1、Field Engineer PromotionPAGE PAGE - 103 -PART ONEBASIC PETROLEUMGEOLOGY KNOWLEDGEChapter1 Basic Concepts of GeologyLBriefly describe how the hydrocarbon was generated? (L)What are the three primary rocks?(L)巖漿巖、變質(zhì)巖、沉積巖MWhat is called “Geology time”? can you name the classical eras from oldest to you
2、ngest?(M)表明地層形成先后順序(即新老關(guān)系)的時間概念稱為地質(zhì)年代。太古代、元古代、古生代、中生代、新生代。State the classification of sedimentary rocks?(M)外源沉積巖類:陸源碎屑巖:礫巖、砂巖、粉砂巖、泥質(zhì)巖;火山碎屑巖:集塊巖、火山角礫巖、凝灰?guī)r;內(nèi)源沉積巖:鋁質(zhì)巖、鐵質(zhì)巖、錳質(zhì)巖、硅質(zhì)巖、磷質(zhì)巖、碳酸鹽巖、蒸發(fā)巖、可燃性有機(jī)巖。What is fold? What are anticline and syncline?(M)巖層彎曲的現(xiàn)象稱為褶皺。背斜在形態(tài)上是上拱的彎曲,中心部分為老地層,兩翼巖層依次漸新。向斜是中部向下的彎曲,中
3、心部分為新地層,兩翼巖層依次漸老。What is called “fault”? What is the difference between normal fault and reverse fault?(M)斷層是巖層或巖體順破裂面發(fā)生明顯位移的構(gòu)造。正斷層是上盤相對下降,下盤相對上升的斷層。逆斷層是上盤相對上升,下盤相對下降的斷層。Why sedimentary rock is the most interesting type of rock for the petroleum geologist?(M)分布面積廣;記錄了地殼演變的漫長過程;沉積巖中蘊(yùn)藏了大量的沉積礦物;沉積巖分布地區(qū)
4、是水文地質(zhì)和工程地質(zhì)工作的主要場所。HWhat is “Depositional Environment”? Can you name and briefly describe three different types of depositional environment?(H)What are “Compaction” and “Cementation” during sedimentary process?(H)由于上覆沉積物的靜水壓力而使松散沉積物的體積縮小、含水量減少、密度增加的作用稱為壓固作用。松散的沉積顆粒由化學(xué)沉淀物質(zhì)或其它物質(zhì)粘接而變成堅固巖石的作用稱為膠結(jié)作用。What
5、is unconformity? State three usually seen unconformities.(H)沉積巖層時代不連續(xù)的接觸關(guān)系叫做不整合接觸。常見的有平行不整合(假整合)、角度不整合。Chapter2 Basic Log Processing KnowledgeLWhat is porosity? What are the total porosity and effective porosity?(L)孔隙度就是指巖石中所有孔隙空間的總體積與巖石總體積之比,用百分?jǐn)?shù)表示。由于這里的孔隙空間包括了巖石中所有的孔隙,故該孔隙度又稱為總孔隙度。有效孔隙度是指巖石中那些相互連通
6、的,且在一定壓力條件下,可以允許流體在其中流動的孔隙總體積與巖石總體積之比,以百分?jǐn)?shù)表示。What is permeability? How does the MRIL measure the formation permeability? (L)滲透率指某種流體在一定壓差下流過一定截面積和長度巖石的能力。What is invasion? What is invaded zone? How do they affect the resistivity logs? (L)MWrite down the basic “Archie equation”, explain the relations
7、hip between: Saturation, porosity, formation resistivity and formation water resistivity.(M)What is the difference between Clay and Shale?(M)HBy our wireline logging measurements, how many different methods can be used to calculate the formation water resistivity?(H)By our wireline logging measureme
8、nts, how many different methods can be used to calculate the Shale Volume? (H)Explain what is “Dual Water Model” used in Shale-Sand profile formation evaluation.(H)State your understanding of “Image Logging”, what are the advantages of image logs over the conventional logs?(H)Briefly explain the pri
9、nciple of MRIL.(H) PART TWOWIRELINE LOGGINGENGINEERINGChapter1 Basic Equipment and Depth ControlLDescribe the cable specifications used in your unit.(L)Explain the procedures of performing cable insulation and continuity check.(L)Why a weak point is used in the cable head? How to choose the weak poi
10、nt rating?(L)MHow to determine the maximum safety pull on the cable?(M)Example: Normal Tension = 4000lbsTool Weight in mud: 850lbsWeak point rating: 4200-4450lbsThe maximum safety pull on surface = lbsUsing the drawing below, if the line tension is 5000 lbs (at “B” and “C”), what is the load at the
