1、TRAINING-SALES MANAGEMENT- 銷售管理培訓Job briefing工作概述SM 100Topics 內容1. 工作概述2. 輔導和顧問(內部)3. 時間管理4. 面試、招聘5. 代表培訓及發(fā)展Objectives! 目的To know your role and functions within the organization. 了解工作職責2. To know and learn the processes involved in the performance of your job functions. 認識并學習與工作相關的流程3. To strive for
2、 competency in the performance of your job functions. 不斷改善,力求做到最好。 A. What is my job?一. 我的職責是什么?Getting things done through and with people. 與人交往,完成工作任務“People who are truly in control, work for organizations that value them as persons. Their thoughts, feelings, needs and dreams are respected, liste
3、ned to and acted upon.” “我們尊重那些真正接受管理、為機構工作的人,他們的思想,感受,需要和夢想得到重視,聆聽和行動”Gung Ho B. What are my responsibilities?二. 我的責任?To ensure achievement of sales target in my assigned territory through effective sales supervision and management of a sales force. 通過有效地領導和管理銷售隊伍,達成區(qū)域內的銷售指標。To train and develop a
4、team of sales personnel to excel in their job performance in order to achieve our companys growth objective. 培訓并發(fā)展小組內各成員,使之表現優(yōu)異,與公司一起成長。C. What is the companys expectations of me?三. 公司對我的期望?1. Performance of duties 工作表現 a. Job knowledge專業(yè)知識 b. Quality of work工作質素 c. Quality of output 工作產出 d. Respons
5、ibility責任感 e. Efficiency效率 f. Initiative主動性C. What is the companys expectations of me?三. 公司對我的期望?2. Management Skills 管理技巧a. Planning and organizing 組織與計劃b. Coordinating and controlling 協(xié)調和控制c. Judgement 判斷力d. Leadership and teamwork 領導才能與團隊精神 e. Analytical ability 分析能力f. Problem solving 處理疑難g. Deci
6、sion making 決策能力C. What is the companys expectations of me?三. 公司對我的期望?3. Communication abilities 溝通技巧 a. Writing skills 書面溝通 b. Verbal skills 口頭溝通 c. Interpersonal Skills 人際溝通技巧C. What is the companys expectations of me?三. 公司對我的期望?4. Personal qualities個人質素a. Attitude 工作態(tài)度b. Discipline紀律性c. Dedicatio
7、n奉獻精神d. Creativity 創(chuàng)造力D. How do I approach my job?四. 我該怎么做?1. Expect期望 State your requirements and expectation clearly. Communicate verbally and written. 以口頭和書面形式清楚說明你的期望要求2. Teach 培訓a. Provide guidance and training on how to achieve your expectation。 為達成期望進行相關培訓b. Organize class room training and f
8、ollow up with field coaching. 安排室內培訓及實地輔導3. Follow up 跟進 Close monitoring of progress through field work observation and analysis of sales result. 現場工作時仔細觀察進展并就銷售結果加以分析。Understand your territory and your HR 了解你的區(qū)域和代表 a. Analyze sales result 分析銷售業(yè)績 b. Analyze HR background 分析代表背景 c. Meeting with HR 與
9、代表溝通 Business review by each HR 各代表銷售回顧E. How do I start my new job?五. 開始新崗位,我該做?2. Ensure implementation of basic requirements 確保達到基本要求3. Joint call with HR 協(xié)同拜訪a. Observe HR current level of competence 觀察代表目前的能力水平b. Gather market information 搜集市場信息4. Introduce new ideas 推介新事物E. How do I start my n
10、ew job?五. 開始新崗位,我該做?F. What kind of leader should I be?六. 我該怎么做領導?1. Caring 關懷 Sincere, thoughtful, kind yet firm 真誠,體貼,剛柔并濟2. Approachable 平易近人 Open,trustworthy,friendly yet stern 坦率, 可信賴, 恩威并施3. Resourceful 機敏靈活 Able and lots of initiative 兵來將擋,水來土淹4. Enterprising 進取精神 Lots of new ideas and daring
11、 勇于創(chuàng)新G. How should my management style be?七. 什么管理風格適合我?Treat HR as you would a customer 對待代表象客戶一樣 a. Basic needs - Earn, Learn, Enjoy 基本需要-物質收獲,學習,樂在其中 b. Develop them for increased productivity. 開發(fā)代表潛能,提高其工作效率2. Open communication 開放式溝通 Tell the truth, build trust. 真誠溝通,建立信任G. How should my managem
12、ent style be?七. 什么管理風格適合我?3. Manage by facts not gut feel 重事實而非滲入私人感情的管理方式Decision making based on actual facts. 根據事實,作出決策4. Empowerment 授權行事a. Let HR have a real say in the way things are done. 真正讓代表決定工作方法b. HR to treat the business as his own. 代表把工作當成自己的生意G. How should my management style be?七. 什么
13、管理風格適合我?5. No politicking 不要互相傾軋 Do not encourage/tolerate back stabbing or mud slinging. 不允許暗箭傷人或誹謗中傷6. Sense of urgency 緊迫感 Immediate/speedy action or attention 立即行動、處理7. Leadership by example 以身作則 Do the things in the way you want others to follow. 你希望代表如何做,請先做榜樣H. What must my HR do to be succes
14、sful?八. 代表成功要素1. Right Customer 合適的客戶High potential, VIP 高潛力,學術帶頭人2. Right Frequency 恰當的拜訪頻率Minimum investment maximum returns 低投入,高產出3. Right Message 適當的信息Impart core selling points to customer and expect result. 將利益?zhèn)鬟f給客戶,以便成交。I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business 分析你的生意 Why?
