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1、ATMOSPHEREAtmospheric compositionAir qualityAtmospheric chemistry大氣成分 Atmospheric components 大氣顆粒物 Atmospheric particulatesCarbon dioxideGreenhouse gasesOxygenOzone layerAtmospheric processes空氣水相互作用 Air-water interaction大氣環(huán)流 Atmospheric circulation 大氣降水 Atmospheric precipitationCarbon cycleEvaporati

2、onPrecipitation enhancementRainfall Solar radiationTranspirationWindsAir pollutionAcid rainAir pollutantsChlorofluorocarbons沉降的顆粒物 Deposited particulate matterFly ashFogHaze空內空氣污染 Indoor air pollutionSmogClimatic issuesAgrometeorologyClimateClimatic changeClimatic zonesDrought全球變暖 Global warming 溫室效

3、應 Greenhouse effectHumidityMicroclimate effectsSea level rise人工影響天氣 Weather modification巖石圈 LITHOSPHERESolid EarthCavesSeismic activitySeismic monitoringWind erosion陸地生態(tài)系統(tǒng) TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMSSoils農用土地 Agricultural land Alkali lands污染的土地 Contaminated land污染的土壤 Contaminated soil Gravel pitsHeath la

4、nds土地承載力量 Land carrying capacity土地污染 Land pollution 土地開墾 Land reclamation土地恢復 Land restoration土地使用分類 Land use classification邊緣土地 Marginal lands沙石開采 Sand extractionSedimentation土壤潛力 Soil capabilities 土壤保持 Soil conservation 土壤污染 Soil contamination土壤退化 Soil degradation Soil erosionSoil improvementSoil

5、salinationWater erosion干旱地區(qū)生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Arid land ecosystems 干旱土地 Arid lands沙漠化 Desertification 抗旱 Drought control 旱作 Dry farming 沙丘固定 Sanddunefixation Sanddunes 半干旱地區(qū)生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Semi-aridlandecosystems 森Forest ecosystems Afforestation 針葉林 Coniferous forestsDeforestation 森林保護 Forest conservation 森林火災 Forest fires

6、草地火災 Grass fires 綠化帶 Greenbelts 本地森林 Indigenous forests 再造林Reafforestation植被恢復 Revegetation亞熱帶生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Sub-tropical ecosystems溫Temperate forests 溫帶林地 Temperate woodlands 樹木 Trees熱帶生態(tài)系Tropical ecosystems 移棲種 Migratory species國家公園 National parks國家保護NationalreservesParasitesPoachingPrimates保護區(qū)Protected are

7、as 受保護的物種 Protected species 爬行動物 Reptiles 陸地生物資源Terrestrial biological resources植被 Vegetation雜草 Weeds野生生物 Wildlife野生WildlifeconservationWildlifehabitats動物園 Zoologicalgardens 細菌 Bacteria Enzymes Fungi 基因庫 Gene banks 種質 Germplasm 微生物資源 Microbial resources 原生生物 Protozoa 病毒 Viruses 酵母Yeasts生物技術問題 Biotec

8、hnological issues 農業(yè)生物技術 Agricultural biotechnologies生物倫理學 Bioethics 生物安全 Biosafety 生物技術 Biotechnologies 無性生殖Cloning Health-related biotechnologies 誘變劑 Mutagens突變微生物釋放 Mutated microorganisms release 突變體 Mutants 生殖把握Reproductive manipulationDNA 重組技術 Recombinant DNA technology 動物的選Selective breeding o

9、f animals 植物的選擇性生殖 Selective breeding ofplants 生物技術的社會經(jīng)濟影響 Socio-economic impact of biotechnologies 致畸劑 Teratogens 淡水 FRESHWATER 淡水資源 Freshwater resources 談水保護Conservation of freshwater Dams 冰 Ice 湖泊 Lakes 自然排水系統(tǒng) Naturaldrainage systems河流流域開發(fā) River basin development 河流 Rivers雪 Snow 地下水 Subterranean

10、water 地表水 Surface waters 水資源保護 Waterresources conservation 水資源開發(fā) Water resources development 淡水生態(tài)系統(tǒng)Freshwater ecosystems 集水區(qū) Catchment areas 國際河流流域 International riverbasins湖泊流域 Lake basins 池塘尾渣 Ponds tailings 河流流域 River basins 淡水Freshwater degradation 河流污染 River pollution 徑流 Run-off 沉積物移動Sediment m