11、T BAR (at “A”)?(M)At the tie down chain (at “D”)?ACB DExplain the following cable mechanical problems, how do they usually occur and how to avoid them happen in the operation practices?(M)Loose CableImproper spoolingTangled cableBroken strandsBirdcages or knotsIf there is a insulation leakage in the
12、 middle of the cable installed on the drum, how can you predict the leaking location?(M)What is the primary depth control system used in CNLC? The magnetic marks or the wheel encoders? What are the different usages of them?(M)HWhat is the cable elastic stretch? How do you compensate for the cable sk
13、etch in the job? Do you know the cable stretch factor of your cable?(H)Describe the procedure of demagnetizing the magnetized cable drum.(H)How to test the cable flexibility? How to check the cable condition of worn out? Explain the complete procedures to evaluate the cable remaining life.(H)Why is
14、it mandatory to retire the rig up equipment regularly? Explain the CNLC rig up equipment retirement policy.(H)How to predict the stuck-point depth by step over-pull method? (H)Explain the complete depth control procedure.(H)Chapter 2 Fishing TechniqueExplain the reasons that cause sticking in open h
15、ole.(M)Explain the reasons that cause sticking in cased hole. (M)State the actions to be taken at the first indication of sticking.(M)What is the role of CNLC in fishing job? How is the relationship between CNLC and the oil company during fishing operation?(M)What are the different fishing (M) What
16、is “Differential sticking”?(H)What are the basic considerations to prevent sticking accidents?(H) PART THREEWIRELINE LOGGINGSYSTEMChapter 1 SURFACE ACQUISITION SYSTEMExcell2000 SystemAIX System Basic LWhat is mean of AIX and what is different between AIX and UNIX?(L)List 2 types IBM RS6000 Power-PC
17、that we used in field now; state their fuctions (CPU, memory, L2catch,etc)(L)What mean of the three-digit display 570 during starting Power-PC?(L)How to make a directory(eg,test) in the CDE ?(L)Which UNIX command can help you find “how to use AIX core command” manual? For example, you are not clear
18、about how to use command ”find” correctly and how you can find the manual about “find”.(L)List 5 common used UNIX commands in your job , and simply state their function.(L)State the procedure for built-in diagnostic.(L)MIn console window, we type ”lspv hdisk0”; what do we get?(M)What do we get using
19、 command “l(fā)scfg vfilename.txt?(M)What mean about command “ps ef”? State the concept of “process” in the AIX.(M)In command line we type “l(fā)s al myfile”, display:“_rwx_w_r_x sys 7,500 DEC 11 14:10 myfile”we want to change the file permission to” _ r_x_wxrw_ sys 7,500 DEC 11 14:10 myfile”,which command
20、we should use?(M)HState a procedure for creating a remote print queue on EX2000 dual system.(H)State a procedure for replacing a data disk(not hdisk0) or corrupted system.(H)DPP/CLASSLWhat are mean of DPP and CLASS? (L)List 5 utility programs launched in the “Utility” icon and explain its function.
