




1、THE_CCONTRRACT_FOR_SINOO-FORREIGNN_EQUUITY_JOINNT_VEENTURRETHE CCONTRRACT FOR SINOO-FORREIGNN EQUUITY JOINNT VEENTURREWholee Docc.Chaptter 11 Gennerall ProovisiionsIn acccorddancee witth thhe Laaw off thee Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina on JJointtVentuures Usinng Chhinesse annd Fooreiggn Innvesttmen
2、tt (thhe JJointt Vennturee Laww)and ootherr rellevannt Chhinesse laaws aand rregullatioons, _Coompanny annd_ CCompaany, in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe pprincciplee of equaalityy anddmutuaal beenefiit annd thhrouggh frrienddly cconsuultattionss, aggree to jjointtly iinvesstto seet upp a jjointt vennture
3、e entterprrise in _oof thhe Peeoplees RRepubblicof Chhina.Chaptter 22 Parrtiess of the Joinnt VeenturreArticcle 11Partiies tto thhis ccontrract are as ffolloows: _CCompaany (hereiinaftter rreferrred to aas Paarty A), regiisterred wwith _ iin Chhina,and iits llegall adddresss is at _ (streeet) _ (dis
4、ttrictt)_ (cityy) _Chiina.Legall reppreseentattive: Namme:Posittion:Natioonaliity:_Commpanyy (heereinnafteer reeferrred tto ass Parrty BB), rregisstereedwith _. Its legaal adddresss att _.Legall reppreseentattive: Namme:Posittion:Natioonaliity:(Notee: Inn casse thhere are moree thaan twwo innvesttor
5、s, theey wiill bbe caalleddPartyy C,DD.iin prroperr ordder).Chaptter 33 Esttabliishmeent oof thhe Jooint Ventture ComppanyArticcle 22In acccorddancee witth thhe Jooint Ventture Law and otheer reelevaant CChineeselaws and reguulatiions, botth paartiees off thee joiint vventuure aagreee to set up_join
6、nt veenturre liimiteed liiabillity comppany ( heereinnafteerreferrred to aas thhe jooint ventture comppany).Articcle 33The nname of tthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy is _Liimiteed LiiabillityCompaany.The nname in fforeiign llanguuage is _.The llegall adddresss of the joinnt veenturre coompanny iss at
7、 _sttreett_(ccity)_ provvincee.Articcle 44All aactivvitiees off thee joiint vventuure ccompaany sshalll be goveernedd by thelaws, deccreess andd perrtineent rruless andd reggulattionss of the Peoppless Reppubliicof Chhina.Articcle 55The OOrgannizattion formm of the joinnt veenturre coompanny iss a l
8、limittedliabiilityy commpanyy. Eaach ppartyy to the joinnt veenturre coompanny iss liaable tothe jjointt vennturee commpanyy witthin the limiit off thee cappitall subbscriibed byit. TThe pprofiits, riskks annd loossess of the joinnt veenturre coompanny shhall beshareed byy thee parrtiess in propport
9、iion tto thheir conttribuutionns too theeregisstereed caapitaal.Chaptter 44 Thee Purrposee, Sccope and Scalle off Prooducttion and BusiinesssArticcle 66The ggoalss of the partties to tthe jjointt vennturee aree to enhaance econnomiccco-opperattion techhnicaal exxchannges, to imprrove the prodduct qu
10、allity, devveloppnew pproduucts, andd gaiin a comppetittive posiitionn in the worlld maarkett inqualiity aand ppricee by adopptingg advvanceed annd appproppriatte teechnoologyy anddscienntifiic maanageementt metthodss, soo as to rraisee ecoonomiic reesultts annd ennsureesatissfacttory econnomicc ben
11、nefitts foor eaach iinvesstor.(Notee: Thhis aarticcle sshalll be writtten accoordinng too thee speecifiicsituaationns inn thee conntracct).Articcle 77The pproduuctivve annd buusineess sscopee of the joinnt veenturre coompanny iss toproduuce _ prroduccts; provvide mainntenaance servvice afteer thhe s
12、aale oofthe pproduucts; stuudy aand ddevellop nnew pproduucts.(Notee: Itt shaall bbe wrritteen inn thee conntracct acccordding to tthe sspeciificcondiitionns).Articcle 88The pproduuctioon sccale of tthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy is as ffolloows:1. Thhe prroducctionn cappacitty affter the joinnt ve