11、obilization 沉積物運移 Sediment transport 沉積盆地 Sedimentarybasins 滲漏 See 鳳眼藍 Water hyacinth 水污染 Water pollution 水的鹽化Water salination 飲用水供給 Drinking water supply 脫鹽 Desalination 飲用水Drinking water飲用水處理 Drinking water treatment城市配水系統(tǒng) Municipal water distribution systems 農村供水 Rural water supply plants水泵 Water

12、 pumps水處理 Water treatment水Water wells海洋環(huán)境 MARINE ENVIRONMENTS 海洋生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Marine ecosystems 藻花Algal bloom 海底生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Benthic ecosystems 海洋污染 Marine pollution 污染沉積物 Marine sediments 海洋環(huán)境 Ocean circulation 洋流 Ocean currents 海洋Ocean temperature赤潮 Red tide海平面 Sea level潮,潮汐 Tides沿海生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Coastal ecosystems群島 Archip

13、elagoes沿海地區(qū) Coastal areas沿海開發(fā) Coastal development 沿海環(huán)境 Coastal environments 海岸侵蝕 Coastalerosion 疏浚 Dredging 河口生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Estuarine ecosystems 島嶼生態(tài)系統(tǒng) Islandecosystems小島嶼 Small islands 海洋生物資源 Living marine resources 水生哺乳Aquatic mammalsAquatic microorganismsAquatic plants 珊瑚礁 Coral reefsCrustaceans Fish 海洋資源

14、保護 Marine resources conservationMolluscs 水生貝殼類動物 Shellfish環(huán) 境 管 理 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 資 源 管 理 Resourcesmanagement深海礦藏 Deep sea deposits Forest management 森林政府Forestpolicy 資源的地埋分布 Geographicdistributionofresources 土地價值 Landvalues 礦產資源 Mineral resources 國家保護打算 National conservation自然資源 Natural re

15、sources自然保護 Nature conservation不行再生資Non-renewable resources 資源凈損耗 Net resource depletion 礦床 Ore depositsPetroleum resources conservation Renewable resourcesResource appraisal 資源保護 Resource conservation 海底開發(fā) Sea bedexploitation 海底采礦 Sea bed mining 本地資源的利用 Utilization of localresourcesEnvironmentalpla

16、nning 進展合作 Developmentcooperation 進展Development planning生態(tài)進展 Ecodevelopment經(jīng)濟進展 Economic development 經(jīng)濟打算 Economic planning 環(huán)境核算Environmental accounting 環(huán)境審計 Environmental auditing 環(huán)境安康影響評價Environmentalhealthimpactassessment 環(huán)境影響 Environmentalimpact 環(huán)境影響Environmental impact assessment 環(huán)境影響狀報告書 Envir

17、onmental impactstatement環(huán)境指標 Environmental indicators 環(huán)境政策 Environmental policy 環(huán)境 risk assessment財政資助 Financial assistance土地利用規(guī)劃 Land use planning 環(huán)境治理指標 Environmental management indicators 環(huán)境質Environmental quality indicators 試驗工程 Pilot projects政策規(guī)劃 Policyplanning 施壓集團 Pressure groups 區(qū)域規(guī)劃 Regional

18、 planning 自助打算Self-help programmes 工農業(yè)選址 Siting of industry 社會調查 Social surveys 進展Statusofdevelopment Sustainabledevelopment 可持續(xù)進展指標Sustainable development indicators技術評價 Technology assessment 運輸打算 Transport planning 環(huán)境經(jīng)濟問題Environmental economic issues 環(huán)境定價 Environmental valuation 環(huán)境本錢Environmental

19、costs 外部 Externalities Replacement costs 貿易對環(huán)境的影響 Trade impact on environment 已定價值的生態(tài)系統(tǒng)組成局部 Valuedecosystem components 經(jīng)濟治理手段 Economic management instruments 本錢-效Cost-benefit analysis 進展中國家債務 Developing countries debt 環(huán)境股票交易 Environmental stock exchange 政府環(huán)境開支 Government environmentalexpenditures Gr

20、een fiscal instruments Internalisation of environmental costs 以綠色標志促銷 Marketing with greenlabelling 資源的定價政策 Pricing policies of resources 構造調整打算 Structuraladjustment programs 稅收差異 Tax differentiation 可交易的許可證 Tradeablepermits 人類遷居 Human migration人口 Human population人權 Human rights土地安排 Land allotment 生