15、為什么?a. Manage by facts 使管理更客觀b. A well defined problem is half solved 發(fā)現問題所在,已解決了問題的一半。c. Be on top of your business 高瞻遠矚,對自己的生意了如指掌。I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business 分析你的生意A. Sales Results 銷售結果Total sales and product sales 總銷售額及各產品銷售額b. By HR, By Hospital, By Territory 分代表
16、、醫(yī)院及區(qū)域的銷售額c. Actual/Target, Actual/Previous Year 實際銷售與指標之比率,實際銷售與去年銷售之比率I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business. 分析你的生意 A. Sales Results 銷售結果 d. MAT, Quarter/Quarter, Current month/Previous year month, Current average monthly/Previous year average monthly. MAT, 各季度之比較,當月與去年該月之比,當
17、月 平均值與去年該月平均值之比。 e. Major products % contribution/total sales. 主要產品占總銷售額的比率I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business. 分析你的生意 B. Customer Coverage 客戶滲透a. Number of days field work 現場工作天數 b. Target drs seen - Actual/target 目標醫(yī)生拜訪 實際數與計劃之比 c. Daily call average 日拜訪平均數 d. VIP developme
18、nt 開發(fā)重點醫(yī)生e. Prescribing analysis(AAA/AA/A) 處方分析I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business 分析你的生意 B. Customer Coverage 客戶滲透 f. New business development 開發(fā)新業(yè)務 g. No. of slide presentation 幻燈演講數 h. No. of product calls 產品拜訪數 i. Use the Daily Call Report and Customer Itinerary Plan form
19、. 使用日拜訪報告及 月行程計劃I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business. 分析你的生意 C. HR Development 代表發(fā)展計劃 a. Selling Skills 銷售技巧 b. Product Knowledge 產品知識 c. Slide Presentation Skills幻燈演講技巧 d. Interpersonal Skills 人際關系技巧 e. Territory Management 區(qū)域管理 f. Use the Knowledge & Skills Measurement form
20、to monitor progress. 使用知識和技巧評估表來記錄進展I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business. 分析你的生意 D. Competitor 競爭對手 a. Strengths and weaknesses - product, sales force, company 產品、銷售隊伍及公司的優(yōu)缺點 b. Focus and priority 工作重點 c. Activities 經營活動 d. Collect and read promotional materials from the marke
21、t 搜集并研究其促銷材料I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Analyze your business. 分析你的生意 D. Competitor 競爭對手 e. Read industry magazines 閱讀專業(yè)雜志 f. Observe and look out for competitor activities 密切留意對手的活動 g. Get information from competitor HR or customer. 由對手的代表或醫(yī)生處搜集信息I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?1. Anal
22、yze your business. 分析你的生意 E. Team Development 團隊發(fā)展 a. Cohesiveness 凝聚力 b. Cooperation 通力合作 c. Teamwork 團隊精神 d. Trust worthy 相互信賴 e. Active observation 敏銳的觀察力I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?2. Plan your work 工作計劃 Why? 為什么a. To arrive at the best possible solution/direction 力求做到最好b. Guide to what,
23、when and how are we going to achieve our objective 就工作目標的進度及工作的方法給予指引I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?2. Plan your work 工作計劃A. Setting Objectives 設立目標a. Quantitative 數量b. Qualitative 質量c. Objective must be Specific,Measurable,Achievable, Realistic, Time Frame and Challenging 目標必須清楚,可衡量,具可行性,符合實際,有
24、挑戰(zhàn)性并注明預計完成時間I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?2. Plan your work 工作計劃 A. Setting Objectives 設立目標 “ Asking people to do what they are ask to do easily wont give people the feeling of accomplishment. You have to stretch them. Give them work that demand their best and allow them to learn and move ahead