13、enturre iss putt inttooperaationn is _.2. Thhe prroducctionn scaale mmay bbe inncreaased up tto _ wwith thedevellopmeent oof thhe prroducctionn andd opeeratiion. The prodduct variietiees maay beedevellopedd intto _.(Notee: Itt shaall bbe wrritteen acccordding to tthe sspeciific situuatioon).Chaptter
14、 55 Tottal AAmounnt off Invvestmment and the Regiisterred CCapittalArticcle 99The ttotall amoount of iinvesstmennt off thee joiint vventuure ccompaany iis RMMB_ (or aa forreignn currrenccy aggreedd upoon byy botth paartiees).Articcle 110Invesstmennt coontriibuteed byy thee parrtiess is Renmminbii _,
15、 whiichwill be tthe rregisstereed caapitaal off thee joiint vventuure ccompaany.Of whhich: Parrty AA shaall ppay _ Yuann, acccounntingg forr_%; Partty B shalll paay _Yuaan, aaccouuntinng foor_%.Articcle 111Both Partty A and Partty B willl conntribbute the folllowinng ass theeirinvesstmennt:Partyy A:
16、 cashh _YYuanmachiines and equiipmennt _Yuannpremiises _Yuuanthe rrightt to the use of tthe ssite _Yuuanindusstriaal prroperrty _Yuaanotherrs _ Yuaan, _ Yuuan iin alll.Partyy B: cashh _YYuanmachiines and equiipmennt _Yuannindusstriaal prroperrty _Yuaanotherrs _Yuann, _Yuann in all.(Notee: Whhen ccon
17、trributting capiital goodds orr inddustrrial proppertyy asinvesstmennt, PPartyy A aand PPartyy B sshalll conncludde a sepaaratee conntracct too be apart of tthis mainn conntracct).Articcle 112The rregisstereed caapitaal off thee joiint vventuure ccompaany sshalll be paidd in_ iinstaallmeents by PPar
18、tyy A aand PPartyy B aaccorrdingg to theiirrespeectivve prroporrtionn of theiir innvesttmentt.Each insttallmment shalll bee as folllows:(Notee: itt shaall bbe wrritteen acccordding to tthe cconcrrete condditioons).Articcle 113In caase aany ppartyy to the joinnt veenturre inntendds too asssign all or
19、 ppartof hiis innvesttmentt subbscriibed to aa thiird ppartyy, coonsennt shhall be oobtaiinedfrom the otheer paarty to tthe jjointt vennturee, annd appprovval ffrom theexamiinatiion aand aapprooval authhoritty iss reqquireed.When one partty too thee joiint vventuure aassiggns aall oor paart oof hiis
20、invesstmennt, tthe ootherr parrty hhas ppreemmptivve riight.Chaptter 66 Ressponssibillitiees off Eacch Paarty to tthe JJointt VenntureeArticcle 114Partyy A aand PPartyy B sshalll be resppectiivelyy ressponssiblee forr theefolloowingg mattterss:Respoonsibbilitties of PPartyy A:Handlling of aappliicat
21、iions for apprrovall, reegisttratiion, busiinesss liccenseeand ootherr mattterss conncernning the estaablisshmennt off thee joiint vventuurecompaany ffrom releevantt deppartmmentss in charrge oof Chhina;Proceessinng thhe apppliccatioon foor thhe riight to tthe uuse oof a sitee to theauthoorityy in c
22、harrge oof thhe laand;Organnizinng thhe deesignn andd connstruuctioon off thee preemisees annd ottherenginneeriing ffacillitiees off thee joiint vventuure ccompaany;Proviidingg cassh, mmachiineryy andd equuipmeent aand ppremiises . in aaccorrdanccewith the provvisioons oof Arrticlle 111;Assisstingg
23、Parrty BB to proccess impoort ccustooms ddeclaaratiion ffor tthemachiineryy andd equuipmeent ccontrributted bby Paarty B ass invvestmment and arraanginngthe ttranssporttatioon wiithinn thee Chiinesee terrritoory;Assisstingg thee joiint vventuure ccompaany iin puurchaasingg or leassingequippmentt, ma
24、ateriials, raww matteriaals, artiicless forr offfice use, meaans ooftranssporttatioon annd coommunnicattion faciilitiies eetc.;Assisstingg thee joiint vventuure ccompaany iin coontacctingg andd setttlinng thhefundaamenttal ffacillitiees suuch aas waater, eleectriicityy, trranspportaationn etcc.;Assi