21、活方式 Lifestyles低價住房 Low-cost housing 流淌工人Migrant workers 少數(shù)民族 Minorities 社區(qū)改善打算 Neighbourhood improvementschemes 社區(qū) New communities 流浪者 Nomads 非頂峰時間通勤 Off-peakcommuting公共衛(wèi)生 Public health 種族關系 Race relations 消遣 Recreation農村Rural areas 環(huán)境衛(wèi)生 Sanitation Social indicators 社會-經(jīng)濟因素Socio-economic factors 旅游

22、Tourism 旅行 Travel 貧困階層 Under-privilegedpeople城市地區(qū) Urban areas城區(qū)改造 Urban renewal城區(qū)壓力 Urban stress婦女地位 Women status 人類住區(qū)的環(huán)境方面 Environmental aspects of humansettlementsAirconditioningDisposalofthedead 區(qū)城供熱 Districtheating住房密度 Housing densityOvercrowdingRefugees 旅游設施 Tourist facilities 城市衰敗 Urban decay

23、農業(yè) AGRICULTURE 農業(yè)方式Agricultural practices 農業(yè)設備 Agricultural equipment 農業(yè)治理 Agriculturalmanagement農業(yè)方法 Agriculturalmethods 農業(yè)害蟲 Agriculturalpests 農業(yè)生產 production農業(yè)貯存 Agricultural storage動物疾病 Animal diseases動Animal nutrition 養(yǎng)蜂業(yè) Apiculture 水產養(yǎng)殖 Aquaculture 害蟲的生物把握Biological control of pests生物固氮 Biolog

24、ical nitrogen fixation堆肥 CompostsContour farming受控燃燒 Controlled burning作物保護 Crop protectionDraught animals 魚類養(yǎng)殖 Fish culture 漁業(yè)治理 Fisheries management谷物Grains作物蟲害傳染 Infestation of crops糧食蟲害傳染 Infestation of food 澆灌Irrigation 澆灌渠 Irrigation canals 澆灌農業(yè) Irrigation farming 自然肥料 Naturalfertilizers有機農業(yè) O

25、rganic farming病蟲害把握 Pest management殺蟲劑標準把握Pesticide control standards植物病害 Plant diseases家禽飼養(yǎng) Poultry farming林Shiftingcultivation TreenurseriesTrickleirrigation 農工業(yè)Agro-industry 畜產品 Animal products 飲料工業(yè) Beverage industry 釀造業(yè)Brewing industryDistilling industry食品輻照 Food irradiation Food preservation食品貯

26、藏 Food storage 食品運輸 Food transport 林產品 Forest products 煙草Tobacco 農用化學品 Agrochemicals 化學肥料 Chemical fertilizers 殺真菌劑Fungicides 除草劑 Herbicides 殺蟲劑的代謝 Metabolism of pesticides 硝酸鹽Nitrates 亞硝酸鹽 Nitrites 亞硝胺 Nitrosamines 養(yǎng)分物 Nutrients 有機磷化物 compounds殺蟲劑的長久性 Persistence of pesticides殺蟲劑路徑 Pesticide pathwa

27、ys 殺蟲劑 Pesticides 磷酸鹽 Phosphates 殺蟲劑的毒性Toxicity of pesticides殺蟲劑的使用 Utilization of pesticides工業(yè) INDUSTRY 工業(yè)生產過程 Industrial processes 制鋁工業(yè) Aluminiumindustry適用技術 Appropriate technology高爐 Blast furnaces纖維素 Cellulose化學工業(yè) Chemical industry 清潔技術 Clean technologies 服裝工業(yè) Clothingindustry乳品業(yè) Dairy industry 脫

28、鹽工廠 Desalination plants 干洗 Dry cleaning 煉鐵工業(yè) Iron industry 洗燙衣服 Laundering 皮革工業(yè) Leather industry 金屬加工Metal finishing金屬電鍍 Metal plating金屬冶煉 Metal smelting礦產業(yè) Mineralindustry 采礦 Mining 自然氣開采 Natural gas extraction 原油開采 Oil extractionPetroleum refining 印刷工業(yè) Printing industry 紙漿工業(yè) Pulp industryQuarrying