25、 into uncharted territory.” “做簡單的工作得不到滿足感。你必須向他們提出高要求。讓他們全力以赴,努力學習深入到從未涉及的領域?!?Gung HoI. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?2. Plan your work 工作計劃B. Action Plan 行動計劃a. Customer development/penetration 客戶發(fā)展及滲透b. Product development/penetration 產品發(fā)展及滲透c. Competitor penetration/prevention 競爭產品滲透及對抗I. How
26、do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?2. Plan your work 工作計劃B. Action Plan 行動計劃d. Self development 自身發(fā)展e. Activities 促銷活動f. Plan must be Measurable, Achievable, Time Frame, Accountable 計劃必須可衡量,具可行性,時間計劃,職責分明I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?3. Organize activities to achieve your plan 組織活動以達成工作目標Why? 為什么?a. S
27、ystematic approach to achievement of goal will result in higher chance of success. 采取系統(tǒng)化的方法以達成目標,增加了成功的機會b. Plan your work, work your plan 制定計劃,實施計劃I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?3. Organize activities to achieve your plan 組織活動以達成工作目標a. Implementation of sales plan 實施銷售計劃b. Implementation of mar
28、keting plans 實施市場計劃c. Team building activities 團隊建設活動d. Training 培訓e. Initiate, lead and follow up 主動性,領導才能及跟進工作I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?4. Lead your team 領導你的隊伍 Why? 為什么? a. To set the direction 設定方向b. To set the tone 確定風格I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?4. Lead your team 領導你的隊伍a. Direc
29、tion 方向 Know where you want to go when and how to get there 確定目標,了解達成目標的方式和預計時間b. Commitment and dedication 責任感和奉獻精神 To give yourself wholly to your work 全情投入到工作中c. Enthusiasm工作熱情 Lively interest or eagerness in your work 對工作熱情高漲d. Proactive not Reactive 主動積極 Do things in anticipation of future happ
30、enings 做事有長遠計劃I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?4. Lead your team 領導你的隊伍e. Perseverance 毅力Continued effort. Dont quit 堅毅不拔,不輕言放棄f. Leadership by example 以身作則g. Be a change agent 提倡創(chuàng)新 h. Dare to be different 開拓精神I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍 Why? 為什么?a. To enc
31、ourage further improvement 鼓勵代表不斷進步b. To extol the best our of an individual 表揚工作出色的同仁I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍 “Give people work they can do. Dont expect to achieve production beyond a persons reasonable capacity or skills beyond their training.” “安排力所能及的
32、工作給你的下屬。不能指望他們無所不能, 能作出超出他們能力范圍或訓練的事情”Gung HoI. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍A. Recognition 認可a. Catch people doing something right 你追我趕,共同進步b. One minute praise, one minute reprimand 獎罰分明 I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍c. Mu
33、st be meaningful. Dont abuse it 有的放矢,不要濫用。d. Can be written or verbal or both 可用口頭或書面方式表達I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍B. Feedback on performance 反饋工作表現a. Can be positive or negative feedback 反饋可以是正面或負面的b. Feedback on results ( Do not be personal ) 就結果進行反應(請毋加私
34、人感情)c. Provide sincere feedback 反饋應真誠d. Check for understanding and commitment to improve 觀察有無理解及改善行動I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍C. Job enrichment/new challenges 職業(yè)生涯發(fā)展、新的挑戰(zhàn)a. Promotion 升職b. New area of responsibility 新的責任c. Create a company within the team?