25、sstingg thee joiint vventuure iin reecruiitingg Chiinesee mannagemmentpersoonnell, teechniical perssonneel, wworkeers aand ootherr perrsonnnel nneedeed;Assisstingg forreignn worrkerss andd staaff iin appplyiing ffor eentryy vissas, workklicennses and handdlingg theeir ttraveel prrocedduress;Respoons
26、ibble ffor hhandlling otheer maatterrs enntrussted by tthe jjointt venntureecompaany.Respoonsibbilitties of PPartyy B:Proviidingg cassh, mmachiineryy andd equuipmeent, induustriial ppropeerty . inaccorrdancce wiith tthe pproviisionns off Artticlee 11, andd ressponssiblee forr shiippinngcapittal ggoo
27、dss succh ass macchineery aand eequippmentt etcc. coontriibuteed assinvesstmennt too a CChineese pport;Handlling the mattters entrrusteed byy thee joiint vventuure ccompaany, suchh asselecctingg andd purrchassing machhinerry annd eqquipmment outsside Chinna, eetc.;Proviidingg neccessaary ttechnnical
28、l perrsonnnel ffor iinstaallinng, ttestiing aandtriall prooducttion of tthe eequippmentt as welll as the techhnicaal peersonnnel forproduuctioon annd innspecctingg;Trainning the techhnicaal peersonnnel and workkers of tthe jjointt venntureecompaany;In caase PPartyy B iis thhe liicenssor, it sshalll
29、be respponsiible for thestablle prroducctionn of quallifieed prroduccts oof thhe jooint ventture comppany inthe llightt of desiign ccapaccity withhin tthe sspeciifiedd perriod;Respoonsibble ffor ootherr mattterss enttrustted bby thhe jooint ventture comppany.(notee: Itt shaall bbe wrritteen acccordd
30、ing to tthe sspeciific situuatioon).Chaptter 77 Traansfeer off TecchnollogyArticcle 115Both Partty A and Partty B agreee thhat aa tecchnollogy trannsferr agrreemeentshalll be signned bbetweeen tthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy andd Parrty BB (orr a tthirddpartyy) soo as to oobtaiin addvancced pproduu
31、ctioon teechnoologyy neeeded for reallizinngthe pproduuctioon annd opperattion purppose and the prodductiion sscalee speecifiied iinChaptter 44 of the conttractt, inncludding prodduct desiign, manuufactturinngtechnnologgy, mmeanss of testting, matteriaals ppresccripttion, staandarrd off quaalityyand
32、 tthe ttrainning of ppersoonnell etcc.(Notee: Itt shaall bbe wrritteen inn thee conntracct acccordding to tthe cconcrretecondiitionns).Articcle 116Partyy B oofferrs thhe foollowwing guarranteees oon thhe trransffer oof teechnoologyy:(Notee: Arrticlle apppliees onnly wwhen Partty B is rrespoonsibble
33、ffortranssferrring techhnoloogy tto thhe jooint ventture comppany).1. Paarty B guuarannteess thaat thhe ovveralll teechnoologyy succh ass theedesiggningg, maanufaacturring techhnoloogy, techhnoloogicaal prrocesss, ttestss anddinspeectioon off prooductts (NNote: Thee namme off thee prooductts shhall
34、be wwrittten)proviided to tthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy musst bee inttegraated, preecisee anddreliaable. It is tto meeet tthe rrequiiremeent oof thhe jooint venttures opperattionpurpoose, and be aable to oobtaiin thhe sttandaard oof prroducctionn quaalityy anddproduuctioon caapaciity sspeciifiedd
35、 in the conttractt;2. Paarty B guuarannteess thaat thhe teechnoologyy speecifiied iin thhis ccontrractand tthe ttechnnologgy trransffer aagreeementt shaall bbe fuully trannsferrred to tthejointt vennturee commpanyy, annd plledgees thhat tthe pproviided techhnoloogy sshoulld beetrulyy advvanceed ammo
36、ng the samee typpe off tecchnollogy prodducedd by Partty B, theemodell, sppecifficattion and quallity of tthe eequippmentt aree exccelleent aand iit issto meeet tthe rrequiiremeent oof teechnoologiical operratioon annd prractiical usagge;3. Paarty B shhall workk outt a ddetaiiled listt of the provvi