21、Eg, Grab This is a screen-capture utility.(L) is function of the “EXCELL2000 Log Cycle Main Window”?(L)What is mean the two special “Quick CLI” command-HELP or CLI?(L)Please 10 commonly used “Quick CLI” command and explain its function.(L)List 5 programs in DPP common used in your job
22、and explain its function (eg CLSMERGS).(L)State the Depth Display features(L) 1. 2.3. 4. 5.During your job what troubleshooting about DPP/CLASS you encountered. Please state your experience.(L)The following statement for CLSMERGE function which are correct?(L)Merge Curves From Two Different CLS File
23、sEnd-to-End Merge of Two Different CLS FilesNon-linear Depth Shift of All Curves in a CLS FileRelational Depth Shift of Curves in a CLS FileIn the CLASS ,having logging curves mnemonic qualifier T,I,P,R; Please explain the T,I,P,Rs meaning.(L)T:I:P:R: The following files which can be printed in colo
24、r plot?(L)cust_event_report_01.pcmparameter_report.1.pcm prelog.pcmpostlog.pcmresult_table.pcmsrvxxxx.tifCalibration report 16-Jul-2004 21:30MState the two tasks are accomplished using Virtual Splice application.(M)Can we use the real-time legends and inserts on the log?(M)SDDP one software version
25、name as follow: SDDP110199605230446.bin , from this what information we can get ?Please explain it?(M)State the DPP/CLASS software key file name. And explain the key file what does it contain information.(M)According to the following chart display, please plot a shading log.(M) For example, the GR l
26、og will be shading by shale when GR reading more 150API. GR 0 150 300APIFig2 Pattern Control Editor (For Standard Curves)How to test the Hardware Integrity Of the MTGR? To accomplish this task, which steps should be done, please outline your steps:(M)1.2.3List 5 functions done by DGR CURVE SCREEN ED
27、ITOR.(M)For examplePicking the correct mnemonic in multiple occurrences of mnemonic.Specifying the qualifier of mnemonic. HOne system Temp directory for DPP is /field_data/data0, and we want to change the directory to /field_data/data1,what do you do?(H)The EXCELL 2000 workstation has two serial por
28、ts available:(H) S1Serial Port 0 = , is normally connected to the or (in the future will also be available for the Success PC). This port runs at baud. S2Serial Port 1 = , spare in the , for or . This port runs at baud.How to Change the Front End To External (Global)Ethernet, state the procedure.(Us
29、ing the following diagram as a reference)(H) Fig1 Ethernet Configuration For EXCELL-2000 What is operation for SRO/DAS (Surface Readout/Data Acquisition)(H)Service Set Up?Explain “Front End Diagnostics utility program”.(H)EXCELL2000 Surface System L Draw the DITS digital data flow chart.(L)Draw the
30、analog signal(SP,Pulse,etc) flow chart.(L)The EXCELL 2000 system uses multi-processor task distribution with a clear host-slave organization. The host is an IBM PowerPC-based RS/6000 model workstation which has continuous bi-directional Ethernet (TCP/IP) communication with the tool control data acqu
31、isition slave sub-system. The hardware and software of the data acquisition slave sub-system are referred to as the “Front End.”There are currently three supported Front Ends:(L) 1. 2. 3.Now your district serviced IBM host workstation uses a CPU chip, with a clock speed of Mhz, has Mbytes of RAM, Gb
32、ytes of disk pace, a 4mm DAT cartridge drive and optionally a 9 track tape drive. The host uses a “ high resolution multisync monitor which displays by pixels and refreshes at Hz. The workstations have have SCSI controllers and Ethernet interfaces.(L)VxWorks by Wind-River System Inc. is the operatin
33、g system used by the . It is a highly configurable operating system specifically designed for real-time functions and embedded systems. VxWorks will be the operating system used by all of Halliburtons slave sub-systems. In our implementation of this operating system and applications, the user has no
34、 need to interact, but the command line user interface is available for diagnostic and other purposes.(L)The thin-net or 10base-2 communications link used on the EXCELL2000 system MUST be terminated at both ends with a -ohm terminator. Removing any of the terminators or bnc tees will cause that comm