35、培養(yǎng)小組成員成長,適應公司發(fā)展需要I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍C. Job enrichment/new challenges 職業(yè)生涯發(fā)展、新的挑戰(zhàn)d. Identify the right person. 確定恰當人選e. Subtly indicate your intentions (through actions) 通過行動表達你的意圖f. Clearly indicate your intentions 清楚表達你的意圖I. How do I manage my job?九
36、. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍D. Reward system 獎勵制度a. Achievement of sales target 銷售指標達成b. Achievement of project 計劃達成c. Can be in cash or in kinds 可以現金或其它形式I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍E. Management Style 管理風格a. Fairness in your judgement ( Result
37、 oriented ) 確保公正(以結果為準)b. Participate 積極參與c. Consultative 好顧問I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?5. Motivate your sales team 激勵銷售隊伍F. Personal Career Plans 個人發(fā)展計劃a. Sales or marketing oriented 以銷售或市場為導向b. Improve weaknesses and capitalize on strengths 發(fā)揚優(yōu)點,改進缺點c. Personally train or send to external
38、courses 自費培訓或公司外送培訓d. Recommend for promotion 培訓建議I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?6. Control your sales team 控制銷售隊伍 Why? 為什么?a. To ensure execution of plans 確保實施計劃b. To ensure achievement of plans 確保結果達成c. To ensure conformity to minimum standards of requirement 確保符合公司標準I. How do I manage my job?
39、九. 我如何工作?6. Control your sales team 控制銷售隊伍a. Close follow up of plans 緊密跟進計劃b. Close monitoring and analysis of sales result 緊密分析及觀察銷售情況c. Close follow up on HRs development 緊密跟進代表的發(fā)展d. Field observation 實地觀察I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?6. Control your sales team 控制銷售隊伍e. Role play 角色演示f. Repo
40、rts and records 報表和記錄g. General observation of HRs attitude towards his job 代表對工作的態(tài)度I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?7. Discipline your sales team 訓練銷售隊伍 Why? 為什么? To get the team to behave and work in a controlled way 控制隊伍的行為和工作表現。I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?7. Discipline your sales team 訓
41、練銷售隊伍Stage 1. 第一步Sell 推銷Get HR to buy in your ideas and do things willingly 讓代表接受你的思想并采取行動。Tell 說服Get HR to do as they are told to do 讓代表按要求工作I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?7. Discipline your sales team 訓練銷售隊伍Stage 1. 第一步Yell 叫喊Strong message to voice disapproval of HRs insubordination 以聲音傳達強烈的信
42、息,對代表的違抗表示不滿 I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?7. Discipline your sales team 訓練銷售隊伍Stage 2 第二步Warn 警告a. A stern message to ensure HR do the necessary changes 嚴格的信息以確保代表糾正錯誤 b. Must have a time frame for the expected change 給予合理的時間以得到期望結果c. Must be communicated verbally and written 必須以口頭與書面形式通知代表d.
43、Usually dismissal follows after 3 unheeded warning 三次警告無效,予以開除I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?7. Discipline your sales team 訓練銷售隊伍Stage 2. 第二步Dismiss 開除A last resort, after exhausting all other ways用盡其它方法無效后的最后一招。I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?8. Coaching ( Fieldwork ) 輔導(實地工作) Why? 為什么?To te
44、ach HR the right skills 傳授正確技巧予代表To increase HRs productivity 提高代表的生產率To follow up on HRs progress 發(fā)現代表的進步I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?8. Coaching ( Fieldwork ) 輔導(實地工作)a. Planning & organizing 組織和計劃b. Time management 時間管理c. Productive customer call 有效的拜訪d. Product knowledge 產品知識 e. Selling Sk
45、ills 銷售技巧I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?8. Coaching ( Fieldwork ) 輔導(實地工作) f. Catch HR doing something right 你追我趕,共同進步g. Improve on weaknesses tactfully 技巧地改進缺點h. Discuss and coach on 1 or 2 areas each time 每次就1、2處進行輔導和討論I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?9. Counseling 顧問 Why? 為什么?To correct a n
46、egative attitude that is affecting HRs productivity. 糾正負面態(tài)度,提高代表的生產率I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?9. Counseling 顧問a. Build respect before you can counsel. 進行顧問工作前,先贏得代表的尊重b. Identify the behavior that is affecting productivity 發(fā)現對生產率有影響的行為c. Focus on the behavior not the person 對事不對人d. Listen a
47、nd provide information 聆聽并提供信息I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?9. Counseling 顧問e. Select the right environment. 選擇適當的時機f. Structure advice to achieve specific goals 為達成具體目標,提出建議g. Feedback about professional status 解答專業(yè)問題h. Ideas and suggestions 創(chuàng)意和建議i. Let HR make the decision. 讓代表自行決定I. How do I