37、dedd tecchnollogyand ttechnnologgicall serrvicee at variious stagges aas sppeciffied in tthe ttechnnologgytranssfer agreeemennt too be an aappenndix to tthe ccontrract, andd guaaranttee iitsperfoormannce;4. Thhe drrawinngs, techhnoloogicaal coondittionss andd othher ddetaiiledinforrmatiion aare ppar
38、t of tthe ttranssferrred ttechnnologgy annd shhall be pproviidedon tiime;5. Duuringg thee terrm off thee tecchnollogy trannsferr agrreemeent, Partty B shalllproviide tthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy witth anny immprovvemennts iin thhe teechnoologyyand tthe iimprooved infoormattion and techhnoloogica
39、al maateriials in ttime, anddshalll nott chaarge sepaaratee feees;6. Paarty B shhall guarranteee thhat tthe ttechnnicall perrsonnnel aand ttheworkeers iin thhe jooint ventture comppany can mastter aall tthe ttechnnologgytranssferrred wwithiin thhe peeriodd speecifiied iin thhe teechnoologyy traansfe
40、eragreeementt.Articcle 117In caase PPartyy B ffailss to provvide equiipmennt annd teechnoologyy inaccorrdancce wiith tthe pproviisionns off thiis coontraact aand tthe ttechnnologgytranssfer agreeemennt orr in casee anyy decceiviing oor coonceaalingg acttionss areefoundd, Paarty B shhall be rrespoons
41、ibble ffor ccompeensatting the direect llossees toothe jjointt vennturee commpanyy.Articcle 118The ttechnnologgy trransffer ffee sshalll be paidd in royaaltiees. TThe rroyalltyrate shalll bee _% off thee nett salles vvaluee of the prodductss.The tterm for royaalty paymment is tthe ssame as tthe tter
42、m for thetechnnologgy trransffer aagreeementt speecifiied iin Arrticlle 199 of thiss conntracct.Articcle 119The tterm for the techhnoloogy ttranssfer agreeemennt siignedd by the joinntventuure ccompaany aand PPartyy B iis _ yeears. Aftter tthe eexpirratioon offthe ttechnnologgy trransffer aagreeemen
43、tt, thhe jooint ventture comppany shalll haavethe rrightt to use, ressearcch annd deeveloop thhe immportted ttechnnologgycontiinuouusly.(Notee: Thhe teerm ffor aa tecchnollogy trannsferr agrreemeent iis geeneraally nolongeer thhan 110 yeears, andd it shalll bee appproveed byy thee Minnistrry off For
44、reignnTradee andd Ecoonomiic Coooperratioon orr othher eexamiinatiion aand aapproovalauthooritiies eentruustedd by the Miniistryy of Foreeign Tradde annd EcconommicCoopeeratiion).Chaptter 88 Selllingg of ProdductssArticcle 220The pproduucts of jjointt vennturee commpanyy willl bee solld booth oon th
45、he Chhinesseand tthe ooversseas markket, the expoort pportiion aaccouunts for _%,_% ffor tthe ddomesstic markket.(Notee: Ann annnual perccentaage aand aamounnt foor ouutsidde annd doomestticselliing wwill be wwrittten oout aaccorrdingg to praccticaal siituattionss, inn norrmalcondiitionns, tthe aamo
46、unnt foor exxportt shaall aat leeast meett thee neeeds oof fooreiggnexchaange expeensess of the joinnt veenturre coompanny).Articcle 221Produucts may be ssold on ooversseas markkets throough the folllowinngchannnels:The jjointt vennturee commpanyy mayy dirrectlly seell iits pproduucts on ttheinterrn
47、atiionall marrket, acccountting for _%.The jjointt vennturee commpanyy mayy siggn saales conttractts wiith CChineeseforeiign ttradee commpaniies, entrrustiing tthem to bbe thhe saales agennciess orexcluusivee salles aagenccies, acccountting for _%.The jjointt vennturee commpanyy mayy enttrustt Parrt
48、y BB to selll itss prooductts,accouuntinng foor _%.Articcle 222The jjointt vennturees pproduucts to bbe soold iin Chhina may be hhandlled bby thheChineese mmaterrialss andd commmerccial depaartmeents by mmeanss of agenncy oorexcluusivee salles, or mmay bbe soold bby thhe jooint ventture comppany dir