29、 橡膠加工 Rubber processing 煉鋼工業(yè) Steel industry 露天剝采Strip mining 焦油生產 Tar production 焦油使用 Tar use 木材保存 Woodpreservation 工業(yè)產品 Industrial products 消費品 Consumer goods 危急品Dangerous goods 工業(yè)材料 Industrial materials 自然纖維 Natural fibres 包裝Packaging涂料 Paints產品標簽 Product labelling可再用容器 Reusable containers合成洗滌劑 Sy

30、nthetic detergents 合成紡織纖維 Synthetic textile fibres 漆Varnishes木產品 Wood products運輸 TRANSPORTATION 空運 Air transportation 空中交通規(guī)章 Air trafficregulations Aircraft Aircraft engine emissions 飛機噪音Aircraft noise 機場 Airports 航天運輸 Space transportation 陸上運輸 Landtransportation 自行車 Bicycles 內燃機 Combustion engines

31、鐵路運輸 Railwaytransport 道路安全 Road safety 道路交通工程 Road traffic engineering 道路運輸Road transport 道路 Roads 城市交通 Urban traffic 車輛檢驗 Vehicle inspection水Water transportation 漁輪 Fishing vessels 內河運輸 Inland water transport內陸水道 Inland waterways 國際水道 International watercourses 海運 Maritimetransport 航運的危害 Navigation

32、al hazards 油輪 Oil tankers 港口 Ports 潛水艇Submarines能 ENERGY 能源 Energy sources 動物糞便作燃料 Animal dung as fuel 沼氣Biogas 生物量 Biomass 生物質能 Biomass energy 木炭 Charcoal 煤 Coal 原油Crude oil 能源資源 Energy resources 濃縮鈾 Enriched uranium 礦物燃料 Fossilfuels燃料酒精 Fuel alcohol 薪柴 Fuel wood 地熱能 Geothermal energy 碳氫化合Hydrocarb

33、on compounds 烴 Hydrocarbons 水電 Hydroelectric power 液化氣Liquefied gas Methane Natural gas 可再生能源 Renewable energysources不行再生能源 Non-renewable energy resources無污染能源 Non-pollutingenergy sourcesNuclear energy核燃料 Nuclear fuels 油類 Oils 油頁巖 Oil shales泥炭、泥煤 Peat 汽油 Petrols 從廢料中提取的燃料 Refuse derived fuels 太陽能 So

34、larenergy 焦油砂 Tar sands 海洋熱能 Thermal sea power 潮汐能 Tidal energy 鈾Uranium波浪能 Wave energy風能 Wind energy 能源過程 Energy processes 煤氣Coalgasification Coalliquefaction Electricpower 發(fā)電廠 Electricpowerplants 蓄電裝置 Electricalstoragedevices Energyconservation 能Energy conversion 能源效率 Energy efficiency 能源政策 Energy

35、 policy 能Energy production能源利用 Energy useEnergyutilizationpatternsGasliquefaction照明 LightingNatural gas exploration核能利用 Nuclear energy uses核電站 Nuclearpower plants 近海石油鉆探 Offshore oil drilling 石油勘探 Oil exploration 日照加Solar heating環(huán)境化學 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 無機物質 Inorganic substances 酸Acids 氧化鋁 Alumi

36、na 氯 Chlorine 鹽酸 Hydrochloric acid 硫化氫 Hydrogensulphide 硫酸鹽 Sulphates 硫酸 Sulphuric acid 光化學試劑 Photochemical agents光化學效應 Photochemical effects 有機物質 Organic substances 有機硅化合物Organosilicon compounds酚 Phenols 外激素,信息素 Pheromones 植物油 Vegetable oils 生物化學過程Biochemical processes Acidification 需氧過程 Aerobic pr

37、ocesses 厭氧過程Anaerobic processes 生物降解 Biodegradation Denitrification 富營氧化Eutrophication殺蟲劑的相互作用 Interaction of pesticides電離輻射 Ionizingradiation代謝作用,陳代謝作用 Metabolism固氮Nitrogen fixationNon-ionizing radiation光合作用 Photosynthesis物理Physico-chemical processes放射性 Radioactivity毒性 Toxicity污染 POLLUTION 污染物 Pollutants 氣溶膠,氣霧劑Aerosols 農業(yè)廢物Agriculturalwastes石棉 Asbestos商業(yè)噪音 Commercialnoise混合污染Composite pollution 作物廢物 Crop waste 二惡英Dioxins 農家場院廢物Farmyard waste火火災 Fire危急物質 Hazardous substances危急廢物 Hazardouswast


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