48、 manage my job?九. 我如何工作?10. Appraisal 評估 Why? 為什么? To provide constructive feedback for HR to improve提出建設性的意見,供代表改進I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?10. Appraisal 評估a. Sales achievement銷售業(yè)績b. Territory Management區(qū)域管理c. Product Knowledge產品知識d. Competitor Knowledge競爭產品知識I. How do I manage my job?九. 我
49、如何工作?10. Appraisal 評估e. Selling Skills 銷售技巧f. Personal Attributes 個人態(tài)度g. Candid discussion and feedback with HR 與代表進行坦誠的討論并跟進h. To be conducted once or twice yearly. 每年1至2次I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍Why? 為什么?a. To ensure HR achieve the highest sta
50、ndard of professionalism 確保代表在工作中發(fā)揮淋漓盡致b. To ensure HR achieve the highest level of productivity 確保代表最高的產出率c. To prepare HR for higher responsibility 為代表的職業(yè)發(fā)展打好基礎。I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍 A. Job Briefing 工作概述a. Responsibilities 責任范圍b. Expectati
51、ons/Guidelines期望、指引c. Records & reports報表和記錄I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍B. Product Knowledge ( Must know info ) 產品知識(必須知道的信息)a. Markets perception & trend 市場認識和趨勢b. Basic anatomy & physiology 基本的解剖學及生理學知識c. Disease state 癥狀d. Product knowledge 產品知識
52、 I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍B. Product Knowledge ( Must know info ) 產品知識(必須知道的信息)e. Competitor knowledge 競爭產品知識f. Handling common objections 處理常見的異議g. Clinical papers & support materials 臨床報告及支持材料h. Role play 角色演練I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作
53、?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍C. Selling Skills 銷售技巧 a. Warm up 寒喧 b. Objective opening 目的性開場白 c. Probing 探詢 d. Detailing 特性利益I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍C. Selling Skills 銷售技巧e. Handling objections 處理異議f. Reinforcing 加強印象g. Closing
54、 成交h. Handling brochures & clinical papers 使用單頁及臨床報告I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍D. Slide Presentation Skills 幻燈演講技巧a. Opening開場白b. Equipment operation. 操作儀器c. Product knowledge/logical產品知識、邏輯性d. Control/question.場面控制、問題I. How do I manage my job?九.
55、我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍D. Slide Presentation Skills 幻燈演講技巧e. Body language/eye contact 身體語言、眼神交流f. Summary 總結g. Closing 成交h. Secondary product reminder 搭車產品i. Time control時間控制I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍E. Interpersonal
56、Skills 人際溝通技巧a. Identify personality 確定性格類型b. Tailor made questions 合適的問題c. Respect building建立尊重d. Tailor made features & benefits 恰當的特性與利益e. Psychological reciprocity 精神互惠f. Tailor made closing 合適的成交I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?11. Train & develop your sales team 培訓并發(fā)展銷售隊伍F. Territory managem
57、ent 區(qū)域管理a. Target doctor selection 選擇目標醫(yī)生b. Time management 時間管理c. Customer management 客戶管理d. Product management 產品管理e. Competitor management 競爭產品管理f. Data management 數據管理I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?12. Feedback to your superior 向上層匯報Why? 為什么?a. To provide input to help decision making 為決策提供信
58、息b. To update management on current situation 讓管理層了解市場最新動態(tài) c. To document achievements. 記載成就12. Feedback to your superior 向上層匯報a. Market feedback 反饋市場信息b. Sales achievement 銷售業(yè)績c. HRs activities 代表活動d. Competitors activities 競爭對手活動e. HRs development 代表發(fā)展f. Objective and action plans by cycle 每周期的目標及
59、行動計劃g. Provide a detailed report each cycle 每周期上交詳盡的工作報告 I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?I. How do I manage my job?九. 我如何工作?12. Feedback to your superior 向上層匯報Monthly reports (Must do) 每月必交報表b. Sales monitoring 銷售業(yè)績c. Top hospitals monitoring Top醫(yī)院業(yè)績d. Monthly Itinerary 月行程計劃 e. HR coverage analy
60、sis 代表覆蓋分析 f. Activities report 活動報告 g. Coaching report 輔導報告 J. How should I manage a sales team?十. 我該如何管理銷售隊伍?1. Discipline 紀律嚴明A. Punctuality( Appointments/Commitments ) 守時(預約、守信)a. Sense of urgency 危機感b. Time management ( Increase efficiency ) 時間管理(提高效率)c. Job Commitment 對工作的責任感d. Dedication 奉獻精神
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