffs sense of security and sense of bel ongin g, im
39、prove staff-to-bus in ess loyalty .In general, little change in the Japanese model in the technical industries such as manu facturi ng, while a relatively stro ng adva ntage. However, this system also led manyJapa nese compa nies are overstaffed and in efficie nt; additi on, because this system ther
40、e is no in crease in wages and promotio n by givi ng employees the ability or stre ngth differe nee, for those who like the same age and len gth of service of staff , there is no differenee in wages, but also makes difficult to stand out talents, was repressedand wasted a com mon phe nomenon. In add
41、iti on, the incen tives of a sin gle, particularly serious impact on n arrow ing in come gap and the suppressi on of the en terprise man agers en thusiasm and creativity classes.Both bus in ess man ageme nt pers onnel man ageme nt developme nt trendFrom the developme nt of man ageme nt tale nt man a
42、geme nt tren ds, with the development of economic globalization, countries in corporate governance of mutual learning, mutual learni ng, a variety of man ageme nt tale nt man ageme nt is also evo Iving, and the mai n show the followi ng main Features:United States and Britain began to learn German a
43、nd Japanesemanagement model man ageme nt, atte nti on to in ternal control and Ion g-term incen tive.Germa n-Japa nesemodel show n has the adva ntage, banksand En terprise Group Holdi ngs in ways that favor Ion g-term developme nt to en courage en terprises to focus on; and An glo-America n capital
44、markets to stock-based operators can easily lead to more in cli ned to take short-term, i n order to obta in short-term return on in vestme nt lost the Ion g-term bus in ess opport un ities. To this end, Brita in and the Un ited States compa nies starti ng to focus on Ion g-term incen tive to cha ng
45、e bus in ess in the short term behavior and short-term employment means employees pay more attention to mobilizing the enthusiasm of employees.80 years since the 20th century, the gradual relaxation of British and America n con trol of the finan cial system .In particular the Un ited States through
46、1999, Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999, the end of the commercial ban ks, securities and in sura nee sub-sector man ageme nt and separate supervisi on of the situati on. In 1986, the impleme ntati on of the London Stock Excha nge, the first major reform to allow non-members can obtain 10
47、0% ownership of membership, which is equal to allow commercial banks to participate directly in the securities bus in ess. Deregulati on will allow the ban ks role in mon itori ng the compa ny in creased.Un der British man ageme nt approach con ti nues to pay richTraditional pay system in order to a
48、void all the disadvantages brought to skills-based pay system has become a U.S. corporate trend of pay reform. This salary system is based on the skills of employees are paid accord ing to master, rather tha n the specific time they are engaged in paid work and reward. This kind of investment (in cl
49、ud ing kno wledge, skills and abilities) for the measureme nt based pay system will help encourage employees to consciously acquire new work skills and knowledge for enterprise innovation. In addition, the variable pay system and the non-monetary compe nsati on system is con sta ntly being used and
50、developed.The gradual weake ning of Germa n and Japa nese man ageme nt model with in the direct control of the exter nal market bega n to stre ngthe n mon itori ngFrom the 80s, along with the development of securities markets and enterprise self-accumulati on capabilities, direct financing bus in es
51、s in Japa n, Germa ny, the in crease in funding to en able en terprises to reduced depe ndence on bank loa ns, corporate debt rate decreasedto weake ning the banks con trol of the bus in ess, Japa n, Germa ny, the trend of concentration of share ownership structure began to weaken, the market exter
52、nal mon itor role is being stre ngthe ned.Germa ny and Japa n the traditi onal man ageme nt mode of employme nt, select ion methods are cha ngingIn Japa n, the annual salary system, variable pay in creases and other huma n resources management system for Performanee feature has become increasingly e
53、vide nt, the flow of employme nt, the expa nsion of con tract employees, the tendency to further stre ngthe n the cost-impact on the bus in ess operati ons of the welfare system pension reform, the gen eral direct ion of developme nt can not be questi on ed.In Japa n, staff work with the values of d
54、iversity, employee self-c on scious high, and dismissal of the phe nomenon of in crease in the employme nt relati on ship and other adjustme nts, employees and bus in ess sense of the com mon sense and progressive loss of one. Coupled with the in creased mobility of the labor market to the premise o
55、f lifetime employme nt means employme nt is con sta ntly loose ning and cha nges. From the current actual situation, many Japanese companies have canceled the lifetime employme nt system, on Merits gradually being broke n. The origi nal step by step, the internal promoti on, the rules have cha nged.