49、eectlyy.Articcle 223In orrder to pproviide mmainttenannce sserviice tto thhe prroduccts ssold bothh inChinaa or abrooad, the joinnt veenturre coompanny maay seet upp salles bbrancches formainttenannce sserviice bboth in CChinaa or abrooad ssubjeect tto thhe appprovval oof thherelevvant Chinnese depa
50、artmeent.Articcle 224The ttradee marrk off thee joiint vventuuress prooductts iss _.Chaptter 99 Thee Boaard oof DiirecttorsArticcle 225The ddate of rregisstrattion of tthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy shaall bbe thhedate of tthe eestabblishhmentt of the boarrd off dirrectoors oof thhe jooint ventture
51、compaany.Articcle 226The bboardd of direectorrs iss commposeed off _ddirecctorss, off whiich_shhall be aappoiintedd by Partty A, _byy Parrty BB. Thhechairrman of tthe bboardd shaall bbe apppoinnted by PPartyy A, and its vicee-chaairmaanby Paarty B. TThe tterm of oofficce foor thhe diirecttors, chaai
52、rmaan anndvice-chaiirmann is fourr yeaars, theiir teerm oof offficee mayy be reneewed ifcontiinuouusly appoointeed byy thee rellevannt paarty.Articcle 227The hhigheest aauthoorityy of the joinnt veenturre coompanny shhall be iits bboarddof diirecttors. It shalll deecidee alll majjor iissuees (NNote:
53、 Thee maiin coontenntsshalll be listted iin thhe liight of AArticcle 336 off thee Impplemeentinng Reegulaationnsfor tthe JJointt Vennturee Laww) cooncerrningg thee joiint vventuure ccompaany. Unannimouusapprooval shalll bee reqquireed foor anny deecisiions conccerniing mmajorr isssues. Asfor ootherr
54、 mattterss, appprovval bby maajoriity oor a simpple mmajorrity shalll beerequiired.(Notee: Itt shaall bbe exxpliccitlyy sett outt in the conttractt).Articcle 228The cchairrman of tthe bboardd is the legaal reepressentaativee of the joinntventuure ccompaany. Shouuld tthe cchairrman be uunablle too ex
55、eercisse hiisrespoonsibbilitties for any reasson, he sshalll autthoriize tthe vvice- chaairmaan orrany ootherr dirrectoors tto reepressent the joinnt veenturre coompanny teemporrarilly.Articcle 229The bboardd of direectorrs shhall convvene at lleastt onee meeetingg eveery yyear.The mmeetiing sshalll
56、 be callled aand ppresiided overr by the chaiirmann of theboardd. Thhe chhairmman mmay cconveene aan innteriim meeetinng baased on aa prooposaalmade by mmore thann onee thiird oof thhe tootal numbber oof diirecttors. Minnutess ofthe mmeetiings shalll bee plaaced on ffile.Chaptter 110 Buusineess MMan
57、aggemennt OffficeeArticcle 330The jjointt vennturee commpanyy shaall eestabblishh a mmanaggemennt offficee whiichshalll be respponsiible for its dailly maanageementt. Thhe maanageementt offfice shalllhave a geeneraal maanageer, aappoiintedd by Partty _, _ ddeputty geeneraalmanaggers, _by PPartyy _;
58、_by PPartyy _. TThe ggenerralmanagger aand ddeputty geeneraal maanageers wwhosee terrms oof offficee is _yearss shaall bbe apppoinnted by tthe bboardd of direectorrs.Articcle 331The rrespoonsibbilitty off thee gennerall mannagerr is to ccarryy outt theedecissionss of the boarrd annd orrganiize aand
59、cconduuct tthe ddailyy mannagemment ofthe jjointt vennturee commpanyy. Thhe deeputyy gennerall mannagerrs shhall assiist tthegenerral mmanagger iin hiis woork.Severral ddeparrtmennt maanageers mmay bbe apppoinnted by tthe mmanaggemennt offficee,they shalll bee ressponssiblee forr thee worrk inn varr
60、iouss deppartmmentssrespeectivvely, hanndle the mattters handded oover by tthe ggenerral mmanagger aanddeputty geeneraal maanageers aand sshalll be respponsiible to tthem.Articcle 332In caase oof grraft or sserioous dderellictiion oof duuty oon thhe paart oof thhegenerral mmanagger aand ddeputty gee
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