35、unication link to be inoperative. Also, loose or bad connections at the bnc tees or terminators can cause intermittent communication problems.(L)Explain the W2,W3,W5,W6,W7 cable mode and mark the following diagram which one is the correct cable mode.(L) A B C D E F G Fig3 Relative Signal WeightsWhen
36、 we check the cable conductors isolation and we find the 3# or 7#conductor is no isolation, what is probable wrong?(L)State the EXCELL2000-B/D/G three main subsystems and containing surface panels.(L) 1. 2. 3.MDraw the diagram about EXCELL2000 surface system.(M) List 5 cards in the DIOC cage and exp
37、lain its function.(M)The TMI(Texas Micro-system Inc.) slave has an Intel 80486 CPU with 8 Mbytes of RAM memory. The Motorola (GTX) slave has a 68040 CPU running at 25Mhz and 16 Mbytes of memory. The DISP slave has an 80486 DX2 running at 66 MHz and 8 Mbytes of RAM memory. (The slave subsystems have
38、no display nor any disk drives, and auto-boot from the via the .)(M)The following statement where is not correct?The PowerPC performs a Power On Self Test (POST) when it is turned on, but during which it does not check for devices attached to the SCSI buses. So devices which are not powered up durin
39、g this check will be available if they are powered up before AIX is running. The DAT drive and two of the hosts disk drives are not physically mounted within the case of the host make certain they are powered up BEFORE the AIX is running.(M)Besides the standard DITS uplink and downlink transmissions
40、, other signals are transmitted to the surface by the D2TS.(M) The analog CCL signals are transmitted on cable conductor . The null signal is transmitted on cable conductor . The SP is coupled to cable conductor by a .The SDDP receives the load-cell output signal and displays it on a flat-panel disp
41、lay. The SDDP then routes the signal through the to the for processing and then on to the .(M)VME is .(M)How to configurate the surface panel for DITS logging tools.(M)For example, D2TS/CSNG/DSNT/SDLT.How to configurate the surface panel for HETS logging tools.(M)Eg, HETS/HECT/HDIL.HHow to configura
42、te the surface panel for MUX-B2 tools.(H)Draw the W2,W5, flow chart.(H) For example W6 downlink. Fig4 Mode W6(Downlink)How to configurate the surface panel for GPLT tools.(H)We logged CAST and K6 is failure, the DC power cannot output, what is your emergency procedure?(H)The GTX-II chassis is simply
43、 a card chassis with a VME backplane.The VME bus card cage has card slots located in the front of the GTX chassis. The VME bus is located at the back of the VME card cage and is physically implemented by two rows (upper and lower) of pin connectors. The upper row of connectors are referred to as J1,
44、 and the lower connector row J2. The system circuit boards slide into slots and are secured by screws fastened to the upper and lower card cage rails.(H)State the procedure how to diagnose the MVME162/DITSP/DIOP Front-End board using TTY0.(H)ECLIPS SystemLWhat is a UNIX System? Please use diagram si
45、mple illustration it (only for ECLIPS system). (L)Choose the basic characteristic of UNIX System.(L)A. Hierarchical file system; B. Multi-tasking; C. Multi-user D. Fast speed. In UNIX operating System, a user communicates with the computer through the _(L)Shell B. Command C. Kernel D. HardwareWhile
46、you are logged in as the system administrator (ECLIPS System), the symbol_ will be showed on the screen.(L)A. B. # C. $ D. % What is the main function of a shell? What shell type do the ECLIPS use?(L)How to get on line manual in UNIX system? For example, we need know detail how to use command ”date”
47、. (Ref. answer: man date) (L)Explain the command means in vi Editor: (L); B. /string; C. :w; D. :q!; E. d; What function do these UNIX command or characters perform?(L)A. ps efl B. kill PID C. rlogin hostname D. su E. idWhat function do these UNIX command or characters perform?(L)bdf B. shutdown C.