56、 So some one said, Japa nese compa nies and pers onnel system three pillars of the two slowly fall.企業(yè)人力資源管理模式日本企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理人才的監(jiān)督和約束主要來自兩個方面:首先是來自交叉持 股的持股公司,如果一個企業(yè)經(jīng)營績效差或者經(jīng)營者沒有能力,大股東就會對該 企業(yè)的經(jīng)營者提出批評意見,督促其改進(jìn)工作,直至罷免經(jīng)營者;另一重要監(jiān)督 來自主銀行。主銀行監(jiān)督企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理層的方式根據(jù)具體情況而定:在公司業(yè)績 較好、企業(yè)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)正常時,主銀行不進(jìn)行干預(yù),但在公司業(yè)績很差時,就顯示控制 權(quán)力。主銀行可以通過大股東
57、會、董事會更換經(jīng)理人員。在公司交叉持股和主銀 行持股體制中,持股目的只在于使股東穩(wěn)定化,相互支持和相互控制,而不是為 了得到較高的股息和紅利。所以,股票不輕易出手,周轉(zhuǎn)率低,股票市場因此對 經(jīng)理層影響甚微。就股票市場上的兼并而言,日本也很少發(fā)生,這就使得市場機(jī) 制對企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理層的外部約束效力不大。在日本,由于外部市場相對英美來講不夠發(fā)達(dá),再加上深受儒家文化的影響, 企業(yè)家族特色明顯,經(jīng)營管理人才的雇傭期也較長,一般實(shí)行終身雇傭制,企業(yè) 間的人員流動相對少得多。企業(yè)的管理人員則主要是從企業(yè)內(nèi)部提拔(除了最低 層的職位以外),因此優(yōu)秀的管理人員更愿意在風(fēng)險(xiǎn)低、升遷機(jī)會較多的M型企業(yè)里追求個人發(fā)展
58、,日本的M型企業(yè)里往往能聚集許多比較優(yōu)秀的中層經(jīng)營管理人 才。在晉升與報(bào)酬方面,實(shí)行年功序列工資、晉升制度,伴隨員工年齡和工作年 限的增長,企業(yè)為員工增加工資和提高職位等級。由于這個制度在增加工資和晉 級上沒有按照員工的能力或?qū)嵙o予差別,因此對于那些同等年齡和工作年限一 樣的員工,工資就沒有差別。日本公司也十分重視企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理人才的開發(fā)培訓(xùn), 許多公司都有自己的培訓(xùn)中心和研修所。但是,日本企業(yè)與美國不同,更重視通 才的培養(yǎng)。在德國,“雙軌制”的人才開發(fā)培訓(xùn)模式(即青年在學(xué)校和企業(yè)同時接 受教育和培訓(xùn)),是德國人力資源開發(fā)上的一大特色。德國的這種培訓(xùn)體制和模式 突出了學(xué)用一致和理論與實(shí)際相結(jié)合
59、的特點(diǎn),較為成功地解決了培訓(xùn)制度與就業(yè) 制度的銜接。另外,德國企業(yè)十分重視對在職人員(包括各級管理人員)進(jìn)行繼續(xù)教育和 再培訓(xùn)。德國的企業(yè)界對職工的培訓(xùn)方法靈活,形式多樣,講究實(shí)效,哪種培訓(xùn) 有利就采用哪種。從培訓(xùn)的內(nèi)容上看,有新工人適應(yīng)性培訓(xùn)、有轉(zhuǎn)業(yè)改行培訓(xùn)、 職務(wù)晉升培訓(xùn)、專業(yè)人員培訓(xùn)和企業(yè)各級管理人員培訓(xùn)等。對專業(yè)人員培訓(xùn)往往 采取讓他們帶著要研究解決的問題,舉辦講座,開展交流,組織短訓(xùn)班,其目的 性、針對性、實(shí)用性非常強(qiáng)。對企業(yè)管理人員培訓(xùn)往往采取分層次的辦法。企業(yè) 的高級管理人員,主要依靠自學(xué),組織他們到一個條件好的環(huán)境場所,開展討論 交流;對中級管理人員,大多數(shù)采取脫產(chǎn)培訓(xùn)的方法,
60、送到培訓(xùn)中心去學(xué)習(xí);對 基層管理人員,往往采取晉升式的教育培訓(xùn)模式,十分具有激勵機(jī)制,也便于企 業(yè)從中物色人才,因?yàn)檫@一層人員直接組織工人進(jìn)行生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營活動,地位重要, 作用不可取代。所有權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)是形成不同管理模式的決定因素公司所有權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)是形成不同公司經(jīng)營管理人才管理模式的決定因素。由于公 司所有權(quán)結(jié)構(gòu)存在差異,進(jìn)而形成不同的公司管理人才管理模式。美國公司所有權(quán)極為分散,法人治理中缺乏強(qiáng)有力的股東通過董事會監(jiān)督企 業(yè)經(jīng)營者,董事會和監(jiān)事會往往流于形式、實(shí)際控制權(quán)容易轉(zhuǎn)移到經(jīng)理人手中。 為此美國建立了發(fā)達(dá)的資本市場和完善的公司 法律法規(guī),從外部有效地抑制了經(jīng) 營者的機(jī)會主義行為。同時,分散的公司所有
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