48、lanscan D. ioscan E. mount F. umount a G. ping hostnameWrite out the commands and describe each of the steps you would use to run fsck on the root file system. Include the command(s) to get the system back to the same level you started with. (Ref. answer: a. shutdown 0 b. who r c. fsck p /dev/rsdk/c
49、0t5d0 d. init 2 e. who r)(L)whats difference the line command: rcp & cp (L)whats result we will get when we finished the following line command: (L)$ date 11:10:30 Mon Jul.12 2003$ cmd date$ vi date Who can change the permissions of the file? (L)ref: owner of the file or root userWhy is there a UPS
50、for the CPUs on the ECLIPS system?(L)What is the purpose of the /etc/hosts and the /etc/checklist files?(L)Whats the “ECLIPS”? Explain the means of the acronym word “ECLIPS”.(L)ref: Enhance Computerized Logging and Interpretive Processing SystemEspecially when super-user, why should the ” rm r *” co
51、mmand be used with caution?(L)Why is the license.dat file important for ECLIPS operation? Where is the file location?(L)ref: /usr/local/flexlm/licenseWhich type of device file is used on a mounted file system? What type of device file is used for DAT tape drives? List the absolute path to each of th
52、ese files.(L)Is the voltage from the UPS battery to the UPS controller AC or DC? List the devices that we connect to the UPS power.(L)Describe the SP and Caliper signals that simulated by the panel 5711.(L)What kind of type of data exchange between the panel 5710 and 5702?(L)What kind of type of dat
53、a exchange between the panel 5710 and 5701A?(L)What kind of type of data exchange between the panel 5712 and 5702?(L)What are the three working stations used in ECLIPS-C system? What are their functions?(L)List the latest versions of Atlas ECLIPS surface system?(L)How long the back-up power supply c
54、an last in the emergency case of power lost?(L)The switch SP in the panel 5716 has two positions, what are they and explain the use.(L)When use the 1 COND TERM in the panel 5716? Explain the function of each position.(L)The downhole tool data of 3510 goes to panel 5710 directly after panel 5716, is
55、it right?(L)How to check the cable continuity and insulation in the panel 5756/5716?(L)List the procedure how to start-up and shutdown the HP-730 computer.(L)Whats the “calibration”? Why we must do the calibration?(L)What does a solid green window in the CAL before log verification status windown of
56、 the CAL/VER menu indicate? (L)What is type of power and the numerical value for the voltage required at the cablehead for the majority of the following downhole tools?(L)A) multi-conductor B) single-conductor (SBT) C) single-conductor (GR correlation for TCP ,Analog tool)MThere are two depths maint
57、ained on the ECLIPS system. Which depth is used to record depth-based data? Indicated why these two depths may not be the same?(M)Given the diagram, what would be the effect of after running the command?(M)$ pwd $ cd .$ pwd$ cd usr$ pwd$ cd /usr$ pwd$ cd ./tmp$ pwd$ cd .$ pwd$ mkdir testIn command l
58、ine we type “ ls l file01”, display:-rw-r- - r- - 1 user1 class 20 1985 Jul 24 11:10 file01we want to change the file characteristic to “-rw-rw-rw- 1 user2 class37 1985 Jul 24 11:10 file01”, after that, we make a copy file01 to file01.cp, then change name file01.cp to file01.bk. the last procedure i
59、s delete file01. which command we should use?(M)ECLIPS working directories require specific directory permission and ownerships. What are the permissions? Who is the owner? What is the group?(M)A SCSI hard disk has a SCSI address of 5. if the address pins are labeled as follows, what pins must be sh
60、orted. (M) List five measurements that are displayed on the 5712 hoist display.(M)ref: uncorrect depth, correct depth, cable speed, ten, tten, chtList the characteristics of device files. How to create device file?(M)Arrange the correct procedure for creating a new file system.(M)What do HFS and NFS
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